419 research outputs found

    Archaeological Database: A Method for Managing Cultural Resources

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    Geographic Information System (GIS) technology is spreading into all types of disciplines, including archaeology and anthropology. GIS technology is a valuable tool that can be used to manage large databases. CRM TECH recognizes a need for such a system to help it maintain the large amount of data that it has collected for cultural resources in California. This document outlines the procedures for using GIS to provide a solution for CRM TECH in managing its cultural resources. The solution involved producing a database that would be used by CRM TECH for project proposals, record searches, map creation, research before and after fieldwork is completed, field recording, and analysis of data recorded in the field. By creating this database, the researchers at CRM TECH can now look at the spatial data behind the artifacts, sites locations, and project areas that have been recorded to help improve their workflow and research

    Intervenció pràctica per al desenvolupament de les competències socials i emocionals d'una alumna amb sordesa neurosensorial bilateral profunda

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    Són molts els aspectes a comentar sobre el tema escollit per a la realització d'aquest Treball de Fi de Grau però, principalment, versarà sobre una alumna de 10 anys, Lola, que compta amb una discapacitat auditiva. Fent especial menció a la discapacitat, està diagnosticada com sordesa neurosensorial bilateral profunda però, què és açò? Bé, al llarg del document realitzat, trobarem no únicament la contextualització i definició d'aquesta xiqueta, discapacitat, limitacions i punts forts, sinó també una proposta d'intervenció amb la qual es tractarà de desenvolupar les conductes socioemocionals que són, al cap i a la fi, l'objectiu nuclear d'aquest Treball de Fi de Grau

    Generation of graph-state streams

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    We propose a protocol to generate a stream of mobile qubits in a graph state through a single stationary parent qubit and discuss two types of its physical implementation, namely, the generation of photonic graph states through an atom-like qubit and those of flying atoms through a cavity-mode photonic qubit. The generated graph states fall into an important class that can hugely reduce the resource requirement of fault-tolerant linear optics quantum computation, which was previously known to be far from realistic. In regard to the flying atoms, we also propose a heralded generation scheme, which allows for high-fidelity graph states even under the photon loss.Comment: Accepted for publication at PRA Rapid Communication

    Heat-related mortality trends under recent climate warming in Spain : a 36-year observational study

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    Altres ajuts: B00391(FI-2018)Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions have increased summer temperatures in Spain by nearly one degree Celsius on average between 1980 and 2015. However, little is known about the extent to which the association between heat and human mortality has been modified. We here investigate whether the observed warming has been associated with an upward trend in excess mortality attributable to heat or, on the contrary, a decrease in the vulnerability to heat has contributed to a reduction of the mortality burden. We analysed a dataset from 47 major cities in Spain for the summer months between 1980 and 2015, which included daily temperatures and 554,491 deaths from circulatory and respiratory causes, by sex. We applied standard quasi-Poisson regression models, controlling for seasonality and long-term trends, and estimated the temporal variation in heat-related mortality with time-varying distributed lag nonlinear models (DLNMs). Results pointed to a reduction in the relative risks of cause-specific and cause-sex mortality across the whole range of summer temperatures. These reductions in turn explained the observed downward trends in heat-attributable deaths, with the only exceptions of respiratory diseases for women and both sexes together. The heat-attributable deaths were consistently higher in women than in men for both circulatory and respiratory causes. The main limitation of our study is that we were not able to account for air pollution in the models because of data unavailability. Despite the summer warming observed in Spain between 1980 and 2015, the decline in the vulnerability of the population has contributed to a general downward trend in overall heat-attributable mortality. This reduction occurred in parallel with a decline in the vulnerability difference between men and women for circulatory and cardiorespiratory mortality. Despite these advances, the risk of death remained high for respiratory diseases, and particularly in women. Joan Ballester and colleagues reveal a general decline in heat-attributable deaths over the last 30 years in Spain, despite increasing temperatures, with the exception of respiratory disease, which is increasing, especially in women

    Reversal of the seasonality of temperature-attributable mortality from respiratory diseases in Spain

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    A growing number of epidemiological studies have recently assessed temporal variations in vulnerability and/or mortality attributable to hot and cold temperatures. However, the eventual changes in the seasonal distribution of temperature-attributable mortality remain unexplored. Here, we analyse countrywide daily time-series of temperature and mortality counts from respiratory diseases by sex, age group and province of residence during the period 1980-2016 in Spain. We show the complete reversal of the seasonality of temperature-attributable mortality, with a significant shift of the maximum monthly incidence from winter to summer, and the minimum monthly incidence from early and late summer to winter. The reversal in the seasonal distribution of the attributable deaths is not driven by the observed warming in both winter and summer temperatures, but rather by the very large decrease in the risk of death due to cold temperatures and the relatively much smaller reduction due to hot temperatures. We conclude that the projected decrease in the number of moderate and extreme cold days due to climate warming will not contribute to a further reduction of cold-attributable respiratory deaths

    Editorial: Metastable Dynamics of Neural Ensembles

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    A classical view of neural computation is that it can be characterized in terms of convergence to attractor states or sequential transitions among states in a noisy background. After over three decades, is this still a valid model of how brain dynamics implements cognition? This book provides a comprehensive collection of recent theoretical and experimental contributions addressing the question of stable versus transient neural population dynamics from complementary angles. These studies showcase recent efforts for designing a framework that encompasses the multiple facets of metastability in neural responses, one of the most exciting topics currently in systems and computational neuroscience

    Sport participation and vigilance in children: Influence of different sport expertise

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    PURPOSE: The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between different types of sport expertise (externally-paced vs. self-paced sports) and vigilance performance in children by evaluating the cardiovascular fitness level of the participants. METHODS: Three groups of children (11.0 ± 0.2 years) differentiated in terms of their regular sport participation (football players, n = 20; track and field athletes, n = 20; non-athletic controls, n = 20) took part in the study. In one session, participants performed the Leger Multi-stage fitness test to estimate their aerobic fitness level. In another session, participants completed the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) to evaluate their vigilance performance under 2 conditions of velocity demands (normal vs. speed). RESULTS: The results revealed that both groups of sport practitioners had higher cardiovascular fitness than non-athlete controls. In contrast, no significant differences in the performance PVT were found between track and field athletes and controls. Crucially, football players showed better performance in the PVT than track and field athletes and controls. These between-group differences were not modulated by the speed demands of the task. CONCLUSION: The major novel finding of this research points to a positive relationship between sport participation and vigilance performance during childhood. We discuss our results in terms of the different hypotheses put forward in the literature to explain the relationship between regular exercise and cognitive functioning: the "cardiovascular fitness" and the "cognitive component skills" hypotheses.Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Cultura (FPU13-05605)Junta de Andalucia Proyecto de Excelencia (SEJ-6414)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PSI2013-46385)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PSI2013-46385)Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Second Life for Plastic Fibre Waste Difficult to Recover: Partial Replacement of the Binder in Asphalt Concrete Mixtures by Dry Incorporation

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    ABSTRACT: In previous studies, different additives and modifiers have been studied to improve the properties of asphalt concrete mixtures, whose main failures are plastic deformation and cracking. In this research, the improvement of the properties of asphalt concrete mixtures were investigated by introducing residual plastics as a substitute for virgin bitumen, which improves the sustainability of the mixtures. Furthermore, the results obtained from these new mixtures were compared with a mixture designed with polymer-modified bitumen (PMB). Ten experimental designs were tested with three types of waste fibre plastics from a municipal solid waste treatment plant and two percentages of bitumen replacement (15% and 25%). The experimental testing plan included air void characterization, moisture sensitivity, stiffness and fatigue resistance, among others. An increase of approximately 5% in voids could be observed when introducing the plastic material and therefore some tests were carried out to over-compact the specimens. The results showed an improvement in the mechanical performance of the experimental mixtures, highlighting the resistance against plastic deformations, which even reached similar values to the mixtures made with PMB.This publication is part of the I+D+I project PID2019-110797RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033. PRE2020-093516 assistance financed by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FSE “FSE invests in your future”