57 research outputs found

    Archives et enjeux mémoriels

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    Mémoire du Master archives numériques portant sur l\u27affaire Maurras, une polémique mémorielle

    Perancangan Identitas Sentul International Circuit

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    Indonesia sedang mendunia setelah sukses menggelar event balap dunia World Superbike (WSBK) dan Moto Gran Pix (MotoGP) di Mandalika, Lombok. Kesuksesan ini membuat nama Sentul International Circuit tersorot. Sentul International Circuit merupakan sejarah, pelopor dunia balap di Indonesia tersorot dan dibandingkan dengan kesuksesan yang diraih Pertamina Mandalika International Circuit yang baru memulai debutnya dengan menggelar WSBK dan MotoGP. Karena relevan, penulis tertarik untuk meneliti lebih lanjut untuk menjadikannya sebagai judul tugas akhir karena identitas yang dimiliki Sentul International ini sangat minim dan cenderung tidak memiliki identitas secara visual, hanya berupa logo. Setelah diteliti lebih dalam melalui wawancara bersama direktur niaga Sentul International Circuit, didapati bahwa Sentul International Circuit sedang menarget positioning baru. Namun sayang, keinginan itu tidak tercapai karena tidak mendapat support dari pemerintah dan mengakibatkan alokasi dana untuk identitas visual tidak ada hingga akhirnya menjadi tidak terurus. Setelah masalah dan urgensi didapatkan, maka dari itu penyelesaian masalah akan dilakuikan dengan rebranding

    Microstructural evolution of a delta containing nickel-base superalloy during heat treatment and isothermal forging

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    The next generation of aerospace gas turbine engines need to operate at higher temperatures and stresses to improve their efficiency and reduce emissions. These operating conditions are beyond the capability of existing nickel-base superalloys, requiring the development of new high temperature materials. Controlling the microstructures of these new materials is key to obtaining the required properties and, therefore, it is critical to understand how these alloys respond to processing and heat treatment. Here, the microstructural evolution of V207M, a new ÎŽ containing, nickel-base superalloy, has been investigated following heat treatment and forging. The solvus temperatures of the Îłâ€Č and ÎŽ phases, determined by differential scanning calorimetry and microscopy, were found to be ~985 and ~1060 °C respectively. Isothermal forging of the alloy was conducted at 1000, 1050 and 1100 °C, corresponding to different volume fractions of retained ÎŽ. Considerable softening was observed prior to steady state flow when forging at 1000 °C, whilst only steady state flow occurred at 1050 and 1100 °C. The steady state flow process was believed to be dominated by dynamic recovery in the Îł phase, with an activation energy of 407 kJmol−1. Samples that exhibited flow softening also showed a significant change in the orientation of the ÎŽ precipitates, preferentially aligning normal to the forging axis, and this reorientation was thought to be the cause of the observed flow softening

    3,3â€ČDiindolylmethane Suppresses Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotypic Modulation and Inhibits Neointima Formation after Carotid Injury

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    3,3'Diindolylmethane (DIM), a natural phytochemical, has shown inhibitory effects on the growth and migration of a variety of cancer cells; however, whether DIM has similar effects on vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) remains unknown. The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of DIM on the proliferation and migration of cultured VSMCs and neointima formation in a carotid injury model, as well as the related cell signaling mechanisms.DIM dose-dependently inhibited the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB-induced proliferation of VSMCs without cell cytotoxicity. This inhibition was caused by a G0/G1 phase cell cycle arrest demonstrated by fluorescence-activated cell-sorting analysis. We also showed that DIM-induced growth inhibition was associated with the inhibition of the expression of cyclin D1 and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4/6 as well as an increase in p27(Kip1) levels in PDGF-stimulated VSMCs. Moreover, DIM was also found to modulate migration of VSMCs and smooth muscle-specific contractile marker expression. Mechanistically, DIM negatively modulated PDGF-BB-induced phosphorylation of PDGF-recptorÎČ (PDGF-RÎČ) and the activities of downstream signaling molecules including Akt/glycogen synthase kinase(GSK)3ÎČ, extracellular signal-regulated kinase1/2 (ERK1/2), and signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 (STAT3). Our in vivo studies using a mouse carotid arterial injury model revealed that treatment with 150 mg/kg DIM resulted in significant reduction of the neointima/media ratio and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-positive cells, without affecting apoptosis of vascular cells and reendothelialization. Infiltration of inflammatory cells was also inhibited by DIM administration.These results demonstrate that DIM can suppress the phenotypic modulation of VSMCs and neointima hyperplasia after vascular injury. These beneficial effects on VSMCs were at least partly mediated by the inhibition of PDGF-RÎČ and the activities of downstream signaling pathways. The results suggest that DIM has the potential to be a candidate for the prevention of restenosis

    PDGF-Rα gene expression predicts proliferation, but PDGF-A suppresses transdifferentiation of neonatal mouse lung myofibroblasts

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Platelet-derived growth factor A (PDGF-A) signals solely through PDGF-Rα, and is required for fibroblast proliferation and transdifferentiation (fibroblast to myofibroblast conversion) during alveolar development, because <it>pdgfa</it>-null mice lack both myofibroblasts and alveoli. However, these PDGF-A-mediated mechanisms remain incompletely defined. At postnatal days 4 and 12 (P4 and P12), using mouse lung fibroblasts, we examined (a) how PDGF-Rα correlates with ki67 (proliferation marker) or alpha-smooth muscle actin (αSMA, myofibroblast marker) expression, and (b) whether PDGF-A directly affects αSMA or modifies stimulation by transforming growth factor beta (TGFÎČ).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using flow cytometry we examined PDGF-Rα, αSMA and Ki67 in mice which express green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a marker for PDGF-Rα expression. Using real-time RT-PCR we quantified αSMA mRNA in cultured Mlg neonatal mouse lung fibroblasts after treatment with PDGF-A, and/or TGFÎČ.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The intensity of GFP-fluorescence enabled us to distinguish three groups of fibroblasts which exhibited absent, lower, or higher levels of PDGF-Rα. At P4, more of the higher than lower PDGF-Rα + fibroblasts contained Ki67 (Ki67+), and Ki67+ fibroblasts predominated in the αSMA + but not the αSMA- population. By P12, Ki67+ fibroblasts comprised a minority in both the PDGF-Rα + and αSMA+ populations. At P4, most Ki67+ fibroblasts were PDGF-Rα + and αSMA- whereas at P12, most Ki67+ fibroblasts were PDGF-Rα- and αSMA-. More of the PDGF-Rα + than - fibroblasts contained αSMA at both P4 and P12. In the lung, proximate αSMA was more abundant around nuclei in cells expressing high than low levels of PDGF-Rα at both P4 and P12. Nuclear SMAD 2/3 declined from P4 to P12 in PDGF-Rα-, but not in PDGF-Rα + cells. In Mlg fibroblasts, αSMA mRNA increased after exposure to TGFÎČ, but declined after treatment with PDGF-A.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>During both septal eruption (P4) and elongation (P12), alveolar PDGF-Rα may enhance the propensity of fibroblasts to transdifferentiate rather than directly stimulate αSMA, which preferentially localizes to non-proliferating fibroblasts. In accordance, PDGF-Rα more dominantly influences fibroblast proliferation at P4 than at P12. In the lung, TGFÎČ may overshadow the antagonistic effects of PDGF-A/PDGF-Rα signaling, enhancing αSMA-abundance in PDGF-Rα-expressing fibroblasts.</p

    Faith Community Nursing: Ministering to God\u27s People in Ukraine through Lamentation

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    Comment Napoléon Bonaparte est-il abordé dans les programmes scolaires et pourquoi est-il de moins en moins présent ?

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    GĂ©nĂ©ral Ă  26 ans, empereur Ă  33 ans, mort en exil Ă  52 ans, aprĂšs avoir dominĂ© quinze ans l’Europe, NapolĂ©on Bonaparte a eu un destin hors du commun qui fascine encore aujourd’hui. NapolĂ©on reste dans toutes les mĂ©moires : il a notamment remportĂ© quelques-unes des plus grandes batailles de l’histoire de France. Mais il reste Ă©galement l’un des plus grands hommes de l’histoire grĂące Ă  ses qualitĂ©s d’administrateur et de meneur d’hommes hors pair : il a terminĂ© la RĂ©volution faisant dĂ©finitivement basculer la France dans la pĂ©riode contemporaine notamment grĂące Ă  la crĂ©ation du Code civil qui continue encore aujourd’hui Ă  ĂȘtre la base de notre lĂ©gislation. C’est une des Ă©poques les plus importantes de l’histoire et une Ă©poque qui laisse, encore aujourd’hui, des traces indĂ©lĂ©biles. En effet, NapolĂ©on est un personnage trĂšs contrastĂ© qui fait l’objet, encore aujourd’hui, des plus grands dĂ©bats notamment entre la gauche et la droite du XIXĂšme et XXĂšme siĂšcle. Il est l’homme qui a suscitĂ© le plus de livres en France et Ă  l’étranger. Et le nombre de livres et d’ouvrages ne cesse d’augmenter au fil du temps. NapolĂ©on fascine par son hĂ©ritage qui vit encore aujourd’hui dans notre sociĂ©tĂ© mais Ă©galement par sa personne et ses actes. ChloĂ© Morin* explique que, d’aprĂšs les enquĂȘtes menĂ©es, pour les Français, NapolĂ©on est l’une des figures les plus connues en France, c’est mĂȘme lui qui est partiellement Ă  l’origine de questions actuelles portant sur le fonctionnement de la dĂ©mocratie. En effet, il a confortĂ© l’idĂ©e de l’homme fort. L’historiographie napolĂ©onienne ne cesse d’évoluer. C’est un personnage qui est trĂšs compliquĂ© Ă  aborder pour la communautĂ© Ă©ducative, notamment Ă  l’école primaire. En effet, plusieurs dĂ©bats ont lieu, depuis maintenant quelques annĂ©es, pour savoir quel volet de l’histoire napolĂ©onienne il faut mettre en avant. À ce propos, aprĂšs analyse des diffĂ©rents manuels et programmes scolaires, on eut constater que, suivant les annĂ©es et les rĂ©formes, NapolĂ©on n’est pas mis en avant de la mĂȘme maniĂšre et certains aspects de cette Ă©poque ne le sont pas non plus

    Enhancing Cooperative Learning in Groups in Mathematics: The Case of Akesta General Secondary and Preparatory School Grade 12 Section “A” Students

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    &nbsp; &nbsp;This study was aimed to enhance students’ active participation toward cooperative learning in groups in Mathematics. A case study with the involvement of Akesta General Secondary and Preparatory School Grade 12 section “A” students were considered. Questionnaires as tools for the collection of data were used. Even though students like cooperative learning, the findings reveal that their participation on the given group work are too low except the group leaders. It was analyzed that teachers need to assign roles to each and every individual group member to enhance students’ commitment on cooperative learnin

    Assessment of Islam group threat perceptions and values

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    Analyses have implicated a strong, negative attitude that Americans have against Muslims (Freyd, 2002 as said in Matthews & Levin, 2012). Matthews and Levin (2012) investigated perceptions of value threat from Muslims by American college students to examine the factors that contribute to discriminatory emotional responses toward Islamists. It has become an increasingly accepted norm that media has a strong influence on its viewers. Thus, the purpose of the current study is to examine how media affects the participants\u27 attitude regarding Islam after they are exposed to a seemingly genuine article that presents Islam either conflicting of aligning with Western values. Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two conditions; indicating which article they will be exposed to. They will be given five minutes to read the article, then will be asked to fill out a questionnaire using a 7-point Likert Scale; this will be assessing their perceptions of Muslim value threats. This will be conducted at the University of the Pacific\u27s library or psychology building. We hypothesize that the form of media that depicts contradictory Muslim values, as compared to Western Society, will engender negative attitudinal responses. Conversely, we also hypothesize that the article that depicts Muslim values aligning with Western Society will produce positive attitudes

    Assessment of Islam group threat perceptions and values

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    Analyses have implicated a strong, negative attitude that Americans have against Muslims (Freyd, 2002 as said in Matthews & Levin, 2012). Matthews and Levin (2012) investigated perceptions of value threat from Muslims by American college students to examine the factors that contribute to discriminatory emotional responses toward Islamists. It has become an increasingly accepted norm that media has a strong influence on its viewers. Thus, the purpose of the current study is to examine how media affects the participants\u27 attitude regarding Islam after they are exposed to a seemingly genuine article that presents Islam either conflicting of aligning with Western values. Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two conditions; indicating which article they will be exposed to. They will be given five minutes to read the article, then will be asked to fill out a questionnaire using a 7-point Likert Scale; this will be assessing their perceptions of Muslim value threats. This will be conducted at the University of the Pacific\u27s library or psychology building. We hypothesize that the form of media that depicts contradictory Muslim values, as compared to Western Society, will engender negative attitudinal responses. Conversely, we also hypothesize that the article that depicts Muslim values aligning with Western Society will produce positive attitudes
