1,574 research outputs found

    Estudo do clima organizacional em uma empresa de confecção na cidade de Turvo-SC

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no curso de Administração de Empresas da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.O presente trabalho tem como principal finalidade analisar o clima organizacional de uma empresa do ramo de confecção situada na cidade de Turvo – SC, sendo o problema conhecer os fatores de influência no clima desta organização e os níveis de satisfação e insatisfação dos profissionais. O objetivo principal é analisar os fatores que influenciam o clima organizacional por meio de uma pesquisa de clima na empresa em estudo. Com informações obtidas por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, oportunizando o conhecimento de documentos publicados com temas relacionados ao do estudo, como por exemplo: administração e suas funções e teorias; administração e políticas de recursos humanos; pessoas e organizações; comunicação; comportamento e clima organizacional; liderança; remuneração e benefícios e motivação. Foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva e de campo junto aos profissionais da empresa, para avaliar suas percepções sobre fatores como: carreira; treinamento e desenvolvimento; autonomia e remuneração. Por meio de um questionário por meio de perguntas fechadas foi possível avaliar as variáveis pesquisadas e identificar pontos de melhoria e de fortalecimento do clima organizacional. Com essa analise leva a conclusão que para a empresa aumentar sua produtividade deve ficar atento as variáveis e aos índices de satisfação dos profissionais e principalmente aqueles que apontarem um maior índice de insatisfação. Observando que esses fatores implicam na motivação e na eficácia dos profissionais da empresa

    Overtopping formula for vertical tiers-headed breakwaters

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    The semi-empirical methods are useful tools to understand the wave overtopping phenomena, but uncertainty remains on their applicability. It’s necessary to carry out campaign surveys or laboratory tests to support them. In this paper we apply the methods proposed in the European Overtopping Manual (2007) in order to assess the flows over a vertical breakwater, marking the need to calibrate those methodologies to take into account the peculiar geometry of the structural system. This was done by introducing appropriate correction factors. The results show an improved accuracy, among numerical results and physical ones.Postprint (published version

    Exploiting remote imagery in an embayed sandy beach for the validation of a runup model framework

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    International audienceStorm surge and wave runup are key determinants of the potential for beach overwashing during storm events. However, the prediction and quantification of wave runup on embayed beaches is strongly influenced by particular characteristics (e.g., irregular morphology, low tides, absence of swell, etc.) which differ from those on open beaches, and have rarely been investigated in literature. In the present paper, a model framework aimed at predicting wave-induced runup on an embayed sandy beach is validated by means of measurements derived from a video-monitoring station, recently installed in South Italy, during two storm events in 2016. The numerical approach employs MeteOcean forecasted waves within SWAN and SWASH models (in both 2-d and 1-d mode). The combination of multibeam and d-RTK surveys with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery provides high resolution depth grid (m 0.015), particularly required in shallow waters, where wave hydrodynamics is highly influenced by the bottom. The results show and discuss the agreement between video measurements and 2-d predictions of runup. A sensitivity analysis of the Manningfls roughness factor is needed in 1-d simulations. The accuracy of the empirical formulas in predicting wave runup in an embayed beach is also investigated , showing mainly an overestimation of the observations

    Assessing Centralized Governance in a Software Cluster

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    Increasing attention has been paid to the creation of spatially concentrated environments (industrial agglomerations or clusters) that aim at fostering firm-level competitiveness. However, while much has been said about clusters in general, less attention has been paid to structural governance within these agglomerations. This paper discusses the economic dynamics of clusters in the presence of centralized formal body of governance regarding internal and external relationships. We have carried out a case study of the key players in the software industry of Ribeirão Preto, which relies on an institutional arrangement called PISO. PISO arises as an economic institution in the context of Ribeirão Preto’s software cluster that structures collective action within the system, interfering in the regional policymaking processes and fostering an environment that improves overall capabilities that allow firms to take full advantage of the externalities in order to create and consolidate competitive local advantages

    An Interactive WebGIS Framework for Coastal Erosion Risk Management

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    The Italian coastline stretches over about 8350 km, with 3600 km of beaches, representing a significant resource for the country. Natural processes and anthropic interventions keep threatening its morphology, moulding its shape and triggering soil erosion phenomena. Thus, many scholars have been focusing their work on investigating and monitoring shoreline instability. Outcomes of such activities can be largely widespread and shared with expert and non-expert users through Web mapping. This paper describes the performances of a WebGIS prototype designed to disseminate the results of the Italian project Innovative Strategies for the Monitoring and Analysis of Erosion Risk, known as the STIMARE project. While aiming to include the entire national coastline, three study areas along the regional coasts of Puglia and Emilia Romagna have already been implemented as pilot cases. This WebGIS was generated using Free and Open-Source Software for Geographic information systems (FOSS4G). The platform was designed by combining Apache http server, Geoserver, as open-source server and PostgreSQL (with PostGIS extension) as database. Pure javascript libraries OpenLayers and Cesium were implemented to obtain a hybrid 2D and 3D visualization. A user-friendly interactive interface was programmed to help users visualize and download geospatial data in several formats (pdf, kml and shp), in accordance with the European INSPIRE directives, satisfying both multi-temporal and multi-scale perspectives. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerlan

    new coastal video monitoring system achievement and development

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    A new coastal video monitoring system for Apulia region, southeast of Italy, is under development. It is composed of visible and thermal streams and featured to be included in a wider meteo-oceanographic monitoring network. The system is designed for use on sandy beaches. The regional Basin Authority (AdBP) through previous field campaigns has identified for long-term monitoring purposes two hotspots, prone to erosion and flooding: Torre Canne (Fasano, BR) and Torre Lapillo (Porto Cesareo, LE), facing the Adriatic and Ionian seas, respectively. This paper presents the actual architecture and some initial findings of its implementation aiming at a complete automatic analysis of morphological features and hydrodynamic studies, mainly focused in swash zone

    Interface PCI para PC compatible

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    We call BUS to any group of lines whose main purpose its interconnect different devices. One of the most critical problem in digital aplicattions its to establish a fast access communication between peripheral devices. With the intention of diminishing the limitations in the data transfer rate, in year 1992, Intel develops the Standard bus of interconnection of peripheral components (PCI). The PCI Bus, is the most used standard for the development of aplication where work togheter external components to the CPU; this paper discuss the development of my end career project, which raises the implementation of a CORE, intrument that allows to fulfill the highest requirements of the communication protocol PCI, this instrument is implemented on a reprogrammable logic FPGA Board. Also, explain the implement of drivers for testing the development under an operating system, and several visual aplications were created to validate the communication and bidirectional data transfer. At the end of this paper, we measured and studied the results to specify the reasons that allows us to affirm that the development is successful.II Workshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Interface PCI para PC compatible

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    We call BUS to any group of lines whose main purpose its interconnect different devices. One of the most critical problem in digital aplicattions its to establish a fast access communication between peripheral devices. With the intention of diminishing the limitations in the data transfer rate, in year 1992, Intel develops the Standard bus of interconnection of peripheral components (PCI). The PCI Bus, is the most used standard for the development of aplication where work togheter external components to the CPU; this paper discuss the development of my end career project, which raises the implementation of a CORE, intrument that allows to fulfill the highest requirements of the communication protocol PCI, this instrument is implemented on a reprogrammable logic FPGA Board. Also, explain the implement of drivers for testing the development under an operating system, and several visual aplications were created to validate the communication and bidirectional data transfer. At the end of this paper, we measured and studied the results to specify the reasons that allows us to affirm that the development is successful.II Workshop de Arquitecturas, Redes y Sistemas OperativosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Ptr/CTL0175 is required for the efficient recovery of chlamydia trachomatisfrom stress induced by gamma-interferon

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common sexually transmitted bacterial pathogen in humans and a frequent cause of asymptomatic, persistent infections leading to serious complications, particularly in young women. Chlamydia displays a unique obligate intracellular lifestyle involving the infectious elementary body and the replicative reticulate body. In the presence of stressors such as gamma-interferon (IFNγ) or beta-lactam antibiotics, C. trachomatis undergoes an interruption in its replication cycle and enters a viable but non-cultivable state. Upon removal of the stressors, surviving C. trachomatis resume cell division and developmental transitions. In this report, we describe a genetic screen to identify C. trachomatis mutants with defects in recovery from IFNγ- and/or penicillin-induced stress and characterized a chemically derived C. trachomatis mutant strain that exhibited a significant decrease in recovery from IFNγ- but not penicillin-induced stress. Through lateral gene transfer and targeted insertional gene inactivation we identified ptr, encoding a predicted protease, as a gene required for recovery from IFNγ-induced stress. A C. trachomatis LGV-L2 ptr-null strain displayed reduced generation of infectious progeny and impaired genome replication upon removal of IFNγ. This defect was restored by introducing a wild type copy of ptr on a plasmid, indicating that Ptr is required for a rapid growth upon removal of IFN?. Ptr was expressed throughout the developmental cycle and localized to the inclusion lumen. Overall, our findings indicate that the putative secreted protease Ptr is required for C. trachomatis to specifically recover from IFNγ- but not penicillin-induced stress.Fil: Panzetta, Maria Emilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Lujan, Agustin Leonardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Bastidas, Robert J.. University of Duke; Estados UnidosFil: Damiani, Maria Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Valdivia, Raphael H.. University of Duke; Estados UnidosFil: Saka, Hector Alex. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; Argentin


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    O trabalho teve como objetivos fazer a escrituração zootécnica e o acompanhamentodos custos de produção e a análise econômica e financeira de uma propriedadeleiteira. Durante os dois anos de avaliação as vacas em lactação apresentaram umaprodutividade média de 14,2 litros de leite por dia, enquanto que o escore corporal foi3,25. A alimentação foi responsável por 62,11% das despesas, já a mão de obra,representou 18,24% dos custos de produção. O total das receitas foi R199.452,71edasdespesasforamR 199.452,71 edas despesas foram R 141.387,50 o que representou ao final uma receita líquida de29,11% do total investido