53 research outputs found


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    In education there will definitely be communication between students and students teacher. In interactions between teachers and students, conveying knowledge will go well if they use good and correct language. So, the key to knowledge is communication using language that can be understood by the recipient of the information. This research aims to develop learning media "KOTAMU" Media (Multisensory Word Box) on Environmental Material in Class 1 of Elementary School. This research is development research or Research And Development (R&D). The ADDIE research model contains five stages, namely: (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. In The research developed a cube-shaped media with six sides measuring 40x40x40 cm which could be disassembled and assembled into a sticky board for grade 1 elementary school at SDN Sumbergondo 02 Batu City with 14 students. The development results are in accordance with the needs analysis carried out. The material validation results were 83% and the media validation results were 78% and were said to be feasible with revisions according to suggestions. The results of the student response were 94% and the teacher response results were 96.8% in the very appropriate category. Based on this, it can be concluded that KOTAMU learning media can be used to complete the tasks given. So that KOTAMU media can be a learning medium that can support the learning process, especially in reading, starting from recognizing letters, syllables and words

    Analisis Optimalisasi Potensi Daerah untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kota Malang

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    Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) seringkali dijadikan bahan komparasi antar kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. Tidak hanya besarannya saja, tetapi juga komposisinya terhadap jumlah pendapatan daerah selain dari dana perimbangan dan lain-lain pendapatan daerah yang sah menarik untuk dikaji. Umumnya, penerimaan PAD didominasi oleh pajak daerah. Sayangnya, jenis-jenis pajak daerah terlalu kaku sehingga menyulitkan bagi kabupaten/kota dalam berinovasi demi meningkatkan PAD. Untuk meningkatkan PAD lahkah pertama yang diperlukan adalah menganalisis potensi daerah masing-masing. Dengan mempergunakan dokumen-dokumen keluaran Pemerintah Kota Malang antara tahun 2012-2019 yang dianalisis secara kuantitatif, tulisan ini menemukan hasil bahwa perkembangan ekonomi telah merubah potensi daerah. Beberapa sektor pajak seperti BPHTB, PBB, dan PPJ tidak dapat lagi dijadikan sebagai sektor yang diandalkan apabila masih dikalkukasi dan dikelola dengan pemahaman lama. Terdapat faktor yang tidak dapat dikendalikan oleh pemerintah Kota Malang, seperti suku bunga bank, pertumbuhan ekonomi makro, nilai tukar rupiah terhada dolar, dan lain-lain yang juga berpengaruh pada realisasi pajak daerah. Perkembangan ekonomi Kota Malang telah menghasilkan primadona baru dalam pajak daerah, yaitu hotel dan restoran. Sayangnya Pemerintah Kota Malang masih terlalu berfokus pada BPHTB, PBB, dan PPJ sehingga belum mengoptimalkan potensi pajak hotel dan restoran

    Application of Blended Learning Strategy and Technology Utilization to the Quality of Students at Air Marshal Suryadarma University in the Era of Digitalization

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    Education in Indonesia has undergone significant transformation with the advent of the era of digitalization. Using the latest learning technologies and strategies, such as blended learning, is key to improving the quality of education. This research aims to explore the application of blended learning strategies and the use of technology to the quality of students at the Air Marshal Suryadarma University (Unsurya). The research method uses a qualitative approach, with the study of literature as the main design. Data is obtained by recording, studying libraries, reading literature, and analyzing related documents. The results show that the implementation of blended learning contributes positively to student involvement in learning, enables access to online learning resources, and improves interaction between students and lecturers. In addition, the use of technology also provides flexibility in accessing learning materials and improving student technology skills. This research provides in-depth insight into the benefits of blended learning strategies and the use of technology in improving the quality of education in Unsurya. The implications of this research are the need to develop educational technology infrastructure as well as strengthen training for faculty and students in using technology effectively.Keywords: Blended Learning, Technology Utilization, Student Quality, Education Digitalization

    Pengaruh Dukungan Organisasi dan Penilaian Kinerja terhadap Prestasi Kerja

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    The quality of Human Resources is the most influential thing as well as part of an important substance for an organization because of the capacity and capability that makes it effective and efficient in maximizing a target of the organization, all MSMEs in Indonesia touched 64.2 million and brought a role related to the gross domestic product of 60.94% or worth 8,574 trillion. SAP Express through its retail business line will try its best to encourage the progress of MSME businesses in Indonesia by providing relevant services with prime quality. The purpose of this research is to understand and analyze how the influence of organizational support and performance appraisal on employee performance at PT Satria Antaran Prima Area Bandung. In this study, this research uses a research method in the form of Expalanation, which means describing the position of the variable to be studied along with the relationship between one variable and other variables. Based on the level in the explanation, this research turned out to be in the form of associative research. in research conducted by researchers there are independent variables and dependent variables. In this study, basically, researchers have a desire to find out how Organizational Support (variable x1) has an influence and Performance Assessment (variable x2) has an influence on Work Performance (y)


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    Naturally the content of ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) in mushrooms is small, but they are rich of ergosterol which is known as its precursor. Ergosterol converted to vitamin D2 by UV light irradiation following by heat reaction. The aim of the study is to observe formation of ergocalciferol from its precursor in the Pleurotus ostreatus using UV radiation at 254 and 366 nm. Crude samples were irradiated for 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes. The samples were then extracted using reflux for one hour. Ergocalciferol content was determined using spectrophotodensitometer. The results show that the content of ergocalciferol after 15, 30, 60, 90, 120 mins radiation under UV 254 nm are 24.12 ± 3.46; 28.15 ± 1.43; 38.22 ± 2.11; 48.19 ± 3.68; and 14.81 ± 3.41 μg/g respectively, whereas under UV 366 nm in similar duration the content are 9.59 ± 5.35; 20.6 ± 5.58; 27.67 ± 4.5; 10.62 ± 2.81; 8.76 ± 0.32 μg/g, respectively. No ergocalciferol is found in the control. It is concluded that the ergocalciferol was formed in mushroom after irradiating with ultraviolet light. The highest ergocalciferol content was found in sample irradiated under UV light 254 nm for 90 minutes.Keywords: Ergocalciferol, ergosterol, duration, irradiated, Pleurotus ostreatus spectrophotodensitometer, ultraviolet ligh

    Industri perkebunan kapas Asembagus, Situbondo tahun 1945-1997

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    Cotton is a plantation crop that is planted once a year during the dry season in Indonesia. Cotton plant (Gossypium sp.) is a shrub plant which produce fiber from the fruit, this fiber used as the main raw material in textile manufacturing. This study will discuss about the beginning of the establishment of cotton plantation industry in Asembagus, Situbondo. How the dynamics relationship between cotton development institutions such as cotton mills, cotton experimental gardens and community cotton plantations in the 1945-1997 and their impact on the community in Asembagus District of Situbondo Regency. The title was chosen because Asembagus District of Situbondo Regency famous as center of planting and developing cotton commodities in Java Island since independence of the republic of Indonesia in 1945 until the decline of cotton commodities in Asembagus at the end of the Repelita program around 1997.This study used historical research methods that is topic selection, heuristics, source criticism and verification, interpretation, and historiography by searching written sources such as archives, books and previous research nor oral sources obtained by observation and literature review. From the data collected, it indicates that there is an imbalanced (dualism) in the production activities of the Asembagus cotton plantation industry, This gap has had a chain effect that led to the discontinuity of cotton cultivation in Asembagus, Situbondo. Kapas adalah tanaman perkebunan yang ditanam satu kali setahun yaitu saat musim kemarau di Indonesia. Tanaman kapas (Gossypium sp.) merupakan tanaman jenis semak yang menghasilkan serat melalui buahnya, serat inilah yang menjadi bahan baku utama dalam pembuatan tekstil. Studi ini akan membahas mengenai awal mula berdirinya industri perkebunan kapas di Asembagus, Situbondo. Bagaimana dinamika hubungan antara lembaga pengembangan kapas yaitu pabrik penggilingan kapas, kebun percobaan kapas Asembagus dan perkebunan kapas rakyat pada tahun 1945-1997 serta dampaknya bagi masyarakat di Kecamatan Asembagus, Kabupaten Situbondo. Judul tersebut dipilih karena Kecamatan Asembagus, Kabupaten Situbondo terkenal sebagai pusat penanaman dan pengembangan komoditas kapas di Jawa sejak masa Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia tahun 1945 hingga mundurnya komoditas kapas di Asembagus pada akhir program Repelita sekitar tahun 1997. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yaitu pemilihan topik, heuristik, kritik atau verifikasi, interpretasi dan historiografi dengan melakukan penelusuran sumber tertulis berupa arsip, artikel, buku dan penelitian terdahulu serta sumber lisan yang didapatkan melalui observasi, studi pustaka. Dari data-data yang terkumpul mengindikasikan adanya ketimpangan (dualisme) pada kegiatan produksi Industri perkebunan kapas Asembagus, ketimpangan ini memberikan dampak berantai hingga menyebabkan terhentinya penanaman kapas di Asembagus, Situbondo

    A Positioning Map and Future Research Agenda of Collaborative Consumption

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    Collaborative consumption (CC) is the new business model which overlaps with the concept of sharing economy (SE). However, CC has some unique characteristics that are not found in SE. This study aims to compare the two based on three dimensions: compensation, ownership, and platform. E- Commerce (EC) is included into the comparison in order to show that CC is actually a combination of SE and EC, thus covering a larger set than the other two concepts. The method used in this study is the literature study. The methods used CC concept manually and VOSviewer software to reassure and explore the unique characteristics of CC in comparison with SE and EC. The positioning map based on two dimensions: compensation and platform generate six business models that can be represented the characteristic of CC, SE, and EC. The six models are: (1) platform-based and monetary compensation; (2) platform-based and non-monetary compensation; (3) platform-based and without compensation; (4) non-platform-based and monetary compensation; (5) non-platform-based and non-monetary compensation; (6) non-platform-based and without compensation. The last dimension is ownership describe that CC activity is including exchange-based and access-based activity, while SE provides access-based activity only and EC offering exchange-based activity. The study also aims to discover the unique characteristics of CC that will be used as the basis for developing a future research agenda of CC

    Perancangan Game Quiz Aritmatika Menggunakan Metode Forward Chaining Berbasis Web

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    Pada studi ini peneliti membuat game quiz aritmatika berbasis web yang dapat membantu siswa dalam proses belajarnya dan membuat pembelajaran aritmatika menjadi lebih menarik dengan memanfaatkan inovasi yang semakin canggih. Yakni game quiz dimana terdapat tiga level dengan sepuluh pertanyaan per level. Level pertama meliputi penjumlahan dan pengurangan, level kedua meliputi perkalian dan pembagian, level ketiga meliputi penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, dan pembagian. Game quiz ini hanya memungkinkan pengguna untuk memulai dari level satu dan membutuhkan skor minimal 70 agar bisa maju ke level berikutnya. Siswa dapat melatih kecepatan berpikir dan berhitung dengan memainkan game quiz yang tersedia di platform Google. Pendekatan forward chaining digunakan dalam perancangan game quiz ini guna menentukan jawaban benar dan salah serta untuk meningkatkan tingkat kesulitan soal. Hasil akhir aplikasi game quiz akan menunjukkan nilai, jawaban yang benar, dan rincian cara menjawab setiap pertanyaan

    PENGHAMBATAN PERTUMBUHAN Escherichia coli dan Salmonella typhi oleh KOMBUCHA Annona muricata Linn

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    ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Probiotik adalah mikroorganisme hidup bersifat non-patogen, jika dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang cukup dapat menjaga keseimbangan mikrobiota usus. Kombucha merupakan produk yang mengandung probiotik yakni berupa minuman fermentasi yang mengandung asam organik, etanol, polifenol dan bakteri asam laktat. Daun sirsak (Annona muricata Linn) yang kaya akan senyawa aktif polifenol, flavonoid dan alkaloid dapat dijadikan bahan dasar kombucha. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas antibakteri kombucha A. muricata Linn pada Escherichia coli dan Salmonella typhi.Metode: Pembuatan kombucha A. muricata Linn dimulai dengan merebus 1 L air hingga mendidih, kemudian menambahkan 100 gram gula pasir dan 5 gram serbuk A. muricata Linn, proses perebusan dilakukan selama 5 menit. Setelah itu, seluruh larutan didinginkan dan dimasukkan ke dalam jar tertutup. Kemudian menambahkan 24 gram Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY) ke dalamnya, lalu jar ditutup dengan kertas tissue. Proses fermentasi dilakukan selama 14 hari pada ruangan gelap dan suhu ruangan. Uji antibakteri menggunakan uji Zone of Inhibition (ZOI) dengan metode sumuran (tiga kali pengulangan). Konsentrasi A. muricata Linn adalah 25%, 50% dan 100%. Pengukuran zona hambat menggunakan aplikasi software OptiLab versi 1,5. Analisa data menggunakan uji One Way ANOVA yang dilanjutkan dengan Post-Hoc Tukey dengan signifikansi p <0,05.Hasil: Daya hambat kombucha A. muricata Linn konsentrasi 25, 50, 100% terhadap Escherichia coli adalah sebagai berikut 7,3±0,9; 9,2±0,8; 12,3±0,3 mm (p <0,05). Sedangkan gentamisin mampu menghambat pertumbuhan Escherichia coli sebesar 14,7±1,2. Daya hambat kombucha A. muricata Linn kosentrasi 25, 50, 100% terhadap Salmonella typhi adalah sebagai berikut 5,23±3,7; 8,47±0,3; 10,36±0,7 mm (p <0,05). Sedangkan gentamisin mampu menghambat pertumbuhan Salmonella typhi sebesar 11,3±1,6.Kesimpulan: Kombucha A. muricata Linn konsentrasi 100% efektif menghambat Escherichia coli dengan derajat kuat. Sedangkan kombucha A. muricata Linn konsentrasi 50% efektif menghambat pertumbuhan Salmonella typhi dengan derajat kuat.Kata Kunci: Kombucha, Annona muricata L, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi

    An Analysis of Language Skills’ Proportion in the English Textbook Grade XII Published by Kemendikbud 2014

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    The design of this research was descritive quantitative. It was aimed to find out the suitability of english textbook with the curriculum and the proportion of the language skills’ in the English textbook grade XII published by kemendikbud 2014. The subject of this research was the English textbook grade XII for 1 year , consist of 16 chapters. The data was collected by using evaluation checklist that proposed by syllabus in curricullum 2013 and the expert (Ur (1996)). The result showed that the English Textbook Grade XII for senior high school published by Kemendikbud 2014 is categorized into “very good” category. From 27 learning objectives (KD) that proposed by the curriculum 2013 in syllabus, 22 of it is covered to the English textbook. The writing skill has the highest proportion it is 38 %; the second is reading skill has 30 %; the third is speaking skill has 21 %; and the last is listening skill has 11 %.Consequently, it can be conclude that it is suit to the standard from the government, to make the students reach the functional level of literacy and used the text – based teaching and focuss on the text
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