94 research outputs found

    Simplified Approach to the Problem of Stability of Soil Slopes Under Horizontal Earthquake and Pore Pressure

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    A problem that has confronted engineers for a great number of years is that of determining the stability of soil slopes. Many factors introduce complications into stability analysis. Most embankments contain heterogeneous soils, often of several types. This and other complications usually necessitate the use of a simplified cross section. At the same time, it is often necessary to adopt simplified average soil characteristics which represent actual characteristics as best as possible. Those steps which bear on the choice of the simplified section and the simplified soil characteristics are always important in stability analysis work. These steps are independent, however, of the actual analysis. From this point on, simplified conditions only are considered, since the main object herein is to explain methods of analysis once the simplifications are made

    Penggunaan Incoterms dalam Perjanjian Perdagangan Internasional (Studi pada PT. Insan Bonafide di Banjarmasin)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis kedudukan incotermsselaku hukum kebiasaan Internasional dalan perjanjian perdagangan Internasional serta untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis hak dan kewajiban pengusaha eksportir dan importir sehubungan dengan penggunaan Incoterms dalam perjanjian perdagangan Internasional (Studi pada PT. Insan Bonafide di Banjarmasin). Kegunaan yang di harapakan dari hasil penelitian Sebagai sumbangan pemikiran dalam bidang ilmu hukum khususnya terkait dengan hukum perdagangan Internasional, bagi pelaku USAha di bidang perdagangan Internasional dan bagi pemerintah dalam membuat peraturan Perundang-undangan (legislasi) berkenaan dengan perdagangan Internasional. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif,yaitu penelitian hukum yang dilakukan dengan cara meneliti bahan hukum(bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder, dan bahan hukum tersier), yang relevan dengan judul yang di angkat penulis. Ada pun tipe penelitianadalah penelitian dengan menitikberatkan permasalahan yang sering timbul berkaitan dengan kekaburan hukum (vage norm) berkenaan dengan makna dan ruang lingkup dari Incoterms tersebut. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan analitis (analytical approach).Menurut hasil dari penelitian tesis ini menunjukan bahwa : Pertama, mengenai kekuatan hukum Incoterms dalam perjanjian perdagangan Internasional, Incoterms yang lahir dari hukum kebiasaan dan sebagai suatu kebiasaan Internasional yang berkedudukan hukum yang merupakan sumber hukum perdagangan Internasional. namun demikian kekuatan hukum Incoterms selaku hukum kebiasaan Internasional tidak sama dengan kekuatan hukum dari Perjanjian Internasional seperti Konvensi, Traktat, Piagam, Agreement, Covenant, Protocol, Pacta, dan lain-lain. Kedua, hak dan kewajiban pengusaha eksportir dan importir sehubungan dengan penggunaan Incoterms dalam perjanjian perdagangan Internasional khususnya pada PT. Insan Bonafide dengan menggunakan Incoterms yang telah di sepakati oleh kedua belah pihak namun Kenyataannya di lapangan cukup sering ketentuan-ketentuan Incoterms yang telah disepakati oleh para pihak kemudian dilanggar oleh salah satu pihak. karena belum adanya pengaturan yang sempurna di Incoterms ini maka dari itu lah Incoterms masih menimbulkan permasalahan dalam aplikasi/penerapannya di lapangan karena masih terdapat kekaburan hukum mengenai ruang lingkup dan batas-batas tanggung jawab masing-masing pihak antara penjual (eksportir) dan importir

    Intuitionistic regular subspaces in intuitionistic topological spaces

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    This paper explores the concept of intuitionistic topological spaces, delving into their definitions and essential properties. It also examines intuitionistic topological subspaces, providing insights into their characteristics. Additionally, the paper investigates intuitionistic regular spaces and demonstrates their hereditary nature, specifically focusing on  and . To illustrate these concepts in practical terms, the paper presents two real-world examples of intuitionistic sets. Through a comprehensive analysis of intuitionistic topological spaces and their subsets, the study sheds light on the inheritability of regularity in these spaces. Furthermore, the work emphasizes the significance of intuitionistic topological spaces within the realm of mathematical research, showcasing their applicability through concrete instances of intuitionistic sets

    Lehr- und Lernprozesse fremdsprachlicher Literaturdidaktik: Eine Untersuchung mit tĂĽrkischen DaF-Studierenden am Beispiel des literarischen Rollenspiels

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    Das didaktisch-pädagogische Konzept der Lernerzentrierung und Handlungsorientierung sollte in der fremdsprachlichen Literaturdidaktik und in der Auslandsgermanistik mehr Beachtung finden. In diesem Aufsatz werden die Meinungen von türkischen DaF-Studierenden hinsichtlich neuer Verfahren der fremdsprachlichen Literaturvermittlung durch die Methode der Befragung untersucht. Dabei wurde das literarische Rollen spiel als eines der produktiven Verfahren der Literaturdidaktik verwendet. Im Interesse der Untersuchung stehen zwei grundsätzliche Fragen: 1. Welche Lernprozesse lösen produktive Verfahren bei türkischen Lernergruppen aus? 2. Welche Lernziele und Schlüsselqualifikationen können durch den Einsatz von produktiven Verfahren gefördert werden? Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, dass sowohl beim Lernprozess als auch beim Lehrprozess positive Effekte erzielt werden. Der Zugang zum Textverständnis wird ermöglicht, weil die türkischen Studierende interessiert, motiviert und aktiviert werden. Laut den Angaben der Befragten werden das Erreichen der neuen Lernziele wie z.B. Fremdverstehen, Perspektivenwechsel und die Fähigkeit zu Schlüsselkompetenzen gezielt unterstützt und gefördert. Die positiv ausfallenden Ergebnisse dienen als Beweis für den Bedarf und für die Forderung der türkischen Deutschlehrerkandidaten, dass an türkischen Universitäten moderne und offene Formen der fremdsprachlichen Literaturvermittlung in die Praxis gesetzt werden sollten

    Deterioro cognitivo y actividades instrumentales de la vida diaria en personas con diagnĂłstico de esquizofrenia en un centro comunitario de Lima, 2021

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    Establece la correlación entre el deterioro cognitivo y el desempeño de las actividades instrumentales de vida diaria en personas con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia pertenecientes al área de Terapia Ocupacional del Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario Javier Mariátegui Chiappe. Investigación de tipo cuantitativo, correlacional, descriptivo de corte transversal; se analizaron “las actividades instrumentales de la vida diaria (AIVD)” con la “Escala de Lawton y Brody” y el deterioro cognitivo con el “MMSE” en 40 personas con esquizofrenia del área de Terapia Ocupacional del Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario Javier Mariátegui Chiappe. La prueba de Hipótesis fue mediante la “Correlación de Spearman”, lo cual determinó la correspondencia entre las variables. La muestra obtenida fue 60% masculino y 40% femenino, la media en cuanto a edad fue de 29 años. El 27.5% de la muestra presenta ante un deterioro cognitivo de carácter leve, una dependencia de categoría ligera. Se concluye que el deterioro cognitivo presenta una correlación moderada con el desempeño de las AIVD de la muestra. (p valor = 0.05)

    Pemberdayaan Anak dan Remaja dalam Pengoptimalan Taman Fontabaca sebagai Upaya Menumbuhkan Minat Literasi Membaca di Fontania Desa Tambun

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    The better the literacy of the people, the better the level of thinking and the achievement of the progress of the community in various aspects of life. However, in reality our current literacy culture is still low.  Currently the partner has a side of the reading garden established in 2021 known as Fontabaca Park. But unfortunately, the establishment of a reading garden was not fully utilized by children and teenagers. This is exacerbated by the lack of reading material available in the reading garden. The lack of interest in reading or borrowing books is partly due to the lack of socialization related to literacy activities to children and adolescents in the Fontania region. The method of implementing activities starts from counseling, training, mentoring and evaluation. The results of each stage of the implementation activity start from the counseling activities carried out by analyzing the problem then continued with mapping the solutions provided for partners. Followed by providing training activities related to reading literacy and the formation of reading garden cadres. Mentoring activities are in the form of procurement of needed reading book materials and involving participants to label and collect reading books. Evaluation activities obtained an average percentage of 98% of the impact of activities carried out by the implementation team as an effort to optimize the existing Fontabaca park.The better the literacy of the people, the better the level of thinking and the achievement of the progress of the community in various aspects of life. However, in reality our current literacy culture is still low.  Currently the partner has a side of the reading garden established in 2021 known as Fontabaca Park. But unfortunately, the establishment of a reading garden was not fully utilized by children and teenagers. This is exacerbated by the lack of reading material available in the reading garden. The lack of interest in reading or borrowing books is partly due to the lack of socialization related to literacy activities to children and adolescents in the Fontania region. The method of implementing activities starts from counseling, training, mentoring and evaluation. The results of each stage of the implementation activity start from the counseling activities carried out by analyzing the problem then continued with mapping the solutions provided for partners. Followed by providing training activities related to reading literacy and the formation of reading garden cadres. Mentoring activities are in the form of procurement of needed reading book materials and involving participants to label and collect reading books. Evaluation activities obtained an average percentage of 98% of the impact of activities carried out by the implementation team as an effort to optimize the existing Fontabaca park.   Keywords: Children and Youth, Fontabaca, Cadres, Literacy, Reading, Reading Garde

    Trainee teachers’ readiness towards 21st century teaching practices / Norezan Ibrahim … [et al.]

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    Teaching practicum is a component in preparing a student to be a beginner teacher. Yet there are a lot of preparations needed for the trainee teacher before he or she could teach in a school. A lack of preparation at the institution level could significantly affect trainee teachers’ readiness to teach in schools. Students who are not well-prepared for teaching assignments could became stressed due to high expectations from their supervisors. This study aimed to investigate the level of trainee teachers’ readiness and the challenges encountered during teaching practice. A total of 160 questionnaires were distributed to final year Education students who had completed their teaching practice. A descriptive research design was employed which utilized survey method to analyse teaching experiences of trainee teachers at the Faculty of Education, UiTM. The findings showed a high level of readiness among trainee teachers. An important finding from the data showed that students needed more individual attention be the most predominant challenge in teaching practice among the participants. This study sheds light into the crucial needs to help trainees teachers to raise the standard of teaching and to develop world-class teaching capabilities needed for classroom instructions in the 21st century millenium

    State of the Art Study on Aging of Asphalt Mixtures and Use of Antioxidant Additives

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    The detrimental effects of hardening in asphalt pavements were first recognized by pioneering pavement engineers in the 1900s and have been studied extensively during the last 70 years. This hardening process, referred to as asphalt aging, is generally defined as change in the rheological properties of asphalt binders/mixtures due to changes in chemical composition during construction and its service life period. Aging causes the asphalt material to stiffen and embrittle, which affects the durability and leads to a high potential for cracking. This paper presents the state of the art on asphalt and asphalt mixture aging and use of antioxidant additives to retard the aging. A picture of complex molecular structure of asphalt and its changes due to atmospheric condition and various protocols used to simulate aging in laboratory environment are also discussed. Emphasis is given on recent studies on simulation of aging of asphalt mixtures as there has been limited research on mixtures compared to the asphalt binder. Finally, this paper presents the application of antiaging techniques and its mechanism, use of various types of antioxidant additives to retard aging of asphalt and, hence, improve the performance of asphalt pavements.This paper was made possible by the NPRP grant (NPRP 6-773-2-320) from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation)

    Comparison of Ondansetron and Dexamethasone for Prophylaxis of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Surgeries: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Background. Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is a significant complication after laparoscopic surgeries. Ondansetron and dexamethasone are most commonly used drugs for PONV prophylaxis. Comparisons of these two drugs have not been systematically reviewed till date. Methods. PubMed, PubMed Central, and CENTRAL databases were searched with the following words: “dexamethasone,” “ondansetron,” “laparoscopy,” and “PONV” to identify randomized trials that compared ondansetron and dexamethasone for PONV prophylaxis after laparoscopic surgeries. Results. Data of 592 patients from 7 RCTs have been included in this meta-analysis. Incidence of postoperative nausea at 4–6 h is significantly lower when dexamethasone was used instead of ondansetron (p=0.04; OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.24–0.98, M-H fixed). Incidence of nausea is similar at 24 hours (p=0.08, OR 0.71, 95% CI 0.48, 1.05; M-H fixed); vomiting is also similar at 4–6 h (p=0.43, OR 1.27, 95% CI 0.70–2.27; M-H fixed) and also at 24 h (p=0.46, OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.73, 1.16; M-H fixed). Conclusion. Dexamethasone is superior to ondansetron in preventing postoperative nausea after 4–6 h of laparoscopic surgeries. However, both the drugs are of equal efficacy in preventing postoperative vomiting up to 24 h after surgery. However, results should be interpreted with caution due to clinical heterogeneity in the included studies
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