79 research outputs found

    Egendomsskydd vid brand i flerbostadshus

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    The purpose with the thesis is to compare reasons to why fire-related spreads occur in apartment buildings and examine the significanse for the extent of property damage. The aim is to provide a basis for judging the risk of property loss and need of improved property safety in case of fire in the apartment buildings. The report has shown that several spreads have occurred through the apartment door to the stairwell, often in the form of smoke. The result also shows that the building material is rarely critical to fire safety. It is not necessarily a heightened risk of spread between compartments due to burnable building materials like cellular plastic insulation or wood alone. However, there are trends in the analysis showing that the material could be of greater significance in larger fires, but it is difficult to determine from the limited sample used in the thesis

    Brandteknisk riskvÀrdering av BorÄs Kulturhus

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    This report is the result of a fire safety evaluation of BorÄs Kulturhus. The report was written by students at the Fire Protection Engineering program at Lund University. The project focuses on the public safety within the building and not on the damage of the property. The building includes different types of activities such as theatre, public library and art museum. The aim was to evaluate the existing fire protection system and find the weaknesses in the system. Initially a visit was made at the object to gather information and get an overview of the building. Risk identification was then carried out to identify the worst case scenarios considering the public safety in the building. Comparisons between time to critical conditions caused by a fire and the time to evacuation were made to see if the fire safety is satisfactory. The areas regarding the two theaters was of most concern and the ones were most improvements were needed. Examples of improvements are education, information and fire safety equipment. The fire safety routines among the staff were estimated to be good according to the visit at BorÄs Kulturhus

    Inequalities in diet and physical activity in Europe

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    The contribution of food, nutrition and physical activity to inequalities in health across Europe is largely unexplored. This paper summarizes cross sectional survey data on food patterns and nutrient intakes, and briefer data on physical activity, by various indicators of socio-economic status for countries across Europe. Factors are examined which underlie the outcome data seen. These include structural and material conditions and circumstances which contribute to excluding sociodemographic groups from participating in mainstream patterns of living. Trends in social and economic conditions, and their implications for nutritional and physical wellbeing are briefly outlined

    Developing a model to estimate the potential impact of municipal investment on city health

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    This article summarizes a process which exemplifies the potential impact of municipal investment on the burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in city populations. We report on Developing an evidence-based approach to city public health planning and investment in Europe (DECiPHEr), a project part funded by the European Union. It had twin objectives: first, to develop and validate a vocational educational training package for policy makers and political decision takers; second, to use this opportunity to iterate a robust and user-friendly investment tool for maximizing the public health impact of 'mainstream' municipal policies, programs and investments. There were seven stages in the development process shared by an academic team from Sheffield Hallam University and partners from four cities drawn from the WHO European Healthy Cities Network. There were five iterations of the model resulting from this process. The initial focus was CVD as the biggest cause of death and disability in Europe. Our original prototype 'cost offset' model was confined to proximal determinants of CVD, utilizing modified 'Framingham' equations to estimate the impact of population level cardiovascular risk factor reduction on future demand for acute hospital admissions. The DECiPHEr iterations first extended the scope of the model to distal determinants and then focused progressively on practical interventions. Six key domains of local influence on population health were introduced into the model by the development process: education, housing, environment, public health, economy and security. Deploying a realist synthesis methodology, the model then connected distal with proximal determinants of CVD. Existing scientific evidence and cities' experiential knowledge were 'plugged-in' or 'triangulated' to elaborate the causal pathways from domain interventions to public health impacts. A key product is an enhanced version of the cost offset model, named Sheffield Health Effectiveness Framework Tool, incorporating both proximal and distal determinants in estimating the cost benefits of domain interventions. A key message is that the insights of the policy community are essential in developing and then utilising such a predictive tool

    Metal release from contaminated estuarine sediment under pH changes in the marine environment

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    The contaminant release from estuarine sediment due to pH changes was investigated using a modified CEN/TS 14429 pH-dependence leaching test. The test is performed in the range of pH values of 0-14 using deionised water and seawater as leaching solutions. The experimental conditions mimic different circumstances of the marine environment due to the global acidification, carbon dioxide (CO2) leakages from carbon capture and sequestration technologies, and accidental chemical spills in seawater. Leaching test results using seawater as leaching solution show a better neutralisation capacity giving slightly lower metal leaching concentrations than when using deionised water. The contaminated sediment shows a low base-neutralisation capacity (BNCpH 12 = -0.44 eq/kg for deionised water and BNCpH 12 = -1.38 eq/kg for seawater) but a high acid-neutralisation capacity when using deionised water (ANCpH 4 = 3.58 eq/ kg) and seawater (ANCpH 4 = 3.97 eq/kg). Experimental results are modelled with the Visual MINTEQ geochemical software to predict metal release from sediment using both leaching liquids. Surface adsorption to iron- and aluminium- (hydr)oxides was applied for all studied elements. The consideration of the metal-organic matter binding through the NICA-Donnan model and Stockholm Humic Model for lead and copper, respectively, improves the former metal release prediction. Modelled curves can be useful for the environmental impact assessment of seawater acidification due to its match with the experimental values.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Project No. CTM 2011-28437-C02-01, ERDF included. M. C. MartıŽn-Torre was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness by means of FPI. Fellowship No. BES-2012-053816

    Fiction in education : What role has fiction in education?

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    The purpose of my study is to investigate the wideness of working with fiction in education during the early years in primary school. I want to see in what way fiction is involved and why the teachers choose to work the way they are with fiction. I also want to see what kind of effects this work could have on the development of the pupils. I've done interviews with four teachers to find out about their opinions when it comes to involve fiction into the education. The teachers are all working with pupils between nine and eleven years old. All of the teachers had daily work with silent reading, and the teachers also were reading out loud every day. Reflecting and discussing the books together were very common in the four classrooms. This is giving the pupils empathy and understanding of the world around them. Another way to work with fiction is to use it in different kinds of themes. This is a excellent way to integrate subjects with each other and this work also gives the pupils space to control the education a bit for themselves. All of the teachers used fiction in subjects like geography and history, but the use of fiction was most common in the subject Swedish and certainly with reading. The reason why the teachers worked with fiction in education seemed to be that the all had a big interest in fiction themselves and that they wanted to transmit that feeling to the pupils. Working with fiction can be a great way to make the learning joyful and we can use it I many ways. It's just our own creativity that makes the boundaries

    Multipel kemisk sensitivitet och sjuka hus-syndromet : En kvalitativ teoretisk studie

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    Syftet med detta lÀrdomsprov var att göra en artikelsammanstÀllning över ny litteratur om multipel kemisk sensitivitet och sjuka hus-syndromet, redogöra för vad de innebÀr samt forska inom livskvaliteten för denna patientgrupp. Syftet med studien var Àven att öka kunskapen om de nya syndromen. FrÄgestÀllningarna var: 1) Vilka symtom och reaktioner beskrivs i ny litteratur som kan lÀnkas till multipel kemisk sensitivitet (MCS)? 2) Vilka symtom och reaktioner beskrivs i ny litteratur som kan lÀnkas till sjuka hus-syndrom (SBS)? 3) Hur kan patienter med MCS och SBS uppnÄ god livskvalitet? Som datainsamlingsmetod anvÀndes dokumentstudie och översiktsartikel. Databearbetningen gjordes med hjÀlp av innehÄllsanalys. Resultatet i undersökningen visade att de vanligaste symtomen för multipel kemisk sensitivitet var trötthet/slöhet, koncentrationssvÄrigheter, muskelvÀrk, minnessvÄrigheter, symtom frÄn ögon och luftvÀgar, irritationssymtom samt försÀmring av hjÀrnfunktionen, speciellt i luktsinnet. De vanligaste symtomen för sjuka hus-syndromet var slemhinnesymtom, torrhetssymtom, huvudvÀrk, förkylningssymtom, trötthet och utmattning samt depression. Resultatet visade Àven att patienter med MCS och SBS i dagens lÀge har svÄrt att uppleva god livskvalitet.The purpose of this study was to make an article summary of new literature about multiple chemical sensitivity and sick building syndrome, describe what it means and research how people with these syndromes experience quality of life. The purpose of this study was also to increase knowledge about these new syndromes. The research questions of this study were: 1) What symptoms and reactions described in new literature can be linked to multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)? 2) What symptoms and reactions described in new literature can be linked to sick building syndrome (SBS)? 3) How do patients with MCS and SBS achieve good quality of life? The method used for collecting data in this study was document study. The data was then analyzed using content analysis. The results showed that the most common symptoms of MCS were fatigue/lethargy, concentration difficulties, memory difficulties, eye and respiratory symptoms, irritation symptoms and impairment of brain function. The most common symptoms of SBS were mucosal and dryness symptoms and headaches. The results also showed that patients with MCS and SBS have difficulties in experiencing good quality of life

    Att vara, eller icke vara en reflekterande praktiker. : En undersökning om nÄgra förskolepedagogers didaktiska övervÀganden i den mÄngkulturella lÀrandemiljöns kontext.

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate and to analyse didactic considerations and decisions made by pre-school teachers in the context of a multi-cultural pedagogical environment. The basic theoretical perspective is social constructivism, but notions from Donald A. Schön and John Dewey's theories of thinking and reflection have also informed the study; even Hans Lorentz' definition of a multi-cultural pedagogical environment has been employed as an analytic tool. The empirical study consists of a qualitative field study at a pre-school, where participatory observation and a group interview have been used in order to collect data. Those who participated were teachers at the pre-school. The results of the study, when analysed in accordance with the method, shows mainly three things. First of all that the teachers at the pre-school, in their didactic considerations, make use of the following methods of knowledge formation: knowledge-in-practice, reflection-in-practice, reflection on practice, reflection on knowledge-in-practice, and reflection on reflection-in-practice. Secondly, that no reflection particularly on the learning conditions in a multi-cultural pedagogical environment takes place. Finally, that there is little time available for the teachers for reflection at all, either individually or collectively. A conclusion I draw from the study is that, if the teachers at pre-schools should be able to reflect consciously about their work, and to transform not consciously reflected thinking about it into consciously reflected thinking, it is necessary for them to resort to explicit and focused conversations with one another. A further conclusion is that lack of time for reflection among teachers at pre-schools renders difficult a conscious discussion among them about the multi-cultural pedagogical aspect of their work context. This means that, unless they are given the time they need they are bound to end up in a kind of dilemma: In order to fulfil their special mission they need to reflect on it, but there is no time for them to do so

    Risk- och skyddsfaktorer för unga alkoholkonsumtion i Finland

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    Syftet med avhandlingen Àr att studera ungdomars alkoholkonsumtion i Finland. I denna avhandling har jag valt att begrÀnsa mig till minderÄriga ungdomar. Jag vill genom undersökningen ta reda pÄ vilka faktorer som Àr kopplade till ungdomars alkoholkonsumtion. Vilka risk- och skyddsfaktorer Àr sammankopplade med ungas alkoholkonsumtion? Finns det Älders- och/eller könsskillnader i dessa riskfaktorer? Avhandlingen baseras pÄ statistik och tidigare forskning om ungdomars alkoholkonsumtion samt studier som redan gjorts om risk- och skyddsfaktorer. Jag har gjort en kvantitativ studie med data frÄn enkÀten HÀlsa i skolan som genomförts av Institutet för HÀlsa och VÀlfÀrd (THL) Är 2013. Analysmetoden Àr en bivariat och en multivariat regressionsanalys som har gjorts i SPSS. De respondenter som besvarat alla enkÀtfrÄgor som valdes ut till analysen inkluderades i analyserna. Sammanlagt blev antalet 14 955 pojkar och 16 305 flickor i Äk 8 samt 16 484 pojkar och 18 144 flickor i Äk 9. Variablerna som anvÀnts i analysen har valts baserat pÄ tidigare forskning och vilka frÄgor som fanns med i enkÀten HÀlsa i skolan. Tidigare forskning visar att trenden för ungas alkoholkonsumtion har minskat men det förekommer ÀndÄ. Av de respondenter som besvarat enkÀten HÀlsa i skolan Är 2013 menar 19,2 % av pojkarna och flickorna i Äk 8 att de regelbundet dricker alkohol. Bland de i Äk 9 dricker 34,6 % av pojkarna och 33,7 % av flickorna regelbundet. Undersökningen visar att det finns vissa faktorer som kan öka risken för alkoholkonsumtion hos ungdomar. Dessa faktorer Àr bland annat rökning, snusning, attityder till berusningsdrickande och att förÀldrarna sÀllan kÀnner till ungdomens helgaktiviteter. Faktorer som i min undersökning visade sig kunna fungera som skyddsfaktorer Àr att inte ha nÄgra nÀra vÀnner, blivit utsatt för mobbning och att motionera mera sÀllan. Mitt resultat överensstÀmmer i stora drag med tidigare forskning i Àmnet
