48 research outputs found

    Desobediencia gubernamental de sentencias tutelares de derechos fundamentales

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    Estudio demostrativo de la vocación autoritaria del actual gobierno de Bolivia vía contrastación de las obligaciones internacionales en materia de derecho internacional de los derechos humanos asumidos por el Estado boliviano a partir de la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos (Pacto de San José), con el estudio de la casuística descriptiva y analítica de dos casos paradigmåticos, denominados como caso 'Importadores de vehículos' y caso 'Porvenir', así como también la cita específica de otros casos anålogos.This is a demonstrative investigation. Its main purpose is to demonstrate the authoritarian vocation of the current administration. To do so, the article analyses the international human rights obligations assumed by the Bolivian State through the American Convention of Human Rights (San José Agreement) and applies them to two paradigmatic cases, named as 'Vehicles'' importers' and 'Porvenir'. Similar cases are also quoted

    Addressing Grief in College Life

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    Grief Group -Chaplains (Greenville, SC

    La estructura de las formas libres

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    Effects of Acetazolamide on Transient K+ Currents and Action Potentials in Nodose Ganglion Neurons of Adult Rats

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    The aim of the present study was to determine whether acetazolamide (AZ) contributes to the inhibition of the fast inactivating transient K+ current (IA) in adult rat nodose ganglion (NG) neurons. We have previously shown that pretreatment with either AZ or 4-AP attenuated or blocked the CO2-induced inhibition of slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors in in vivo experiments. The patch-clamp experiments were performed by using the isolated NG neurons. In addition to this, the RT-PCR of mRNA and the expression of voltage-gated K+ (Kv) 1.4, Kv 4.1, Kv 4.2, and Kv 4.3 channel proteins from nodose ganglia were examined. We used NG neurons sensitive to the 1 mM AZ application. The application of 1 mM AZ inhibited the IA by approximately 27% and the additional application of 4-AP (1 mM) further inhibited IA by 48%. The application of 0.1 ÎŒM α-dendrotoxin (α-DTX), a slow inactivating transient K+ current (ID) blocker, inhibited the baseline IA by approximately 27%, and the additional application of 1 mM AZ further decreased the IA by 51%. In current clamp experiments, AZ application (1 mM) increased the number of action potentials due to the decreased duration of the depolarizing phase of action potentials and/or due to a reduction in the resting membrane potential. Four voltage-gated K+ channel proteins were present, and most (80–90%) of the four Kv channels immunoreactive neurons showed the co-expression of carbonic anhydrase-II (CA-II) immunoreactivity. These results indicate that the application of AZ causes the reduction in IA via the inhibition of four voltage-gated K+ channel (Kv) proteins without affecting ID

    «Todos somos iguales». La Revolución de la Igualdad en Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 1876-1877

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    The Equality Revolution in Santa Cruz (1876-1877), also known as the equality movement, was a conflict between the pairing of the common urban class and local elites who defended a development formula that championed a modern age that balanced the social values of the traditional and patriarchal society, and other local elites who benefited from the boom of free-market capitalism. The political actions of the egalitarians was influenced by the ideology of romantic socialism in its different stages and combined legal formulas with pressure from peasant militia and civil uprisings. The disruption between the project defending a selfmanaged local way of life and local/state modernization priorities led to a state of repression rarely seen in XIX century Santa Cruz society.La Revolución de Igualdad en Santa Cruz (1876-1877) o movimiento igualitario fue un conflicto entre el binomio formado por las capas plebeyas urbanas y las elites locales, defensoras de la fórmula del desarrollo que abogaba por una modernidad en equilibrio con los valores sociales de la sociedad patriarcal y tradicional, y otras elites locales, beneficiarias del auge del capitalismo de libre cambio. La actuación política de los igualitarios estuvo influenciada por las ideas del socialismo romåntico en todas sus etapas y combinó formas legales con presión armada montonera y sublevación popular. El desajuste entre este proyecto de defensa de un autogestionado modo de vida local y las prioridades locales/estatales de modernización provocó una represión del mismo pocas veces vista en la sociedad cruceña en el siglo XIX

    Mutations in SLC29A3, Encoding an Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporter ENT3, Cause a Familial Histiocytosis Syndrome (Faisalabad Histiocytosis) and Familial Rosai-Dorfman Disease

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    The histiocytoses are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterised by an excessive number of histiocytes. In most cases the pathophysiology is unclear and treatment is nonspecific. Faisalabad histiocytosis (FHC) (MIM 602782) has been classed as an autosomal recessively inherited form of histiocytosis with similarities to Rosai-Dorfman disease (RDD) (also known as sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy (SHML)). To elucidate the molecular basis of FHC, we performed autozygosity mapping studies in a large consanguineous family and identified a novel locus at chromosome 10q22.1. Mutation analysis of candidate genes within the target interval identified biallelic germline mutations in SLC29A3 in the FHC kindred and in two families reported to have familial RDD. Analysis of SLC29A3 expression during mouse embryogenesis revealed widespread expression by e14.5 with prominent expression in the central nervous system, eye, inner ear, and epithelial tissues including the gastrointestinal tract. SLC29A3 encodes an intracellular equilibrative nucleoside transporter (hENT3) with affinity for adenosine. Recently germline mutations in SLC29A3 were also described in two rare autosomal recessive disorders with overlapping phenotypes: (a) H syndrome (MIM 612391) that is characterised by cutaneous hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis, hepatomegaly, heart anomalies, hearing loss, and hypogonadism; and (b) PHID (pigmented hypertrichosis with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) syndrome. Our findings suggest that a variety of clinical diagnoses (H and PHID syndromes, FHC, and familial RDD) can be included in a new diagnostic category of SLC29A3 spectrum disorder

    Animation av MOBS till Dreamlords - The Reawakening : Att animera karaktÀrer till ett MMORTS

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      Det hĂ€r Ă€r en reflexiv rapport som hör till det verk jag har skapat i mitt examensarbete pĂ„ Högskolan i Skövde. Verket bestĂ„r av ett trettiotal animationer skapade för fyra olika Mobs (Movable Objects), det vill sĂ€ga icke-spelbara, fientliga karaktĂ€rer i datorspel. Rapporten beskriver min arbetsprocess och mina tankar kring verket, och har som syfte att ge en inblick i och om möjligt Ă€ven ge lĂ€rdomar om hur man animerar karaktĂ€rer för realtidsstrategispel (RTS) i fantasy-miljö. Det centrala datorspelet för den hĂ€r rapporten samt verket Ă€r Dreamlords – The Reawakening (Lockpick Entertainment, 2008).   De huvudsakliga frĂ„gorna jag tar upp i den hĂ€r rapporten avser hur den generella grafiska stilen i Dreamlords pĂ„verkar animationerna, samt hur dessa bör te sig i spelet – dels de grafiska och designmĂ€ssiga kraven som har funnits frĂ„n Lockpick Entertainments sida men Ă€ven i relation till andra spel av liknande genre. Jag drar paralleller till det framgĂ„ngsrika datorspelet Warcraft III (Blizzard Entertainment, 2002), och tar Ă€ven upp litteratur som har hjĂ€lpt mig i sĂ„vĂ€l mitt teoretiska som mitt praktiska arbete. Den inkluderar tidigare examensarbeten samt böcker om klassisk och 3d-animation, och jag har Ă€ven funnit relevans i att studera teorier om genre och kroppssprĂ„k.   De viktigaste lĂ€rdomarna jag har erhĂ„llit frĂ„n det hĂ€r arbetet har grundats frĂ€mst i mitt praktiska arbete och inkluderar bland annat anvĂ€ndningen av animationsprincipen exaggeration (överdrift), som har visat sig vara mycket viktig för att tydliggöra animationerna i spelet – nĂ„gonting som Ă€r av sĂ€rskild vikt i RTS-spel dĂ€r perspektivet innebĂ€r att karaktĂ€rerna blir mycket smĂ„ pĂ„ skĂ€rmen

    SAR Studies of Capsazepinod Bronchodilators. The A-ring and the Coupling region

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    Bronchoconstriction is a hallmark in respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Current therapies use bronchodilating agents in order to control the exacerbations produced by limited airflow and improve the quality of life of patients suffering from these diseases. Capsazepine, a compound derived from the active principle of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum), capsaicin, was found in this study to relax the constriction induced by several constricting agents in human small airway smooth muscle in vitro. Assays were performed in order to unravel its mechanism of action. Mechanisms such as Beta2-adrenoreceptor agonism, muscarinic receptor antagonism, TRPV1 mediated mechanism and inhibition of voltage operated calcium channels were excluded, suggesting the possibility of a novel mechanism of action. Capsazepine derivatives (capsazepinoids) were synthesized. This thesis discusses the synthesis of 2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-2-benzazepine (7-membered B-ring), 2,3,4,5-tetrahydro-1H-3-benzazepine (symmetrical 7-membered B-ring), 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (6-membered B-ring) and isoindoline (5-membered B-ring) derivatives having different substitution patterns in the aromatic A-ring. Derivatives where the thiourea functionality in the coupling region has been replaced by either amide or urea were synthesized as well. All derivatives synthesized were tested for its in vitro bronchorelaxing activity using human small bronchi (0.5-1.5 mm of diameter). The values of activity obtained were correlated with the structure of the compounds. The analysis was solely based on structural features since the target is not known. In addition, a conformational analysis of derivatives having 5, 6 and 7-membered B-rings was made in order to strengthen the structure-activity relationships found