324 research outputs found

    Balancing life and death during the golden minute – midwives’ experiences of performing newborn resuscitation

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    Brendan McCormack - ORCID: 0000-0001-8525-8905 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8525-8905Purpose: To explore midwives’ experiences in performing newborn resuscitation on maternity wards.Patients and Methods: It was a qualitative study, using a phenomenological hermeneutic approach. Individual interviews with 16 clinical midwives working in Norwegian maternity wards were conducted from August 2018 to January 2019.Results: The complexity underlying how midwives balance responsibility and vulnerability when performing newborn resuscitation during the Golden Minute was revealed. Midwives described the stress they experienced during resuscitation events and their need for support and confirmation after performing newborn resuscitation.Conclusion: The vulnerability and responsibility that midwives bear for mothers and newborns simultaneously affected midwives in several ways. We saw that midwives need support and confirmation to be prepared for newborn resuscitation. We also found that a lack of knowledge, skills and experience were barriers to midwives feeling prepared. Simulation training, including tailored programs, are suggested to improve midwives’ skills and help them feel prepared for real-life resuscitations. The importance of midwives’ assessment during the Golden Minute and further investigation from other perspectives are needed to understand fully this clinical complexity.https://doi.org/10.2147/JMDH.S2689592020pubpub1

    Limited benefit of marine protein hydrolysate on physical function and strength in older adults : a randomized controlled trial

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    Age-related muscle wasting can compromise functional abilities of the elderly. Protein intake stimulates muscle protein synthesis; however, ageing muscle is more resistant to stimuli. This double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial is one of the first registered studies to evaluate the effects of a supplement of marine protein hydrolysate (MPH) on measures of physical function and strength. Eighty-six older adults received nutritional supplements containing 3 g of MPH or a placebo for up to 12 months. Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), grip strength and gait speed were measured, and dietary intake was registered at baseline, 6 months, and 12 months. No difference was found between the intervention and control groups in mean change in SPPB (independent sample t-test, p = 0.41) or regarding time trend in SPPB, grip strength, or gait speed (linear mixed model). The participants in our study were well functioning, causing a ceiling effect in SPPB. Further, they had sufficient protein intake and were physically active. Differences in physical function between those completing the intervention and the dropouts might also have created bias in the results. We recommend that future studies of MPH be carried out on a more frail or malnourished population. Keywords: hydrolysate, fish protein, ageing, physical function, dietary assessment, seafood intake, healthy ageingpublishedVersio

    Hybrid Group IV Nanophotonic Structures Incorporating Diamond Silicon-Vacancy Color Centers

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    We demonstrate a new approach for engineering group IV semiconductor-based quantum photonic structures containing negatively charged silicon-vacancy (SiV−^-) color centers in diamond as quantum emitters. Hybrid SiC/diamond structures are realized by combining the growth of nanoand micro-diamonds on silicon carbide (3C or 4H polytype) substrates, with the subsequent use of these diamond crystals as a hard mask for pattern transfer. SiV−^- color centers are incorporated in diamond during its synthesis from molecular diamond seeds (diamondoids), with no need for ionimplantation or annealing. We show that the same growth technique can be used to grow a diamond layer controllably doped with SiV−^- on top of a high purity bulk diamond, in which we subsequently fabricate nanopillar arrays containing high quality SiV−^- centers. Scanning confocal photoluminescence measurements reveal optically active SiV−^- lines both at room temperature and low temperature (5 K) from all fabricated structures, and, in particular, very narrow linewidths and small inhomogeneous broadening of SiV−^- lines from all-diamond nano-pillar arrays, which is a critical requirement for quantum computation. At low temperatures (5 K) we observe in these structures the signature typical of SiV−^- centers in bulk diamond, consistent with a double lambda. These results indicate that high quality color centers can be incorporated into nanophotonic structures synthetically with properties equivalent to those in bulk diamond, thereby opening opportunities for applications in classical and quantum information processing

    ”Hvordan unngĂ„ motstand?”

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    IKEA sitt konsept tar utgangspunkt i Ă„ tilby et sortiment av hjeminnredningsprodukter som de fleste mennesker skal ha rĂ„d til, og de tilbyr varehus over hele verden. MĂ„let deres er Ă„ bidra til at flere fĂ„r et bedre liv hjemme. IKEA kundesenter gjennomfĂžrte en omorganisering i 2016. Ønsket effekt av organisasjonsendringen var at kundene skulle oppleve enklere kontakt med kundesenteret. Teamene pĂ„ kundesenteret ble omrokert og doblet i antall. Omorganiseringen medfĂžrte en endring i team, arbeidsoppgaver, arbeidsplasser, arbeidstid og krav til kompetanse. Det var en endring som var preget av mye motstand og flere ansatte valgte Ă„ slutte pĂ„ arbeidsplassen. PĂ„ bakgrunn av dette valgte vi fĂžlgende problemstilling: ”Hvordan kan ledelsen pĂ„ IKEA unngĂ„ motstand i en endringsprosess gjennom involvering?” Hensikten er Ă„ undersĂžke hvordan ledelsen i IKEA kundesenter kan benytte involvering for Ă„ unngĂ„ motstand under en endring. Vi valgte dette temaet fordi det er avgjĂžrende for utfallet av en endringsprosess, at de ansatte stĂžtter endringen. For Ă„ samle inn data til vĂ„r undersĂžkelse benyttet vi en kvalitativ metode, hvor vi gjennomfĂžrte dybdeintervjuer. Vi valgte denne metoden fordi vi Ăžnsket et intensivt forskningsdesign med fĂ„ enheter og mange variabler. PĂ„ den mĂ„ten fikk vi frem hvordan de ansatte tolker og forstĂ„r en gitt situasjon. I denne undersĂžkelsen kom vi frem til at kommunikasjon, forpliktelse og deltakelse er viktige variabler for Ă„ redusere motstand. Det er viktig Ă„ pĂ„peke at vi ikke har undersĂžkt noen andre faktorer ved motstand, eller i hvilken grad disse faktorene er med pĂ„ Ă„ pĂ„virke motstand. PĂ„ bakgrunn av dette kan vi ikke si at kommunikasjon, forpliktelse eller deltakelse er mer eller mindre viktige enn andre aspekter ved motstand. Vi konkluderte med at kommunikasjonsplan, godt samarbeid mellom topplederne og mellomlederne, formidling av Ă„rsak og bakgrunn, og relevant informasjon er viktige faktorer ved kommunikasjon. Et godt helhetsinntrykk av organisasjonens arbeidsmiljĂž, jobbsikkerhet, deltakelse og som vi antar lĂžnnstilfredshet, er viktige faktorer ved forpliktelse. Til slutt fant vi ut at aktiv deltakelse, positive holdninger til deltakelse, tilrettelegging for innspill og at ansatte blir hĂžrt er viktige faktorer ved deltakelse

    Cutaneous lesions in freshwater turtles (Emydura macquarii krefftii and Myuchelys latisternum) in a rainforest creek in North Queensland, Australia

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    Freshwater turtles inhabit most rivers and creeks on the east coast of Australia, but some species are only found in specific catchments, which makes them vulnerable to extinction. During annual fieldtrips to Alligator Creek, North Queensland, the resident population of Myuchelys latisternum and Emydura macquarii krefftii in a natural pond, just outside Bowling Green National Park, have been surveyed for a number of years and demographic data recorded against tagged turtles. Rounded, cutaneous lesions on individual animals were first noted in August 2016, three years after the first survey of the population. Turtles living in the upstream sections of the creek were not affected. An initial investigation into the cause of the lesions ruled out pollutants and although the bacterial communities appeared to be different on turtles with lesions, a causative agent was not identified. Attempts to isolate virus in culture was not successful and specific PCRs for ranavirus, papillomavirus, adenovirus and herpesvirus did not identify their presence. Blood biochemical parameters, body condition and activity levels were not significantly different between affected turtles and those without lesions. The turtles in this pond were monitored regularly over the following three years with 249 M. latisternum and 192 E. m. krefftii captured, tagged and released. The prevalence of the lesions fluctuated with season from 0 to 77 and 68% respectively, but did not vary significantly between species or sex in adults. There was a tendency for larger animals to be more likely to have lesions. The position of the lesions on the turtles was mostly on dorsal surfaces, distally on the legs and proximal on the tales of males, indicating that the initial lesion may have been associated with a behaviourally induced trauma. Recaptured animals (n = 43) during this period, provided records of lesion progression over time and while some healed up between capture events, others persisted for up to 24 months. Some turtles were repeatedly captured without lesions. Intra-species aggression associated with seasonal behaviours could potentially be the primary cause of skin trauma, followed by a secondary invasion of an unusual pathogen present in the environment

    Teollisuuden pÀÀstödirektiivin (IED) voimaansaattaminen ja muita ympÀristönsuojelulain kehittÀmisajatuksia

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    Teollisuuden pÀÀstöjĂ€ koskeva direktiivi (2010/75/EU, IE-direktiivi) tulee voimaan 6.1.2011. IE-direktiivin myötĂ€ ympĂ€ristönsuojelulakia (YSL) on vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€töntĂ€ uudistaa laaja-alaisesti. Direktiivin yksityiskohtaisen sÀÀntely ja siitĂ€ johtuva kansallisen lainsÀÀdĂ€nnön uudistamistarve johtaa merkittĂ€viin muutoksiin. IE-direktiivi korvaa myös erÀÀt teollisia toimintoja koskevat erityisvaatimukset, joista aiemmin on sÀÀdetty omina toimialakohtaisina direktiiveinÀÀn. TĂ€rkein muutos IE-direktiivissĂ€ on parasta kĂ€yttökelpoista tekniikkaa (BAT) koskeva muutos, kun BAT-vertailuasiakirjojen BAT-pÀÀtelmiin sisĂ€ltyvĂ€t pÀÀstötasot tulevat sitoviksi. Raportissa on hahmoteltu IE-direktiivistĂ€ johtuvat muutokset nykyiseen ympĂ€ristönsuojelulainsÀÀdĂ€ntöömme. IE-direktiivistĂ€ johtuvien muutosten tekemisen yhteydessĂ€ olisi kĂ€ytĂ€nnöllistĂ€ uudistaa YSL:ia laajemminkin sekĂ€ rakenteellisesti ettĂ€ sisĂ€llöllisesti. Raportissa on hahmoteltu erilaisia, muuhun kuin IE-direktiiviin perustuvia YSL:n sisĂ€llöllisiĂ€ muutoksia – osa on pieniĂ€ sanamuodon tarkistuksia ja osa laajempia uudistuksia. LisĂ€tiedot: Neuvotteleva virkamies Sirpa Salo-Asikainen, ympĂ€ristöministeriö, [email protected] Tohtorikoulutettava Eeva-Maija Puheloinen, Helsingin yliopisto,  [email protected]

    Agency and economic change in regions: identifying routes to new path development using qualitative comparative analysis

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    This paper investigates the role of human agency in 40 phases of regional economic development in 12 Nordic regions over 30 years. It contributes with a theoretical framework to study agency over time and a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis based on a unique dataset combining over 200 interviews, with printed and online sources, and quantitative data. The paper identifies which combinations of agency types and context conditions make industrial upgrading or diversification possible, and investigates how such combinations come into being. The causal claims from this analysis are illustrated with empirical examples and discussed in relation to previous literature.Agency and economic change in regions: identifying routes to new path development using qualitative comparative analysispublishedVersio

    Transitions Into Underage and Problem Drinking: Summary of Developmental Processes and Mechanisms: Ages 10–15

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    Adolescents ages 10–15 experience dramatic changes in their biological, cognitive, emotional, and social development as well as in their physical and social environments. These include the physiological and psychological changes associated with puberty; further development of the brain; changes in family, peer, and romantic relationships; and exposure to new societal and cultural influences. During this period, many adolescents also begin to use alcohol. Alcohol use during adolescence has adverse effects on the body and increases the risk of alcohol dependence later in life. To better understand why some children drink whereas others do not, researchers are examining nonspecific and alcohol-specific factors that put adolescents at risk for, or which protect them from, early alcohol use and its associated problems. Nonspecific risk factors include certain temperamental and personality traits, family factors, and nonnormative development. Examples of nonspecific protective factors include certain temperamental characteristics, religiosity, and parenting factors (e.g., parental nurturance and monitoring). Among the most influential alcohol-specific risk and protective factors are a family history of alcoholism and the influences of siblings and peers, all of which shape an adolescent’s expectancies about the effects of alcohol, which in turn help determine alcohol use behaviors

    Complete response to anti-interleukin-5 biologics in a real-life setting:results from the nationwide Danish Severe Asthma Register

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    BACKGROUND: Phase III regulatory trials show that anti-interleukin (IL)-5 biologics efficiently reduce exacerbations and the use of maintenance oral corticosteroids (mOCS) in patients with severe eosinophilic asthma. However, patients eligible for these trials differ significantly compared with real-life severe asthma populations. Therefore, our aim was to explore efficacy in a real-life setting. The Danish Severe Asthma Register (DSAR) is a complete, nationwide register that comprises all Danish patients on biological therapy for severe asthma. METHODS: This prospective study identified patients in the DSAR who were complete responders to anti-IL-5 biologics after 1 year of treatment. A complete response was defined as resolution of the parameter setting the indication, i.e. recurrent exacerbations and/or use of mOCS. RESULTS: A total of 289 out of 502 (58%) patients were complete responders to anti-IL-5 biologics after 12 months. Complete responders had greater improvements in forced expiratory volume in 1 s and Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) score compared with noncomplete responders (Δ 210 versus 30 mL; p<0.0001 and Δ −1.04 versus −0.68; p=0.016, respectively). A complete response was predicted by age at onset, less severe disease at baseline (i.e. no mOCS and lower ACQ score) and higher blood eosinophils. CONCLUSIONS: More than half of Danish patients treated with anti-IL-5 biologics for severe asthma achieve a complete response to treatment, thereby becoming free from asthma exacerbations and the need for mOCS. Complete responders also achieved superior effects on lung function and symptoms compared with noncomplete responders
