276 research outputs found

    Arsenic removal from natural groundwater using ‘green rust’: Solid phase stability and contaminant fate

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    Arsenic (As) contamination in groundwater remains a pressing global challenge. In this study, we evaluated the potential of green rust (GR), a redox-active iron phase frequently occurring in anoxic environments, to treat As contamination at a former wood preservation site. We performed long-term batch experiments by exposing synthetic GR sulfate (GRSO4) to As-free and As-spiked (6 mg L−1) natural groundwater at both 25 and 4 °C. At 25 °C, GRSO4 was metastable in As-free groundwater and transformed to GRCO3, and then fully to magnetite within 120 days; however, GRSO4 stability increased 7-fold by lowering the temperature to 4 °C, and 8-fold by adding As to the groundwater at 25 °C. Highest GRSO4 stability was observed when As was added to the groundwater at 4 °C. This stabilizing effect is explained by GR solubility being lowered by adsorbed As and/or lower temperatures, inhibiting partial GR dissolution required for transformation to GRCO3, and ultimately to magnetite. Despite these mineral transformations, all added As was removed from As-spiked samples within 120 days at 25 °C, while uptake was 2 times slower at 4 °C. Overall, we have successfully documented that GR is an important mineral substrate for As immobilization in anoxic subsurface environments

    Effects of metal cation substitution on hexavalent chromium reduction by green rust

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    Chromium contamination is a serious environmental issue in areas affected by leather tanning and metal plating, and green rust sulfate has been tested extensively as a potential material for in situ chemical reduction of hexavalent chromium in groundwater. Reported products and mechanisms for the reaction have varied, most likely because of green rust’s layered structure, as reduction at outer and interlayer surfaces might produce different reaction products with variable stabilities. Based on studies of Cr(III) oxidation by biogenic Mn (IV) oxides, Cr mobility in oxic soils is controlled by the solubility of the Cr(III)-bearing phase. Therefore, careful engineering of green rust properties, i.e., crystal/particle size, morphology, structure, and electron availability, is essential for its optimization as a remediation reagent. In the present study, pure green rust sulfate and green rust sulfate with Al, Mg and Zn substitutions were synthesized and reacted with identical chromate (CrO42−) solutions. The reaction products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, pair distribution function analysis, X-ray absorption spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy and treated with synthetic δ-MnO2 to assess how easily Cr(III) in the products could be oxidized. It was found that Mg substitution had the most beneficial effect on Cr lability in the product. Less than 2.5% of the Cr(III) present in the reacted Mg-GR was reoxidized by δ-MnO2 within 14 days, and the particle structure and Cr speciation observed during X-ray scattering and absorption analyses of this product suggested that Cr(VI) was reduced in its interlayer. Reduction in the interlayer lead to the linkage of newly-formed Cr(III) to hydroxyl groups in the adjacent octahedral layers, which resulted in increased structural coherency between these layers, distinctive rim domains, sequestration of Cr(III) in insoluble Fe oxide bonding environments resistant to reoxidation and partial transformation to Cr(III)-substituted feroxyhyte. Based on the results of this study of hexavalent chromium reduction by green rust sulfate and other studies, further improvements can also be made to this remediation technique by reacting chromate with a large excess of green rust sulfate, which provides excess Fe(II) that can catalyze transformation to more crystalline iron oxides, and synthesis of the reactant under alkaline conditions, which has been shown to favor chromium reduction in the interlayer of Fe(II)-bearing phyllosilicates

    How Short-Lived Ikaite Affects Calcite Crystallization

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    The pathways of CaCO₃ crystallization are manifold, often involving one or several metastable amorphous or nanocrystalline intermediate phases. The presence of such intermediates is often overlooked, because they are short-lived and/or occur at small molar fractions. However, their occurrence does not just impact the mechanisms and pathways of formation of the final stable CaCO₃ phase, but also affects their crystal size, shape, and structure. Here we document the presence of a short-lived intermediate through in situ and time-resolved small and wide-angle X-ray scattering combined with high resolution electron microscope observations. When ikaite forms concomitant with the dissolution of amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) but prior to calcite formation, fairly large glendonite-type calcite crystals grow despite the presence of citrate ligands that usually reduce crystal size. These were ideal seeding crystals for further crystallization from supersaturated ions in solution. In contrast, in the absence of ikaite the crystallization of calcite proceeds through transformation from ACC, resulting in fine-grained spherulitic calcite with sizes ∼8 times smaller than when ikaite was present. Noteworthy is that the formation of the intermediate ikaite, although it consumes less than 3 mol % of the total precipitated CaCO₃, still clearly affected the calcite formation mechanism

    Intercalation of aromatic sulfonates in ‘green rust’ via ion exchange

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    ‘Green rust’ intercalated with aromatic sulfonates can potentially be effective materials for the treatment of soil and groundwater polluted with chlorinated benzenes. We investigated the potential intercalation of benzene sulfonate (BzS) and 1,3-benzene disulfonate (BzDS) into green rust sulfate (GRSO4) via ion exchange. The GRSO4 reacted with various concentrations of sulfonates were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy. GR interacted with BzDS did not result in intercalation due to stearic hindrance and electrostatic repulsion. For BzS, mixtures of GRSO4 and GR-BzS (d001 = 14.3 Å) were obtained at molar equivalents of ion exchange capacity >5. The intercalation of BzS in the GR structure is limited (~18% intercalation) since BzS cannot fully replace SO42-. The BzS molecules are likely arranged in the interlayer as a dehydrated monolayer with the –SO3 groups facing away in alternate directions

    From uncertainty to reward: BOLD characteristics differentiate signaling pathways

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Reward value and uncertainty are represented by dopamine neurons in monkeys by distinct phasic and tonic firing rates. Knowledge about the underlying differential dopaminergic pathways is crucial for a better understanding of dopamine-related processes. Using functional magnetic resonance blood-oxygen level dependent (BOLD) imaging we analyzed brain activation in 15 healthy, male subjects performing a gambling task, upon expectation of potential monetary rewards at different reward values and levels of uncertainty.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Consistent with previous studies, ventral striatal activation was related to both reward magnitudes and values. Activation in medial and lateral orbitofrontal brain areas was best predicted by reward uncertainty. Moreover, late BOLD responses relative to trial onset were due to expectation of different reward values and likely to represent phasic dopaminergic signaling. Early BOLD responses were due to different levels of reward uncertainty and likely to represent tonic dopaminergic signals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that differential dopaminergic signaling as revealed in animal studies is not only represented locally by involvement of distinct brain regions but also by distinct BOLD signal characteristics.</p

    WiseEye: next generation expandable and programmable camera trap platform for wildlife research

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    Funding: The work was supported by the RCUK Digital Economy programme to the dot.rural Digital Economy Hub; award reference: EP/G066051/1. The work of S. Newey and RJI was part funded by the Scottish Government's Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services (RESAS). Details published as an Open Source Toolkit, PLOS Journals at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0169758Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    A deeply branching thermophilic bacterium with an ancient acetyl-CoA pathway dominates a subsurface ecosystem

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    <div><p>A nearly complete genome sequence of <em>Candidatus</em> ‘Acetothermum autotrophicum’, a presently uncultivated bacterium in candidate division OP1, was revealed by metagenomic analysis of a subsurface thermophilic microbial mat community. Phylogenetic analysis based on the concatenated sequences of proteins common among 367 prokaryotes suggests that <em>Ca.</em> ‘A. autotrophicum’ is one of the earliest diverging bacterial lineages. It possesses a folate-dependent Wood-Ljungdahl (acetyl-CoA) pathway of CO<sub>2</sub> fixation, is predicted to have an acetogenic lifestyle, and possesses the newly discovered archaeal-autotrophic type of bifunctional fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolase/phosphatase. A phylogenetic analysis of the core gene cluster of the acethyl-CoA pathway, shared by acetogens, methanogens, some sulfur- and iron-reducers and dechlorinators, supports the hypothesis that the core gene cluster of <em>Ca.</em> ‘A. autotrophicum’ is a particularly ancient bacterial pathway. The habitat, physiology and phylogenetic position of <em>Ca.</em> ‘A. autotrophicum’ support the view that the first bacterial and archaeal lineages were H<sub>2</sub>-dependent acetogens and methanogenes living in hydrothermal environments.</p> </div

    Illegal Substance Use among Italian High School Students: Trends over 11 Years (1999–2009)

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    Purpose: To monitor changes in habits in drug use among Italian high school students. Methods: Cross-sectional European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) carried out in Italy annually for 11 years (1999-2009) with representative samples of youth attending high school. The sample size considered ranges from 15,752 to 41,365 students and response rate ranged from 85.5% to 98.6%. Data were analyzed to obtain measures of life-time prevalence (LT), use in the last year (LY), use in the last 30 days (LM), frequent use. Comparisons utilized difference in proportion tests. Tests for linear trends in proportion were performed using the Royston p trend test. Results: When the time-averaged value was considered, cannabis (30% LT) was the most, and heroin the least (2%) frequently used, with cocaine (5%), hallucinogens (2%) and stimulants (2%) in between. A clear gender gap is evident for all drugs, more obvious for hallucinogens (average M/F LY prevalence ratio 2, range 1.7-2.4, p,0.05), less for cannabis (average M/F LY prevalence ratio 1.3, range 1.2-1.5, p,0.05). Data shows a change in trend between 2005 and 2008; in 2006 the trend for cannabis use and availability dropped and the price rose, while from 2005 cocaine and stimulant use prevalence showed a substantial increase and the price went down. After 2008 use of all substances seems to have decreased. Conclusions: Drug use is widespread among students in Italy, with cannabis being the most and heroin the least prevalent. Girls are less vulnerable than boys to illegal drug use. In recent years, a decrease in heroin use is overbalanced by a marked rise in hallucinogen and stimulant use.-

    A new world typology of cities and systems of cities

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    The chapter proposes an overview of global urbanization since 1950, relying on the structural and dynamic principles of the evolutionary theory of urban systems and on the observations of some of the major financial linkages connecting cities. We analyze first an overview of the state of urbanization at the world scale using statistics collected and provided for all 195 nation-states of the United Nations. We then examine the extent to which the income level and human development index of countries are correlated with the urbanization rates. Trajectories of cities underline the booming cities including many Asiatic and African cities opposed to the relative declining cities. The total weight of emerging metropolises mostly located in Southern countries passed the total population of the other groups of relatively declining cities between 1980 and 2010. It is highly critical for the urban future that the large majority of urban citizens of the world (more than 60%) will be living in these emerging cities in 2030. It will require finding adapted ways to manage urban growth and ecological transition in these developing systems. This global approach finally leads to the partition of the world we used in the book to analyze more precisely the evolution of individual national or continental urban systems

    Populations of a Susceptible Amphibian Species Can Grow despite the Presence of a Pathogenic Chytrid Fungus

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    Disease can be an important driver of host population dynamics and epizootics can cause severe host population declines. Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), the pathogen causing amphibian chytridiomycosis, may occur epizootically or enzootically and can harm amphibian populations in many ways. While effects of Bd epizootics are well documented, the effects of enzootic Bd have rarely been described. We used a state-space model that accounts for observation error to test whether population trends of a species highly susceptible to Bd, the midwife toad Alytes obstetricans, are negatively affected by the enzootic presence of the pathogen. Unexpectedly, Bd had no negative effect on population growth rates from 2002–2008. This suggests that negative effects of disease on individuals do not necessarily translate into negative effects at the population level. Populations of amphibian species that are susceptible to the emerging disease chytridiomycosis can persist despite the enzootic presence of the pathogen under current environmental conditions