378 research outputs found


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    Resumen    En este artículo se presenta una metodología eficaz y de bajo costo para determinar la presión intraocular (PIO) a partir de la medición de impedancia eléctrica compleja en un rango de frecuencias específico. El aumento en la PIO generado por el exceso de fluido en el cuerpo vítreo, daña el nervio óptico, este aumento es propiciado por el glaucoma. La propuesta de este trabajo es relacionar la medición de la impedancia eléctrica compleja con la PIO. La variación de la PIO se logra inyectando una solución oftálmica al globo ocular. En la experimentación se utilizó tejido ex vivo de muestras porcinas y a su vez un tonómetro para medir directamente la PIO. Los cambios de presión en el ojo modifican la magnitud de la impedancia eléctrica compleja que es registrada para analizar la relación con la PIO. También se discute la ubicación y geometría de los electrodos de medición.Palabra(s) Clave: Bioimpedancia, Espectroiscopia, Glaucoma. Abstract   This article presents an effective and low-cost methodology for determining intraocular pressure (IOP) from the measurement of complex electrical impedance in a specific frequency range. The increase in IOP generated by excess fluid in the vitreous body, damages the optic nerve, this increase is caused by glaucoma. The proposal of this work is to relate the measurement of the complex electrical impedance with the IOP. IOP variation is achieved by injecting an ophthalmic solution into the eyeball. In the experiment, ex vivo tissue from swine samples and a tonometer to directly measure the IOP is found. Pressure changes in the eye modify the magnitude of the complex electrical impedance that is recorded to analyze the relationship with the IOP. The location and geometry of the measurement electrodes are also discussed.Keywords: Bioimpedance, Glaucoma, Spectroscopy

    Reset control with sector confinement for a lane change maneuver

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    The new features that are being added today in cars for assisted or autonomous driving tasks require a specific study that allows these tasks to be performed efficiently. Among these tasks, in this work the application of advanced control methods for the lane change maneuver is studied, obtaining better results than the classic methods which are inherently limited to fundamental limitations of the linear systems. An application of the reset method based on the linear confinement of trajectories is presented, which allows to reduce the error to zero quickly. This method is compared by simulation with another reset control method, the reset control with optimal reset. And then, the method is validate in CarSim.Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. DPI2016-79278-C2-2-

    Association between diabetes mellitus and corpus cavernosum arterial insufficiency in patients with erectile dysfunction

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    "Introducción: La disfunción eréctil tiene una alta prevalencia en la población y en su fisiopatología intervienen procesos vasculares y neurales, entre ellas las relacionadas con las complicaciones tardías de la diabetes mellitus. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre diabetes mellitus e insuficiencia arterial cavernosa en pacientes con disfunción eréctil. Métodos: Estudio transversal de análisis de datos secundarios realizado en un establecimiento de salud privada en Lima durante el año 2022. Se incluyeron pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de disfunción eréctil. La variable independiente fue el diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus y la variable dependiente fue el diagnóstico de insuficiencia arterial cavernosa. Se realizó estadística de asociación y se estimaron razones de prevalencia mediante regresión logística. Resultados: De 887 pacientes, la media de edad fue 48,5 años. En el análisis bivariado, se encontró asociación entre la diabetes mellitus y la insuficiencia arterial cavernosa (p< 0,001). En el análisis de regresión simple, la prevalencia de tener insuficiencia arterial cavernosa fue 92 % mayor en los pacientes que tuvieron diabetes mellitus (RP: 1,92; IC95 %: 1,75-2,11; p< 0,001). Conclusiones: Existe asociación entre diabetes mellitus e insuficiencia arterial cavernosa en pacientes con disfunción eréctil, la prevalencia de insuficiencia arterial cavernosa es notablemente mayor en los pacientes que tienen diabetes mellitus.

    Association between diabetes mellitus and corpus cavernosum arterial insufficiency in patients with erectile dysfunction

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    "Introducción: La disfunción eréctil tiene una alta prevalencia en la población y en su fisiopatología intervienen procesos vasculares y neurales, entre ellas las relacionadas con las complicaciones tardías de la diabetes mellitus. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre diabetes mellitus e insuficiencia arterial cavernosa en pacientes con disfunción eréctil. Métodos: Estudio transversal de análisis de datos secundarios realizado en un establecimiento de salud privada en Lima durante el año 2022. Se incluyeron pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de disfunción eréctil. La variable independiente fue el diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus y la variable dependiente fue el diagnóstico de insuficiencia arterial cavernosa. Se realizó estadística de asociación y se estimaron razones de prevalencia mediante regresión logística. Resultados: De 887 pacientes, la media de edad fue 48,5 años. En el análisis bivariado, se encontró asociación entre la diabetes mellitus y la insuficiencia arterial cavernosa (p< 0,001). En el análisis de regresión simple, la prevalencia de tener insuficiencia arterial cavernosa fue 92 % mayor en los pacientes que tuvieron diabetes mellitus (RP: 1,92; IC95 %: 1,75-2,11; p< 0,001). Conclusiones: Existe asociación entre diabetes mellitus e insuficiencia arterial cavernosa en pacientes con disfunción eréctil, la prevalencia de insuficiencia arterial cavernosa es notablemente mayor en los pacientes que tienen diabetes mellitus.

    Ghrelin's effects on proinflammatory cytokine mediated apoptosis and their impact on β-cell functionality

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    Ghrelin is a peptidic hormone, which stimulates cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis in several tissues, including pancreas. In preclinical stage of type 1 diabetes, proinflammatory cytokines generate a destructive environment for β-cells known as insulitis, which results in loss of β-cell mass and impaired insulin secretion, leading to diabetes. Our aim was to demonstrate that ghrelin could preserve β-cell viability, turnover rate, and insulin secretion acting as a counter balance of cytokines. In the present work we reproduced proinflammatory milieu found in insulitis stage by treating murine cell line INS-1E and rat islets with a cytokine cocktail including IL-1β, IFNγ, and TNFα and/or ghrelin. Several proteins involved in survival pathways (ERK 1/2 and Akt/PKB) and apoptosis (caspases and Bcl-2 protein family and endoplasmic reticulum stress markers) as well as insulin secretion were analyzed. Our results show that ghrelin alone has no remarkable effects on β-cells in basal conditions, but interestingly it activates cell survival pathways, downregulates apoptotic mediators and endoplasmic reticulum stress, and restores insulin secretion in response to glucose when beta-cells are cytokine-exposed. These data suggest a potential role of ghrelin in preventing or slowing down the transition from a preclinical to clinically established diabetes by ameliorating the effects of insulitis on β-cells.This work was funded by a grant by the Andalusian Government (PI 0765-2011).Peer Reviewe

    Cross-Resistance to Abiraterone and Enzalutamide in Castration Resistance Prostate Cancer Cellular Models Is Mediated by AR Transcriptional Reactivation

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    Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) and novel hormonal agents (NHAs) (Abiraterone and Enzalutamide) are the goal standard for metastatic prostate cancer (PCa) treatment. Although ADT is initially effective, a subsequent castration resistance status (CRPC) is commonly developed. The expression of androgen receptor (AR) alternative splicing isoforms (AR-V7 and AR-V9) has been associated to CRPC. However, resistance mechanisms to novel NHAs are not yet well understood. Androgen-dependent PCa cell lines were used to generate resistant models to ADT only or in combination with Abiraterone and/or Enzalutamide (concomitant models). Functional and genetic analyses were performed for each resistance model by real-time cell monitoring assays, flow cytometry and RT-qPCR. In androgen-dependent PCa cells, the administration of Abiraterone and/or Enzalutamide as first-line treatment involved a critical inhibition of AR activity associated with a significant cell growth inhibition. Genetic analyses on ADT-resistant PCa cell lines showed that the CRPC phenotype was accompanied by overexpression of AR full-length and AR target genes, but not necessarily AR-V7 and/or AR-V9 isoforms. These ADT resistant cell lines showed higher proliferation rates, migration and invasion abilities. Importantly, ADT resistance induced cross-resistance to Abiraterone and/or Enzalutamide. Similarly, concomitant models possessed an elevated expression of AR full-length and proliferation rates and acquired cross-resistance to its alternative NHA as second-line treatment.Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI17/00989European Regional Development Fund "A way to build Europe"Ramon y Cajal - Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness RYC-2015-18382Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport FPU14/05461University of Granad

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia - Departamento de Putumayo

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    No aplicaEl conflicto armado ha interrumpido la tranquilidad de las comunidades causando distintas situaciones de violencia, dolor, desplazamiento forzado y afectaciones emocionales lo cual afecta de manera negativa a las personas, comunidades, grupos y su entorno sociocultural, los hechos de violencia fragmentan los vínculos sociales rompiendo el tejido social. Mediante el estudio de las distintas variables psicosociales se obtiene como resultado la identificación de diferentes situaciones de violencia ocasionadas por el conflicto armado. La actividad se realiza mediante la herramienta de la imagen y la narrativa y se aplicó en los diferentes territorios del putumayo: Valle del Guamuez, Inspección del placer y Orito. La narración nos permite visualizar de manera más profunda los casos de violencia ya que se logra determinar dimensiones emergentes violentas, recursos de afrontamiento, valores simbólicos, empoderamiento, así como también la impresión de la violencia desde la experiencia subjetiva de las víctimas y con ello se logra comprender aquellos acontecimientos sociales que resultan del conflicto armado para de esta manera crear y reforzar recursos de acompañamiento psicosocial a las víctimas de forma individual y grupal, tanto la imagen como la narrativa en la acción psicosocial son utilizadas para promover la resiliencia, fortalecer los vínculos sociales, generar empatía y fomentar la transformación personal, comunitaria, al utilizar la imagen y la narrativa de manera terapéutica y reflexiva, se puede facilitar el proceso de sanación y empoderamiento de las personas involucradas.The armed conflict has interrupted the tranquility of the communities, causing different situations of violence, pain, forced displacement and emotional effects, which negatively affects people, communities, groups and their sociocultural environment. The acts of violence fragment social ties, breaking. the social fabric. Through the study of the different psychosocial variables, the result is the identification of different situations of violence caused by the armed conflict. The activity is carried out using the tool of image and narrative and was applied in the different territories of Putumayo: Guamuez Valley, Inspection of Placer and Orito. The narrative allows us to visualize cases of violence in a more profound way since it is possible to determine emerging violent dimensions, coping resources, symbolic values, empowerment, as well as the impression of violence from the subjective experience of the victims and with this, manages to understand those social events that result from the armed conflict in order to create and reinforce psychosocial support resources for victims individually and in groups, both the image and the narrative in psychosocial action are used to promote resilience, strengthen ties. social, generate empathy and promote personal and community transformation, by using the image and narrative in a therapeutic and reflective way, the healing and empowerment process of the people involved can be facilitated

    Influential Factors of Breastfeeding after Assisted Reproduction: A Spanish Cohort

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    The impact of assisted reproduction techniques (ART) when starting to breastfeed is an important issue that has been sparsely addressed in scientific literature and yet has contradictory results. This study aims to determine the relation between the mode of fertilization and breastfeeding by means of a retrospective longitudinal cohort study that included newborns and mothers who gave birth between 2012 and 2019 in a third-level regional hospital. Data were collected from a total of 11,285 women and newborns, of which 302 (2.6%) used ART. Logistic regression was used to establish models that determine the administration of exclusive breastfeeding (BF). Among the 1208 analyzed participants, 30% conceived using fertility treatment. In this group of participants, BF was less prevalent, both in the delivery room (25.8% versus 45.5%; p < 0.001) and when discharged from hospital (42.1% versus 57.9%; p < 0.001). Healthy newborns and BF in the delivery room were predictors of BF when discharged. On the other hand, the use of ART, an Apgar score lower than 7 at birth, the use of an epidural and a premature or underweight baby are considered negative predictors of exclusive BF when discharged. It is necessary to offer greater support for all mothers regarding BF, especially those who have conceived through ART, even more so in those cases that involve an epidural and/or caesarean section, starting throughout the dilation process

    Spiral methodology of the software life cycle oriented to the advertising service applying ISO 12207

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    The purpose of this work is to study the application of spiral methodology that advertising entities may use today, applying ISO 12207, obtaining as a result information from some institutions that already promote the use of this methodology, as well as the possibilities of implementation in institutions that have been stranded with regard to technological modernization in their institutions.Campus Lima Centr