1,415 research outputs found

    Negacionismo viral e política exterminista: notas sobre o caso brasileiro da COVID-19

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    The covid-19 pandemic around the world has sparked in the public sphere a profusion of denialists speeches by political leaders and civil society in general. By placing this manifestation in the broader social context of the emergence of a new political dynamic marked by regimes of illiberal democracies, the purpose of this text is to present the philosophical aspects that underlie the denialist discourse in the most recent Brazilian experience. The core of this phenomenon consists of a backward and conspiracyist ideology, which from the traditionalist and perennialist philosophies, were the basis of the legitimizing discourse of the international extreme right and, especially in Brazil, of Bolsonarism.A pandemia da covid-19 ao redor do mundo suscitou na esfera pública uma profusão de discursos negacionistas da parte de lideranças políticas que foram seguidos pela sociedade civil. Ao situar essa manifestação no contexto social mais amplo da emergência de uma nova dinâmica política marcada por regimes de democracias iliberais, o objetivo desse texto é apresentar os aspectos filosóficos que subjazem o discurso negacionista na experiência brasileira mais recente. Tendo como base uma crítica obscurantista do progresso e uma filosofia da história retrógrada e conspiracionista, essa constelação filosófica tornou-se legitimador da extrema-direita internacional e, em especial no Brasil, do bolsonarismo

    A ideia de reconhecimento em Lélia Gonzalez

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    Trata-se de reconstruir a ideia de reconhecimento na obra da filósofa brasileira Lélia González. Para isso, situaremos a sua teoria social no contexto de uma ideia negativa de reconhecimento que tem como base a psicanálise e o marxismo francês. Em seguida, analisaremos sua crítica da ideologia das formas ideológicas de reconhecimento causadas pela neurose cultural brasileiro do racismo. Por fim, pensaremos as formas de resistência e emancipação na chave da amefricanidade, categoria chave para compreensão da experiência negativa de reconhecimento denegado de Gonzalez, mas também da abertura de uma luta política democrática em torno de uma feminismo negro latino-americano.

    Validation of a container ship model for parametric rolling

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    The objective of this work is to formulate a nonlinear, coupled model of a container ship during parametric roll resonance, and to validate the model using experimental data

    Cohesion in the local context:Reconciling the territorial, economic and social dimensions

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    This brief editorial introduces a set of articles dealing with territorial challenges in Europe. The EU and the member states have put attention to a silent, but growing issue of inequality: The spatial disparities are in several member states considered able to provide wider political tensions and challenges. Consequently, the EU has launched a research theme in its framework programme Horizon 2020 to cope with such matter. Most of the papers in this issue have their origin in the Horizon COHSMO project "Inequality, Urbanization and Territorial Cohesion: Developing the European Social Model of Economic Growth and Democratic Capacity." While social or economic inequalities are recognized as a social problem, spatial disparities are forgotten or ignored. However, territorial inequalities do boost social and economic differences and add to growing tensions and contradictions in many cases. Coping with such challenges is a difficult matter; most European countries have had programmes aiming at rebalancing regional inequalities for many years. Despite major investments in public services, infrastructure, education and culture, as well as targeted support for private investors, businesses raising employment opportunities and so on. However, the success in terms of growing population and employment has been limited. Instead, endogenous structures and relations receive more attention; in particularly local capacity to generate solutions and means to promote economic and social development. This ability strongly links to the concept of collective efficacy, i.e., a joint understanding and capability to organize and execute actions of mutual benefit

    Cultura de ápices caulinares e termoterapia na recuperação de plantas livres de vírus de alho

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    A cultura de ápices caulinares de alho, associada à termoterapia a seco (exposição dos bulbilhos a temperatura de 37°C, por um período de 35 dias) foi essencial para recuperação de plantas livres de vírus das cultivar de alho Amarante. Nestas condições, 70% dos explantes inoculados se desenvolveram in vitro e produziram plantas, das quais 77% não apresentaram partículas virais quando indexadas por ISEM. Isto resulta em um índice de aproveitamento de 54% dos bulbilhos submetidos à termoterapia. O aumento da temperatura na termoterapia para 40°C reduziu a regeneração in vitro para 20%, e 90% dessas plantas estavam livres de vírus, com um índice final de aproveitamento de 18%.Garlic shoot tip culture associated with dry heat thermotherapy (cloves exposed to 37°C for 35 days) were essential for recovering virus free plants of the cv Amarante. In this condition 70% of the explants developed in vitro and produced plants. A total of 77% of those plants was virus free when indexed by ISEM, which resulted in a final index of 54% of virus free plants from treated cloves. The percentage of regeneration decreased to 20% as the temperature increased up to 40°C. However 90% of those plants were virus free, leading to a final index of 18% virus free plants out of treated cloves

    Processing and characterisation of II-VI ZnCdMgSe thin film gain structures

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    Lattice-matched II-VI selenide quantum well (QW) structures grown on InP substrates can be designed for emission throughout the visible spectrum. InP has, however, strong visible-light absorption, so that a method for epitaxial lift-off and transfer to transparent substrates is desirable for vertically-integrated devices. We have designed and grown, via molecular beam epitaxy, ZnCdSe/ZnCdMgSe multi-QW gain regions for vertical emission, with the QWs positioned for resonant periodic gain. The release of the 2.7 μm-thick ZnCdSe/ZnCdMgSe multi-QW film is achieved via selective wet etching of the substrate and buffer layers leaving only the epitaxial layers, which are subsequently transferred to transparent substrates, including glass and thermally-conductive diamond. Post-transfer properties are investigated, with power and temperature-dependent surface and edge-emitting photoluminescence measurements demonstrating no observable strain relaxation effects or significant shift in comparison to unprocessed samples. The temperature dependant quantum well emission shift is found experimentally to be 0.13 nm/K. Samples capillary-bonded epitaxial-side to glass exhibited a 6 nm redshift under optical pumping of up to 35 mW at 405 nm, corresponding to a 46 K temperature increase in the pumped region; whereas those bonded to diamond exhibited no shift in quantum well emission, and thus efficient transfer of the heat from the pumped region. Atomic force microscopy analysis of the etched surface reveals a root-mean-square roughness of 3.6 nm. High quality optical interfaces are required to establish a good thermal and optical contact for high power optically pumped laser applications

    The RNA-binding protein ELAV regulates Hox RNA processing, expression and function within the Drosophila nervous system

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    The regulated head-to-tail expression of Hox genes provides a coordinate system for the activation of specific programmes of cell differentiation according to axial level. Recent work indicates that Hox expression can be regulated via RNA processing but the underlying mechanisms and biological significance of this form of regulation remain poorly understood. Here we explore these issues within the developing Drosophila central nervous system (CNS). We show that the pan-neural RNA-binding protein (RBP) ELAV (Hu antigen) regulates the RNA processing patterns of the Hox gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) within the embryonic CNS. Using a combination of biochemical, genetic and imaging approaches we demonstrate that ELAV binds to discrete elements within Ubx RNAs and that its genetic removal reduces Ubx protein expression in the CNS leading to the respecification of cellular subroutines under Ubx control, thus defining for the first time a specific cellular role of ELAV within the developing CNS. Artificial provision of ELAV in glial cells (a cell type that lacks ELAV) promotes Ubx expression, suggesting that ELAVdependent regulation might contribute to cell type-specific Hox expression patterns within the CNS. Finally, we note that expression of abdominal A and Abdominal B is reduced in elav mutant embryos, whereas other Hox genes (Antennapedia) are not affected. Based on these results and the evolutionary conservation of ELAV and Hox genes we propose that the modulation of Hox RNA processing by ELAV serves to adapt the morphogenesis of the CNS to axial level by regulating Hox expression and consequently activating local programmes of neural differentiation

    Medical and Psychology Student’s Experiences in Learning Mindfulness: Benefits, Paradoxes, and Pitfalls

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    Source:doi:10.1007/s12671-016-0521-0Mindfulness has attracted increased interest in the field of health professionals’ education due to its proposed double benefit of providing self-help strategies to counter stress and burnout symptoms and cultivating attitudes central to the role of professional helpers. The current study explored the experiential aspects of learning mindfulness. Specifically, we explored how first-year medical and psychology students experienced and conceptualized mindfulness upon completion of a 7-week mindfulness-based stress reduction program. Twenty-two students participated in either two focus group interviews or ten in-depth interviews, and we performed an interpretive phenomenological analysis of the interview transcripts. All students reported increased attention and awareness of psychological and bodily phenomena. The majority also reported a shift in their attitudes towards their experiences in terms of decreased reactivity, increased curiosity, affect tolerance, patience and self-acceptance, and improved relational qualities. The experience of mindfulness was mediated by subjective intention and the interpretation of mindfulness training. The attentional elements of mindfulness were easier to grasp than the attitudinal ones, in particular with respect to the complex and inherently paradoxical elements of non-striving and radical acceptance. Some participants considered mindfulness as a means to more efficient instrumental task-oriented coping, whilst others reported increased sensitivity and tolerance towards their own state of mind. A broader range of program benefits appeared dependent upon embracing the paradoxes and integrating attitudinal elements in practising mindfulness. Ways in which culture and context may influence the experiences in learning mindfulness are discussed along with practical, conceptual, and research implications


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    Da proposta freudiana de Além do Princípio do Prazer (1920), este artigo põe à prova a “teoria do choque” desenvolvida por Walter Benjamin como chave da crítica à modernidade, e cuja problemática visa distinguir Erfahrung e Erlebnis. Primeiramente, veremos como a segunda tópica freudiana nos põe diante daquilo que está subscrito ao aparato psíquico. Numa segunda instância, compreenderemos 1) como, da vivência dos choques, Benjamin encontra em Baudelaire um caminho à lírica da modernidade e 2) como, lendo Freud, a vida nas cidades nos despe da memória das experiências passadas, forçando-nos a estar atentos aos perigos imediatos e, sob o preço de uma irreflexividade, criar modos de defesa capazes de proteger-nos dos múltiplos choques. Veremos como estas vivências afetam as distintas esferas da vida cotidiana à ponto de habitar todos os seus domínios. Todavia, se aqui a “estética dos choques” leva à atrofia da experiência histórica, veremos, à luz de Freud, como o ensaísta jamais distingue as demandas traumáticas das não-traumáticas. Contrários à Benjamin, defenderemos enfim que suas teses não são compatíveis com Freud, pois ambos diferem tanto no aspecto decisivo da memória na proteção contra os desgostos, quanto acerca da gênese de nossos traumas