1,217 research outputs found

    Integration of measurements and model simulations to characterize Eyjafjallajökull volcanic aerosols over south-eastern Italy

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    Abstract. Volcanic aerosols resulting from the Eyjafjallajökull eruption were detected in south-eastern Italy from 20 to 22 April 2010, at a distance of approximately 4000 km from the volcano, and have been characterized by lidar, sun/sky photometer, and surface in-situ measurements. Volcanic particles added to the pre-existing aerosol load and measurement data allow quantifying the impact of volcanic particles on the aerosol vertical distribution, lidar ratios, the aerosol size distribution, and the ground-level particulate-matter concentrations. Lidar measurements reveal that backscatter coefficients by volcanic particles were about one order of magnitude smaller over south-eastern Italy than over Central Europe. Mean lidar ratios at 355 nm were equal to 64 ± 5 sr inside the volcanic aerosol layer and were characterized by smaller values (47 ± 2 sr) in the underlying layer on 20 April, 19:30 UTC. Lidar ratios and their dependence with the height reduced in the following days, mainly because of the variability of the volcanic particle contributions. Size distributions from sun/sky photometer measurements reveal the presence of volcanic particles with radii r > 0.5 μm on 21 April and that the contribution of coarse volcanic particles increased from 20 to 22 April. The aerosol fine mode fraction from sun/sky photometer measurements varied between values of 0.85 and 0.94 on 20 April and decreased to values between 0.25 and 0.82 on 22 April. Surface measurements of particle size distributions were in good accordance with column averaged particle size distributions from sun/sky photometer measurements. PM1/PM2.5 mass concentration ratios of 0.69, 0.66, and 0.60 on 20, 21, and 22 April, respectively, support the increase of super-micron particles at ground. Measurements from the Regional Air Quality Agency show that PM10 mass concentrations on 20, 21, and 22 April 2010 were enhanced in the entire Apulia Region. More specifically, PM10 mass concentrations have on average increased over Apulia Region 22%, 50%, and 28% on 20, 21, and 22 April, respectively, compared to values on 19 April. Finally, the comparison of measurement data with numerical simulations by the FLEXPART dispersion model demonstrates the ability of FLEXPART to model the advection of the volcanic ash over the 4000 km from the Eyjafjallajökull volcano to Southern Italy

    Pinch Grip per SE Is Not an Occupational Risk Factor for the Musculoskeletal System: An Experimental Study on Field

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    Introduction: Some ergonomic evaluation methods define pinch grip as a risk factor independent of the exerted force. The present experimental study was performed with the main aim of objectively measuring the muscle engagement during the execution of pinch grip. Methods: the participants of the study were healthy workers occupationally involved in a high-intensity repetitive job related to the sorting of letters and small packages. Surface electromyography (sEMG) was used to study the activity of the abductor pollicis brevis and first dorsal interosseous fibers related to the execution of the required working tasks, while the force exerted during voluntary muscle contraction for pinch grip was measured by a portable acquisition system. The subjects were specifically asked to exert the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) and further voluntary isometric contractions with a spontaneous force (SF) equal to 10%,20% and 50% of the MVIC; finally, the workers were asked to hold in pinch grip two types of envelopes, weighing 100 g and 500 g, respectively. Results: The force required to pinch 100 and 500 g envelopes by the fifteen subjects of the study corresponded to 4 and 5% MVIC, respectively. The corresponding sEMG average rectified values (ARV) were approximately 6% of that at MVIC for first dorsal interosseus (FDI) fibers and approximately 20-25% of MVIC for abductor pollicis brevis (ABP) fibers. Bivariate correlation analysis showed significant relationships between force at MVIC and FDI ARV at MCV. Conclusions: The obtained results demonstrate that muscle recruitment during pinch grip varies as a function of the SF: not only the position but also the exerted force should be considered when assessing the pinch grip as risk factor for biomechanical overload of the upper limb

    Characterization of humic fractions in leachates from soil under organic and conventional management and their interactions with the root zone

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    Humic fractions were shown to be closely involved in gene expression and promotion of different PM H+-ATPase isoforms, as well as in lateral root development, indicating an enhanced nutrient absorption capacity of the plant root system. HPLC-SEC confirmed that water-soluble humic substances (WSHS) correspond to a subfraction of the fulvic fraction of humic substances. This was supported by E465/E665 ratios higher than 8.5. These ratios generally increased over the growing season in cultivated soils but showed significant differences between conventionally and organically managed bare soils. FTIR data and the analytical quantification of carboxyls confirmed relevant structural changes in bare soil under both organic and conventional farming management. Absorption intensities ratios at 1,590–1,570 cm-1 and 1,440–1,380 cm-1 showed the predominant aliphatic character of these molecules

    Characterization of humic fractions in leachates from soil under organic and conventional management and their interactions with the root zone

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    Humic fractions were shown to be closely involved in gene expression and promotion of different PM H+-ATPase isoforms, as well as in lateral root development, indicating an enhanced nutrient absorption capacity of the plant root system. HPLC-SEC confirmed that water-soluble humic substances (WSHS) correspond to a subfraction of the fulvic fraction of humic substances. This was supported by E465/E665 ratios higher than 8.5. These ratios generally increased over the growing season in cultivated soils but showed significant differences between conventionally and organically managed bare soils. FTIR data and the analytical quantification of carboxyls confirmed relevant structural changes in bare soil under both organic and conventional farming management. Absorption intensities ratios at 1,590\u20131,570 cm-1 and 1,440\u20131,380 cm-1 showed the predominant aliphatic character of these molecules

    Effect of Fourier filters in removing periodic systematic effects from CMB data

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    We consider the application of high-pass Fourier filters to remove periodic systematic fluctuations from full-sky survey CMB datasets. We compare the filter performance with destriping codes commonly used to remove the effect of residual 1/f noise from timelines. As a realistic working case, we use simulations of the typical Planck scanning strategy and Planck Low Frequency Instrument noise performance, with spurious periodic fluctuations that mimic a typical thermal disturbance. We show that the application of Fourier high-pass filters in chunks always requires subsequent normalisation of induced offsets by means of destriping. For a complex signal containing all the astrophysical and instrumental components, the result obtained by applying filter and destriping in series is comparable to the result obtained by destriping only, which makes the usefulness of Fourier filters questionable for removing this kind of effects.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    LFI 30 and 44 GHz receivers Back-End Modules

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    The 30 and 44 GHz Back End Modules (BEM) for the Planck Low Frequency Instrument are broadband receivers (20% relative bandwidth) working at room temperature. The signals coming from the Front End Module are amplified, band pass filtered and finally converted to DC by a detector diode. Each receiver has two identical branches following the differential scheme of the Planck radiometers. The BEM design is based on MMIC Low Noise Amplifiers using GaAs P-HEMT devices, microstrip filters and Schottky diode detectors. Their manufacturing development has included elegant breadboard prototypes and finally qualification and flight model units. Electrical, mechanical and environmental tests were carried out for the characterization and verification of the manufactured BEMs. A description of the 30 and 44 GHz Back End Modules of Planck-LFI radiometers is given, with details of the tests done to determine their electrical and environmental performances. The electrical performances of the 30 and 44 GHz Back End Modules: frequency response, effective bandwidth, equivalent noise temperature, 1/f noise and linearity are presented

    Copper accumulation in vineyard soils: Rhizosphere processes and agronomic practices to limit its toxicity.

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    Viticulture represents an important agricultural practice in many countries worldwide. Yet, the continuous use of fungicides has caused copper (Cu) accumulation in soils, which represent a major environmental and toxicological concern. Despite being an important micronutrient, Cu can be a potential toxicant at high concentrations since it may cause morphological, anatomical and physiological changes in plants, decreasing both food productivity and quality. Rhizosphere processes can, however, actively control the uptake and translocation of Cu in plants. In particular, root exudates affecting the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of the rhizosphere, might reduce the availability of Cu in the soil and hence its absorption. In addition, this review will aim at discussing the advantages and disadvantages of agronomic practices, such as liming, the use of pesticides, the application of organic matter, biochar and coal fly ashes, the inoculation with bacteria and/or mycorrhizal fungi and the intercropping, in alleviating Cu toxicity symptoms

    Planck-LFI radiometers tuning

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    "This paper is part of the Prelaunch status LFI papers published on JINST: http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/-page=extra.proc5/jinst" This paper describes the Planck Low Frequency Instrument tuning activities performed through the ground test campaigns, from Unit to Satellite Levels. Tuning is key to achieve the best possible instrument performance and tuning parameters strongly depend on thermal and electrical conditions. For this reason tuning has been repeated several times during ground tests and it has been repeated in flight before starting nominal operations. The paper discusses the tuning philosophy, the activities and the obtained results, highlighting developments and changes occurred during test campaigns. The paper concludes with an overview of tuning performed during the satellite cryogenic test campaign (Summer 2008) and of the plans for the just started in-flight calibration.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in JINST. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/4/12/T12013

    CEVAD estufa: cultivo de erva-mate em alta densidade em estufa.

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    A erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) é uma espécie com distribuição natural em parte dos territórios do Brasil, Argentina e Paraguai (Oliveira; Rotta, 1985). No Brasil, a espécie apresenta distribuição geográfica associada ao Domínio Atlântico, principalmente na região Sul do país (Silva et al., 2018). As principais formas de obtenção da erva-mate são o extrativismo, o adensamento em remanescentes de florestas nativas, os ervais arborizados e os monocultivos (Penteado Junior; Goulart, 2019; Goulart et al., 2022). Estudos indicam o grande potencial da espécie para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos farmacêuticos, nutracêuticos, cosméticos e alimentares, com possibilidades reais de expansão no mercado internacional voltado à saúde humana (Gerber et al., 2022). Mas, para isso, é necessário o fornecimento de matéria-prima em grande quantidade, com características químicas específicas e padronizadas para cada finalidade