195 research outputs found

    La tortuga pre-Podocnemidid más antigua (Chelonii, Pleurodira), Cretácico inferior, estado de Ceará, Brasil, y su entorno

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    A new form of a chelonian Pleurodira is described, Brasilemys josai, n.g., n. sp. Its phyletic position is examined with respect to previously established phylogenies. It is situated with respect to recently described taxa whose position is not yet clearly established, such as Dortokidae, Hamadachelys and an unnamed form from Araripe. In the Podocnemidoidea, Brasilemys n.g. represents the earliest known specimen of the Podocnemidoidae, immediately after the divergence of the Bothremydidae. It is part of the formidable radiation in the Pelomedusoides which occurs during the early Cretaceous when South America separated from Africa. The turtle fauna in Chapada do Araripe includes four freshwater Pelomedusoides, samples of the ancient northern Gondwana fauna, as well as a cryptodiran turtle, possibly a littoral form belonging to a more cosmopolitan group. In agreement with the stratigrahical data as well as data from the study of fossil crocodiles, this turtle fauna dates between the late Aptian fauna of Gadoufaoua (Niger) and the late Albian-early Cenomanian fauna from the Sahara. Key words: Chelonians, New taxon, Phyletic relationships, Cretaceous, Brasil, Palaeoecolgical and Stratigraphical considerations.Se describe una nueva forma de tortuga pleurodira, Brasilemys josai, n.g., n. sp. Su posición filética se examina en relación con las filogenias establecidas anteriormente. Se sitúa también Brasilemys n.g. en relación con algunas formas recientemente descritas y aún no bien posicionadas en la filogenia de los Pleurodira, como son los Dortokidae, Hamadachelys y otra forma de la Chapada do Araripe sin nombre. En los Podocnemidoidea, Brasilemys n.g. aparece como el primer representante de los Podocnemidoidae, inmediatamente después de la derivación de los Bothremydidae. La aparición de este nuevo género forma parte de la extraordinaria radiación que ocurrió en los Pelomedusoides al inicio del Cretácico, cuando se separaron América del Sur y África. La fauna de tortugas de la Chapada do Araripe incluye cuatro taxones de Pelomedusoides de agua dulce, representantes de la fauna de la parte norte del antiguo continente Gondwana, además de una tortuga cryptodira, posiblemente litoral y perteneciente a un grupo más cosmopolita. De acuerdo con los datos de la estratigrafía y con los del estudio de los cocodrilos fósiles, la edad de la fauna de tortugas se situaría entre el Aptiense superior de Gadoufaoua (Niger) y el Albiense superior - base del Cenomaniense del Sáhara. Palabras clave: Quelonios, Nuevo taxón, Relaciones filéticas, Cretácico, Brasil, Consideraciones paleoecológicas y estratigráficas

    Phylogeny, biogeography and diversification patterns of side-necked turtles (Testudines: Pleurodira)

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    Pleurodires or side-necked turtles are today restricted to freshwater environments of South America, Africa– Madagascar and Australia, but in the past they were distributed much more broadly, being found also on Eurasia, India and North America, and marine environments. Two hypotheses were proposed to explain this distribution; in the first, vicariance would have shaped the current geographical distribution and, in the second, extinctions constrained a previously widespread distribution. Here, we aim to reconstruct pleurodiran biogeographic history and diversification patterns based on a new phylogenetic hypothesis recovered from the analysis of the largest morphological dataset yet compiled for the lineage, testing which biogeographical process prevailed during its evolutionary history. The resulting topology generally agrees with previous hypotheses of the group and shows that most diversification shifts were related to the exploration of new niches, e.g. littoral or marine radiations. In addition, as other turtles, pleurodires do not seem to have been much affected by either the Cretaceous– Palaeogene or the Eocene–Oligocene mass extinctions. The biogeographic analyses highlight the predominance of both anagenetic and cladogenetic dispersal events and support the importance of transoceanic dispersals as a more common driver of area changes than previously thought, agreeing with previous studies with other non-turtle lineages.Fil: Ferreira, Gabriel S.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasil. Senckenberg Centre For Human Evolution And Palaeoenvironment; Alemania. Universität Tübingen; AlemaniaFil: Bronzati Filho, Mario. Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie; AlemaniaFil: Langer, Max C.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Sterli, Juliana. Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    The turtles from the upper Eocene, Osona County (Ebro Basin, Catalonia, Spain): new material and its faunistic and environmental context

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    Eochelone voltregana n. sp. is a new marine cryptodiran cheloniid found at the Priabonian levels (latest Eocene) of the Vespella marls member of the Vic–Manlleu marls formation. It is the second cheloniid from Santa Cecília de Voltregà (Osona County, Spain), the first one being Osonachelus decorata from the same formation. Shell parameters indicate that the new species belongs to a branch of sea turtles including the Eocene Anglo–Franco–Belgian forms Argillochelys, Puppigerus and Eochelone (the shell of the latter was studied here for the first time) as well as Glarichelys from the Oligocene of Switzerland, all of them predating the worldwide living Miocene genera. The description of two other more littoral–continental Eocene species is given: Trionyx sp., from an older layer of the same formation; and the podocnemidid erymnochelyine, Cordichelys from a more basal layer of a middle Eocene (Lutetian) formation. The last one is identified as the only evidence of the Shweboemys subgroup in the European record, being distinct from the other known Osona County pleurodire Eocenochelus farresi, which is a member of the Erymnochelys group (same subfamily), from the younger Priabonian Sant Martí Xic layer. Thus, an update on the marine turtle fauna of the eastern Ebro Basin that variably opened in the east during Eocene times is provided. The turtles of Osona County belong to two suborders and five genera with three new species and extend the known distribution of their families (LSID urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:48CE8676-7B82-4EF2-8165-27BEE90129F2).</p

    Fractal Structures and Scaling Laws in the Universe: Statistical Mechanics of the Self-Gravitating Gas

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    Fractal structures are observed in the universe in two very different ways. Firstly, in the gas forming the cold interstellar medium in scales from 10^{-4} pc till 100 pc. Secondly, the galaxy distribution has been observed to be fractal in scales up to hundreds of Mpc. We give here a short review of the statistical mechanical (and field theoretical) approach developed by us. We consider a non-relativistic self-gravitating gas in thermal equilibrium at temperature T inside a volume V. The statistical mechanics of such system has special features and, as is known, the thermodynamical limit does not exist in its customary form. Moreover, the treatments through microcanonical, canonical and grand canonical ensembles yield different results.We present here for the first time the equation of state for the self-gravitating gas in the canonical ensemble. We find that it has the form p = [N T/ V] f(eta), where p is the pressure, N is the number of particles and \eta \equiv {G m^2 N \over V^{1/3} T}. The N \to\infty and V \to\infty limit exists keeping \eta fixed. We compute the function f(\eta) using Monte Carlo simulations and for small eta analytically. We compute the thermodynamic quantities of the system as free energy, entropy, chemical potential, specific heat, compressibility and speed of sound. We reproduce the well-known gravitational phase transition associated to the Jeans' instability. Namely, a gaseous phase for eta < eta_c and a condensed phase for eta > eta_c. Moreover, we derive the precise behaviour of the physical quantities near the transition. In particular, the pressure vanishes as p \sim(eta_c-eta)^B with B \sim 0.2 and eta_c \sim 1.6 and the energy fluctuations diverge as \sim(eta_c-eta)^{B-1}. The speed of sound decreases monotonically and approaches the value sqrt{T/6} at the transition.Comment: Invited paper to the special issue of the `Journal of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals': `Superstrings, M, F, S...theory', M. S El Naschie and C. Castro, Editors. Latex file, 16 pages plus three .ps figure

    Dinosaur tracks from the Kilmaluag Formation (Bathonian, Middle Jurassic) of Score Bay, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK

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    Tracks of a juvenile theropod dinosaur with footprint lengths of between 2 and 9 cm as well as adults of the same ichnospecies with footprints of about 15–25 cm in length were found in the Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) Kilmaluag Formation of Score Bay, northwestern Trotternish Peninsula, Isle of Skye, Scotland, UK. Two footprint sizes occur together on the same bedding plane in the central portion of Score Bay, both in situ and on loose blocks. Another horizon containing footprints above this was also identified. The footprints from the lowest horizon were produced in a desiccated silty mud that was covered with sand. A close association of both adults and juveniles with similar travel direction indicated by the footprints may suggest post-hatching care in theropod dinosaurs. Other footprints, produced on a rippled sandy substrate, have been found on the slightly higher bedding plane at this locality. Loose blocks found 130 m to the northeast in the central part of Score Bay have not been correlated with any in situ sediments, but were preserved in a similar manner to those from the higher bedding plane. These tracks represent the youngest dinosaur remains yet found in Scotland

    The Void Galaxy Survey

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    The Void Galaxy Survey (VGS) is a multi-wavelength program to study \sim60 void galaxies. Each has been selected from the deepest interior regions of identified voids in the SDSS redshift survey on the basis of a unique geometric technique, with no a prior selection of intrinsic properties of the void galaxies. The project intends to study in detail the gas content, star formation history and stellar content, as well as kinematics and dynamics of void galaxies and their companions in a broad sample of void environments. It involves the HI imaging of the gas distribution in each of the VGS galaxies. Amongst its most tantalizing findings is the possible evidence for cold gas accretion in some of the most interesting objects, amongst which are a polar ring galaxy and a filamentary configuration of void galaxies. Here we shortly describe the scope of the VGS and the results of the full analysis of the pilot sample of 15 void galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. This is an extended version of a paper to appear in "Environment and the Formation of Galaxies: 30 years later", Proceedings of Symposium 2 of JENAM 2010, eds. I. Ferreras, A. Pasquali, ASSP, Springer. Version with highres figures at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~weygaert/vgs_jenam_weygaert.col.pd

    On an Analytical Framework for Voids: Their abundances, density profiles and local mass functions

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    We present a general analytical procedure for computing the number density of voids with radius above a given value within the context of gravitational formation of the large scale structure of the universe out of Gaussian initial conditions. To this end we develop an accurate (under generally satisfied conditions) extension of unconditional mass function to constrained environments, which allowes us both to obtain the number density of collapsed objects of certain mass at any distance from the center of the void, and to derive the number density of voids defined by those collapsed objects. We have made detailed calculations for the spherically averaged mass density and halo number density profiles for individual voids. We also present a formal expression for the number density of voids defined by galaxies of a given type and luminosity. This expression contains the probability for a collapsed object of certain mass to host a galaxy of that type and luminosity as a function of the environmental density. We propose a procedure to infer this function, which may provide useful clues as to the galaxy formation process, from the observed void densities.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Cosmic star formation rate: a theoretical approach

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    The cosmic star formation rate (CSFR), is an important clue to investigate the history of the assembly and evolution of galaxies. Here, we develop a method to study the CSFR from a purely theoretical point of view. Starting from detailed models of chemical evolution, we obtain the histories of star formation of galaxies of different morphological types. These histories are then used to determine the luminosity functions of the same galaxies by means of a spectro-photometric code. We obtain the CSFR under different hypothesis. First, we study the hypothesis of a pure luminosity evolution scenario, in which all galaxies are supposed to form at the same redshift and then evolve only in luminosity. Then we consider scenarios in which the number density or the slope of the LFs are assumed to vary with redshift. After comparison with available data we conclude that a pure luminosity evolution does not provide a good fit to the data, especially at very high redshift, although many uncertainties are still present in the data. On the other hand, a variation in the number density of ellipticals and spirals as a function of redshift can provide a better fit to the observed CSFR. We also explore cases of variable slope of the LFs with redshift and variations of number density and slope at the same time. We cannot find any of those cases which can improve the fit to the data respect to the solely number density variation. Finally, we compute the evolution of the average cosmic metallicity in galaxies with redshift.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1108.504