11,243 research outputs found

    Towards the re-verification of process tank calibrations

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    Re-verification is needed to ensure that the calibration (the relationship between measured level and measured volume) that is obtained during commissioning hasn’t changed over time. This can be achieved, in part, by metering in solution and correlating with marks identified a priori. Mark identification and correlation are discussed and possible error sources are outlined

    New X-ray observations of the old nova CP Puppis and of the more recent nova V351 Pup

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    We present X-ray observations of the field containing Nova Puppis 1942 (CP Pup) and Nova Puppis 1991 (V351 Pup), done with ASCA in 1998, and with XMM-Newton in 2005. The X-ray and UV luminosity of CP Pup seem to have remained approximately constant since the last X-ray observations of the 1980'ies, while the optical luminosity has decreased. The X-ray properties of this nova are explained by a high mass white dwarf accreting at low rate, in agreement with the nova theory given the large amplitude and other characteristics of the 1942 outburst. Assuming a distance of 1600 pc, the X-ray luminosity of CP Pup is L=2.2 x 10(33) erg/s in the 0.15-10 keV range covered with EPIC, compatible with a magnetic system. The RGS grating spectrum shows a few prominent emission lines, and it is fitted with a cooling flow with mass accretion rate mdot <= 1.6 x 10(-10) msol/year. We detected also the O VII complex at 21.6-21.8 A that does not arise in the cooling flow. Most likely this feature originates in a wind or in the nova shell. The RGS and EPIC spectra are fitted only with thermal models with a very high shock temperature, T>60 keV, indicating a white dwarf with M>1.1 M(sun). The X-ray flux is modulated with the spectroscopic period of 1.47 hours detected in the optical. Since CP Pup is not an eclipsing system, this is better understood if magnetic accretion occurs: we discuss this possibility and its implications in detail. V351 Pup (N Pup 1991) was detected with XMM-Newton, but not with ASCA. It is a faint, non-super-soft X-ray source with luminosity L(x) =~ 3 x 10(31) erg/s, a factor of 50 less than measured with ROSAT in 1993.Comment: in press on the Astrophysical Journa

    Searching for binary central stars of planetary nebulae with Kepler

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    The Kepler Observatory offers unprecedented photometric precision (<1 mmag) and cadence for monitoring the central stars of planetary nebulae, allowing the detection of tiny periodic light curve variations, a possible signature of binarity. With this precision free from the observational gaps dictated by weather and lunar cycles, we are able to detect companions at much larger separations and with much smaller radii than ever before. We have been awarded observing time to obtain light-curves of the central stars of the six confirmed and possible planetary nebulae in the Kepler field, including the newly discovered object Kn 61, at cadences of both 30 min and 1 min. Of these six objects, we could confirm for three a periodic variability consistent with binarity. Two others are variables, but the initial data set presents only weak periodicities. For the central star of Kn 61, Kepler data will be available in the near future


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    Islam's devotional and mystical tradition, Sufism (tasawwuf), is commonly cast as antithetical to Salafi Islam. Self-identified 'Salafis', with their ideological roots in anti-liberal strands of twentieth-century modernist Islam, do commonly view Sufis as heretics propagating practices wrongly introduced into Islam centuries after the time of the pious ancestors (the Salaf). Yet reformist zeal that fixes on the singular importance of the Salaf (particularly the Prophet Muhammad and his principal companions) as models for correct piety can also be found amongst Sufis. This paper calls attention to the Salafist colouration of Sufism in two areas of popular culture: television preaching and the popular religious 'how-to' books and DVDs that make the preachers' messages available for purchase. It reprises the teachings of two of the best known Indonesian Muslim televangelists, 'Hamka' (b. 1908, d. 1981) and M. Arifin Ilham (b. 1969), both of whom also happen to be champions of Sufism, and analyses the different rhetorical uses each has made of references to the 'Salaf' and the notion of 'Salafist' Islam

    Classification and Quantification of Entangled Bipartite Qutrit Pure States

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    A complete analysis of entangled bipartite qutrit pure states is carried out based on a simple entanglement measure. An analysis of all possible extremally entangled pure bipartite qutrit states is shown to reduce, with the help of SLOCC transformations, to three distinct types. The analysis and the results should be helpful for finding different entanglement types in multipartite pure state systems.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Governance of the Internet: Emerging Issues

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    The Internet and associated networks and devices are intruding throughout social and commercial activity. They are improving information exchange storage and utilisation to an extent that is re-shaping the structure and institutions of society that have evolved over centuries inresponse to information limitations. The phenomenal growth in Internet activity is now challenging the dominant use of networks by telephony despite effectively starting up just 6 years ago. The provision and utilisation of broad-band services has supplanted telephony as the central information issue of this decade.The purpose of this paper is to comment on issues that are arising in Internet governance in New Zealand and elsewhere. Such is the rate of change in the use of the Internet and in the concomitant technology that detailed prescription is not useful. Nevertheless changes that are taking place in the Internet provision imply that governance cannot be ignored. Enunciating the principles that should be reflected in governance that is in the public interest is worthwhile at this time.The pressures for change are coming from the inevitable and essential commercialisation of the provision of Internet services. An effective governance structure should facilitate this commercial evolution and the efficient adoption of change and provision of services to the enduser. Potential changes to the governance of the Internet Registry are matters of public interest

    Nuclear Fusion via Triple Collisions in Solar Plasma

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    We consider several nuclear fusion reactions that take place at the center of the sun, which are omitted in the standard pp-chain model. More specifically the reaction rates of the nonradiative production of ^3He, ^7Be, and ^8B nuclei in triple collisions involving electrons are estimated within the framework of the adiabatic approximation. These rates are compared with those of the corresponding binary fusion reactions.Comment: 3 pages, latex (RevTex), no figure

    The ultra-long GRB 111209A - II. Prompt to afterglow and afterglow properties

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    The "ultra-long" Gamma Ray Burst GRB 111209A at redshift z=0.677, is so far the longest GRB ever observed, with rest frame prompt emission duration of ~4 hours. In order to explain the bursts exceptional longevity, a low metallicity blue supergiant progenitor has been invoked. In this work, we further investigate this peculiar burst by performing a multi-band temporal and spectral analysis of both the prompt and the afterglow emission. We use proprietary and publicly available data from Swift, Konus Wind, XMM-Newton, TAROT as well as from other ground based optical and radio telescopes. We find some peculiar properties that are possibly connected to the exceptional nature of this burst, namely: i) an unprecedented large optical delay of 410+/-50 s is measured between the peak epochs of a marked flare observed also in gamma-rays after about 2 ks from the first Swift/BAT trigger; ii) if the optical and X-ray/gamma-ray photons during the prompt emission share a common origin, as suggested by their similar temporal behavior, a certain amount of dust in the circumburst environment should be introduced, with rest frame visual dust extinction of AV=0.3-1.5 mag; iii) at the end of the X-ray "steep decay phase" and before the start of the X-ray afterglow, we detect the presence of a hard spectral extra power law component never revealed so far. On the contrary, the optical afterglow since the end of the prompt emission shows more common properties, with a flux power law decay with index alpha=1.6+/-0.1 and a late re-brightening feature at 1.1 day. We discuss our findings in the context of several possible interpretations given so far to the complex multi-band GRB phenomenology. We also attempt to exploit our results to further constrain the progenitor nature properties of this exceptionally long GRB, suggesting a binary channel formation for the proposed blue supergiant progenitor.Comment: ApJ accepted. Revised version with substantial adjustments, the main results remain unchange