6,730 research outputs found

    Armazenamento do milho: dos paiois aos silos subterrâneos.

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    The technological progress of the nineteenth century made travelling across the seas and the publishing of travel narratives both possible and desirable. Women used this as an opportunity to gain greater freedom of mobility and authorship. Instead of focusing on solitary travelers, this dissertation brings to the forefront the elaborate rhetoric and discourse strategies married women travel writers used in their narrative to transcend their husband\u27s shadow. The British Lady Florence Dixie (1855-1905), the Argentine Eduarda Mansilla de García (1834-1892), and the American Elizabeth Cabot Agassiz (1822-1907) are pionner women that accompany their husbands on travels to foreign lands and assert their independence by writing and publishing travel narratives. I analyze Dixie\u27s Across Patagonia (1880), Mansilla\u27s Recuerdos de viaje [Memories from Travels] (1882), and Agassiz\u27s A Journey in Brazil (1868) to propose that the three traveling women writers created an elaborate rhetoric, based on aspects of religion, literature, politics, and science, which shaped the dissemination of knowledge in the nineteenth century. Dixie traveled from England to Patagonia in search of adventure. In the narrative, she defends women\u27s equal abilities in outdoor sports and women\u27s smart attire. Mansilla traveled from Argentina to the United States. One of the few women travelers with children, she used a discourse of motherhood to establish her point of view: the superiority of Argentina. However, there is a narrative shift in Mansilla\u27s work because after a few years living in the U.S. she begins to admire American women and the cities\u27 architecture. Agassiz traveled from the U.S. to Brazil with the Thayer Expedition from 1865 to 1866. Her travel narrative is structured as a scientific account informed by natural history discourse. In her work, Agassiz innovates by including aspects of social organization, an anthropologic view, to her arguments. With travel narratives, Florence Dixie, Eduarda Mansilla, and Elizabeth Agassiz found a way to use their sex and marital status to transcend their husbands\u27 career and shape the dissemination of knowledge in the nineteenth century

    Introducing spin-off stocks into the NSP’s risk parity strategy

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    Field lab: Nova Student PortfolioThis Field Lab Research will attempt to improve the Nova Student’s Portfolio’s (NSP) current investment strategy through the use of spin off stocks. Studies have shown that spin off issuances tend to outperform the broad market as they are inefficiently introduced into the marketplace. This research will try and draw upon this relative outperformance by introducing spin off securities into the NSP’s investment thesis. This shall be accomplished in two main ways: the first part of this research will focus more on the risk parity portion of the strategy as broad exposure to spin offs shall be introduced in an attempt to improve the current risk parity portfolio. The second part of this research will look to the stock picking aspect of the NSP’s strategy. In other words, an investment thesis will be introduced with the objective of picking out certain spin off opportunities. The main objective of this research will be to increase the Sharpe ratio of the entire strategy and the average annual return of the portfolio

    Shannon entropy of brain functional complex networks under the influence of the psychedelic Ayahuasca

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    The entropic brain hypothesis holds that the key facts concerning psychedelics are partially explained in terms of increased entropy of the brain's functional connectivity. Ayahuasca is a psychedelic beverage of Amazonian indigenous origin with legal status in Brazil in religious and scientific settings. In this context, we use tools and concepts from the theory of complex networks to analyze resting state fMRI data of the brains of human subjects under two distinct conditions: (i) under ordinary waking state and (ii) in an altered state of consciousness induced by ingestion of Ayahuasca. We report an increase in the Shannon entropy of the degree distribution of the networks subsequent to Ayahuasca ingestion. We also find increased local and decreased global network integration. Our results are broadly consistent with the entropic brain hypothesis. Finally, we discuss our findings in the context of descriptions of "mind-expansion" frequently seen in self-reports of users of psychedelic drugs.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Human resources analytics module at Quidgest: One more step for human resources to become a true strategic partner

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    Analytics has been a source of competitive advantage due to improved decision-making processes in several business areas. Organizations have reported gains in efficiency and effectiveness based on the implementation of data-driven strategies. However, Human Resources (HR) professionals have been struggling to implement Analytics processes and are missing out on the opportunity of using data to improve organizational performance and truly become a Business Strategic Partner. This Enterprise Project aims to contribute to shortening that gap. It sets out to gather and elicit business, user, functional, and nonfunctional requirements for a new Human Resources Analytics Module (HRAM) at Quidgest, a Portuguese Technological Consultancy company that develops Human Resources Information Systems. The gathering and elicitation of requirements were done through Interviews, a Questionnaire, and 2 Joint Application Development (JAD) Sessions. A Value Proposition Canvas was developed to convey a fit between the system’s main functionalities and HR Professionals’ needs based on those requirements. The relevance of this project is two-folded: First, when developed, the new Analytics Module can become a new revenue stream for Quidgest and a way to maintain and improve its competitiveness in the market; Second, HR Professionals may find a new tool that meets their needs towards implementing Analytics processes and take a step forward in becoming a Strategic Partner. The conclusion of this project also sets out to suggest the next steps for the Module Development and implementation.O uso de Analytics tem sido uma fonte de vantagem competitiva devido à melhoria dos processos de tomada de decisão. As organizações relatam ganhos em eficiência e eficácia com base na implementação de estratégias baseadas em análise de dados. No entanto, os profissionais de Recursos Humanos (RH) têm se debatido para implementar processos analíticos e estão a perder a oportunidade de usar os seus dados para melhorar o desempenho organizacional e se tornarem realmente Strategic Business Partners. Este projeto em empresa visa colmatar essa lacuna. Pretende-se recolher e clarificar requisitos de negócio, utilizador, funcionais e não funcionais para um novo Módulo de Human Resources (HR) Analytics na Quidgest, uma constultora tecnológica portuguesa que desenvolve Sistemas de Informação de RH. A recolha e a clarificação de requisitos foi feita através de entrevistas, um questionário, e 2 Joint Application Development Sessions. De seguida, foi desenvolvido um Value Proposition Canvas, que mostra como há um fit entre as principais funcionalidades do sistema e as necessidades dos profissionais de RH nesta área. A relevância deste projeto prende-se em dois aspetos: primeiro, o novo Módulo de Analytics pode tornar-se uma nova fonte de receita para a Quidgest e uma forma de manter e melhorar sua competitividade; Em segundo lugar, os profissionais de RH podem encontrar uma nova ferramenta que responda às suas necessidades de implementação de processos analíticos e dar um passo em frente para se tornarem um Business Partner. A conclusão deste projeto sugere os próximos passos para o Desenvolvimento do Módulo de Analytics

    Reproductive management in captive elephants

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaElephants have been widely used by Humans for several centuries: for meat, as warriors through several kingdoms, for their heavy work power, for public entertainment, and for their unique tusks, leading them to be poached for the ivory trade. Nowadays we face the reality of a decreasing number of elephants in most of their range countries, leading them to be considered endangered (Asian) or vulnerable (African) to extinction. Being charismatic mega-vertebrates, made them one of the most desired wildlife to keep and show in zoological collections. Interdiction to the importation of wildlife was an important step, but with no more importation of individuals from the wild, the need to preserve the captive population became mandatory, and the zoological institutions make great efforts to maintain these animals in their collection and extend the conservation of these species. The inability to produce sufficient captive offspring and the continuous declining number in their natural habitat has urged research on elephant reproduction physiology. Asian and African elephants reproduce well in the wild but due to historically poor reproductive performance under human care, most captive populations face the possibility of local extinction. Besides logistical issues, elephant breeding in captivity faces management problems due to diseases, like ovarian and uterine pathologies and bull infertility. Therefore, it is important to understand the anatomy, physiology and all associated pathologies which can lead to reproduction failure, and for the future management of captive elephant populations is fundamental to ensure that professional decisions are made. Recent advances in endocrine monitoring and ultrasound imaging techniques allow researchers to understand the complex mechanisms that control reproduction in elephants, unique in several features. In this thesis, I reviewed all relevant studies from 2000 to nowadays, with special emphasis to the African elephant. Reproductive breeding management considerations to the captive population of the Lisbon Zoo were derived. Finally, four clinical cases in elephant reproduction that were followed and assisted by the author are analysed and discussed.RESUMO - Maneio reprodutivo de elefantes em cativeiro - Por muitos séculos, os elefantes têm sido utilizados pelo Homem: como produto de caça, soldados de guerra de diversos reinos, pela sua capacidade de trabalho pesado e pelas suas presas, levando a que sejam abatidos para o mercado de marfim. Atualmente, na maior parte da sua distribuição, o número de elefantes continua a decrescer o que levou à sua corrente classificação em “Vulnerável” (Africano) e em “Ameaça de Extinção” (Asiático). Devido ao carisma destes mega vertebrados, os elefantes são um dos mais desejados animais para manter e exibir em Zoos. A interdição à importação de mais indivíduos do meio selvagem foi um passo importante para a conservação destas espécies, mas tornou a manutenção das populações cativas existentes uma prioridade e grandes esforços foram tomados pelas instituições de cativeiro. Um ponto fulcral tem sido o estudo da fisiologia reprodutiva dos elefantes, para que seja atingido um número de descendentes suficientes para manter estas populações. Tanto os elefantes asiáticos (Elephas maximus) como os elefantes africanos (Loxodonta africana) conseguem reproduzir-se com sucesso no meio selvagem mas, devido a uma história de baixa performance reprodutiva sob cuidados humanos, muitas das populações cativas correm o risco de extinção local. Para além de problemas logísticos, a reprodução de elefantes em cativeiro debate-se com questões de maneio devido a enfermidades, como patologias ováricas e uterinas e infertilidade no macho. Compreender e tornar disponível as novas descobertas no ramo da anatomia, fisiologia e as mais comuns patologias associadas a falha reprodutiva tornou-se então uma prioridade para garantir que decisões ponderadas possam ser tomadas no maneio de elefantes cativos. Avanços recentes em monitorização hormonal e em técnicas de ultrasom permitiu aos investigadores perceber os mecanismos complexos que controlam a reprodução nos elefantes, que apresentam variadas características únicas. Posto isso, nesta tese, foram recolhidos e compilados todos os resultados relevantes publicados desde o ano 2000, com especial ênfase em dados relativos ao elefante africano. Considerações sobre o maneio reprodutivo da população de elefantes Africanos existente no Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa são também abordadas. Por fim, quatro casos clínicos, auxiliados e seguidos pelo autor são analisados e debatidos.N/

    Multimodal interface for an intelligent wheelchair

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201