2,501 research outputs found

    Factors that Influence the Way Communities Respond to Proposals for Major Changes to Local Emergency Services: A Qualitative Study

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    According to policy commentators, decisions about how best to organise care involve trade-offs between factors relating to care quality, workforce, cost, and patient access. In England, proposed changes such as Emergency Department closures often face public opposition. This study examined the way communities respond to plans aimed at reorganising emergency services, including the trade-offs inherent in such decisions

    Preliminary Results for LP VPE X-Ray Detectors

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    Thick epitaxial layers have been grown using Low Pressure Vapour Phase Epitaxy techniques with low free carrier concentrations . This type of material is attractive as a medium for X-ray detection, because of its high conversion efficiency for X-rays in the medically interesting energy range.Comment: 4 pages. PS file only - original in WORD. Also available at http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/preprints/97/07

    Recent results on GaAs detectors - 137

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    The present understanding of the charge collection in GaAs detectors with respect to the materials used and its processing are discussed. The radiation induced degradation of the charge collection efficiency and the leakage current of the detectors are summarised. The status of strip and pixel detectors for the ATLAS experiment are reported along with the latest results from GaAs X-ray detectors for non-high energy physics applications.Comment: 7 pages. 4 postscript figures + 1 postscript preprint logo + 1 LaTeX file + 1 style file. Also available at http://ppewww.ph.gla.ac.uk/preprints/97/05

    Divulgação científica para combater notícias falsas sobre a COVID-19: um projeto de extensão do Instituto Federal da Bahia

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    O trabalho apresenta uma experiência de divulgação científica para minorar as consequências da postagem de notícia falsa durante a pandemia da COVID-19 no Brasil. No período de junho até agosto de 2020, avaliamos o perfil de uma conta do Instagram da Educação a partir de trinta notícias e o conteúdo digital sobre o novo coronavírus (Sars-Cov-2). Com base no método descritivo, escrevemos o artigo para edição especial da revista eletrônica Science and Knowledge in Focus. Organizamos os resultados em cinco gráficos estatísticos, uma tabela e um quadro a partir da exposição dos dados em frequências simples e relativas. A pandemia da COVID-19 durou por um período que a população brasileira não esperava. Em meio a este cenário de medo e de luta contra a Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave (SRAG), outras ações surgiram para apoiar sociedade brasileira e comunidade acadêmica. Por exemplo, o projeto Checker News do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia. O participantes e a equipe do projeto refletiram sobre a aproximação entre a ciência e população brasileira no tempo pandêmico. Além de moradores de cinco estados mostraram interesse pelo conteúdo digital confiável sobre a prevenção e o tratamento da doença. Portanto, a divulgação científica é essencial para o combate as notícias falsas no mundo virtual

    Factors that influence the way local communities respond to consultation processes about major service change: A qualitative study.

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    In England, proposed service changes such as Emergency Department closures typically face local opposition. Consequently, public consultation exercises often involve protracted, hostile debates. This study examined a process aimed at engaging a community in decision-making about service reconfiguration, and the public response to this process

    Study Design and Evaluation of Risk Minimization Measures: A Review of Studies Submitted to the European Medicines Agency for Cardiovascular, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Drugs

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    Introduction: Studies measuring the effectiveness of risk minimization measures (RMMs) submitted by pharmaceutical companies to the European Medicines Agency are part of the post-authorization regulatory requirements and represent an important source of data covering a range of medicinal products and safety-related issues. Their objectives, design, and the associated regulatory outcomes were reviewed, and conclusions were drawn that may support future progress in risk minimization evaluation. Methods: Information was obtained from risk management plans, study protocols, clinical study reports, and assessment reports of 157 medicinal products authorized for cardiovascular, endocrinology, and metabolic indications. We selected observational studies measuring, as outcomes o

    Neonicotinoid pesticide limits improvement in buzz pollination by bumblebees

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    Neonicotinoid pesticides have been linked to global declines of beneficial insects such as bumblebees. Exposure to trace levels of these chemicals causes sub-lethal effects, such as reduced learning and foraging efficiency. Complex behaviours may be particularly vulnerable to the neurotoxic effects of neonicotinoids. Such behaviours may include buzz pollination (sonication), in which pollinators, usually bees, use innate and learned behaviours to generate high-frequency vibrations to release pollen from flowers with specialised anther morphologies. This study assesses the effect of field-realistic, chronic exposure to the widely-used neonicotinoid thiamethoxam on the development of sonication buzz characteristics over time, as well as the collection of pollen from buzz-pollinated flowers. We found that the pollen collection of exposed bees improved less with increasing experience than that of unexposed bees, with exposed bees collecting between 47% and 56% less pollen by the end of 10 trials. We also found evidence of two distinct strategies for maximising pollen collection: (1) extensions to the duration of individual buzzes and (2) extensions of the overall time spent buzzing. We find new complexities in buzz pollination, and conclude that the impacts of field-realistic exposure to a neonicotinoid pesticide may seriously compromise this important ecosystem service

    Effects of health and social care spending constraints on mortality in England: a time trend analysis.

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    OBJECTIVE: Since 2010, England has experienced relative constraints in public expenditure on healthcare (PEH) and social care (PES). We sought to determine whether these constraints have affected mortality rates. METHODS: We collected data on health and social care resources and finances for England from 2001 to 2014. Time trend analyses were conducted to compare the actual mortality rates in 2011-2014 with the counterfactual rates expected based on trends before spending constraints. Fixed-effects regression analyses were conducted using annual data on PES and PEH with mortality as the outcome, with further adjustments for macroeconomic factors and resources. Analyses were stratified by age group, place of death and lower-tier local authority (n=325). Mortality rates to 2020 were projected based on recent trends. RESULTS: Spending constraints between 2010 and 2014 were associated with an estimated 45 368 (95% CI 34 530 to 56 206) higher than expected number of deaths compared with pre-2010 trends. Deaths in those aged ≥60 and in care homes accounted for the majority. PES was more strongly linked with care home and home mortality than PEH, with each £10 per capita decline in real PES associated with an increase of 5.10 (3.65-6.54) (p<0.001) care home deaths per 100 000. These associations persisted in lag analyses and after adjustment for macroeconomic factors. Furthermore, we found that changes in real PES per capita may be linked to mortality mostly via changes in nurse numbers. Projections to 2020 based on 2009-2014 trend was cumulatively linked to an estimated 152 141 (95% CI 134 597 and 169 685) additional deaths. CONCLUSIONS: Spending constraints, especially PES, are associated with a substantial mortality gap. We suggest that spending should be targeted on improving care delivered in care homes and at home; and maintaining or increasing nurse numbers

    Cálculo diferencial e integral e suas aplicações: o uso do cálculo na análise sobre o aquecimento dos fios/ Differential and integral calculus and its applications: the use of calculus in the analysis of the heating of wires

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    Nos tempos atuais necessitamos extremamente de equipamentos elétricos. Muitos equipamentos transformam parte dessa energia em outras formas de energia, para que seu uso seja realizado conforme cada equipamento foi projetado. A corrente elétrica é o resultado da movimentação dos átomos. Quando há corrente elétrica os átomos se colidem uns com os outros causando uma excitação que irá gerar o efeito Joule que é o aquecimento dos fios. Para que essa energia chegue até os equipamentos é necessária a utilização de cabos elétricos, podendo ser o condutor de alumínio ou cobre que são os mais utilizados devido as suas propriedades elétricas, térmicas, mecânicas e custos. Por meio desta modelagem iremos mostrar através dos cálculos, qual a corrente em um curto-circuito e qual deve ser o valor da secção do fio para que ele suporte a corrente, para evitar o aquecimento do fio e consequentemente danos ao no fio e no equipamento

    Bumblebees exhibit the memory spacing effect

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    Associative learning is key to how bees recognize and return to rewarding floral resources. It thus plays a major role in pollinator floral constancy and plant gene flow. Honeybees are the primary model for pollinator associative learning, but bumblebees play an important ecological role in a wider range of habitats, and their associative learning abilities are less well understood. We assayed learning with the proboscis extension reflex (PER), using a novel method for restraining bees (capsules) designed to improve bumblebee learning. We present the first results demonstrating that bumblebees exhibit the memory spacing effect. They improve their associative learning of odor and nectar reward by exhibiting increased memory acquisition, a component of long-term memory formation, when the time interval between rewarding trials is increased. Bombus impatiens forager memory acquisition (average discrimination index values) improved by 129% and 65% at inter-trial intervals (ITI) of 5 and 3 min, respectively, as compared to an ITI of 1 min. Memory acquisition rate also increased with increasing ITI. Encapsulation significantly increases olfactory memory acquisition. Ten times more foragers exhibited at least one PER response during training in capsules as compared to traditional PER harnesses. Thus, a novel conditioning assay, encapsulation, enabled us to improve bumblebee-learning acquisition and demonstrate that spaced learning results in better memory consolidation. Such spaced learning likely plays a role in forming long-term memories of rewarding floral resources
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