864 research outputs found

    An Analysis of ALMA Deep Fields and the Perceived Dearth of High-z Galaxies

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    Deep, pencil-beam surveys from ALMA at 1.1-1.3mm have uncovered an apparent absence of high-redshift dusty galaxies, with existing redshift distributions peaking around z1.52.5z\sim1.5-2.5. This has led to a perceived dearth of dusty systems at z>4z>4, and the conclusion, according to some models, that the early Universe was relatively dust-poor. In this paper, we extend the backward evolution galaxy model described by Casey et al. (2018) to the ALMA regime (in depth and area) and determine that the measured number counts and redshift distributions from ALMA deep field surveys are fully consistent with constraints of the infrared luminosity function (IRLF) at z<2.5z<2.5 determined by single-dish submillimeter and millimeter surveys conducted on much larger angular scales (110\sim1-10deg2^{2}). We find that measured 1.1-1.3mm number counts are most constraining for the measurement of the faint-end slope of the IRLF at z4z4. Recent studies have suggested that UV-selected galaxies at z>4z>4 may be particularly dust-poor, but we find their millimeter-wave emission cannot rule out consistency with the Calzetti dust attenuation law even by assuming relatively typical, cold-dust (Tdust30T_{\rm dust}\approx30\,K) SEDs. Our models suggest that the design of ALMA deep fields requires substantial revision to constrain the prevalence of z>4z>4 early Universe obscured starbursts. The most promising avenue for detection and characterization of such early dusty galaxies will come from future ALMA 2mm blank field surveys covering a few hundred arcmin2^{2} and the combination of existing and future dual-purpose 3mm datasets.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Constraining the Lyα escape fraction with far-infrared observations of Lyα emitters

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    We study the far-infrared properties of 498 Lyα emitters (LAEs) at z = 2.8, 3.1, and 4.5 in the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South, using 250, 350, and 500μm data from the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey and 870μm data from the LABOCA ECDFS Submillimeter Survey. None of the 126, 280, or 92 LAEs at z = 2.8, 3.1, and 4.5, respectively, are individually detected in the far-infrared data. We use stacking to probe the average emission to deeper flux limits, reaching 1σ depths of ∼0.1 to 0.4 mJy. The LAEs are also undetected at ?3σ in the stacks, although a 2.5σ signal is observed at 870μm for the z = 2.8 sources. We consider a wide range of far-infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs), including an M82 and an Sd galaxy template, to determine upper limits on the far-infrared luminosities and far-infrared-derived star formation rates of the LAEs. These star formation rates are then combined with those inferred from the Lyα and UV emission to determine lower limits on the LAEs’ Lyα escape fraction (f esc (Lyα)). For the Sd SED template, the inferred LAEs f esc (Lyα) are ?30% (1σ) at z = 2.8, 3.1, and 4.5, which are all significantly higher than the global f esc (Lyα) at these redshifts. Thus, if the LAEs f esc (Lyα) follows the global evolution, then they have warmer far-infrared SEDs than the Sd galaxy template. The average and M82 SEDs produce lower limits on the LAE f esc (Lyα) of ∼10%–20% (1σ), all of which are slightly higher than the global evolution of f esc (Lyα), but consistent with it at the 2σ–3σ level

    Effects of Star Formation Stochasticity on the Ly-alpha & Lyman Continuum Emission from Dwarf Galaxies during Reionization

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    Observations of distant galaxies play a key role in improving our understanding of the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). The observed Ly-alpha emission line strength - quantified by its restframe equivalent width (EW) - provides a valuable diagnostic of stellar populations and dust in galaxies during and after the EoR. In this paper we quantify the effects of star formation stochasticity on the predicted Ly-alpha EW in dwarf galaxies, using the publicly available code SLUG ('Stochastically Light Up Galaxies'). We compute the number of hydrogen ionizing photons, as well as flux in the Far UV for a set of models with star formation rates (SFR) in the range 10-3-1 Msol/yr. From these fluxes we compute the luminosity, L-alpha, and the EW of the Ly-alpha line. We find that stochasticity alone induces a broad distribution in L-alpha and EW at a fixed SFR, and that the widths of these distributions decrease with increasing SFR. We parameterize the EW probability density function (PDF) as an SFR-dependent double power law. We find that it is possible to have EW as low as ~EW0/4 and as high as ~3 times the EW0, where EW0 denotes the expected EW in the absence of stochasticity. We argue that stochasticity may therefore be important when linking drop-out and narrow-band selected galaxies, when identifying population III galaxies, and that it may help to explain the large EW (EW > 100 - 200 A) observed for a fraction of Ly-alpha- selected galaxies. Finally, we show that stochasticity can also affect the inferred escape fraction of ionizing photons from galaxies. In particular, we argue that stochasticity may simultaneously explain the observed anomalous ratios of the Lyman continuum flux density to the (non-ionizing) UV continuum density in so-called Lyman-Bump galaxies at z = 3.1, as well as the absence of such objects among a sample of z = 1.3 drop-out galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Brightest Galaxies in the Dark Ages: Galaxies' Dust Continuum Emission During the Reionization Era

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    Though half of cosmic starlight is absorbed by dust and reradiated at long wavelengths (3μ\mum-3mm), constraints on the infrared through millimeter galaxy luminosity function (the `IRLF') are poor in comparison to the rest-frame ultraviolet and optical galaxy luminosity function, particularly at z>2.5. Here we present a backward evolution model for interpreting number counts, redshift distributions, and cross-band flux density correlations in the infrared and submillimeter sky, from 70μ\mum-2mm, using a model for the IRLF out to the epoch of reionization. Mock submillimeter maps are generated by injecting sources according to the prescribed IRLF and flux densities drawn from model spectral energy distributions that mirror the distribution of SEDs observed in 0<z<50<z<5 dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs). We explore two extreme hypothetical case-studies: a dust-poor early Universe model, where DSFGs contribute negligibly (<<10%) to the integrated star-formation rate density at z>4z>4, and an alternate dust-rich early Universe model, where DSFGs dominate \sim90% of z>4z>4 star-formation. We find that current submm/mm datasets do not clearly rule out either of these extreme models. We suggest that future surveys at 2mm will be crucial to measuring the IRLF beyond z4z\sim4. The model framework developed in this paper serves as a unique tool for the interpretation of multiwavelength IR/submm extragalactic datasets and will enable more refined constraints on the IRLF than can be made from direct measurements of individual galaxies' integrated dust emission.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    At the crossroads of biomacromolecular research: highlighting the interdisciplinary nature of the field

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    Due to their complexity and wide-ranging utility, biomacromolecular research is an especially interdisciplinary branch of chemistry. It is my goal that the Biomacromolecules subject area of Chemistry Central Journal will parallel this richness and diversity. In this inaugural commentary, I attempt to set the stage for achieving this by highlighting several areas where biomacromolecular research overlaps more traditional chemistry sub-disciplines. Specifically, it is discussed how Materials Science and Biotechnology, Analytical Chemistry, Cell Biology and Chemical Theory are each integral to modern biomacromolecular research. Investigators with reports in any of these areas, or any other dealing with biomacromolecules, are encouraged to submit their research papers to Chemistry Central Journal

    Nucleon Form Factors from 5D Skyrmions

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    Several aspects of hadron physics are well described by a simple 5D effective field theory. Baryons arise in this scenario as "large" (and therefore calculable) 5D skyrmions. We extend and refine the existing analysis of this 5D soliton, which is fairly non-trivial due to the need of numerical methods. We perform the complete quantization of those collective coordinates which are relevant for computing the static observables like the nucleon form factors. We compare the result with simple expectations about large-N_c QCD and with the experimental data. An agreement within 30% is found.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures; v2: References added and typos corrected; v3: Version published in Nucl. Phys.

    A low-voltage activated, transient calcium current is responsible for the time-dependent depolarizing inward rectification of rat neocortical neurons in vitro

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    Intracellular recordings were obtained from rat neocortical neurons in vitro. The current-voltage-relationship of the neuronal membrane was investigated using current- and single-electrode-voltage-clamp techniques. Within the potential range up to 25 mV positive to the resting membrane potential (RMP: –75 to –80 mV) the steady state slope resistance increased with depolarization (i.e. steady state inward rectification in depolarizing direction). Replacement of extracellular NaCl with an equimolar amount of choline chloride resulted in the conversion of the steady state inward rectification to an outward rectification, suggesting the presence of a voltage-dependent, persistent sodium current which generated the steady state inward rectification of these neurons. Intracellularly injected outward current pulses with just subthreshold intensities elicited a transient depolarizing potential which invariably triggered the first action potential upon an increase in current strength. Single-electrode-voltage-clamp measurements reveled that this depolarizing potential was produced by a transient calcium current activated at membrane potentials 15–20 mV positive to the RMP and that this current was responsible for the time-dependent increase in the magnitude of the inward rectification in depolarizing direction in rat neocortical neurons. It may be that, together with the persistent sodium current, this calcium current regulates the excitability of these neurons via the adjustment of the action potential threshold

    A massive, quiescent galaxy at redshift of z=3.717

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    In the early Universe finding massive galaxies that have stopped forming stars present an observational challenge as their rest-frame ultraviolet emission is negligible and they can only be reliably identified by extremely deep near-infrared surveys. These have revealed the presence of massive, quiescent early-type galaxies appearing in the universe as early as z\sim2, an epoch 3 Gyr after the Big Bang. Their age and formation processes have now been explained by an improved generation of galaxy formation models where they form rapidly at z\sim3-4, consistent with the typical masses and ages derived from their observations. Deeper surveys have now reported evidence for populations of massive, quiescent galaxies at even higher redshifts and earlier times, however the evidence for their existence, and redshift, has relied entirely on coarsely sampled photometry. These early massive, quiescent galaxies are not predicted by the latest generation of theoretical models. Here, we report the spectroscopic confirmation of one of these galaxies at redshift z=3.717 with a stellar mass of 1.7×\times1011^{11} M_\odot whose absorption line spectrum shows no current star-formation and which has a derived age of nearly half the age of the Universe at this redshift. The observations demonstrates that the galaxy must have quickly formed the majority of its stars within the first billion years of cosmic history in an extreme and short starburst. This ancestral event is similar to those starting to be found by sub-mm wavelength surveys pointing to a possible connection between these two populations. Early formation of such massive systems is likely to require significant revisions to our picture of early galaxy assembly.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. This is the final preprint corresponding closely to the published version. Uploaded 6 months after publication in accordance with Nature polic

    Bi-local Construction of Sp(2N)/dS Higher Spin Correspondence

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    We derive a collective field theory of the singlet sector of the Sp(2N) sigma model. Interestingly the hamiltonian for the bilocal collective field is the same as that of the O(N) model. However, the large-N saddle points of the two models differ by a sign. This leads to a fluctuation hamiltonian with a negative quadratic term and alternating signs in the nonlinear terms which correctly reproduces the correlation functions of the singlet sector. Assuming the validity of the connection between O(N) collective fields and higher spin fields in AdS, we argue that a natural interpretation of this theory is by a double analytic continuation, leading to the dS/CFT correspondence proposed by Anninos, Hartman and Strominger. The bi-local construction gives a map into the bulk of de Sitter space-time. Its geometric pseudospin-representation provides a framework for quantization and definition of the Hilbert space. We argue that this is consistent with finite N grassmanian constraints, establishing the bi-local representation as a nonperturbative framework for quantization of Higher Spin Gravity in de Sitter space.Comment: 1 figur