681 research outputs found

    On the cohomological spectrum and support varieties for infinitesimal unipotent supergroup schemes

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    We show that if GG is an infinitesimal elementary supergroup scheme of height r\leq r, then the cohomological spectrum G|G| of GG is naturally homeomorphic to the variety Nr(G)\mathcal{N}_r(G) of supergroup homomorphisms ρ:MrG\rho: \mathbb{M}_r \rightarrow G from a certain (non-algebraic) affine supergroup scheme Mr\mathbb{M}_r into GG. In the case r=1r=1, we further identify the cohomological support variety of a finite-dimensional GG-supermodule MM as a subset of N1(G)\mathcal{N}_1(G). We then discuss how our methods, when combined with recently-announced results by Benson, Iyengar, Krause, and Pevtsova, can be applied to extend the homeomorphism Nr(G)G\mathcal{N}_r(G) \cong |G| to arbitrary infinitesimal unipotent supergroup schemes.Comment: Fixed some algebra misidentifications, primarily in Sections 1.3 and 3.3. Simplified the proof of Proposition 3.3.

    Implications of the common curricular national basis about the evaluation in the 1st year of fundamental education from the vision of teachers

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    Se tiene como objetivo analizar la percepción de los profesores de las Escuelas Públicas Municipales de Brusque (SC) sobre la forma de evaluación utilizada con los alumnos de los 1os años de la Enseñanza Fundamental teniendo en vista lo que es preconizado de la BNCC y en las Directrices Municipales de Brusque. Para ello, se realizó una investigación cualitativa de carácter exploratorio. Se entrevistaron profesoras que actúan con clases de los 1os Años de la Enseñanza Fundamental de tres escuelas Municipales de Brusque. Para las profesoras parece bien evidente que el proceso de evaluación ocurre diariamente. A pesar de no realizar pruebas, el proceso de evaluación en los 1os años todavía parece traducirse en nota. Se observó que la nota necesita, obligatoriamente, estar registrada en el sistema, instigando una reflexión sobre los sistemas educativos. La nota no define el aprendizaje del estudiante, pues  el aprendizaje, es continuo, ocurriendo en todos los momentos y en todas las actividades realizadas.The aim of this study is to analyze the perception of the teachers of the Municipal Public Schools of Brusque (SC) on the form of evaluation used with the students of the 1st Years of Elementary School in view of what is recommended by BNCC and in the Brusque Municipal Guidelines. For this, a qualitative exploratory research was carried out. Teachers who work with classes of the 1st years of elementary school of three municipal schools of Brusque were interviewed. For the teachers it seems very evident that the evaluation process occurs daily. Although they do not perform tests, the evaluation process in the years still seems to translate into grade. It was observed that the grade must, necessarily, be registered in the system, instigating a reflection about the educational systems. The grade does not define student learning, since it is continuous, occurring at all times and in all activities performed.Tem-se como objetivo analisar a percepção dos professores das Escolas Públicas Municipais de Brusque (SC) sobre a forma de avaliação utilizada com os alunos dos 1os anos do Ensino Fundamental tendo em vista o que é preconizado na BNCC e nas Diretrizes Municipais de Brusque. Para tal, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratória. Entrevistaram-se professoras que atuam com turmas dos 1os anos do ensino fundamental de três escolas Municipais de Brusque. Para as professoras parece bem evidente que o processo de avaliação ocorre diariamente. Apesar de não realizarem provas, o processo de avaliação nos 1os anos ainda parece traduzir-se em nota. Observou-se que a nota necessita, obrigatoriamente, estar registrada no sistema, instigando uma reflexão sobre os sistemas educacionais. A nota não define a aprendizagem do estudante, pois ela, a aprendizagem, é contínua, ocorrendo em todos os momentos e em todas as atividades realizadas

    Hydrogen-Bonded Dimers of CH3OCH2CH2OH: Ab Initio Structures and Multivariate Analysis

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    Structures and vibrational frequencies of relevant hydrogen-bonded dimers of 2-methoxyethanol are obtained at the 3-21G*//Ah41 level (the 3-21G* basis set included polarization functions deliberately added to second period atoms) and the results analyzed by standard multivariate methods. Dimers built from the same pair of isolated monomers belong to the same homologous series. The most stable dimer is obtained from the most stable conformations of both monomers, has a 10-membered intermolecular ring with a boat-chairboat conformation, and presents a zero dipole moment. In addition, the most stable dimers of the three homologous series have 10-membered rings with relatively symmetric conformations and zero or very low dipole moments. The energies of the monomers in these dimers-monomers with geometries frozen in the dimer-are close to the isolated and relaxed monomers energies. Generally speaking, OH 0 and CH 0 hydrogen bonds are found to contribute appreciably for the stability of the dimers. In particular, for the second most stable dimer, two of the three CH -0 hydrogen bonds are shorter than the intramolecular OH- 0 bond for the isolated monomer. Multivariate analysis of all the results shows that the 0. *H-0 angle is highly correlated with the H-0 bond length and that the COC and OCC angles are also highly correlated for both monomers, hence confirming that each monomer in a dimer keeps essentially the same conformation it has in the isolated monomer. The first and second principal components include all the highly correlated variables and account for 45% of the total variance. 3-D plots of the three most important principal components confirm a strong structural resemblance both for 10-membered ring dimers of homomeric series, Le., formed by the same monomers, and for the more stable dimers in each homologous series. In addition, among the heteromeric dimers with seven membered rings, the ones whose first conformation is G or G’ are less stable and located in a separate group


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    This article analyzes the arguments brought in the public hearing convened by the Federal Supreme Court in the context of Extraordinary Appeal 586,224, which dealt with the burning of sugarcane fields. The analysis of these arguments is carried out based on the teachings of Jürgen Habermas, verifying which rationality is used in the expositions, considering the epistemic, teleological or communicative rationalities. Afterwards, the Ministers' votes are analyzed to verify the influence of the arguments of the public hearing on the decision. We also seek to understand whether these public hearings have become a mere ritual or whether they were well used in the decision. The analysis of the theoretical framework uses the hypothetical-deductive method of approach. In the end, it is concluded that the arguments brought in the public hearing had little influence on the ministers' votes.Este artigo analisa os argumentos trazidos na audiência pública realizada em 2013 convocada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal no âmbito do Recurso Extraordinário 586.224, que tratou das queimadas em canaviais. A análise desses argumentos é realizada com base nos ensinamentos Jürgen Habermas, verificando-se qual racionalidade são utilizadas nas exposições, considerando-se as racionalidades epistêmica, teleológica ou comunicativa. Após, são analisados os votos dos Ministros para verificar a influência dos argumentos da audiência pública sobre a decisão. Também se busca perceber se essas audiências públicas se tornaram um mero ritual ou se foram bem aproveitadas na decisão. A análise do referencial teórico utiliza o método de abordagem hipotético-dedutivo. Ao final, conclui-se que os argumentos trazidos na audiência pública tiveram pouca influência nos votos dos ministros

    Relative blocking in posets

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    Poset-theoretic generalizations of set-theoretic committee constructions are presented. The structure of the corresponding subposets is described. Sequences of irreducible fractions associated to the principal order ideals of finite bounded posets are considered and those related to the Boolean lattices are explored; it is shown that such sequences inherit all the familiar properties of the Farey sequences.Comment: 29 pages. Corrected version of original publication which is available at http://www.springerlink.com, see Corrigendu

    LGP2 plays a critical role in sensitizing mda-5 to activation by double-stranded RNA.

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    The DExD/H box RNA helicases retinoic acid-inducible gene-I (RIG-I) and melanoma differentiation associated gene-5 (mda-5) sense viral RNA in the cytoplasm of infected cells and activate signal transduction pathways that trigger the production of type I interferons (IFNs). Laboratory of genetics and physiology 2 (LGP2) is thought to influence IFN production by regulating the activity of RIG-I and mda-5, although its mechanism of action is not known and its function is controversial. Here we show that expression of LGP2 potentiates IFN induction by polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)], commonly used as a synthetic mimic of viral dsRNA, and that this is particularly significant at limited levels of the inducer. The observed enhancement is mediated through co-operation with mda-5, which depends upon LGP2 for maximal activation in response to poly(I:C). This co-operation is dependent upon dsRNA binding by LGP2, and the presence of helicase domain IV, both of which are required for LGP2 to interact with mda-5. In contrast, although RIG-I can also be activated by poly(I:C), LGP2 does not have the ability to enhance IFN induction by RIG-I, and instead acts as an inhibitor of RIG-I-dependent poly(I:C) signaling. Thus the level of LGP2 expression is a critical factor in determining the cellular sensitivity to induction by dsRNA, and this may be important for rapid activation of the IFN response at early times post-infection when the levels of inducer are low

    Interaction of perceptual grouping and crossmodal temporal capture in tactile apparent-motion

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    Previous studies have shown that in tasks requiring participants to report the direction of apparent motion, task-irrelevant mono-beeps can "capture'' visual motion perception when the beeps occur temporally close to the visual stimuli. However, the contributions of the relative timing of multimodal events and the event structure, modulating uni- and/or crossmodal perceptual grouping, remain unclear. To examine this question and extend the investigation to the tactile modality, the current experiments presented tactile two-tap apparent-motion streams, with an SOA of 400 ms between successive, left-/right-hand middle-finger taps, accompanied by task-irrelevant, non-spatial auditory stimuli. The streams were shown for 90 seconds, and participants' task was to continuously report the perceived (left-or rightward) direction of tactile motion. In Experiment 1, each tactile stimulus was paired with an auditory beep, though odd-numbered taps were paired with an asynchronous beep, with audiotactile SOAs ranging from -75 ms to 75 ms. Perceived direction of tactile motion varied systematically with audiotactile SOA, indicative of a temporal-capture effect. In Experiment 2, two audiotactile SOAs-one short (75 ms), one long (325 ms)-were compared. The long-SOA condition preserved the crossmodal event structure (so the temporal-capture dynamics should have been similar to that in Experiment 1), but both beeps now occurred temporally close to the taps on one side (even-numbered taps). The two SOAs were found to produce opposite modulations of apparent motion, indicative of an influence of crossmodal grouping. In Experiment 3, only odd-numbered, but not even-numbered, taps were paired with auditory beeps. This abolished the temporal-capture effect and, instead, a dominant percept of apparent motion from the audiotactile side to the tactile-only side was observed independently of the SOA variation. These findings suggest that asymmetric crossmodal grouping leads to an attentional modulation of apparent motion, which inhibits crossmodal temporal-capture effects

    Anthropogenic Impacts on Aquatic Insects in Six Streams of South Western Ghats

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    Diversity patterns of aquatic insects among sampling sites lying with!ç the unprotected and protected areas of Western Ghats were studied. This study primarily emphasizes whether anthropogenic influence is the prime cause for the presence of aquatic insects especialIy of pollution-sensitive organisms belonging to the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera, or to factors such as the physico-chemical features of the water, or sampling methods. Six streams were sampled quantitatively, of which three streams (Abbifalls, Monkey falls and SiIver Cascade) were within protected areas and the remaining three streams (Kumbakarai, Shenbagadevi and Manimutharu falls) were in unprotected areas. A total of 3,209 individual aquatic insects belonging to 25 genera, 18 families and 7 orders were collected. The highest species richness and abundance was observed in Monkey falls followed by Kumbakkarai falls. Large çumbers of more habitat-sensitive organisms such as Ecdyonurus sp., Epeorus sp., Thalerosphyrus sp., Euthraulus sp., and Nathanella sp., were found in Monkey falls. Though the species assemblage was somewhat different, pollution-sensitive taxa were also observed in Kumbakkarai falls. Shenbagadevi and Manimutharu falls had a lower diversity of aquatic insects. The likely causes of these differences are discussed

    Concepções de professores multidisciplinares em formação inicial sobre a Matemática e seu ensino: algumas compreensões

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    From the discussions about the conceptions of teachers and their influence on teaching practice (PONTE, 1992; THOMPSON, 1997; CURY, 1999), was defined as the objective for this article to reflect on the conceptions of Multidisciplinary Teachers in Initial Formation in relation to Mathematics and its teaching in the Early Years of Elementary School. This qualitative research was carried out in the discipline of Methodology of Mathematics Teaching, of a Pedagogy Course, in the context of Emergency Remote Teaching. For data collection, was used a questionnaire composed of open questions related to conceptions and feelings of the participants in relation to Mathematics and its teaching. Data analysis was based on Discursive Textual Analysis. As conclusions, it was possible to understand that there is still a predominance of the utilitarian vision of Mathematics, but the conceptions about the Mathematics teaching of the research participants indicate a tendency to break with this viewA partir das discussões acerca das concepções de professores e a influência destas na prática docente (PONTE, 1992; THOMPSON, 1997; CURY, 1999), definiu-se como objetivo para este artigo refletir sobre as concepções de Professores Multidisciplinares em Formação Inicial em relação à Matemática e seu ensino nos Anos Iniciais. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo, foi realizada na disciplina de Metodologia do Ensino de Matemática, de um Curso de Pedagogia, no contexto do Ensino Remoto Emergencial. Para coleta de dados, utilizou-se um questionário composto por perguntas abertas relacionadas às concepções e sentimentos dos participantes em relação à Matemática e seu ensino. Os dados foram descritos e analisados à luz da Análise Textual Discursiva. Como resultados do estudo, foi possível compreender que ainda há uma predominância da visão utilitarista da Matemática, mas as concepções sobre o ensino de Matemática dos participantes da pesquisa indicam uma tendência ao rompimento com essa visão

    Spin-1 Correlators at Large NC: Matching OPE and Resonance Theory up to O(alpha_s)

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    The relation between the quark-gluon description of QCD and the hadronic picture is studied up to order alpha_s. The analysis of the spin-1 correlators is developed within the large NC framework. Both representations are shown to be equivalent in the euclidean domain, where the Operator Product Expansion is valid. By considering different models for the hadronic spectrum at high energies, one is able to recover the alpha_s running in the correlators, to fix the rho(770) and a1(1260) couplings, and to produce a prediction for the values of the condensates. The Operator Product Expansion is improved by the large NC resonance theory, extending its range of validity. Dispersion relations are employed in order to study the minkowskian region and some convenient sum rules, specially sensitive to the resonance structure of QCD, are worked out. A first experimental estimate of these sum rules allows a cross-check of former determinations of the QCD parameters and helps to discern and to discard some of the considered hadronical models. Finally, the truncated resonance theory and the Minimal Hadronical Approximation arise as a natural approach to the full resonance theory, not as a model.Comment: 36 pages, 19 figures. Minor changes (added reference,...). Paper as finally appeared in pres