1,217 research outputs found

    Managing variability in decision making in swine growing-finishing units

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    peer-reviewedAnalysis of data collected from pig farms may be useful to understand factors affecting pig health and productive performance. However, obtaining these data and drawing conclusions from them can be done at different levels and presents several challenges. In the present study, information from 688 batches of growing-finishing (GF) pigs (average initial and final body weight of 19.1 and 108.5 kg respectively) from 404 GF farms integrated in 7 companies was obtained between July 2008 and July 2010 in Spain by survey. Management and facility factors associated with feed conversion ratio (FCR) and mortality were studied by multiple linear regression analysis in each single company (A to G) and in an overall database (OD). Factors studied were geographic location of the farm, trimester the pigs entered the farm, breed of sire and sex segregation in pens (BREGENSEG), use of circovirus vaccine, number of origins the pigs were obtained from, age of the farm, percentage of slatted floor, type of feeder, drinker and ventilation, number of phases and form of feed, antibiotic administration system, water source, and number and initial weight of pigs. Results In two or more companies studied and/or in OD, the trimester when pigs were placed in the farm, BREGENSEG, number of origins of the pigs, age of the farm and initial body weight were factors associated with FCR. Regarding mortality, trimester of placement, number of origins of the pigs, water source in the farm, number of pigs placed and the initial body weight were relevant factors. Age of the farm, antibiotic administration system, and water source were only provided by some of the studied companies and were not included in the OD model, however, when analyzed in particular companies these three variables had an important effect and may be variables of interest in companies that do not record them. Conclusions Analysing data collected from farms at different levels helps better understand factors associated with productive performance of pig herds. Out of the studied factors trimester of placement and number of origins of the pigs were the most relevant factors associated with FCR and mortality.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (project AGL2011-29960). We also thank the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (MAEC-AECID) for research fellowship

    Evaluación de la obtención de aceite de girasol a partir de extracción acuosa enzimática usando enzimas proteasa

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    The aim of this work was to maximize the enzymatic aqueous extraction (EAE) of sunflower seed oil using protease enzymes from the evaluation of various temperatures, pH and enzyme concentrations, using a Box-Behnken experimental design. The effect of a thermal pre-treatment of sunflower seeds on free oil yield (FOY) and oil quality was also determined. In the experimental range adopted, a lower temperature (40 °C) provided higher FOY values, as well as the intermediate pH (8.00) and maximum enzyme concentration (9% v/v). Thermal pre-treatment provided an increase in FOY in the initial extraction times (60 to 180 min) and decreased of the extraction time of 4 to 3 h to obtain the highest FOY value (~16%). The fatty acid composition of the oils obtained showed a predominance of oleic (~47.5%) and linoleic acids (~39.5%). The total phytosterol content in the samples was hardly affected by the heat pre-treatment of the seeds, while the fatty acid profile, tocopherol content and oxidative stability were not altered.El objetivo de este trabajo fue maximizar la extracción acuosa enzimática (EAE) de aceite de semillas de girasol utilizando la enzima proteasa a partir de la evaluación de las variables temperatura, pH y concentración de la enzima, utilizando un diseño experimental de Box-Behnken. Además, se determinó el efecto del pretratamiento térmico de las semillas de girasol sobre el rendimiento (RA) y la calidad del aceite. En el rango experimental adoptado, las temperaturas más bajas (40 °C) proporcionaron valores de RA más altos, así como el pH intermedio (8,00) y la concentración máxima de enzima (9% v/v). El pretratamiento térmico proporcionó un aumento del RA en los tiempos de extracción iniciales (60 a 180 min) y una disminución del tiempo de extracción de 4 a 3 h para obtener el valor de RA más alto (~ 16%). La composición en ácidos grasos de los aceites obtenidos mostró predominio de los ácidos oleico (~47,5%) y linoleico (~39,5%). El contenido total de fitosteroles en las muestras se vio poco afectado por el pretratamiento térmico de las semillas, mientras que el perfil de ácidos grasos, el contenido de tocoferoles y la estabilidad oxidativa no se vieron afectados

    Chemical and spectroscopic characterization of humic acids extracted from the bottom sediments of a Brazilian subtropical microbasin

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    International audienceHumic substances (HS) perform a fundamental role in aquatic environments, exhibiting different levels of reactivity in retaining metal ions and organic pollutants. Also, they control the primary production of these ecosystems and act in the carbon sequestering process. In order to improve our understanding vis-à-vis the structural and functional features of HS from aquatic systems, this study aimed to chemically and spectroscopically characterize humic acids (HA) isolated from bottom sediment samples of a stream in a Brazilian subtropical microbasin by elemental analysis, and infrared (FT-IR), ultraviolet and visible (UV-Vis) and solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (CP-MAS 13C NMR) spectroscopies, thermogravimetry (TG), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Although all samples originated from the same environment, the data showed that the HA have distinct chemical and spectroscopic properties, and that the location and characteristics of the sampling points from which the sediments were collected played an important role in the differences observed. Furthermore, vascular plant matter is probably the main contributor to these samples

    Field theoretic description of charge regulation interaction

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    In order to find the exact form of the electrostatic interaction between two proteins with dissociable charge groups in aqueous solution, we have studied a model system composed of two macroscopic surfaces with charge dissociation sites immersed in a counterion-only ionic solution. Field-theoretic representation of the grand canonical partition function is derived and evaluated within the mean-field approximation, giving the Poisson-Boltzmann theory with the Ninham-Parsegian boundary condition. Gaussian fluctuations around the mean-field are then analyzed in the lowest order correction that we calculate analytically and exactly, using the path integral representation for the partition function of a harmonic oscillator with time-dependent frequency. The first order (one loop) free energy correction gives the interaction free energy that reduces to the zero-frequency van der Waals form in the appropriate limit but in general gives rise to a mono-polar fluctuation term due to charge fluctuation at the dissociation sites. Our formulation opens up the possibility to investigate the Kirkwood-Shumaker interaction in more general contexts where their original derivation fails.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Adhesive stresses in axially-loaded tubular bonded joints - Part II: development of an explicit closed-form solution for the Lubkin and Reissner model

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    The literature presents several analytical models and solutions for single- and double-lap bonded joints, whilst the joint between circular tubes is less common. For this geometry the pioneering model is that of Lubkin and Reissner (Trans. ASME 78, 1956), in which the tubes are treated as cylindrical thin shells subjected to membrane and bending loading, whilst the adhesive transmits shear and peel stresses which are a function of the axial coordinate only. Such assumptions are consistent with those usually adopted for the flat joints. A former investigation has shown that the L-R model agrees with FE results for many geometries and gives far better results than other models appeared later in the literature. The aim of the present work is to obtain and present an explicit closed-form solution, not reported by Lubkin and Reissner, which is achieved by solving the governing equations by means of the Laplace transform. The correctness of the findings, assessed by the comparison with the tabular results of Lubkin and Reissner, and the features of this solution are commente

    Todavía se recetan medicamentos potencialmente hepatotóxicos a pacientes con enfermedad hepática que reciben atención terciaria: es hora de decir basta

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    Introduction and aim: Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) manifests as a spectrum of clinical presentations that carries morbidity and mortality. Patients with chronic liver disease (CLD), particularly hospitalized, are at high risk for developing DILI. We aimed to investigate the use of potentially hepatotoxic drugs (PHD) in patients with CLD in a tertiary university hospital. Materials and methods: Adult (≥ 18 years-old) with CLD admitted to the hospital from January 2016 to December 2018 were evaluated regarding PHD, assessing the risk of DILI and liver enzymes behavior after exposure. Results: From 931 hospitalized patients with CLD, 291 (31.3%) were exposed to hepatotoxic drugs during their hospitalization. Of those, 244 (83.8%) were cirrhotic. The most frequent causes of liver disease were hepatitis C (41.2%), followed by alcohol (13.2%), hepatitis C/alcohol (11.7%) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (5.8%). Decompensated cirrhosis (46.7%) was the main reason for hospital admission. The most often prescribed PHD were antibiotics (67.7%), cardiovascular drugs (34.4%), neuromodulators (26.1%) and anesthetics (19.9%). After exposure, 113 patients (38.8%) presented significant elevated liver enzymes. Surprisingly, PHD were more often prescribed in GI/Liver unit (48.8%) followed by emergency/intensive care unit (28.5%). A total of 65 patients (22%) died, however in neither case was it possible to safely infer causal relationship among PHD, liver enzymes and death. Conclusion: PHD prescription is frequent in patients with CLD even in a tertiary university hospital and in the gastroenterology and hepatology department, exposing these patients to an additional risk.Introducción y objetivo: La lesión hepática inducida por fármacos (DILI) se manifiesta como un espectro de presentaciones clínicas que conlleva morbilidad y mortalidad. Los pacientes con enfermedad hepática crónica (EHC), en particular hospitalizados, tienen un alto riesgo de desarrollar DILI. Nuestro objetivo fue investigar el uso de fármacos potencialmente hepatotóxicos (FPH) en pacientes con EHC en un hospital universitario terciario. Materiales y métodos: Se evaluó la expossición a FPH en adultos (≥ 18 años) con EHC ingresados en el hospital entre enero de 2016 y diciembre de 2018, evaluando el riesgo de DILI y el comportamiento de las enzimas hepáticas tras la exposición. Resultados: De 931 pacientes hospitalizados con EHC, 291 (31,3%) estuvieron expuestos a fármacos hepatotóxicos durante su hospitalización. De ellos, 244 (83,8%) eran cirróticos. Las causas más frecuentes de enfermedad hepática fueron la hepatitis C (41,2%), seguida del alcohol (13,2%), la hepatitis C / alcohol (11,7%) y la enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico (5,8%). La cirrosis descompensada (46,7%) fue el principal motivo de ingreso hospitalario. Los FPH más prescritos fueron antibióticos (67,7%), fármacos cardiovasculares (34,4%), neuromoduladores (26,1%) y anestésicos (19,9%). Tras la exposición, 113 pacientes (38,8%) presentaron elevación significativa de las enzimas hepáticas. Sorprendentemente, los FPH se prescribieron con mayor frecuencia en la unidad GI / Hígado (48,8%) seguido de la unidad de emergencia / cuidados intensivos (28,5%). Un total de 65 pacientes (22%) fallecieron, sin embargo, en ninguno de los casos fue posible inferir con seguridad la relación causal entre el FHD, las enzimas hepáticas y la muerte. Conclusión: la prescripción de FPH es frecuente en pacientes con EHC incluso en un hospital universitario terciario y en el servicio de gastroenterología y hepatología, exponiendo a estos pacientes a un riesgo adicional

    Scale invariant scalar metric fluctuations during inflation: non-perturbative formalism from a 5D vacuum

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    We extend to 5D an approach of a 4D non-perturbative formalism to study scalar metric fluctuations of a 5D Riemann-flat de Sitter background metric. In contrast with the results obtained in 4D, the spectrum of cosmological scalar metric fluctuations during inflation can be scale invariant and the background inflaton field can take sub-Planckian values.Comment: final version to be published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Identification of pathogens and virulence profile of Rhodococcus equi and Escherichia coli strains obtained from sand of parks

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    The identification of pathogens of viral (Rotavirus, Coronavirus), parasitic (Toxocara spp.) and bacterial (Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Rhodococcus equi) origin shed in feces, and the virulence profile of R. equi and E. coli isolates were investigated in 200 samples of sand obtained from 40 parks, located in central region of state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, using different diagnostic methods. From 200 samples analyzed, 23 (11.5%) strains of R. equi were isolated. None of the R. equi isolates showed a virulent (vapA gene) or intermediately virulent (vapB gene) profiles. Sixty-three (31.5%) strains of E. coli were identified. The following genes encoding virulence factors were identified in E. coli: eae, bfp, saa, iucD, papGI, sfa and hly. Phylogenetic classification showed that 63 E. coli isolates belonged to groups B1 (52.4%), A (25.4%) and B2 (22.2%). No E. coli serotype O157:H7 was identified. Eggs of Toxocara sp. were found in three parks and genetic material of bovine Coronavirus was identified in one sample of one park. No Salmonella spp. and Rotavirus isolates were identified in the samples of sand. The presence of R. equi, Toxocara sp, bovine Coronavirus and virulent E. coli isolates in the environment of parks indicates that the sanitary conditions of the sand should be improved in order to reduce the risks of fecal transmission of pathogens of zoonotic potential to humans in these places.485492Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Comportamentos associados à manutenção dos resultados após cirurgia bariátrica

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    A Cirurgia Bariátrica (CB) é um método de tratamento da obesidade que vem recebendo destaque principalmente devido aos resultados positivos no tratamento das comorbidades associados ao excesso de peso. No entanto, esse tipo de intervenção necessita de uma fase de adaptação e mudanças de estilo de vida principalmente devido a complicações pós-cirúrgicas relacionadas à deficiência de algumas vitaminas e minerais. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do estudo foi associar o perfil antropométrico, composição corporal e tempo desde a realização da CB com a adesão a comportamentos alimentares saudáveis de pacientes submetidos a esse procedimento. Estudo do tipo transversal realizado com 98 pacientes submetidos ao bypass gástrico em Y de Roux. Foram avaliados peso, estatura, circunferência da cintura (CC) e quadril, massa de gordura, massa muscular esquelética e o comportamento alimentar por meio do questionário Bariatric Surgery Self-management Questionnaire Seven, que possui 7 domínios referentes ao comportamento alimentar (CA), à ingestão de fluidos (IF), à atividade física (AF), à gestão da síndrome de dumping (GSD), à admissão de suplementos (AS), ao consumo de frutas, vegetais e grãos integrais (CFVGI) e à ingestão de proteínas (IP). Foi verificada associação entre adesão total dos comportamentos alimentares, CFVGI, IP com o estado nutricional e CC após a CB. Observamos também menor peso, IMC e CC e menor % e quantidade de gordura em pacientes que apresentaram boa adesão nesses domínios. Nos domínios, CA, IF e AF os pacientes com menor tempo após a realização da CB apresentaram melhor adesão a esses comportamentos. Os sujeitos mais jovens apresentaram maior adesão à AF comparados aos mais velhos. Em conclusão, a adesão aos comportamentos alimentares após a CB se associou com o estado nutricional e CC, bem como com o tempo após a realização à CB. Sugere-se a realização de estudos que proponham modelos de intervenção para o melhor controle e manutenção dos comportamentos alimentares dos pacientes submetidos a esse procedimento.Bariatric Surgery (BS) is a method for obesity treatment which has been receiving attention mainly due to the positive results in the treatment of comorbidities associated with overweight. However, this type of intervention requires a period of adaptation and change of lifestyle mainly due to post surgery complications related to vitamins and minerals deficits. In this way, the objective of this study was to associate the anthropometric profile, body composition and time since the surgery with the adherence to healthy behavior eating on patients who underwent this procedure. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 98 patients who underwent gastric bypass Roux-Y. We evaluated weight, height, waist (WC) and hip circumferences, body fat (BF), skeletal muscle mass and feeding behavior by the Bariatric Surgery Self-management Questionnaire Seven, which has 7 domains related to feeding behavior (FB), the fluid intake (FI), physical activity (PA), management of Dumping Syndrome (MDS), admission of supplements (AS), consume of fruits, vegetables and whole grains (CFVWG) and protein intake (PI).  We verify association between total adherence of eating behaviors, CFVWG, and PI with nutritional status and WC after BS. We also observed lower weight, BMI and WC, % and quantity of BF in patients who presented good adherence in these domains. In the domains FB, FI, and PA the patients who had operated in less time present better adherence. The younger subjects showed higher PA adhesion compared to the older ones. In conclusion, feeding behaviors adherence after BS was associated with nutritional status and WC, as well as time since BS. It is suggested to carry out studies that propose intervention models for the better control and maintenance of feeding behaviors in patients who underwent BS