2,490 research outputs found

    El léxico de los poemas de San Juan de la Cruz

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    En este trabajo se analiza el léxico de los poemas de San Juan de la Cruz de autoría cierta utilizando el Glosario de los poemas de San Juan de la Cruz. Este repertorio, recién publicado en la red, se enmarca en un proyecto más amplio, el de los Glossari di Ispanistica, cuyo objetivo es ofrecer a los especialistas de literatura tardomedieval y áurea una serie de herramientas útiles para poder llevar a cabo análisis lingüísticos y estilísticos sobre los textos de la época. En el caso estudiado, se ha explorado la poesía del Santo “desde esta ladera” y no desde su subsiguiente transposición o “vuelta a lo divino” a partir de datos estadísticos (cifras y porcentajes), categorías gramaticales, voces más frecuentes, campos semánticos dominantes, con el objetivo de identificar las peculiaridades de la lengua sanjuanina. Se descubre así la preferencia de San Juan por un léxico concreto, por las cosas tangibles y no por las ideas abstractas, de forma parecida a lo que ocurre con la veta tradicional

    Evolution of the far-infrared luminosity functions in the Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic Legacy Survey

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    We present new observational determination of the evolution of the rest-frame 70 and 160 micron and total infrared (TIR) galaxy luminosity functions (LFs) using 70 micron data from the Spitzer Wide-area Infrared Extragalactic Legacy Survey (SWIRE). The LFs were constructed for sources with spectroscopic redshifts only in the XMM-LSS and Lockman Hole fields from the SWIRE photometric redshift catalogue. The 70 micron and TIR LFs were constructed in the redshift range 0<z<1.2 and the 160 micron LF was constructed in the redshift range 0<z<0.5 using a parametric Bayesian and the vmax methods. We assume in our models, that the faint-end power-law index of the LF does not evolve with redshifts. We find the the double power-law model is a better representation of the IR LF than the more commonly used power-law and Gaussian model. We model the evolution of the FIR LFs as a function of redshift where where the characteristic luminosity, LL^\ast evolve as \propto(1+z)^{\alpha_\textsc{l}}. The rest-frame 70 micron LF shows a strong luminosity evolution out to z=1.2 with alpha_l=3.41^{+0.18}_{-0.25}. The rest-frame 160 micron LF also showed rapid luminosity evolution with alpha_l=5.53^{+0.28}_{-0.23} out to z=0.5. The rate of evolution in luminosity is consistent with values estimated from previous studies using data from IRAS, ISO and Spitzer. The TIR LF evolves in luminosity with alpha_l=3.82^{+0.28}_{-0.16} which is in agreement with previous results from Spitzer 24 micron which find strong luminosity evolution. By integrating the LF we calculated the co-moving IR luminosity density out to z=1.2, which confirm the rapid evolution in number density of LIRGs and ULIRGs which contribute ~68^{+10}_{-07} % to the co-moving star formation rate density at z=1.2. Our results based on 70 micron data confirms that the bulk of the star formation at z=1 takes place in dust obscured objects.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Offset-free economic mpc based on modifier adaptation: Investigation of several gradient-estimation techniques

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    Various offset-free economic model predictive control schemes that include a disturbance model and the modifier-adaptation principle have been proposed in recent years. These schemes are able to reach plant optimality asymptotically even in the presence of plant–model mismatch. All schemes are affected by a major issue that is common to all modifier-adaptation formulations, namely, plant optimality (note that convergence per se does not require perfect plant gradients) requires perfect knowledge of static plant gradients, which is a piece of information not known in most practical applications. To address this issue, we present two gradient-estimation techniques, one based on Broyden’s update and the other one on linear regression. We apply these techniques for the estimation of either the plant gradients or the modifiers directly. The resulting economic MPC schemes are tested in a simulation and compared on two benchmark examples of different complexity with respect to both convergence speed and robustness to measurement noise

    V-CHAT - Versatile Chat

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    We focus our research on text based messaging systems and the impact they have when they are implemented in a work structure and how this kind of software can improve workflow and interaction between firms and clients both in B2B and B2C relations. In recent years many online text chat systems have been developed and use. Internet Relay Chat or IRC, ICQ, AOL and MSN are some examples of the most popular tools for real-time communications via the Internet and have been used both for doing serious work, decision making and for entertainment purpose. Messaging programs tend to imitate each other and they imitate other chat programs either. Each new release simply adds new features that keep the use of this software nothing but a cheaper alternative to phone. Nowadays Instant Messaging, chat system and video conference software must evolve and specialize into something more flexible, sophisticated and secure

    At the crossroads of polarity, proliferation and apoptosis : The use of Drosophila to unravel the multifaceted role of endocytosis in tumor suppression

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    Endocytosis is an important regulator of cell-cell signaling and endocytic trafficking has been increasingly implicated in control of tumor suppression. Recent insights from Drosophila indicate that impairment of multiple trafficking steps which lead to receptor degradation can cause tumor formation in epithelial organs. These tumors are characterized by sustained activation of a number of mitogenic signaling pathways, and by subversion of epithelial polarity and the apoptotic response. Cooperation between such alterations, as well as tumor-host interactions, is also observed. The recapitulation of several hallmarks of human cancers in fly tumors provides a framework to understand the role of defective endocytosis in cancer. \ua9 2009 Federation of European Biochemical Societies

    The Long-Term Experiment Platform for the Study of Agronomical and Environmental Effects of the Biochar: Methodological Framework

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    In this communication, a wide overview of historical Long-Term Experimental Platforms (LTEP) regarding changes in soil organic matter is presented for the purpose of networking, data sharing, experience sharing and the coordinated design of experiments in the area of Earth system science. This serves to introduce a specific platform of experiments regarding biochar application to soil (LTEP-BIOCHAR) and its use for agronomic and environmental purposes (e.g., carbon sequestration, soil erosion, soil biodiversity) in real conditions and over a significative timeframe for pedosphere dynamics. The methodological framework, including the goals, geographical scope and eligibility rules of such a new platform, is discussed. Currently, the LTEP-BIOCHAR is the first of its kind, a community-driven resource dedicated to biochar, and displays around 20 long-term experiments from Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The selected field experiments take place under dynamically, meteorologically and biologically different conditions. The purposes of the platform are (1) listing the field experiments that are currently active, (2) uncovering methodological gaps in the current experiments and allowing specific metadata analysis, (3) suggesting the testing of new hypotheses without unnecessary duplications while establishing a minimum standard of analysis and methods to make experiments comparable, (4) creating a network of expert researchers working on the agronomical and environmental effects of biochar, (5) supporting the design of coordinated experiments and (6) promoting the platform at a wider international level

    Linking the X-ray and infrared properties of star-forming galaxies at z < 1.5

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    We present the most complete study to date of the X-ray emission from star formation in high-redshift (median z = 0.7; z −3 in both hard and soft X-ray bands. From the sources which are star formation dominated, only a small fraction are individually X-ray detected and for the bulk of the sample we calculate average X-ray luminosities through stacking. We find an average soft X-ray to infrared ratio of log ?L SX /L IR ? = −4.3 and an average hard X-ray to infrared ratio of log?L HX /L IR ?=−3.8.WereportthattheX-ray/IRcorrelationisapproximatelylinearthrough the entire range of L IR and z probed and, although broadly consistent with the local (z < 0.1) one, it does display some discrepancies. We suggest that these discrepancies are unlikely to be physical, i.e. due to an intrinsic change in the X-ray properties of star-forming galaxies with cosmic time, as there is no significant evidence for evolution of the L X /L IR ratio with redshift. Instead, they are possibly due to selection effects and remaining AGN contamination. We also examine whether dust obscuration in the galaxy plays a role in attenuating X-rays from star formation, by investigating changes in the L X /L IR ratio as a function of the average dust temperature. We conclude that X-rays do not suffer any measurable attenuation in the host galaxy