6 research outputs found

    A unique lymphotoxin αβ-dependent pathway regulates thymic emigration of Vα14 invariant natural killer T cells

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    Natural killer (NK) T cells using an invariant Vα14 (Vα14i) T cell receptor rearrangement form a distinct immunoregulatory T cell lineage. Several studies indicated that a NK1.1(−) Vα14i NKT precursor cell differentiates and expands within the thymus before export to the peripheral tissues occurs. However, little is known about the signals that cause the emigration of Vα14i NKT cells from the thymus to the periphery. Here we show that signaling of lymphotoxin (LT) αβ through the LTβ receptor (LTβR) is indispensable for regulating peripheral but not thymic Vα14i NKT cell numbers. Homing to and homeostatic proliferation of thymic Vα14i NKT cells in peripheral organs, however, was not dependent on LTβR. Instead, our data indicate that a LTβR-expressing thymic stromal cell regulates the thymic emigration of Vα14i NKT cells but not conventional T cell receptor αβ cells

    Role of T and NK cells and IL7/IL7r interactions during neonatal maturation of lymph nodes

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    Lymph node (LN) development depends on prenatal interactions occurring between LN inducer and LN organizer cells. We have distinguished defects in LN formation due to failure in embryonic development (aly/aly) from defects in postnatal maturation (Il2rγ−/− Rag2 −/−). Both mutant strains form normal primordial LNs with differing fate. In aly/aly mice, the LN primordium dissipates irreversibly late in gestation; in contrast, Il2rγ−/− Rag2 −/− LN anlage persists for a week after birth but disperses subsequently, a process reversible by neonatal transfer of WT IL7r+ TCR+ T or natural killer (NK) cells, suggesting a role for IL7/IL7r interactions. Thus, we reveal a unique stage of postnatal LN development during which mature lymphocytes and IL7/IL7r interactions may play an important role

    Peyer's patches are required for oral tolerance to proteins

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    To clarify the role of Peyer's patches in oral tolerance induction, BALB/c mice were treated in utero with lymphotoxin β-receptor Ig fusion protein to generate mice lacking Peyer's patches. When these Peyer's patch-null mice were fed 25 mg of ovalbumin (OVA) before systemic immunization, OVA-specific IgG Ab responses in serum and spleen were seen, in marked contrast to low responses in OVA-fed normal mice. Further, high T-cell-proliferative- and delayed-type hypersensitivity responses were seen in Peyer's patch-null mice given oral OVA before systemic challenge. Higher levels of CD4(+) T-cell-derived IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10 syntheses were noted in Peyer's patch-null mice fed OVA, whereas OVA-fed normal mice had suppressed cytokine levels. In contrast, oral administration of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) to Peyer's patch-null mice resulted in reduced TNBS-specific serum Abs and splenic B cell antitrinitrophenyl Ab-forming cell responses after skin painting with picryl chloride. Further, when delayed-type hypersensitivity and splenic T cell proliferative responses were examined, Peyer's patch-null mice fed TNBS were unresponsive to hapten. Peyer's patch-null mice fed trinitrophenyl-OVA failed to induce systemic unresponsiveness to hapten or protein. These findings show that organized Peyer's patches are required for oral tolerance to proteins, whereas haptens elicit systemic unresponsiveness via the intestinal epithelial cell barrier

    Splicing of precursors to mRNA in higher plants: mechanism, regulation and sub-nuclear organisation of the spliceosomal machinery

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