288 research outputs found

    Evidence of unrelaxed IGM around IC1262

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    AIMS: A peculiar morphology of the hot gas was discovered at the center of IC1262 with the ROSAT HRI. Sensitive Chandra and XMM-Newton data were requested to investigate the characteristics of this structure to understand its nature. METHODS: We have exploited the high resolution and sensitivity of Chandra's ACIS-S to investigate the peculiar morphology and spectral characteristics of hot gas in the group around IC1262. XMM-Newton data are only partially usable due to very heavy high background contamination, but they are useful to confirm and strengthen the results from Chandra. RESULTS: The Chandra data show a quite dramatic view of the \object{IC1262} system: a sharp discontinuity east of the central galaxy, with steep drops and a relatively narrow feature over 100 kpc long, plus an arc/loop to the N, are all indicative of a turmoil in the high energy component. Their morphologies could suggest them to be tracers of shocked material caused either by peculiar motions in the system or by a recent merger process, but the spectral characteristics indicate that the structure is cooler than its surroundings. The lack of evidence of significant structures in the velocity distribution of the group members and the estimated scale of the phenomenon make the interpretation of its physical nature challenging. We review a few possible interpretations, in light of similar phenomena observed in clusters and groups. The ram pressure stripping of a bright spiral galaxy, now near the center of the group, is a promising interpretation for most of the features observed. The relation with the radio activity requires a better sampling of the radio parameters that can only be achieved with deeper and higher resolution observations.Comment: Accepted for pubblication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Figs 1, 2, 3 and 9-12 are given as JPEG files due to the restrictions on space available on astro-p

    The Discovery of New Galaxy Members in the NGC 5044 and NGC 1052 Groups

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    We present the results of neutral hydrogen (HI) observations of the NGC 5044 and NGC 1052 groups, as part of a GEMS (Group Evolution Multiwavelength Study) investigation into the formation and evolution of galaxies in nearby groups. Two new group members have been discovered during a wide-field HI imaging survey conducted using the ATNF Parkes telescope. These results, as well as those from followup HI synthesis and optical imaging, are presented here. J1320-1427, a new member of the NGC 5044 Group, has an HI mass of M_HI=1.05e9Msun and M_HI/L_B=1.65 Msun/Lsun, with a radial velocity of v=2750km/s. The optical galaxy is characterised by two regions of star formation, surrounded by an extended, diffuse halo. J0249-0806, the new member of the NGC 1052 Group, has M_HI=5.4e8Msun, M_HI/L_R=1.13 Msun/Lsun and v=1450km/s. The optical image reveals a low surface brightness galaxy. We interpret both of these galaxies as irregular type, with J0249-0806 possibly undergoing first infall into the NGC 1052 group.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 21 pages, 13 figures. Also available with high-resolution figures at http://www.astro.livjm.ac.uk/~npfm/Papers/mmb04.ps.g

    Hidden Disunities and Uncanny Resemblances: Connections and Disconnections in the Music of Lera Auerbach and Michael Nyman

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    Does stylistic appropriation serve to create a sense of unity or disunity, continuity or fragmentation? Taking George Lipsitz's notion of �families of resemblance� and intertextuality's dialogic qualities (as shown in the writings of Mikhail Bakhtin and Julia Kristeva), this article will put forward the argument that certain forms of quotation result in a kind of halfway house�an in-between state�where the text seemingly announces its own independence despite its (inter)dependence on a whole host of other intertexts. Unlike the collage-like, so-called polystylistic compositions of the late 1960s, which also used quotation, an altogether different and more deeply embedded form has developed since then, where the quoted material is integrated to a much greater extent on the surface, only to lay bare its �difference� at a deeper level. Such �hidden discontinuities� will be examined in relation to a single work, Lera Auerbach's Sogno di Stabat Mater (2005/2008), before applying Lipsitz's principle as a case study to Michael Nyman's oeuvre

    The United Kingdom and British Empire: A Figurational Approach

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    Drawing upon the work of Norbert Elias and the process [figurational] sociology perspective, this article examines how state formation processes are related to, and, affected by, expanding and declining chains of international interdependence. In contrast to civic and ethnic conceptions, this approach focuses on the emergence of the nation/nation-state as grounded in broader processes of historical and social development. In doing so, state formation processes within the United Kingdom are related to the expansion and decline of the British Empire. That is, by focusing on the functional dynamics that are embedded in collective groups, one is able to consider how the UK’s ‘state’ and ‘imperial’ figurations were interdependently related to changes in both the UK and the former British Empire. Consequently, by locating contemporary UK relations in the historical context of former imperial relationships, nationalism studies can go ‘beyond’ the nation/nation-state in order to include broader processes of imperial expansion and decline. Here, the relationship between empire and nationalism can offer a valuable insight into contemporary political movements, especially within former imperial groups

    Honouring heroes by branding in bronze: theorizing the UK's football statuary

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    As of 1 August 2012, there were 60 figurative subject-specific statues of association football players, managers, chairmen, owners or founding fathers sited at stadia or city centres within the UK, with all but three of these erected in the last 20 years. Clubs, their supporters and local authorities are investing substantial financial and logistical resources in adding to the cultural landscape. Their motivations are posited as a multifaceted marketing strategy that includes branding through success, the evocation of nostalgia and the creation of identity through heritage objects; a statement of cultural change, ownership and environmental improvement; and sympathy, as part of a developing mourning culture within football. Statues have been facilitated by the increasing availability of funding, and by spare capacity in fan organizations. Statue projects may be beneficial in bringing supporters together, but as a conduit for engaging the wider public in social history they are limited by subject choices driven by memory or sympathy. © 2013 © 2013 Taylor & Francis

    Incidence of Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) infection among HIV-uninfected individuals at high risk for sexually transmitted infections

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The occurrence of, and risk factors for, HHV-8 infection have yet to be definitively determined, particularly among heterosexual individuals with at-risk behavior for sexually transmitted infections (STI). The objective of this study was to estimate the incidence and determinants of HHV-8 infection among HIV-uninfected individuals repeatedly attending an urban STI clinic.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sera from consecutive HIV-uninfected individuals repeatedly tested for HIV-1 antibodies were additionally tested for HHV-8 antibodies using an immunofluorescence assay. To identify determinants of HHV-8 infection, a nested case-control study and multivariate logistic regression analysis were performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sera from 456 HIV-uninfected individuals (224 multiple-partner heterosexuals and 232 men who have sex with men (MSM]) were identified for inclusion in the study. The HHV-8 seroprevalence at enrollment was 9.4% (21/224; 95% C.I.: 6.0–14.2%) among heterosexuals with multiple partners and 22.0% (51/232; 95% C.I.: 16.9–28.0%) among MSM. Among the 203 multiple-partner heterosexuals and 181 MSM who were initially HHV-8-negative, 17 (IR = 3.0/100 p-y, 95% C.I.: 1.9 – 4.8) and 21 (IR = 3.3/100 p-y, 95% C.I:.2.1 – 5.1) seroconversions occurred, respectively. HHV-8 seroconversion tended to be associated with a high number of sexual partners during the follow-up among MSM (> 10 partners: AOR = 3.32 95% CI:0.89–12.46) and among the multiple-partner heterosexuals (> 10 partner; AOR = 3.46, 95% CI:0.42–28.2). Moreover, among MSM, HHV-8 seroconversion tended to be associated with STI (AOR = 1.80 95%CI: 0.52–7.96).</p> <p>During the study period the HIV-1 incidence was lower than that of HHV-8 among both groups (0.89/100 p-y among MSM and 0.95/100 p-y among multiple-partner heterosexuals).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The large difference between the incidence of HHV-8 and the incidence of HIV-1 and other STIs may suggest that the circulation of HHV-8 is sustained by practices other than classical at-risk sexual behavior.</p

    Back pain outcomes in primary care following a practice improvement intervention:- a prospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Back pain is one of the UK's costliest and least understood health problems, whose prevalence still seems to be increasing. Educational interventions for general practitioners on back pain appear to have had little impact on practice, but these did not include quality improvement learning, involve patients in the learning, record costs or document practice activities as well as patient outcomes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We assessed the outcome of providing information about quality improvement techniques and evidence-based practice for back pain using the Clinical Value Compass. This included clinical outcomes (Roland and Morris Disability Questionnaire), functional outcomes, costs of care and patient satisfaction. We provided workshops which used an action learning approach and collected before and after data on routine practice activity from practice electronic databases. In parallel, we studied outcomes in a separate cohort of patients with acute and sub-acute non-specific back pain recruited from the same practices over the same time period. Patient data were analysed as a prospective, split-cohort study with assessments at baseline and eight weeks following the first consultation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Data for 1014 patients were recorded in the practice database study, and 101 patients in the prospective cohort study. We found that practice activities, costs and patient outcomes changed little after the intervention. However, the intervention was associated with a small, but statistically significant reduction in disability in female patients. Additionally, baseline disability, downheartedness, self-rated health and leg pain had small but statistically significant effects (p < 0.05) on follow-up disability scores in some subgroups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>GP education for back pain that both includes health improvement methodologies and involves patients may yield additional benefits for some patients without large changes in patterns of practice activity. The effects in this study were small and limited and the reasons for them remain obscure. However, such is the impact of back pain and its frequency of consultation in general practice that this kind of improvement methodology deserves further consideration.</p> <p>Trial registration number</p> <p>ISRCTN: <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN30420389">ISRCTN30420389</a></p

    Enrichment and Pre-Heating in Intragroup Gas from Galactic Outflows

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    We examine metal and entropy content in galaxy groups having T_X~0.5-2 keV in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. Our simulations include a well-constrained prescription for galactic outflows following momentum-driven wind scalings, and a sophisticated chemical evolution model. Our simulation with no outflows reproduces observed iron abundances in X-ray emitting gas, but the oxygen abundance is too low; including outflows yields iron and oxygen abundances in good agreement with data. X-ray measures of [O/Fe] primarily reflect metal distribution mechanisms into hot gas, not the ratio of Type Ia to Type II supernovae within the group. Iron abundance increases by x2 from z=1-0 independent of group size, consistent with that seen in clusters, while [O/Fe] drops by ~30%. Core entropy versus temperature is elevated over self-similar predictions regardless of outflows due to radiative cooling removing low-entropy gas, but outflows provide an additional entropy contribution below 1 keV. This results in a noticeable break in the L_X-T_X relation below 1 keV, as observed. Importantly, outflows serve to reduce the stellar content of groups to observed levels. Radial profiles from simulations are in broad agreement with observations, but there remain non-trivial discrepancies that may reflect an excess of late-time star formation in central group galaxies in our simulations. Our model with outflows suggests a connection between physical processes of galaxy formation and both pre-heating and enrichment in intragroup gas, though more definitive conclusions must await a model that simultaneously suppresses cooling flows as observed.Comment: 16 pages, MNRAS, accepted versio

    Audit of therapeutic interventions in inpatient children using two scores: are they evidence-based in developing countries?

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    BACKGROUND: The evidence base of clinical interventions in paediatric hospitals of developing countries has not been formally assessed. We performed this study to determine the proportion of evidence-based therapeutic interventions in a paediatric referral hospital of a developing country METHODS: The medical records of 167 patients admitted in one-month period were revised. Primary diagnosis and primary therapeutic interventions were determined for each patient. A systematic search was performed to assess the level of evidence for each intervention. Therapeutic interventions were classified using the Ellis score and the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine Levels of Evidence RESULTS: Any dehydration due to diarrhoea (59 cases) and pneumonia (42 cases) were the most frequent diagnoses. Based on Ellis score, level I evidence supported the primary therapeutic intervention in 21%, level II in 73% and level III in 6% cases. Using the Oxford classification 16%, 8%, 1% and 75% therapeutic interventions corresponded to grades A, B, C, and D recommendations, respectively. Overall, according to Ellis score, 94% interventions were evidence based. However, out of the total, 75% interventions were based on expert opinion or basic sciences. Most children with mild to moderate dehydration (52 cases) were inappropriately treated with slow intravenous fluids, and most children with non-complicated community acquired pneumonia (42 cases) received intravenous antibiotics CONCLUSIONS: Most interventions were inappropriate, despite the availability of effective therapy for several of them. Diarrhoeal dehydration and community acquired pneumonia were the most common diagnoses and were inappropriately managed. Existing effective interventions for dehydration and pneumonia need to be put into practice at referral hospitals of developing countries. For the remaining problems, there is the need to conduct appropriate clinical studies. Caution must be taken when assigning the level of evidence supporting therapeutic interventions, as commonly used classifications may be misleadin