629 research outputs found

    Hybrid Bayesian Networks Using Mixtures of Truncated Basis Functions

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    This paper introduces MoTBFs, an R package for manipulating mixtures of truncated basis functions. This class of functions allows the representation of joint probability distributions involving discrete and continuous variables simultaneously, and includes mixtures of truncated exponentials and mixtures of polynomials as special cases. The package implements functions for learning the parameters of univariate, multivariate, and conditional distributions, and provides support for parameter learning in Bayesian networks with both discrete and continuous variables. Probabilistic inference using forward sampling is also implemented. Part of the functionality of the MoTBFs package relies on the bnlearn package, which includes functions for learning the structure of a Bayesian network from a data set. Leveraging this functionality, the MoTBFs package supports learning of MoTBF-based Bayesian networks over hybrid domains. We give a brief introduction to the methodological context and algorithms implemented in the package. An extensive illustrative example is used to describe the package, its functionality, and its usage

    Enfermedades por inmunosupresión asociadas al virus de la leucemia felina

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    Este trabajo trata de resaltar la importancia del síndrome de inmunosupresión/mielosupresión inducido por el virus de la leucemia felina (FeLV), frente a la patología tumoral más característica y divulgada. Se realiza una revisión de las principales enfermedades asociadas a este síndrome citosupresivo, diagnosticándose por primera vez la asociación clínica de coccidiosis (Cystoisospora felis) y de FeLV en una colonia de gatos afectados porFeLV. Finalmente, se comentan los aspectos más destacados del tratamiento y prevención de esta importante virosis felinaThe aim of this work is to highlight the clinical relevance of the immunosupressive/myelosupressive syndrome induced by the feline leukemia virus (FeLV) as oposed to the better known and reported tumoral pathology. The main diseases associated to this cytosupressive syndrome are revised, reporting for the first time the clinical association between FeLV and feline coccidiosis (Cystoisospora felis) in a FeLV affected cattery. Finally, we comment on the more relevant aspects about treatment and prevention of this major feline virosis

    Equilibration of Concentrated Hard Sphere Fluids

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    We report a systematic molecular dynamics study of the isochoric equilibration of hard-sphere fluids in their metastable regime close to the glass transition. The thermalization process starts with the system prepared in a non-equilibrium state with the desired final volume fraction {\phi} but with a prescribed non-equilibrium static structure factor S_0(k; {\phi}). The evolution of the {\alpha}- relaxation time {\tau}{\alpha} (k) and long-time self-diffusion coefficient DL as a function of the evolution time tw is then monitored for an array of volume fractions. For a given waiting time the plot of {\tau}{\alpha} (k; {\phi}, tw) as a function of {\phi} exhibits two regimes corresponding to samples that have fully equilibrated within this waiting time ({\phi} \leq {\phi}(c) (tw)), and to samples for which equilibration is not yet complete ({\phi} \geq {\phi}(c) (tw)). The crossover volume fraction {\phi}(c) (tw) increases with tw but seems to saturate to a value {\phi}(a) \equiv {\phi}(c) (tw \rightarrow \infty) \approx 0.582. We also find that the waiting time t^(eq)_w({\phi}) required to equilibrate a system grows faster than the corresponding equilibrium relaxation time, t^(eq)({\phi}) \approx 0.27 \times [{\tau}{\alpha} (k; {\phi})]^1.43, and that both characteristic times increase strongly as {\phi} approaches {\phi}^(a), thus suggesting that the measurement of equilibrium properties at and above {\phi}(a) is experimentally impossible

    Towards learning analytics adoption: A mixed methods study of data-related practices and policies in Latin American universities

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    In Latin American universities, Learning Analytics (LA) has been perceived as a promising opportunity to leverage data to meet the needs of a diverse student cohort. Although universities have been collecting educational data for years, the adoption of LA in this region is still limited due to the lack of expertise and policies for processing and using educational data. In order to get a better picture of how existing data‐related practices and policies might affect the incorporation of LA in Latin American institutions, we conducted a mixed methods study in four Latin American universities (two Chilean and two Ecuadorian). In this paper, the qualitative data were based on 37 interviews with managers and 16 focus groups with 51 teaching staff and 45 students; the quantitative data were collected through two surveys answered by 1884 students and 368 teachers, respectively. The findings reveal opportunities to incorporate LA services into existing data practices in the four case studies. However, the lack of reliable information systems and policies to regulate the use of data imposes challenges that need to be overcome for future LA adoption.In Latin American universities, Learning Analytics (LA) has been perceived as a promising opportunity to leverage data to meet the needs of a diverse student cohort. Although universities have been collecting educational data for years, the adoption of LA in this region is still limited due to the lack of expertise and policies for processing and using educational data. In order to get a better picture of how existing data‐related practices and policies might affect the incorporation of LA in Latin American institutions, we conducted a mixed methods study in four Latin American universities (two Chilean and two Ecuadorian). In this paper, the qualitative data were based on 37 interviews with managers and 16 focus groups with 51 teaching staff and 45 students; the quantitative data were collected through two surveys answered by 1884 students and 368 teachers, respectively. The findings reveal opportunities to incorporate LA services into existing data practices in the four case studies. However, the lack of reliable information systems and policies to regulate the use of data imposes challenges that need to be overcome for future LA adoption

    Heterologous expression screens in Nicotiana benthamiana identify a candidate effector of the wheat Yellow Rust Pathogen that associates with processing bodies

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    Rust fungal pathogens of wheat (Triticum spp.) affect crop yields worldwide. The molecular mechanisms underlying the virulence of these pathogens remain elusive, due to the limited availability of suitable molecular genetic research tools. Notably, the inability to perform high-throughput analyses of candidate virulence proteins (also known as effectors) impairs progress. We previously established a pipeline for the fast-forward screens of rust fungal candidate effectors in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana. This pipeline involves selecting candidate effectors in silico and performing cell biology and protein-protein interaction assays in planta to gain insight into the putative functions of candidate effectors. In this study, we used this pipeline to identify and characterize sixteen candidate effectors from the wheat yellow rust fungal pathogen Puccinia striiformis f sp tritici. Nine candidate effectors targeted a specific plant subcellular compartment or protein complex, providing valuable information on their putative functions in plant cells. One candidate effector, PST02549, accumulated in processing bodies (P-bodies), protein complexes involved in mRNA decapping, degradation, and storage. PST02549 also associates with the P-body-resident ENHANCER OF mRNA DECAPPING PROTEIN 4 (EDC4) from N. benthamiana and wheat. We propose that P-bodies are a novel plant cell compartment targeted by pathogen effectors

    Recent morpho-sedimentary processes in Dove Basin, southern Scotia Sea, Antarctica: A basin-scale case of interaction between bottom currents and mass movements

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    Multibeam bathymetric imagery and acoustic sub-bottom profiles are used to reveal distribution patterns of sub-surface sedimentation in Dove Basin (Scotia Sea). The goals of the study are to determine the imprint of the inflow of deep Antarctic water masses from the Weddell Sea into the Scotia Sea, to establish the factors driving the styles of contourite deposition and to discern the relative contribution of alongslope versus downslope processes to the construction of the uppermost late Quaternary sedimentary record in the basin. The most significant morpho-sedimentary features in Dove Basin are linked to contouritic processes and to mass movements. Plastered drifts on the flanks of the basin constitute the most common contouritic deposits. Basement-controlled drifts on top of structural elevations are common along the central ridge, the central basin plain and scattered along the basin flanks. Sheeted drifts occur on top of adjacent banks or are restricted to the deep basin. In contrast, mounded drifts are poorly represented in Dove basin. A laterally extensive contouritic channel runs along the central ridge. Contouritic channels are also identified in the upper parts of the lateral banks and slopes. Numerous slide scars along the upper parts of the slopes evolve downslope into semitransparent lens-shaped bodies, with occasional development of across-slope channels. Semitransparent lenses occur intercalated within stratified deposits in the slopes of the basin, in the central ridge and in the deepest basin plain. The spatial arrangement of contouritic morphologies points to the influence of the water column structure and the basin physiography. In the eastern sub-basin, two different fractions (lower and upper) of Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) leave an imprint on contourite deposits owing to the sloping interface between the two fractions. Contouritic influence is more subdued in the western sub-basin, and limited to the imprint of the lower WSDW. The upper parts of the surrounding banks are under the influence of deep-reaching Circumpolar waters (i.e., Lower Circumpolar Deep Water), which develops both depositional and erosional morphologies. The cross-section V-shaped morphology of the basin and the common occurrence of structural highs drive the predominance of plastered and basement-controlled drifts in the sediment record. The frequent alternation between contourites and downslope gravity-flow deposits is likely due to different processes associated with over-steepening in the basin, such as basement-controlled steep slopes, deformed drifts atop basement elevations, and the development of thick contouritic piles. Dove Basin is an example of a basin without mounded, plastered or mixed hybrid drifts in the transition between the lower slope and the deep basin, because the upper boundary of the deepest water mass —the Weddell Sea Deep Water— flows shallower along the middle slope. This fact underlines the relevance of the position and depth of water masses in shaping the morphology of the feet of slopes along continental margins

    Mollicutes antibiotic resistance profile and presence of genital abnormalities in couples attending an infertility clinic.

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    OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to identify Mollicutes infection in the reproductive system. We also examined the microbiological, biochemical, and antimicrobial profiles of Mollicutes infection, which are potentially associated with clinical reproductive abnormalities causing infertility in couples. METHODS: Thirty-seven couples who were attending an infertility clinic were enrolled. Detection of genital mycoplasmas was performed in cervicovaginal samples or male urethral swabs. Microbiological culture and biochemical and antimicrobial profiles were characterized using a Mycoplasma kit. The results were associated with reproductive abnormalities, as assessed by medical specialists from the infertility clinic. RESULTS: Up to 28.3% of all biological samples (n = 74) showed positive cultures. Bacterial isolates were Ureaplasma urealyticum (71.4%), Mycoplasma hominis (9.5%), or coinfections (19%). Most Mollicutes showed significant resistance to fluoroquinolones, macrolides, and tetracycline; and showed susceptibility to doxycycline, josamycin, and pristinamycin. The presence of resistant strains to any antibiotic was significantly associated with genital abnormalities (χ2 test, relative risk = 11.38 [95% confidence interval: 5.8-22.9]), particularly in women. The highest statistical association was found for macrolide-resistant strains. CONCLUSION: The microbiological antibiotic resistance profile is epidemiologically associated with abnormalities of the reproductive system in couples attending an infertility clinic