832 research outputs found

    Migratory Stories: Building Ethical Immigration Policy

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    Yorki J. Encalada Egúsquiza, an academic who studies border issues, discusses the reality that Child Migrants (CM) face, “They are minors traveling alone, then they have to appear in immigration courts, regardless of age. We\u27re talking about children, in some cases, toddlers, without lawyers, who have to face a court that wants to deport them.” United States immigration policy fails to aid CMs who arrive at the U.S.-Mexico border; in a practice of exclusionary policy, it further traumatizes children who have journeyed to the U.S. alone. Using interviews I have conducted, memoirs, political theory, and scholarly literature, my research scrutinizes U.S. immigration policy surrounding CMs and the ethics behind policy making. This thesis examines the CM experience through three stakeholders\u27 eyes: CMs, policy organizations, and provider organizations. Their viewpoint develops an understanding of the unethical practices of current policy while examining the everyday work that stakeholders do to aid in the CM experience. Through theoretical conceptions of cosmopolitanism and ethics, this thesis develops a framework on ethics, creating a standard for ethical policy making founded on a mutual understanding that stakeholders must be involved in policy making for CMs. This thesis calls attention to the inherent unethical nature of and sheer lack of policy for CMs and the ethical reasoning behind why the U.S. must approach this crisis in an informed and ethical way

    Mechanical Response of He- Implanted Amorphous SiOC/ Crystalline Fe Nanolaminates

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    This study investigates the microstructural evolution and mechanical response of sputter-deposited amorphous silicon oxycarbide (SiOC)/crystalline Fe nanolaminates, a single layer SiOC film, and a single layer Fe film subjected to ion implantation at room temperature to obtain a maximum He concentration of 5 at. %. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy indicated no evidence of implantation-induced phase transformation or layer breakdown in the nanolaminates. Implantation resulted in the formation of He bubbles and an increase in the average size of the Fe grains in the individual Fe layers of the nanolaminates and the single layer Fe film, but the bubble density and grain size were found to be smaller in the former. By reducing the thicknesses of individual layers in the nanolaminates, bubble density and grain size were further decreased. No He bubbles were observed in the SiOC layers of the nanolaminates and the single layer SiOC film. Nanoindentation and scanning probe microscopy revealed an increase in the hardness of both single layer SiOC and Fe films after implantation. For the nanolaminates, changes in hardness were found to depend on the thicknesses of the individual layers, where reducing the layer thickness to 14 nm resulted in mitigation of implantation-induced hardening

    Nesting of the Aplomado Falcon (<i>Falco f. femoralis </i> )in San Luis province

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    In this paper we describe the activity of a nesting pair of Aplomado Falcons (Falco f.femoralis) during the first days of the nestling period. The nest was found in a Chañar tree (Geoffroea decorticans) at a heíght of 4.5 m in San Luis province. The female remained at the nest 94.14% of the observation time (brooding: 86.90%) and fed thc nestlings with arate of 0.47 items/h. Feeding periods lasted in average 560 sec (Ra: 360-780 scc; n:9). The male was seen on the nest 1.28% of the obscrvation time and brought prcy with a frequency of 0.41 items/h. Information of nest and nestling characteristics, territory, defense, caching behavior and vocalizations is also given. Finally we provide a compilation about nesting ofthc Aplomado Falcon in Argentina

    As Dobraduras Da Cidade

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    [No abstract available]90179187Deleuze, G., (1991) A dobra: Liebniz e o Barroco, , Campinas: PapirusDeleuze, G., (2005) Foucault, , São Paulo: Brasilienseda Telles, V.S., Cabanes, R., (2006) Nas tramas da cidade: trajetórias urbanas e seus territórios, , (orgs.). São Paulo: Humanitasda Telles, V.S., (2010) A cidade nas fronteiras do legal e ilegal, p. 26. , Belo Horizonte: ArgvmentvmFoucault, M., (2001) Vigiar e punir: nascimento da prisão, p. 226. , Petrópolis: VozesDas, V., The Signature of the State: The Paradox of Illegibility (2007) Life and Words: violence and the descent into the ordinary, , Berkeley/Los Angeles: University California PressFoucault, M., Gerir os ilegalismos (2006) Foucault entrevistas, pp. 50-51. , Pol-Droit, Roger (org.). São Paulo: GraalFoucault, M., A vida dos homens infames (2003) Ditos & Escritos IV, , Rio de Janeiro: Forense UniversitáriaCabanes, R., (2002) Travail, famille, mondialisation. Récits de la vie ouvrière, , São Paulo: IRD/KarthalaVentura, Z., (1994) A cidade partida, , São Paulo: Companhia das LetrasCaldeira, T., (2003) Cidade de muros: crime, segregação e cidadania em São Paulo, , São Paulo: EDUSPGrafmayer, Y., Joseph, I., (1994) L'Ecole de Chicago: Nassaince de l'ecologie urbaine, , (orgs.). Paris: Aubier-MontaigneAlsayyad, N., Roy, A., Modernidade medieval: cidadania e urbanismo na era global (2009) Novos estudos Cebrap, (85)Freire, C., (2008) Trabalho informal e redes de subcontratação, , São Paulo: dissertação de mestrado, FFLCHUSPSciré, C., (2009) Consumo popular, fluxos globais: práticas, articulações e artefatos na interface entre a pobreza e a riqueza, , São Paulo: dissertação de mestrado, FFLCH-USPGodoi, R., Prisão, periferia e seus vasos comunicantes em tempos de encarceramento em massa (2009), Texto apresentado no seminário Crime, violência e cidade. São Paulo: FFLCH-USPHirata, D., (2010) Sobreviver na adversidade: entre o mercado e a vida, , São Paulo: tese de doutorado, FFLCHUSPda Telles, V.S., (1999) Direitos sociais: afinal do que se trata?, , Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMGda Telles, V.S., (2001) Pobreza e cidadania, , São Paulo: Editora 34de Oliveira, F., Rizek, C.S., (2007) A era da indeterminação, , (orgs.). São Paulo: Boitemp

    Modeling Nonlinear Behavior in a Piezoelectric Actuator

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    A piezoelectric tube actuator is employed as a sample positioning device in Nanocut, a cutting instrument conceived to study the mechanics of nanometric cutting. Extension of functionality of the instrument as a nanometric machine tool motivates the search for an accurate model of the actuator for implementing feedback control. A simple nonlinear model describing longitudinal expansion of the piezoelectric tube actuator is presented in this paper. The model derivation is based on a non-formal analogy with nonlinear viscoelastic materials under uniaxial extension, for which the responses to a step input are similar to the piezoelectric tube. Suitability of the model structure for arbitrary inputs is tested by cross-verification between time and frequency domains. Two parameter estimation procedures are examined and the results of the experimental work for characterization, estimation and validation are presented

    IXPE Mission System Concept and Development Status

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    The Goal of the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Mi SMEX), is to expand understanding of high-energy astrophysical processes and sources, in support of NASAs first science objective in Astrophysics: Discover how the universe works. IXPE, an international collaboration, will conduct X-ray imaging polarimetry for multiple categories of cosmic X-ray sources such as neutron stars, stellar-mass black holes, supernova remnants and active galactic nuclei. The Observatory uses a single science operational mode capturing the X-ray data from the targets. The IXPE Observatory consists of spacecraft and payload modules built up in parallel to form the Observatory during system integration and test. The payload includes three X-ray telescopes each consisting of a polarization-sensitive, gas pixel X-ray detector, paired with its corresponding grazing incidence mirror module assembly (MMA). A deployable boom provides the correct separation (focal length) between the detector units (DU) and MMAs. These payload elements are supported by the IXPE spacecraft which is derived from the BCP-small spacecraft architecture. This paper summarizes the IXPE mission science objectives, updates the Observatory implementation concept including the payload and spacecraft ts and summarizes the mission status since last years conference

    Exploring the Impacts of Predictor Variables on Success in a Mental Health Diversion Program

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    Since the first Mental Health Court (MHC) in 1997, there has been a steady increase of MHCs all over the country. With the introduction of these new specialty courts have also come to introduction of diversion programs. Diversion programs work to connect offenders who have mental illnesses to community-based mental health treatment services as an alternative to incarceration. Typically, with the completion of the program comes with the benefit of having their charges dropped. Diversion programs aim to reduce recidivism in offenders with mental illness and improve their access to treatment

    Aves del departamento Deseado, Santa Cruz

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    Birds of Deseado Department, Santa Cruz province, Argentina. Between 20 september and 12 january 1988 we carried out a study of the birds present at estancia "El Cuadro" and Monumento Natural Bosques Petrificados", Deseado Department,Santa Cruz province, Argentina. We recorded 66 species of birds. Five (7,6%). were common, 21 (31,8%) were frecuent, 26 (39,4%) were occasional and 14 (21,2%) were rare. Twentyeight species (42,4%) were nesting in the arca. Data about habitat use by birds are presented. Neoxolmi srubetra and Progne modesta are first recorded for Santa Cruz province