1,240 research outputs found

    Analysis of High Dimensional Data from Intensive Care Medicine

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    As high dimensional data occur as a rule rather than an exception in critical care today, it is of utmost importance to improve acquisition, storage, modelling, and analysis of medical data, which appears feasable only with the help of bedside computers. The use of clinical information systems offers new perspectives of data recording and also causes a new challenge for statistical methodology. A graphical approach for analysing patterns in statistical time series from online monitoring systems in intensive care is proposed here as an example of a simple univariate method, which contains the possibility of a multivariate extension and which can be combined with procedures for dimension reduction

    The impact of constructive operating lease capitalisation on key accounting ratios

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    Current UK lease accounting regulation does not require operating leases to be capitalised in the accounts of lessees, although this is likely to change with the publication of FRS 5. This study conducts a prospective analysis of the effects of such a change. The potential magnitude of the impact of lease capitalisation upon individual users' decisions, market valuations, company cash flows, and managers' behaviour can be indicated by the effect on key accounting ratios, which are employed in decision-making and in financial contracts. The capitalised value of operating leases is estimated using a method similar to that suggested by Imhoff, Lipe and Wright (1991), adapted for the UK accounting and tax environment, and developed to incorporate company-specific assumptions. Results for 1994 for a random sample of 300 listed UK companies show that, on average, the unrecorded long-term liability represented 39% of reported long-term debt, while the unrecorded asset represented 6% of total assets. Capitalisation had a significant impact (at the 1% level) on six of the nine selected ratios (profit margin, return on assets, asset turnover, and three measures of gearing). Moreover, the Spearman rank correlation between each ratio before and after capitalisation revealed that the ranking of companies changed markedly for gearing measures in particular. There were significant inter-industry variations, with the services sector experiencing the greatest impact. An analysis of the impact of capitalisation over the five-year period from 1990 to 1994 showed that capitalisation had the greatest impact during the trough of the recession. Results were shown to be robust with respect to key assumptions of the capitalisation method. These findings contribute to the assessment of the economic consequences of a policy change requiring operating lease capitalisation. Significant changes in the magnitude of key accounting ratios and a major shift in company performance rankings suggest that interested parties' decisions and company cash flows are likely to be affected

    Second Eastern Regional Remote Sensing Applications Conference

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    Participants from state and local governments share experiences in remote sensing applications with one another and with users in the Federal government, universities, and the private sector during technical sessions and forums covering agriculture and forestry; land cover analysis and planning; surface mining and energy; data processing; water quality and the coastal zone; geographic information systems; and user development programs

    Internal Migration and Regional Population Dynamics in Europe: Netherlands Case Study

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    This report summarises the presentations made and discussions held at the Second of the ESRC/JISC Workshops Planning for the 2001 Census. The report presents views of expert census users and summarises the recommendations to ESRC and JISC about what kinds of data from the 2001 Census should be requested from the UK Census Offices. The Workshops are supported by ESRC Award H507265031. The Census of Population is a very large exercise in data collection and processing. In 2001 some 25 million households in the United Kingdom will be contacted and asked to provide answers to a simple questionnaire of 25 to 30 questions. Such a task is likely to cost £125-150 millions to the Census Offices. Purchase of the data for academic research purposes is likely to cost ESRC and JISC some £1.5 to £2 millions directly and an equivalent amount indirectly on support over the following decade. It is therefore essential that the Population Census is very carefully planned beforehand and that the greatest possible value is extracted from the data collected. This edited collection of papers reports on presentations and discussions in the Fourth and Final Workshop in the series Workshops Planning for the 2001 Census - Determining Academic Community Needs and Strategy. The Fourth Workshop was entitled The 2001 Census: What do we really really want?. The aim was to gather together and summarise the principal recommendations of the First (Geography), Second (Interfaces) and Third (Special Data Sets) Workshops. The Workshop was twinned with another on The One Number Census: A Research Workshop, organised by Ludi Simpson. The One Number Census project is a major undertaking by the Census Offices to deal with anticipated underenumeration by estimating how many households and people are missed by the standard enumeration. Part 1 of the report on Look Up Tables and Area Statistics contains chapters by David Martin on the output geography proposals for 2001, by Seraphim Alvanides and Stan Openshaw on further developments to the methods being used to define output areas and by Bob Barr on what the Look Up Tables associated with the 2001 Census should be like. These chapters contain key recommendations on census output geography. Part 2 of the report puts forward recommendations for the preparation of Microdata - Samples of Anonymised Records and Longitudinal Data from the 2001 Census. Angela Dale summarises the conclusions of the SARs Sub-Group of the Census Offices' Output Working Group. Brian Dodgeon and Heather Joshi document the essential features of the 2001 Census Link to the Longitudinal Study and make a final plea for some new questions. Part 3 of the report reviews proposals for the improvement of Interaction Statistics from the 2001 UK Census. Paul Boyle and Phil Rees make radical proposals for revamping the provision of Migration Statistics. Martin Frost concentrates on ways of improving the accuracy of the Workplace Statistics. The fourth part of the report gathers together recommendations about information technology interfaces to census data, arguing that the tools and infrastructure are now in place to make networked and standalone access to the different types of data so much easier for the new user. Donald Morse and Alistair Towers review what interfaces to boundary data should look like. James Harris argues for the development of interfaces based on general data standards and the Web to access census statistics. Oliver Duke-Williams outlines how complex migration statistics can be presented for access in a simpler and easier to use interface. Ian Turton identifies how current software developments in Java programming will make possible delivering easy to use interfaces to microdata very simple. Finally, Paul Williamson describes a design of a data dictionary for all census data sets. In Part 5, recommendations are summarised. Phil Rees reports on the views of 140 respondents drawn from the different corners of the academic community. The final pages try to draw out some general points from the very large number of recommendations made in the Fourth Workshop

    Optimal coloured perceptrons

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    Ashkin-Teller type perceptron models are introduced. Their maximal capacity per number of couplings is calculated within a first-step replica-symmetry-breaking Gardner approach. The results are compared with extensive numerical simulations using several algorithms.Comment: 8 pages in Latex with 2 eps figures, RSB1 calculations has been adde

    On the origin of ionising photons emitted by T Tauri stars

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    We address the issue of the production of Lyman continuum photons by T Tauri stars, in an attempt to provide constraints on theoretical models of disc photoionisation. By treating the accretion shock as a hotspot on the stellar surface we show that Lyman continuum photons are produced at a rate approximately three orders of magnitude lower than that produced by a corresponding black body, and that a strong Lyman continuum is only emitted for high mass accretion rates. When our models are extended to include a column of material accreting on to the hotspot we find that the accretion column is extremely optically thick to Lyman continuum photons. Further, we find that radiative recombination of hydrogen atoms within the column is not an efficient means of producing photons with energies greater than 13.6eV, and find that an accretion column of any conceivable height suppresses the emission of Lyman continuum photons to a level below or comparable to that expected from the stellar photosphere. The photospheric Lyman continuum is itself much too weak to affect disc evolution significantly, and we find that the Lyman continuum emitted by an accretion shock is similarly unable to influence disc evolution significantly. This result has important consequences for models which use photoionisation as a mechanism to drive the dispersal of circumstellar discs, essentially proving that an additional source of Lyman continuum photons must exist if disc photoionisation is to be significant.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Fake meat

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    Ectothiorhodospira variabilis, sp. nov., an alkaliphilic and halophilic purple sulfur bacterium from soda lakes

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    During studies of moderately halophilic strains of Ectothiorhodospira from steppe soda lakes, we found a novel group of bacteria related to Ectothiorhodospira haloalkaliphila with salt optima at 50–80 g NaCl l”1. Phylogenetic analysis using 16S rRNA gene sequences of strains from soda lakes in Mongolia, Egypt and Siberia revealed separation of the group of new isolates from other Ectothiorhodospira species, including the closely related Ect. haloalkaliphila. DNA–DNA hybridization studies demonstrated that the new isolates form a homogeneous group at the species level, but at the same time are distinct from related species such as Ect. haloalkaliphila, Ect. vacuolata, Ect. shaposhnikovii and Ect. marina. The new isolates are considered to be strains of a novel species, for which the name Ectothiorhodospira variabilis sp. nov. is proposed, with the type strain WN22T (5VKM B-2479T 5DSM 21381T). Photosynthetic pigments of the novel species are bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the spirilloxanthin series with spirilloxanthin and derivatives thereof, together with small amounts of lycopene and rhodopin. Gas vesicles are formed by most of the strains, particularly in media containing yeast extract (0.5 g l”1) and acetate (0.5–2.0 g l”1). Sequence analysis of nifH (nitrogenase) and cbbL (RuBisCO) confirmed the assignment of the strains to the genus Ectothiorhodospira and in particular the close relationship to Ect. haloalkaliphila. The novel species Ect. variabilis is found in soda lakes separated by great geographical distances and is an alkaliphilic and halophilic bacterium that tolerates salt concentrations up to 150–200 g NaCl l”1

    Escherichia coli HU protein has a role in the repair of abasic sites in DNA

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    HU is one of the most abundant DNA binding proteins in Escherichia coli. We find that it binds strongly to DNA containing an abasic (AP) site or tetrahydrofuran (THF) (apparent Kd ≈50 nM). It also possesses an AP lyase activity that cleaves at a deoxyribose but not at a THF residue. The binding and cleavage of an AP site was observed only with the HUαβ heterodimer. Site-specific mutations at K3 and R61 residues led to a change in substrate binding and cleavage. Both K3A(α)K3A(β) and R61A(α)R61A(β) mutant HU showed significant reduction in binding to DNA containing AP site; however, only R61A(α)R61A(β) mutant protein exhibited significant loss in AP lyase activity. Both K3A(α)K3A(β) and R61K(α)R61K(β) showed slight reduction in AP lyase activities. The function of HU protein as an AP lyase was confirmed by the ability of hupA or hupB mutations to further reduce the viability of an E. coli dut(Ts) xth mutant, which generates lethal AP sites at 37°C; the hupA and hupB derivatives, respectively, had a 6-fold and a 150-fold lower survival at 37°C than did the parental strain. These data suggest, therefore, that HU protein plays a significant role in the repair of AP sites in E. coli