735 research outputs found

    Thorpe method applied to planetary boundary layer data

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    Turbulence affects the dynamics of atmospheric processes by enhancing the transport of mass, heat, humidity and pollutants. The global objective of our work is to analyze some direct turbulent descriptors which reflect the mixing processes in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). In this paper we present results related to the Thorpe displacements dT , the maximum Thorpe displacement (dT )max and the Thorpe scale LT , the Ozmidov scale and their time evolution in the ABL during a day cycle. A tethered balloon was used to obtain vertical profiles of the atmospheric physical magnitudes up to 1000m. We discuss the vertical and horizontal variability and how different descriptors are related to atmospheric mixing

    A quantitative analysis of cold water for human consumption in hospitals in Spain

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    An estimation of the water used for human consumption in hospitals is essential to determine possible savings and to fix criteria to improve the design of new water consumption models.The present work reports on cold water for human consumption (CWHC) in hospitals in Spain and determines the possible savings. In the period of 2005–2012, 80 Eco-Management and Audit Schemes (EMAS) from20 hospitals were analysed. The results conclude that the average annual consumption of CWHC is 1.59m3/m2 (with a standard deviation of 0.48 m3/m2), 195.85 m3/bed (standard deviation 70.07 m3/bed), or 53.69 m3/worker (standard deviation 16.64 m3/worker). The results demonstrate the possibility of saving 5,600,000m3 of water per year. Assuming the cost of water as approximately 1.22 €/m3, annual savings are estimated as 6,832,000 €. Furthermore, 2,912MWh of energy could be saved, and the emission of 22,400 annual tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere could be avoided

    Necesidades de asesoramiento o ayuda de expertos demandadas por el profesorado de educación infantil, primaria y secundaria

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    This study seeks to find out the advice or consulting needs that preschool, elementary and secondary teachers of our country demand of professional consultants concerning their job as teachers so that information serve as a point of reference for the adoption of appropriate measures to satisfy those needs, favouring the quality of education provided by our educational system. Data are based on a nationwide sample of 1464 teachers and have been analyzed at a global level and according to gender, professional seniority and the educational level where they teach. Results refer to several teaching situations and their implications for the education quality are analyzed.El presente trabajo está dirigido a conocer las necesidades de asesoramiento o ayuda que el profesorado de infantil, primaria y secundaria de nuestro país demanda de profesionales expertos en relación con su trabajo como profesor al objeto de que esta información sirva de referencia en la toma de medidas adecuadas en orden a satisfacer esas necesidades en pro de la calidad de la educación proporcionada por nuestro sistema educativo. Los datos están basados sobre una muestra de 1464 profesores de ámbito nacional y se ha analizado a nivel global y en función del género, de la antigüedad profesional y de la etapa educativa en la que ejercen su docencia. Los resultados hacen referencia a diversas situaciones docentes y sus implicaciones en la calidad educativa han sido analizadas

    Impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 en la atención al paciente con cefalea en España : análisis de situación con una mirada al futuro

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    La infección por SARS-CoV-2 ha tenido un enorme impacto en los sistemas sanitarios. España, donde la cefalea constituye el motivo principal de consulta ambulatoria en Neurología, es uno de los países con más casos notificados. Conocer el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 en las Unidades de Cefaleas en España y evaluar cómo imaginan el futuro de estas estructuras los neurólogos responsables. Estudio transversal mediante encuesta online distribuida a los responsables de las Unidades, realizada durante la sexta semana del estado de alarma. La tasa de respuesta fue del 74%, con participación de centros de diferentes características y de todas las Comunidades Autónomas. El 95,8% describió limitaciones en la actividad presencial, un 60,4% mantuvo la consulta presencial preferente y el 45,8% los procedimientos urgentes. En el 91,7% de los centros la actividad presencial cancelada se sustituyó por consulta telefónica. El 95,8% de los encuestados afirmó que empleará material de protección personal en el futuro y el 86% pretende incorporar en mayor medida la telemedicina. La mayoría prevé un incremento en las listas de espera (93,8% en primeras visitas, 89,6% en revisiones y 89,4% en procedimientos) y una peor situación clínica de los pacientes, pero solo un 15% cree que su estructura asistencial se verá debilitada. Como consecuencia de la pandemia, la actividad asistencial e investigadora en cefaleas se ha reducido de manera notable. Esto pone de manifiesto la necesidad de un incremento de la oferta de telemedicina en nuestros centros en un futuro cercano

    Long-term immune response accompanies clinical outcomes in severe asthmatics treated with anti-IL-5/IL-5R biologics

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    This work was supported by ISCIII - Instituto de Salud Carlos III, FIS (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria - Spanish Health Research Fund) grants PI21/00896 and FI19/00067; Ciber de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES); SEAIC grants 22A07; BASEAS STUDY (Basophils in EosinophilicAsthma) Study Code ESR-20-20764 AstraZeneca International; Comunidad de Madrid grant PEJ2021-AI_BMD-22320 and FEDER funds (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Combined Patterns of IGHV Repertoire and Cytogenetic/Molecular Alterations in Monoclonal B Lymphocytosis versus Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

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    Background:Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)-like monoclonal B lymphocytosis (MBL) with (MBLhi) or without (MBLlo) absolute B-lymphocytosis precedes most CLL cases,the specific determinants for malignant progression remaining unknown.Methodology/Principal Findings:For this purpose, simultaneous iFISH and molecular analysis of well-established cytogenetic alterations of chromosomes 11, 12, 13, 14 and 17 together with the pattern of rearrangement of the IGHV genes were performed in CLL-like cells from MBL and CLL cases. Our results based on 78 CLL-like MBL and 117 CLL clones from 166 subjects living in the same geographical area, show the existence of three major groups of clones with distinct but partially overlapping patterns of IGHV gene usage, IGHV mutational status and cytogenetic alterations. These included a group enriched in MBLloclones expressing specific IGHV subgroups (e.g. VH3-23) with no or isolated good-prognosis cytogenetic alterations, a second group which mainly consisted of clinical MBLhiand advanced stage CLL with a skewed but different CLL-associated IGHV gene repertoire (e.g. VH1-69), frequently associated with complex karyotypes and poor-prognosis cytogenetic alterations, and a third group of clones with intermediate features, with prevalence of mutated IGHV genes, and higher numbers of del(13q)+clonal B-cells.Conclusions/Significance:These findings suggest that the specific IGHV repertoire and IGHV mutational status of CLL-like B-cell clones may modulate the type of cytogenetic alterations acquired, their rate of acquisition and/or potentially also their clinical consequences. Further long-term follow-up studies investigating the IGHV gene repertoire of MBLloclones in distinct geographic areas and microenvironments are required to confirm our findings and shed light on the potential role of some antigen-binding BCR specificities contributing to clonal evolution


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    Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM) has become the ideal tool for professionals studying building conservation and restoration. The BIM model allows one to identify structural deformations following three-dimensionally resolved models. In addition, this methodology is specifically designed to register parametric construction models, as an information manager by adding semantic components to the model, including information on the different transformations of the historical artefact, and allowing continuous progress in the building's life cycle. In this work, graphic information and data related to conservation projects are compiled that allow a management of all the documentation integrated in the same Project, from all the disciplinary fields related to the heritage conservation and rehabilitation process. Specifically, from the geometric identification and the restoration documents, it is intended to develop an experimental application where both terrestrial laser scanning records and the use of image processing routines can allow automatic operations to monitor alterations in façades, in order to subsequent control by conservation experts. For this, a building with certain characteristics has been chosen, such as the Miguel de Mañara palace in the city of Seville. A building that has a main façade of 43.30 metres in length by 6.75 metres in height and, in which its façade rotates in an angled guideline to adapt to the urban planning of the time. The analysis is based on the applicability of two segmentation algorithms and the construction of the multilayer enclosure model where the different stratigraphies of the results obtained are exposed

    Potential Use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Predict Fatty Acid Profile of Meat from Different European Autochthonous Pig Breeds

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    Autochthonous pig breeds provide products of differentiated quality, among which quality control is difficult to perform and insufficient for current market requirements. The present research evaluates the predictive ability of near‐infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, combined with chemometric methods as a rapid and affordable tool to assure traceability and quality control. Thus, NIR technology was assessed for intact and minced muscle Longissimus thoracis et lumborum samples collected from 12 European autochthonous pig breeds for the quantification of lipid content and fatty acid composition. Different tests were performed using different numbers of samples for calibration and validation. The best predictive ability was found using minced presentation and set with 80% of the samples for the calibration and the remaining 20% for the external validation test for the following traits: lipid content and saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which attained both the highest determination coefficients (0.89, 0.61, and 0.65, respectively) and the lowest root mean square errors in external validation (0.62, 1.82, and 1.36, respectively). Lower predictive ability was observed for intact muscles. These results could contribute to improve the management of autochthonous breeds and to ensure quality of their products by traditional meat industry chains

    Unexpected high toughness of Samia cynthia ricini silk gut

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    Silk gut fibers were produced from the silkworm Samia cynthia ricini silk glands by the usual procedure of immersion in a mildly acidic solution and subsequent stretching. The morphology of the silk guts was assessed by scanning electron microscopy, and their microstructure was assessed by infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. It was found that both naturally spun and Samia silk guts share a common semicrystalline microstructure. The mechanical characterization of the silk guts revealed that these fibers show an elastomeric behavior when tested in water, and exhibit a genuine ground state to which the fiber may revert independently of its previous loading history. In spite of its large cross-sectional area compared with naturally spun silk fibers, Samia silk guts show values of work to fracture up to 160 MJ m, much larger than those of most of their natural counterparts, and establish a new record value for this parameter in silk guts