1,114 research outputs found

    Computer simulation of impurity diffusion in silicon, part 1

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    The elementary classical models for idealized diffusion conditions are described, and the principles are then used in developing more realistic models. The practical models require some type of numerical analysis. The numerical techniques are outlined and details concerning their implementation are given. Some results are presented which were obtained with the computer programs implementing the numerical techniques with implicit and explicit methods. Special problems of impurity-rich interlayers forming between an oxide and silicon are considered. A set of computed curves for sheet resistance, junction depth, and oxide thickness for different diffusion schedules is included

    A comparison of CFD and full-scale measurement for analysis of natural ventilation

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    CFD modelling techniques have been used to simulate the coupled external and internal flow in a cubic building with two dominant openings. CFD predictions of the time-averaged cross ventilation flow rates have been validated against full-scale experimental data under various weather conditions in England. RANS model predictions proved reliable when wind directions were near normal to the vent openings. However, when the fluctuating ventilation rate exceeded the mean flow, RANS models were incapable of predicting the total ventilation rate. Improved results are expected by applying more sophisticated turbulence models, such as LES or weighted quasi-steady approximations

    Extreme 13C depletion of CCl2F2 in firn air samples from NEEM, Greenland

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    A series of 12 high volume air samples collected from the S2 firn core during the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) 2009 campaign have been measured for mixing ratio and stable carbon isotope composition of the chlorofluorocarbon CFC-12 (CCl2F2). While the mixing ratio measurements compare favorably to other firn air studies, the isotope results show extreme 13C depletion at the deepest measurable depth (65 m), to values lower than d13C = -80‰ vs. VPDB (the international stable carbon isotope scale), compared to present day surface tropospheric measurements near -40‰. Firn air modeling was used to interpret these measurements. Reconstructed atmospheric time series indicate even larger depletions (to -120‰) near 1950 AD, with subsequent rapid enrichment of the atmospheric reservoir of the compound to the present day value. Mass-balance calculations show that this change is likely to have been caused by a large change in the isotopic composition of anthropogenic CFC-12 emissions, probably due to technological advances in the CFC production process over the last 80 yr, though direct evidence is lacking

    A new multi-gas constrained model of trace gas non-homogeneous transport in firn: evaluation and behaviour at eleven polar sites

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    Insoluble trace gases are trapped in polar ice at the firn-ice transition, at approximately 50 to 100 m below the surface, depending primarily on the site temperature and snow accumulation. Models of trace gas transport in polar firn are used to relate firn air and ice core records of trace gases to their atmospheric history. We propose a new model based on the following contributions. First, the firn air transport model is revised in a poromechanics framework with emphasis on the non-homogeneous properties and the treatment of gravitational settling. We then derive a nonlinear least square multi-gas optimisation scheme to calculate the effective firn diffusivity (automatic diffusivity tuning). The improvements gained by the multi-gas approach are investigated (up to ten gases for a single site are included in the optimisation process). We apply the model to four Arctic (Devon Island, NEEM, North GRIP, Summit) and seven Antarctic (DE08, Berkner Island, Siple Dome, Dronning Maud Land, South Pole, Dome C, Vostok) sites and calculate their respective depth-dependent diffusivity profiles. Among these different sites, a relationship is inferred between the snow accumulation rate and an increasing thickness of the lock-in zone defined from the isotopic composition of molecular nitrogen in firn air (denoted d15N). It is associated with a reduced diffusivity value and an increased ratio of advective to diffusive flux in deep firn, which is particularly important at high accumulation rate sites. This has implications for the understanding of d15N of N2 records in ice cores, in relation with past variations of the snow accumulation rate. As the snow accumulation rate is clearly a primary control on the thickness of the lock-in zone, our new approach that allows for the estimation of the lock-in zone width as a function of accumulation may lead to a better constraint on the age difference between the ice and entrapped gases

    A comparison of CFD and full-scale measurement for analysis of natural ventilation

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    CFD modelling techniques have been used to simulate the coupled external and internal flow in a cubic building with two dominant openings. CFD predictions of the time-averaged cross ventilation flow rates have been validated against full-scale experimental data under various weather conditions in England. RANS model predictions proved reliable when wind directions were near normal to the vent openings. However, when the fluctuating ventilation rate exceeded the mean flow, RANS models were incapable of predicting the total ventilation rate. Improved results are expected by applying more sophisticated turbulence models, such as LES or weighted quasi-steady approximations

    The Brownian Net and Selection in the Spatial Lambda-Fleming-Viot Process

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    We obtain the Brownian net of [24] as the scaling limit of the paths traced out by a system of continuous (one-dimensional) space and time branching and coalescing random walks. This demonstrates a certain universality of the net, which we have not seen explored elsewhere. The walks themselves arise in a natural way as the ancestral lineages relating individuals in a sample from a biological population evolving according to the spatial Lambda-Fleming-Viot process. Our scaling reveals the effect, in dimension one, of spatial structure on the spread of a selectively advantageous gene through such a population

    Stable isotopes provide revised global limits of aerobic methane emissions from plants

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    International audienceRecently Keppler et al. (2006) discovered a surprising new source of methane ? terrestrial plants under aerobic conditions, with an estimated global production of 62?236 Tg yr?1 by an unknown mechanism. This is ~10?40% of the annual total of methane entering the modern atmosphere and ~30?100% of annual methane entering the pre-industrial (0 to 1700 AD) atmosphere. Here we test this reported global production of methane from plants against ice core records of atmospheric methane concentration (CH4) and stable carbon isotope ratios (?13CH4) over the last 2000 years. Our top-down approach determines that global plant emissions must be much lower than proposed by Keppler et al. (2006) during the last 2000 years and are likely to lie in the range 0?46 Tg yr?1 and 0?176 Tg yr?1 during the pre-industrial and modern eras, respectively

    Atmospheric CO2 over the last 1000 years: A high-resolution record from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core

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    We report a decadally resolved record of atmospheric CO2 concentration for the last 1000 years, obtained from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide shallow ice core. The most prominent feature of the pre‐industrial period is a rapid ∼7 ppm decrease of CO2 in a span of ∼20–50 years at ∼1600 A.D. This observation confirms the timing of an abrupt atmospheric CO2 decrease of ∼10 ppm observed for that time period in the Law Dome ice core CO2 records, but the true magnitude of the decrease remains unclear. Atmospheric CO2 variations over the time period 1000–1800 A.D. are statistically correlated with northern hemispheric climate and tropical Indo‐Pacific sea surface temperature. However, the exact relationship between CO2 and climate remains elusive due to regional climate variations and/or uneven geographical data density of paleoclimate records. We observe small differences of 0 ∼ 2% (0 ∼ 6 ppm) among the high‐precision CO2 records from the Law Dome, EPICA Dronning Maud Land and WAIS Divide Antarctic ice cores. However, those records share common trends of CO2 change on centennial to multicentennial time scales, and clearly show that atmospheric CO2 has been increasing above preindustrial levels since ∼1850 A.D

    Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions via large deviations: computable examples

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    We give new and explicitly computable examples of Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions of mean-field type, using the large deviation approach introduced in [4]. These examples include Brownian motion with small variance and related diffusion processes, such as the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, as well as birth and death processes. We show for a large class of initial measures and diffusive dynamics both short-time conservation of Gibbsianness and dynamical Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions