428 research outputs found

    Qubits as devices to detect the third moment of current fluctuations

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    Under appropriate conditions controllable two-level systems can be used to detect the third moment of current fluctuations. We derive a Master Equation for a quantum system coupled to a bath valid to the third order in the coupling between the system and the environment. In this approximation the reduced dynamics of the quantum system depends on the frequency dependent third moment. Specializing to the case of a controllable two-level system (a qubit) and in the limit in which the splitting between the levels is much smaller than the characteristic frequency of the third moment, it is possible to show that the decay of the qubit has additional oscillations whose amplitude is directly proportional to the value of the third moment. We discuss an experimental setup where this effect can be seen.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Structural and connectivity parameters reveal spared connectivity in young patients with non-progressive compared to slow-progressive cerebellar ataxia

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    INTRODUCTION: Within Pediatric Cerebellar Ataxias (PCAs), patients with non-progressive ataxia (NonP) surprisingly show postural motor behavior comparable to that of healthy controls, differently to slow-progressive ataxia patients (SlowP). This difference may depend on the building of compensatory strategies of the intact areas in NonP brain network. METHODS: Eleven PCAs patients were recruited: five with NonP and six with SlowP. We assessed volumetric and axonal bundles alterations with a multimodal approach to investigate whether eventual spared connectivity between basal ganglia and cerebellum explains the different postural motor behavior of NonP and SlowP patients. RESULTS: Cerebellar lobules were smaller in SlowP patients. NonP patients showed a lower number of streamlines in the cerebello-thalamo-cortical tracts but a generalized higher integrity of white matter tracts connecting the cortex and the basal ganglia with the cerebellum. DISCUSSION: This work reveals that the axonal bundles connecting the cerebellum with basal ganglia and cortex demonstrate a higher integrity in NonP patients. This evidence highlights the importance of the cerebellum-basal ganglia connectivity to explain the different postural motor behavior of NonP and SlowP patients and support the possible compensatory role of basal ganglia in patients with stable cerebellar malformation

    Investigation of the impact of neutron irradiation on SiC power MOSFETs lifetime by reliability tests

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    High temperature reverse-bias (HTRB), High temperature gate-bias (HTGB) tests and electrical DC characterization were performed on planar-SiC power MOSFETs which survived to accelerated neutron irradiation tests carried out at ChipIr-ISIS (Didcot, UK) facility, with terrestrial neutrons. The neutron test campaigns on the SiC power MOSFETs (manufactered by ST) were con-ducted on the same wafer lot devices by STMicroelectronics and Airbus, with different neutron tester systems. HTGB and HTRB tests, which characterise gate-oxide integrity and junction robustness, show no difference between the non irradiated devices and those which survived to the neutron irradiation tests, with neutron fluence up to 2 × 1011 (n/cm2). Electrical characterization performed pre and post-irradiation on different part number of power devices (Si, SiC MOSFETs and IGBTs) which survived to neutron irradiation tests does not show alteration of the data-sheet electrical parameters due to neutron interaction with the device

    Bremsstrahlung in α\alpha Decay

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    A quantum mechanical analysis of the bremsstrahlung in α\alpha decay of 210^{210}Po is performed in close reference to a semiclassical theory. We clarify the contribution from the tunneling, mixed, outside barrier regions and from the wall of the inner potential well to the final spectral distribution, and discuss their interplay. We also comment on the validity of semiclassical calculations, and the possibility to eliminate the ambiguity in the nuclear potential between the alpha particle and daughter nucleus using the bremsstrahlung spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    Three-body correlations in Borromean halo nuclei

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    Three-body correlations in the dissociation of two-neutron halo nuclei are explored using a technique based on intensity interferometry and Dalitz plots. This provides for the combined treatment of both the n-n and core-n interactions in the exit channel. As an example, the breakup of 14Be into 12Be+n+n by Pb and C targets has been analysed and the halo n-n separation extracted. A finite delay between the emission of the neutrons in the reaction on the C target was observed and is attributed to 13Be resonances populated in sequential breakup.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    Detection of antibacterial activity of essential oil components by TLC-bioautography using luminescent bacteria

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    The aim of the present study was the chemical characterization of some medically relevant essential oils (tea tree, clove, cinnamon bark, thyme and eucalyptus) and the investigation of antibacterial effect of the components of these oils by use of a direct bioautographic method. Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was combined with biological detection in this process. The chemical composition of the oils was determined by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Eucalyptol (84.2%) was the main component of the essential oil of eucalyptus, eugenol (83.7%) of clove oil, and trans-cinnamic aldehyde (73.2%), thymol (49.9%) and terpinen-4-ol (45.8%) of cinnamon bark, thyme and tea tree oils, respectively. Antibacterial activity of the separated components of these oils, as well as their pure main components (eucalyptol, eugenol, trans-cinnamic aldehyde and thymol) was observed against the Gram-negative luminescence tagged plant pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola (Psmlux) and the Gram-negative, naturally luminescent marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri. On the whole, the antibacterial activity of the essential oils could be related to their main components, but the minor constituents may be involved in this process. Trans-cinnamic aldehyde and eugenol were the most active compounds in TLC-bioautography. The sensitivity of TLC-bioautographic method can be improved with using luminescent test bacteria. This method is more cost-effective and provides more reliable results in comparison with conventional microbiological methods, e.g. disc-diffusion technique

    Decadal changes of the Western Arabian sea ecosystem

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    Historical data from oceanographic expeditions and remotely sensed data on outgoing longwave radiation, temperature, wind speed and ocean color in the western Arabian Sea (1950–2010) were used to investigate decadal trends in the physical and biochemical properties of the upper 300 m. 72 % of the 29,043 vertical profiles retrieved originated from USA and UK expeditions. Increasing outgoing longwave radiation, surface air temperatures and sea surface temperature were identified on decadal timescales. These were well correlated with decreasing wind speeds associated with a reduced Siberian High atmospheric anomaly. Shoaling of the oxycline and nitracline was observed as well as acidification of the upper 300 m. These physical and chemical changes were accompanied by declining chlorophyll-a concentrations, vertical macrofaunal habitat compression, declining sardine landings and an increase of fish kill incidents along the Omani coast

    Patterns of Pacific decadal variability recorded by Indian Ocean corals

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    We investigate Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) signals recorded by two bimonthly resolved coral ÎŽ18O series from La RĂ©union and Ifaty (West Madagascar), Indian Ocean from 1882 to 1993. To isolate the main PDO frequencies, we apply a band pass filter to the time series passing only periodicities from 16 to 28 years. We investigate the covariance patterns of the coral time series with sea surface temperature (SST) and sea level pressure (SLP) of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. In addition, the empirical orthogonal functions of the filtered SST and SLP fields (single and coupled) are related to the filtered coral times series. The covariance maps show the typical PDO pattern for SST and SLP, confirming the coupling between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Both corals show the strongest signal in boreal summer. The La RĂ©union (Ifaty) coral better records SST (SLP) than SLP (SST) pattern variability. We suggest that the filtered La RĂ©union coral ÎŽ18O represents ÎŽ18O of seawater that varies with the South Equatorial Current, which, in turn, is linked with the SST PDO. The filtered Ifaty coral ÎŽ18O represents SST and is remotely linked with the SLP PDO variability. A combined coral record of the Ifaty and La RĂ©union boreal summer ÎŽ18O series explains about 64% of the variance of the coupled SST/SLP PDO time series

    Discrete seasonal hydroclimate reconstructions over northern Vietnam for the past three and a half centuries

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    We present a 350-year hydroclimatic year (HY) index for northern Vietnam derived from three discrete seasonal reconstructions from tree rings: an index of autumn rainfall from the earlywood widths of Chinese Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga sinensis), the first such record from this species, and two nearby published Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) reconstructions from cypress (Fokienia hodginsii) tree rings for spring and summer, respectively. Autumn rainfall over the study region constitutes only around 9% of the annual total, but its variability is strongly linked to the strength of the atmospheric gradient over Asia during the transition from the boreal summer to winter monsoons. Deficit or surplus of autumn rainfall enhances or mitigates, respectively, the impact of the annual winter dry season on trees growing on porous karst hillsides. The most protracted HY drought (dry across all seasons) occurred at the turn of the twentieth century at a time of relative quiet, but a mid-to-late eighteenth century multi-year HY drought coincided with a period of great societal turmoil across mainland Southeast Asia and the Tay Son Rebellion in northern Vietnam. A mid-nineteenth century uprising accompanied by a smallpox epidemic, crop failure and famine, occurred during the worst autumn drought of the past two and a half centuries but only moderate drought in spring and summer. The “Great Vietnamese Famine” of the mid-twentieth century was dry only in autumn, with a wet spring and an average summer
