2,315 research outputs found

    Cytochrome c: Surfing Off of the Mitochondrial Membrane on the Tops of Complexes III and IV

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    The proper arrangement of protein components within the respiratory electron transport chain is nowadays a matter of intense debate, since altering it leads to cell aging and other related pathologies. Here, we discuss three current views-the so-called solid, fluid and plasticity models-which describe the organization of the main membrane-embedded mitochondrial protein complexes and the key elements that regulate and/or facilitate supercomplex assembly. The soluble electron carrier cytochrome c has recently emerged as an essential factor in the assembly and function of respiratory supercomplexes. In fact, a 'restricted diffusion pathway' mechanism for electron transfer between complexes III and IV has been proposed based on the secondary, distal binding sites for cytochrome c at its two membrane partners recently discovered. This channeling pathway facilitates the surfing of cytochrome c on both respiratory complexes, thereby tuning the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation and diminishing the production of reactive oxygen species. The well-documented post-translational modifications of cytochrome c could further contribute to the rapid adjustment of electron flow in response to changing cellular conditions.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2015-71017/BMC MINECO/FEDER and PGC2018-096049-B-I00 BIO/BMC MICINN/FEDER, EU


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    Uncontrolled growth of the cities generates a loss of the city-planning quality because of the excess of urbanization and colonization of the environment. For many years it is taking place a progressive degradation of the natural environments, whose devastating effects are appearing in an exponential way. In this context, this paper pretends to remark the huge devastation that are suffering the tropical environments allover the world and tries to propose a global solution that concerns national and international institutions.paradise, global, network urban collapse

    Supporting user-oriented analysis for multi-view domain-specific visual languages

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Information and Software Technology. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2008 Elsevier B.V.The integration of usable and flexible analysis support in modelling environments is a key success factor in Model-Driven Development. In this paradigm, models are the core asset from which code is automatically generated, and thus ensuring model correctness is a fundamental quality control activity. For this purpose, a common approach is to transform the system models into formal semantic domains for verification. However, if the analysis results are not shown in a proper way to the end-user (e.g. in terms of the original language) they may become useless. In this paper we present a novel DSVL called BaVeL that facilitates the flexible annotation of verification results obtained in semantic domains to different formats, including the context of the original language. BaVeL is used in combination with a consistency framework, providing support for all steps in a verification process: acquisition of additional input data, transformation of the system models into semantic domains, verification, and flexible annotation of analysis results. The approach has been validated analytically by the cognitive dimensions framework, and empirically by its implementation and application to several DSVLs. Here we present a case study of a notation in the area of Digital Libraries, where the analysis is performed by transformations into Petri nets and a process algebra.Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and MODUWEB

    The effect of ability-grouping techniques on students' perceptions of speaking tasks

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media, Licenciado en Educación)Un problema crítico en la enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera en Chile es que la mayoría de los profesores no pueden interactuar con sus alumnos del colegio usando el lengua meta. Lo anterior corresponde a una falta de oportunidades de los estudiantes para practicar la habilidad de hablar a través de conversaciones y trabajo colaborativo. De acuerdo a esto, agrupar a los alumnos precisamente en clases ha demostrado incentivar dichas oportunidades. Por lo tanto, ya que el consenso en técnicas de agrupación es controversial, el presente estudio apunta a contrastar las percepciones de los alumnos de acuerdo a agrupaciones de habilidades homogéneas y heterogéneas comparando dos segundos medios en un colegio chileno subvencionado. Por una parte el Grupo A fue organizado homogéneamente de acuerdo a sus competencias en el idioma mediante una prueba de diagnóstico para que los estudiantes con nivel similar estuvieran juntos. Por otra parte, el Grupo B fue organizado heterogéneamente para que los estudiantes con diferentes niveles estuvieran juntos. Este experimento siguió un diseño de comparación y fue utilizado un instrumento correspondiente a un cuestionario con una escala Likert para medir las percepciones de los estudiantes de acuerdo a las técnicas de agrupación. La aplicación consistió en seis clases para ambos grupos en tratamiento, las cuales incluyeron los seis tipos de actividades colaborativas de tres tipos diferentes de tarea. Las actividades y sus respectivos tipo de actividades son, de la primera a la última: “Juego de Roles” y “Entrevista” (Tarea Interpersonal), “Quién soy yo” y “Debate” (Tarea Transaccional), “Contar una Historia” y “Presentación de Afiche” (Tarea Extensiva). Consecuentemente, el principal hallazgo del estudio muestra que todos los estudiantes (ambos grupos, A y B) percibieron las técnicas de agrupación positivamente. Finalmente, contrastando ambas técnicas de agrupación, los estudiantes del Grupo B (heterogéneo) percibieron la mayor parte de las actividades más positivamente que el Grupo A (homogéneo)One critical problem in Chilean EFL teaching is that most teachers cannot interact with school learners using the target language. The latter corresponds to a shortage of opportunities for learners to practice the speaking skill through conversation and collaboration. Accordingly, grouping learners accurately in classes have proved to encourage the referred opportunities. Therefore, since consensus on grouping techniques is controversial, the current study aimed to contrast learners‟ perceptions on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous ability-grouping by comparing two tenth grade courses in a Chilean subsidized school. On the one hand, Group A was arranged homogeneously in compliance with learners‟ low, middle, or high ability level diagnosed in an oral pretest, so learners with similar level were together. On the other hand, Group B was arranged heterogeneously so learners with different levels were gathered. This experiment followed a comparison-group design and used as an instrument a questionnaire with a Likert scale to measure learners‟ perceptions on grouping techniques. The application consisted on six lessons for both treatment groups, which featured six different collaborative activities taken from three different types of tasks. The activities and their respective type of task are, from first to last: Role Play and Interview (Interpersonal tasks), Who am I and Debate (Transactional tasks), Story Telling and Poster Presentation (Extensive tasks). Consequently, the main finding of the study shows that all learners (from both, Groups A and B) perceived grouping techniques positively. Finally, when contrasting both grouping techniques, learners from Group B (Heterogeneous) perceived most of the activities more positively than Group A (Homogeneous)

    : Twitter using by the political parties and political candidates in the 2015 regional elections of Madrid

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    Esta investigación analiza el uso que los partidos y los candidatos políticos que se presentaron a las elecciones autonómicas de la Comunidad de Madrid celebradas en 2015 hicieron del microblog Twitter dentro de sus estrategias de Comunicación Política. A través de la metodología del análisis de contenido se han estudiado 3999 tweets publicados por las cuentas de los seis candidatos y partidos que obtuvieron una mayor valoración por los ciudadanos, pudiéndose comprobar como si bien es cierto que están presentes en Twitter, su uso está mas enfocado a enviar información y como tablón de anuncios que a mantener conversaciones con otros usuarios.This research analyzes the use that political parties and candidates standing for the elections of the Community of Madrid held in 2015 made the microblog Twitter as part of their strategies for Communication Policy. Through content analysis methodology they have been studied 3999 tweets published by the accounts of the six candidates and parties that obtained a greater appreciation by the public. It is found that whilst it is true that are present in Twitter, its use is more focused as a bulletin board for discussions with other users

    Generation of advanced modelling environments by means of graph transformation techniques

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. E. Guerra et al. "Generación de entornos de modelado avanzados mediante técnicas de transformación de grafos", IEEE Latin America Transactions, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 107-114, april 2006En este artículo mostramos nuestro enfoque para la generación automática de entornos de modelado que soporten Lenguajes Visuales de Dominio Específico (LVDEs) con múltiples vistas. El enfoque está basado en la herramienta de metamodelado AToM3. La herramienta es capaz de generar un entorno de modelado a partir de un meta-modelo del LVDE y sus vistas. La consistencia entre las vistas se consigue mediante la generación automática de reglas de gramáticas de grafos triples. Éstas construyen un único modelo que combina los distintos modelos de las vistas. El diseñador del LVDE puede especificar métricas y rediseños de manera visual para el entorno generado. Valores extremos de estas métricas pueden disparar la aplicación de rediseños, los cuales se han formalizado mediante reglas de gramáticas de grafos. Mostramos la aplicación de estos conceptos en el área del diseño hipermedia mediante la generación de un entorno de modelado para el LVDE Labyrinth.In this paper we show our approach to the automatic generation of modelling environments for Visual Languages (VLs) supporting multiple views. The approach is based on the meta-modelling tool AToM3. Starting from a meta-model description of the VL and its views, a customized modelling environment is generated. Consistency between views is supported by the automatic generation of triple graph grammar rules that build a unique model “gluing” all the view models. Moreover, the generated environments allow taking basic static metrics of the models. Extreme values of the metrics may trigger heuristics for the refactoring of the models. These heuristics are formalized in the form of graph grammar rules. We show the application of these concepts in the area of hypermedia design by generating an environment for the Labyrinth VL.Este trabajo ha sido financiado en parte por el Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología con los Proyectos TIC2002-01948 y TIC2003-03654

    "Ven.de.la.calle" : proyecto de integración social con jóvenes en centros de día

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    La sociedad invita a la juventud a vivir el día a día sin tener en cuenta el futuro, de esta forma, para este colectivo es más difícil confiar en el futuro y trabajar por él ya que formamos parte de una sociedad en la que se busca, casi exclusivamente, la satisfacción rápida y momentánea. Estas satisfacciones están fuertemente vinculadas a las sustancias tóxicas creando, entre los más jóvenes, el mejor caldo de cultivo para el consumo de drogas. Como parte de los recursos de los que dispone el programa de prevención que establece la Junta de Andalucía, se ponen en marcha los Centros de Día para atender, especialmente, a los jóvenes consumidores de drogas. Con la intención de ofrecer una respuesta a esta población, las autoras presentan el proyecto de creación de una Centro de Día en la ciudad de Huelva, en colaboración con Valdocco, denominado « Ven .de. la.Calle» que se interesa por facilitar la Integración Social plena mediante la formación personal, cultural y social de los jóvenes.________________________________ Society invites young people to live day-today routine without thinking of future. In this way, it is harder for this group to be confident in and to work for a future since we live in a society which looks for quick and momentary satisfactions. These satisfactions are deeply related to toxic substances, making among young people the best breeding ground for drug addiction. As part of the means able for the prevention plans of the Junta de Andalucia, Day Centres has been opened to specially attend to young people with drug addiction problems. Trying to offer a positive answer to society, the authors present a project on the creation of a Day Centre in Huelva with the support of Valdoco named "Come from de street" which helps to complete social integration by personal, social and cultural education of young people

    Visual specification of metrics for domain specific visual languages

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    Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT 2006)We present a Domain Specific Visual Language (DSVL) for the definition of metrics for other DSVLs. The metrics language has been defined using meta-modelling, and includes some of the more used types of product metrics. The goal is to make the definition of metrics for a DSVL easy, reducing or eliminating the necessity of coding. For this purpose, we rely on the use of visual patterns for the specification of the properties that should be measured in each metric type. These ideas have been implemented in the AToM^3 tool, which allows the definition of DSVLs by means of meta-modelling. In this way, with the new extension, the DSVL designer is able to define a metrics suite for a DSVL. Then, an environment is generated where a number of widgets allow taking actual measures of the defined metrics on the models. We present some illustrative examples using the hypermedia design language Labyrinth.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science with projects MD2 (TIC200303654) and MOSAIC (TSI2005-08225-C07-06)

    Elementos para la relación entre cultura organizacional y estrategia: caso Google

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    Desde el año 360 a.C. se comienza a hablar de la importancia de la estrategia para el éxito de las empresas, argumentando que a través de ella, se establece una visión y un método para alcanzarla. Sin embargo, desde los años ochenta el tema de cultura organizacional empieza a surgir como un elemento clave dentro de las compañías. El talento humano pasa a tener importancia dentro del panorama organizacional como un recurso valioso, cuya gestión puede resultar convirtiéndose en una ventaja competitiva para las compañías dentro de su sector de mercado. A pesar de que estos conceptos son subjetivos, al revisar las diferentes opiniones de autores representativos en cada uno de estos temas, se determina que se encuentran elementos en común entre ellos. Para el caso de cultura organizacional, son la identidad y diferenciación, los sistemas simbólicos, y los comportamientos uniformes. Para el caso de la estrategia, dichos elementos son el dinamismo, la asignación de recursos, y el patrón con propósito a largo plazo. Si tanto la estrategia como la cultura organizacional, independientemente aportan al progreso de las compañías, se buscó establecer, a partir de la fijación de los elementos mencionados, una definición de la relación entre ellos. Para lograrlo, se utilizó un ejemplo específico, el caso de la empresa Google Inc. Se discutieron tres estrategias que esta compañía ha desarrollado en materia relacionada con la construcción de su propia cultura organizacional.Since the year 360 B.C. people began to talk about the importance of the strategy for the companies’ success, arguing it could be achieved through the establishment of a vision and a method. However, since the eighties the organizational culture has been emerging as a key element in companies. Human talent starts to have importance within the organizational landscape as a valuable resource, whose management may become a competitive advantage for companies in its market sector. Although these concepts are subjective, reviewing the different views of important authors in each of these themes, it is determined that there are elements in common between them. In the case of organizational culture, these are identity and differentiation, symbolic systems, and uniform behavior. In the case of the strategy, these elements are dynamism, resource allocation, and the pattern with long-term purpose. If both the strategy and the organizational culture, independently, contribute to the progress of the companies, this work looked to establish, from these mentioned elements, a definition of the relationship between them. To accomplish this, it was used a specific example, the case of the company Google Inc. Three strategies that the company has developed towards the construction of its own organizational culture were discussed.Universidad del Rosari