432 research outputs found

    Long-run effects of training programs for the unemployed in East Germany

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    Public sector sponsored training was implemented at a large scale during the transition process in East Germany. Based on new administrative data, we estimate the differential effects of three different programs for East Germany during the transition process. We apply a dynamic multiple treatment approach using matching based on inflows into unemployment. We find positive medium-and long-run employment effects for the largest program, Provision of Specific Professional Skills and Techniques. In contrast, the programs practice firms and retraining show no consistent positive employment effects. Furthermore, no program results in a reduction of benefit recipiency and the effects are quite similar for females and males. --multiple treatments,training programs,East Germany

    Get Training or Wait? Long-Run Employment Effects of Training Programs for the Unemployed in West Germany

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    Long-term public sector sponsored training programs often show little or negative short-run employment effects and often it is not possible to assess whether positive long-run effects exist. Based on unique administrative data, this paper estimates the long-run differential employment effects of three different types of training programs in West Germany. We use inflows into unemployment for the years 1986/87 and 1993/94 and apply local linear matching based on the estimated propensity score to estimate the effects of training programs starting during 1 to 2, 3 to 4, and 5 to 8 quarters of unemployment. The results show a negative lock-in effect for the period right after the beginning of the program and significantly positive treatment effects on employment rates in the medium- and long-run. The differential effects of the three programs compared to one another are mainly driven by differences in the length of the lock-in periods. --multiple treatments,training programs,employment effects,local linear matching,administrative data,active labor market programs

    Get Training or Wait? Long-Run Employment Effects of Training Programs for the Unemployed in West Germany

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    Long-term public sector sponsored training programs often show little or negative short-run employment effects and often it is not possible to assess whether positive long-run effects exist. Based on unique administrative data, this paper estimates the long-run differential employment effects of three different types of training programs in West Germany. We use inflows into unemployment for the years 1986/87 and 1993/94 and apply local linear matching based on the estimated propensity score to estimate the effects of training programs starting during 1 to 2, 3 to 4, and 5 to 8 quarters of unemployment. The results show a negative lock-in effect for the period right after the beginning of the program and significantly positive treatment effects on employment rates in the medium- and long-run. The differential effects of the three programs compared to one another are mainly driven by differences in the length of the lock-in periods. --multiple treatments,training programs,employment effects,local linear matching,administrative data,active labor market programs

    Imputation Rules to Improve the Education Variable in the IAB Employment Subsample

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    The education variable in the IAB employment subsample has two shortcomings : missing values and inconsistencies with the reporting rule. We propose several deductive imputation procedures to improve the variable. They mainly use the multiple education information available in the data because the employees' education is reported at least once a year. We compare the improved data from the different procedures and the original data in typical applications in labor economics: educational composition of employment, wage inequality, and wage regression. We find, that correcting the education variable: (i) shows the educational attainment of the male labor force to be higher than measured with the original data, (ii) gives different values for some measures of wage inequality, and (iii) does not change the estimates in wage regressions much. --

    Imputation rules to improve the education variable in the IAB employment subsample

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    "The education variable in the IAB employment subsample has two shortcomings: missing values and inconsistencies with the reporting rule. We propose several deductive imputation procedures to improve the variable. They mainly use the multiple education information available in the data because the employees' education is reported at least once a year. We compare the improved data from the different procedures and the original data in typical applications in labor economics: educational composition of employment, wage inequality, and wage regression. We find, that correcting the education variable: (i) shows the educational attainment of the male labor force to be higher than measured with the, original data, (ii) gives different values for some measures of wage inequality, and (iii) does not change the estimates in wage regressions much." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))IAB-Beschäftigtenstichprobe, Bildungsabschluss, Bildungsverlauf, Datengewinnung, Validität, Stichprobenfehler, Datenaufbereitung, Arbeitsmarktforschung, Reliabilität, Datenqualität, Imputationsverfahren

    Comparative psychometrics: establishing what differs is central to understanding what evolves

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    Cognitive abilities cannot be measured directly. What we can measure is individual variation in task performance. In this paper, we first make the case for why we should be interested in mapping individual differences in task performance on to particular cognitive abilities: we suggest that it is crucial for examining the causes and consequences of variation both within and between species. As a case study, we examine whether multiple measures of inhibitory control for non-human animals do indeed produce correlated task performance; however, no clear pattern emerges that would support the notion of a common cognitive ability underpinning individual differences in performance. We advocate a psychometric approach involving a three-step programme to make theoretical and empirical progress: first, we need tasks that reveal signature limits in performance. Second, we need to assess the reliability of individual differences in task performance. Third, multi-trait multi-method test batteries will be instrumental in validating cognitive abilities. Together, these steps will help us to establish what varies between individuals that could impact their fitness and ultimately shape the course of the evolution of animal minds. Finally, we propose executive functions, including working memory, inhibitory control and attentional shifting, as a sensible starting point for this endeavour

    Long-Run Effects of Training Programs for the Unemployed in East Germany

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    Public sector sponsored training was implemented at a large scale during the transition process in East Germany. Based on new administrative data, we estimate the differential effects of three different programs for East Germany during the transition process. We apply a dynamic multiple treatment approach using matching based on inflows into unemployment. We find positive medium- and long- run employment effects for the largest program, Provision of Specific Professional Skills and Techniques. In contrast, the programs practice firms and retraining show no consistent positive employment effects. Furthermore, no program results in a reduction of benefit recipiency and the effects are quite similar for females and males

    Integrating the AUTOSAR tool chain with Eclipse based model transformations

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    International audienceAUTOSAR is establishing itself as a prominent standard in automotive systems and is expected to significantly improve software architecture and the software development processes. However, the introduction of AUTOSAR also poses some challenges

    Three generations in Jewish and Non-Jewish German families after the unification of Germany

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    How do three generations of families live today with the family and the collective past during the Nazi period? What influences does this past of the first generation, and their own ways of dealing with it, have upon the lives of their offspring and on the ways in which the latter come to terms with their family history? These are the general empirical questions put forward by our current researchi. The specific focus of our study lies in comparing different family constellations based on whether the first generation can be categorized as victims, perpetrators, or Nazifollowers during the Nazi period. Particulary form a sociological perspective we also investigate how biographically different family histories after 1945 - in Israel, in West Germany (FRG) and in the one-time East Germany (GDR) - affect the process of transmission from one generation to the next. In three generations of Jewish and non-Jewish German and Israeli families we examine the process by which the famliy history is passed down through the generations. The aim is to reconstruct constellations in life-stories which may facilitate the psychological and social integration of people burdened with a threatening collective and family past.Die Vergleichsstudie untersucht die Art und Weise der Vergangenheitsbewältigung des Holocaust in Familien der Überlebenden und der Nazi-Täter. Dabei bilden zwei maßgebliche Fragen den Ausgangspunkt: (1) Wie leben drei Generationen einer Familie mit der familieneigenen und der kollektiven Vergangenheit aus der Naziherrschaft? (2) Welchen Einfluss hat diese Vergangenheit auf die erste Generation und ihre eigenen Formen der Auseinandersetzung damit und wie äußert sich diese Periode unter den Nachkommen hinsichtlich der Einbettung in ihre Familiengeschichte? Die Ergebnisse basieren auf narrativ-biographischen Interviews in 20 israelischen und 17 deutschen Familien. Der erste Abschnitt diskutiert zunächst die Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede zwischen den Familien der jüdischen Opfer und denen der Nazi-Täter bzw. -Anhängern. Der zweite Schritt illustriert sodann die Differenzen beim sozialen und familialen Dialog zwischen Israel, der DDR und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland um auf diese Weise die Mechanismen der Vergangenheitsbewältigung in den Familien über Generationen hinweg besser verstehen zu können. Die Gegenüberstellung macht deutlich, dass die zu beobachtbaren inhärenten strukturellen Differenzen in den Familiendialogen mit Blick auf den Nationalsozialismus weniger aus den unterschiedlichen Sozialisationsprozessen nach 1945, sondern mehr aus den Unterschieden vor 1945 resultieren. Auf dieser Grundlage liefert der dritte Schritt eine Fallstudie über die Familie Basler, die sowohl jüdische Familienmitglieder in der DDR als auch deutsche Familienmitglieder in der Bundesrepublik mit Nazi-Vergangenheit umfasst. Ferner wird an diesem Fallbeispiel herausgearbeitet, inwieweit der Zusammenbruch des Sozialismus und die anschließende Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands die historische Sichtweise verändert, und zwar die individuellen Lebensgeschichten aber auch die Familiengeschichte. (ICG

    Get training or wait: Long-run employment effects of training programs for the unemployed in West Germany

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    Öffentlich geförderte Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen zur beruflichen Weiterbildung weisen oftmals nur geringe oder negative kurzfristige Beschäftigungseffekte auf, und es ist oft nicht möglich abzuschätzen, ob sie langfristige positive Effekte haben. Auf der Basis einzigartiger prozessproduzierter Daten, werden die langfristigen Beschäftigungseffekte von drei unterschiedlichen Typen von Qualifikationsmaßnahmen in Westdeutschland geschätzt. Die empirische Analyse benutzt die Zugangsdaten zur Arbeitslosigkeit für die Jahre 1986/87 und 1993/94 und unterzieht sie einem lokalen linearen Propensity Score Matching. Analysiert werden die Auswirkungen von Qualifikationsmaßnahmen, die während des ersten und zweiten Quartals, während des dritten und vierten Quartals und während des fünften bis achten Quartals der Arbeitslosigkeit begonnen haben. Die empirischen Ergebnisse zeigen einen negativen Lock-in-Effekt für den Zeitraum direkt nach Programmbeginn, mittel- und langfristig jedoch signifikant positive Effekte in Hinblick auf die Beschäftigungsquote. Die unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen der drei Typen von Qualifikationsmaßnahmen werden vor allem auf die unterschiedliche Länge des Lock-in-Zeitraums zurückgeführt. (IAB)"Long-term public sector sponsored training programs often show little or negative short-run employment effects and often it is not possible to assess whether positive long-run effects exist. Based on unique administrative data, this paper estimates the long-run differential employment effects of three different types of training programs in West Germany. We use inflows into unemployment for the years 1986/87 and 1993/94 and apply local linear matching based on the estimated propensity score to estimate the effects of training programs starting during 1 to 2, 3 to 4, and 5 to 8 quarters of unemployment. The results show a negative lock-in effect for the period right after the beginning of the program and significantly positive treatment effects on employment rates in the medium- and long-run. The differential effects of the three programs compared to one another are mainly driven by differences in the length of the lock-in periods." (author's abstract