465 research outputs found

    Caracterización y análisis de tendencias de los fondos de inversión en Costa Rica

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    Proyecto de graduación (Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas. Énfasis en Finanzas) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Administración de Empresas, 2015Se desarrolla el tema de la caracterización y tendencia de los fondos de inversión en Costa Rica, así mismo elabora un análisis de tendencias relacionado principalmente con aquellos fondos que poseen una mayor cantidad de inversionistas y activos, durante un período que comprende del 2010 al 2014. El enfoque del estudio es cuantitativo-cualitativo, el tipo de estudio es descriptivo, las fuentes de información empleadas son tanto primarias como secundarias, la metodología empleada para obtención de datos fueron la recopilación información documental, recopilación información numérica y la realización de entrevistas. Entre los hallazgos encontrados se exponen los fondos de inversión en Costa Rica resultaron ser atractivos por sus características propias, como los son: la unión de recursos entre participantes, la posibilidad de diversificación, su transparencia, resalta que el mercado de fondos de inversión aún se encuentra bajo un perfil conservador por parte de los inversionistas.Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Escuela de Administración de Empresa

    Representaciones sociales sobre la higiene oral de los niños menores de cinco años que asisten a la clínica Cartagena de Indias, Universidad del Sinú y Universidad de Cartagena

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    Resumen Objetivo: Describir las representaciones sociales sobre la higiene oral de los niños menores de cinco años que asisten a la clínica del escolar de la Universidad del Sinú Cartagena. Metodología: enfoque cualitativo tipo etnográfico. Se seleccionaron 12 familias de los niños menores de 5 años que asisten a la clínica odontológica Cartagena de indias. Para la recolección de la información se utilizó la observación, la entrevista individual y la entrevista de grupos focales en las personas responsables del cuidado de los niños. Resultados: la población se encuentra muy limitada por el aspecto económico, reflejándose en la obtención de pocos elementos de higiene oral. Además, el conocimiento que han adquirido sobre las técnicas del cepillado es memorizado, notándose la influencia de los medios de comunicación y las actividades de promoción y prevención tradicionales. Por otra parte se resalta la escasa supervisión de los padres en las prácticas de higiene oral de sus niños. Conclusiones: la información sobre higiene oral que reciben estas familias no les ha servido para cambiar su conducta hacia hábitos de higiene oral saludables. Por esto es fundamental estudiar a los padres ya que son ellos los responsables de impulsar las acciones para la salud oral de sus hijos. (Duazary 2009 I: 38-47) Abstract Objectives: To describe the social representations on the oral hygiene of children under five who attend the school clinic at the University of Cartagena Sinú. Methodology: Qualitative ethnographic approach. We selected 12 families of children under age 5 who attend dental practice Cartagena de Indias. For data collection was used observation, interviews and meetings with focus groups in the persons responsible for childcare. Results: The population is severely limited by the economic aspect, reflected in obtaining a few elements of oral hygiene. In addition, the knowledge they have acquired on the techniques of brushing is memorized, note the influence of the media and advocacy and prevention traditional. Moreover highlights poor parental supervision practices in oral hygiene of their children. Conclusions: Information about oral hygiene receiving these families has not served to change his behavior toward healthy oral hygiene habits, which is why it is essential to examine the parents because they are the ones responsible for actions to promote oral health of their sons. KeyWords: Learning styles; Academic Yield

    Xylella fastidiosa in Costa Rica: understanding of the pathogen and containment through collaborative approach

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    X. fastidiosa is endemic in Costa Rica. Since the 1990´s, the appearance of a milder version of CLS was reported as “crespera” in Costa Rica. It was confirmed that the disease was due to X. fastidiosa infection. Since then, the bacterium has been detected and isolated from more than 20 different economic important crops and ornamentals. Although the bacterium has great potential for disease and it is widespread throughout the country, the symptoms related to infected plants are usually mild or asymptomatic. In 2015, the European Union closed the importation of ornamentals from Costa Rica, alleging that X. fastidiosa was introduced in this matter into Europe, causing great social and economic impact in this activity in Costa Rica. Recently, genomic evidence supports the relatedness of the CoDiRo strains to X. fastidiosa ST53 isolates from Costa Rica. Our participation as part of the PonTE and XFactors research efforts are focused on broadening the genetic and phenotipic information related to our circulating strains, this will contribute to dilucidate some specific traits of the X. fastidiosa strains found in Italy as in other European countries as well. We are also working on alternative containment strategies for the bacteria. Finally, we have established research initiatives related to endusers in collaboration with phytosanitary authorities to determine the host susceptibility to X. fastidiosa of economic important plants such as Phoenix roebelenii

    Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS): psychometric properties of the online Spanish version in a clinical sample with emotional disorders

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    Background: The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) is the most widely and frequently used scale to assess positive and negative affect. The PANAS has been validated in several languages, and it has shown excellent psychometric properties in the general population and some clinical samples, such as forensic samples, substance users, and adult women with fibromyalgia. Nevertheless, the psychometric properties of the scale have not yet been examined in clinical samples with anxiety, depressive, and adjustment disorders. In addition, the proliferation of Internet-based treatments has led to the development of a wide range of assessments conducted online with digital versions of pen and paper self-report questionnaires. However, no validations have been carried out to analyze the psychometric properties of the online version of the PANAS. The present study investigates the psychometric properties of the online Spanish version of the PANAS in a clinical sample of individuals with emotional disorders. Methods: The sample was composed of 595 Spanish adult volunteers with a diagnosis of depressive disorder (n = 237), anxiety disorder (n = 284), or adjustment disorder (n = 74). Factor structure, construct validity, internal consistency, and sensitivity to change were analyzed. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis yielded a latent structure of two independent factors, consistent with previous validations of the instrument. The analyses showed adequate convergent and discriminant validity, good internal consistency as well as sensitivity to change. Conclusions: Overall, the results obtained in this study show that the online version of the PANAS has adequate psychometric properties for the assessment of positive and negative affect in a Spanish clinical population

    Exposição a praguicidas nos habitantes da ribeira do rio Bogotá (Suesca) e no peixe “Capitán de la sabana”

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    Objetivo: considerando el elevado uso de plaguicidas en Colombia y los efectos nocivos que produce la exposición a estas sustancias para la salud humana y el ambiente, se realizó un estudio para la determinación de biomarcadores de exposición y efecto de plaguicidas en la población de Suesca que habita en la ribera del río Bogotá, de los niveles de plaguicidas en muestras de agua del río tomadas en el mismo municipio y en muestras de pez “Capitán de la sabana” (Eremophylus mutisii) capturado en dicha zona. Materiales y métodos: se realizaron determinaciones para organofosforados, carbamatos, ditiocarbamatos y organoclorados También se exploró, mediante una encuesta, la exposición ocupacional a plaguicidas y el conocimiento y utilización de medidas de protección personal en su actividad laboral. Adicionalmente, se examinó el hábito de la pesca de pez Capitán y su consumo en la dieta de los habitantes de esta zona del río. Resultados: los resultados muestran la presencia de plaguicidas organoclorados y organofosforados en el río y en el tejido de los peces y organoclorados y etilentiourea en las muestras biológicas humanas. En el estudio participaron trabajadores directamente expuestos a plaguicidas, quienes manipulan productos de alta toxicidad; en su mayoría conocen y emplean las medidas de protección personal e higiene industrial. Conclusiones: existe contaminación por plaguicidas en la cuenca alta del río Bogotá que afecta a la fauna y a las poblaciones ribereñas. Es necesario promover mejores medidas para el cuidado del ambiente, para la protección y para el autocuidado de las personas que manipulan plaguicidas en la zona.Objective: Considering the high use of pesticides in Colombia and the harmful effects resulting from exposure to these substances on human health and the environment, a study for the determination of biomarkers of exposure and effect of pesticides in population of the banks of the Río Bogotá in Suesca, the levels of pesticides in river water samples taken in the same city and in samples of fish, “Capitán de la Sabana” (Eremophylus mutisii) caught in this area. Materials and methods: We measured for organophosphates, carbamates, dithiocarbamates and organochlorines. We also explored through a survey of occupational exposure to pesticides in the population and knowledge and use of personal protective measures in their work. Additionally, we explored the habit of fishing for captain and consumption in the diet of the inhabitants of the riverbank. Results: The results show the presence of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides in the river and in fish tissue and organochlorine and ethylene thiourea in human biological samples. Participated in the study workers directly exposed to pesticides, highly toxic handlers, most know and use personal protective measures and industrial hygiene. Conclusions: Pollution such as pesticides in the upper basin of Bogotá that affects wildlife and coastal populations. Best action is necessary to promote environmental care, protection and self-care of persons using pesticides in the area.Objetivos: Considerando o elevado uso de praguicidas na Colômbia e os efeitos nocivos que produz a exposição a estas sustâncias para a saúde humana e o ambiente, se realizou um estudo para a determinação de biomarcadores de exposição e efeito de praguicidas na população de Suesca que habita na ribeira do rio Bogotá, dos níveis de praguicidas em amostras de água do rio tomadas no mesmo município e em amostras do peixe “Capitan de la sabana” (Eremophylus mutisii) caçado nesta zona. Materiais e métodos: se realizaram determinações para organofosforados, carbamatos, ditiocarbamatos e organoclorados. Também explorou-se, mediante uma pesquisa, a exposição ocupacional a praguicidas e o conhecimento e utilização de medidas de proteção pessoal em sua atividade laboral. Adicionalmente, examinou-se o hábito da pesca de peixe “Capitan de la sabana” e seu consumo na dieta dos habitantes desta zona do rio. Resultados: os resultados mostram a presencia de praguicidas organoclorados e organofosforados no rio e no tecido dos peixes e organoclorados e etilentiouréia nas amostras biológicas humanas. No estudo participaram trabalhadores diretamente expostos a praguicidas, os quais manipulam produtos de alta toxicidade; na sua maioria conhecem e empregam as medidas de proteção pessoal e higiene industrial. Conclusões: existe contaminação por praguicidas na bacia alta do rio Bogotá que afeita à fauna e às populações da ribeira. É necessário promover melhores medidas para o cuidado do ambiente, para a proteção e para o autocuidado das pessoas que manipulam praguicidas na zona

    \u3cem\u3eHelicobacter pylori\u3c/em\u3e infection in Havana, Cuba. Prevalence and \u3cem\u3ecagA\u3c/em\u3e status of the strains

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    There is a great paucity of information about Helicobacter pylori infection in the countries of the Caribbean basin. Almost no studies have been performed to determine the prevalence, antibiotic resistance or virulence factors of the bacterium. To measure the prevalence of H. pylori infection among patients attending endoscopy in three clinics in Havana, Cuba, to evaluate clarithromycin resistance, and to determine the cagA status of the strains obtained. Endoscopy was performed and biopsies were obtained from 117 successive patients attending the Institute of Oncology, the Institute of Gastroenterology, and the Calixto Garcia Hospital in Havana, Cuba. Biopsies were maintained at –70 ºC before being cultured on three different media (two selective and one non-selective) and incubated for 7 days at 37 °C under a microaerobic atmosphere. The presence of H. pylori was identified by oxidase, catalase and urease activities. DNA was extracted, and PCR was performed with primers H2761676 which amplify a 397 bp fragment of the cagA gene. Clarithromycin susceptibility was measured by the gel diffusion method. The diagnoses of patients were: 1 gastric carcinoma; 19 duodenal ulcers; 8 gastric ulcers; and 89 non-ulcer dyspepsia, including (62) gastritis, (9) hiatal hernia,(2) biliary reflux, (1) gastric polyps, and (15) no abnormality. Among the 117 biopsies tested, 83 were H. pylori positive (70.9%). The cagA status determined for 35 cases gave a positive result in 31 cases (88.5%). Only 3% of the strains were resistant to clarithromycin. The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in the symptomatic population of La Habana is the same as reported for other developing countries. Most strains were cagA positive and are likely harbour the cag pathogenicity island. The low resistance to clarithromycin in the strains studied probably reflects the low degree of use of the antibiotic in this population

    Diagnóstico del proceso logístico comercial en tiendas de sol y playa: Tiendas Caracol Guardalavaca

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    Introduction: In connection with the increasing digitization and customer expectations, retail organization in the tourism sector has acquired a particularly important and significant role now and in the future. This means that without a good strategy and a well-thought-out concept, there is no properly functioning trade logistics for industry or trade. Objective: to diagnose the commercial coordination process in the retail entity ``Las Arenas´´ in the tourist destination Guardalavaca. Methodology: Methods and techniques were used, including analysis and synthesis, induction-deduction, surveys, direct observation, and the application of a procedure where an internal and external diagnosis was made. The procedure proposed by Ferrer & Castellano (2014), starts in the first place from the periodic evaluation of the logistics system, in which it is determined if there are difficulties in its management, if there are no problems, the periodic evaluation continues, otherwise, passes to carry out the diagnosis of each of the elements of the logistics system. Results: The analysis conducted in the retail entity ``Las Arenas´´ showed that the coordination process still has deficiencies, not only in this entity but in the entire national coordination system. This is reflected with the use of the procedure used by Ferrer & Castellano (2014), which, although many years have passed, is the object of study for the diagnosis of coordination processes in different facilities. Conclusion: It is concluded that the scientific article showed that the procedure used was able to diagnose the commercial coordination process in this retail entity. The application of the proposed actions will allow the store to improve the management of its coordination system.Introducción: En relación con la creciente digitalización y las expectativas de los clientes, la logística de la venta al por menor en el sector turístico ha adquirido un papel muy importante y significativo ahora y en el futuro. Esto significa que, sin una buena estrategia y un concepto bien pensado, no hay una logística comercial que funcione correctamente para la industria o el comercio. Objetivo: diagnosticar el proceso logístico comercial en la entidad minorista ``Las Arenas´´ en el destino turístico Guardalavaca. Metodología: Se utilizaron métodos y técnicas entre los que se incluyen: el análisis y la síntesis, inducción-deducción, encuestas, observación directa y la aplicación de un procedimiento donde se realizó un diagnóstico interno y externo. El procedimiento propuesto por Ferrer & Castellano (2014), parte en primer lugar de la evaluación periódica del sistema logístico, en la cual se determina si existen dificultades en la gestión de este, si no existen problemas se continúa con la evaluación periódica, en caso contrario, se pasa a la realización del diagnóstico de cada uno de los elementos del sistema logístico. Resultados: El análisis realizado en la entidad minorista ``Las Arenas´´ demostró que el proceso logístico aún presenta deficiencias, no solo en esta entidad sino en todo el sistema logístico nacional. Esto queda reflejado con el uso del procedimiento utilizado por Ferrer & Castellano (2014), el cual, aunque ya pasaron muchos años, es objeto de estudio para el diagnóstico de los procesos logísticos en diferentes instalaciones. Conclusión: Se concluye que el artículo científico demostró que el procedimiento utilizado logro diagnosticar el proceso logístico comercial en esta entidad minorista. La aplicación de las acciones propuestas le permitirá a la tienda perfeccionar la gestión logística de su sistema

    A brief online transdiagnostic measure: Psychometric properties of the Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS) among Spanish patients with emotional disorders

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    The Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS) is a self-report questionnaire designed to evaluate the severity and functional impairment associated with anxiety. Given its transdiagnostic nature, it can be used indistinctly across anxiety and depressive disorders. In this study, the psychometric properties of the online version of the OASIS were evaluated in a Spanish clinical sample with emotional disorders. Patients (n = 583) with anxiety (n = 250) and depression (n = 333) with a mean age of 37.21 (SD = 12.22), underwent a diagnostic interview and questionnaires assessing anxiety, depression, positive and negative affect, and quality of life. Factorial structure, internal consistency, convergent and discriminant validity, cutoff scores, and sensitivity to change were analyzed. Confirmatory Factor Analysis yielded a unidimensional factor structure, consistent with previous validations of the instrument. The analyses showed good internal consistency and adequate convergent and discriminant validity, as well as sensitivity to change. A cutoff score of 7.5 was found to meet the criteria used in this study to select the optimal cutoff point. Overall, in this study, the psychometric properties of the online version of the OASIS were found to be appropriate. The brevity and ease of use of the OASIS support its adequacy as a valid measure of anxiety severity and impairment in Spanish clinical samples with anxiety and depression

    Moving towards independent life: Educational approaches in young people with intellectual disability

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    El avance de los jóvenes con discapacidad intelectual hacia mayores desarrollos de su autonomía personal requiere de nuevos planteamientos educativos, centrados en la autodeterminación, la inclusión social y la vida independiente. Down España, en colaboración con Down Huesca y Down Lleida, ha desarrollado un proyecto que va en esta dirección. El proyecto formativo se ha contextualizado dentro de los cambios que se producen en la concepción de la discapacidad. Autodeterminación, calidad de vida, modelos de apoyos, modelo social y accesibilidad universal son algunos de los conceptos que guían nuestro proyecto y que requieren nuevos enfoques organizacionales y nuevas prácticas profesionales y parentales. Los módulos y talleres tienen como referente los proyectos de vida independiente. La metodología didáctica que se desarrolla en la aplicación de los programas está fundamentada en el modelo didáctico mediacional, en el aprendizaje cooperativo, en el enfoque globalizado y en la generalización de los aprendizajes