473 research outputs found

    Dinámica del agua y fitoquímicos durante el secado de rodajas de chile habanero rojo (Capsicum chinense)

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    Habanero pepper (Capsicum chinense) is a source of phytochemicals or bioactive compounds that have shown benefits in human health. For phytochemicals extraction process, a prior drying is required. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of drying temperature (30, 50 and 70 degrees C) on total capsaicinoids and total carotenoids, and the coefficients of water diffusivity during drying of sliced red habanero pepper. The results show that the bioactive compounds, present a major stability at high temperature (70 degrees C), the effective diffusivity increased with drying temperature and the activation energy of the process was calculated to 39.575 kJ mol(-1) K-1. Several theoretical aspects of average water diffusivity are discussed

    Gestión Automatizada del Programa de Mentoría en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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    El gran volumen de datos generados en el programa de mentoría de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (con más de 450 mentores y 1500 telémacos en el curso 2018-2019) hace necesario implementar un sistema de gestión y automatización de los datos referentes al cumplimiento y satisfacción tanto de los mentores como de los telémacos. Además de eso, para poder realizar una comparativa fiable sobre el funcionamiento del programa entre diferentes Facultades, todo el sistema de gestión debe realizarse de forma homogénea. En este trabajo se explica cómo se ha llevado a cabo este proceso de automatización y gestión de datos y cómo esto puede repercutir en un mejor acogimiento de los alumnos de nuevo ingreso y un mejor análisis del efecto que puede tener un programa de mentoría en el proceso de aprendizaje

    Geology and paleontology of Tresjuncos (Cuenca, Spain), a new diatomaceous deposit with Konservat-Lagerstätte characteristics from the European late Miocene.

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    Purpose A new Iberian Konservat-Lagersta¨tte discovered in Tresjuncos (Cuenca, Spain) is described and interpreted based on geological and paleontological information. Methods The samples were studied using conventional mineralogical (powder X-ray diffraction), petrographic (optical and scanning electron microscopy) and geochemical (X-ray energy-dispersive spectrometry) techniques. Results Based upon geological context, stratigraphy, lithology, sedimentology and origin of the rocks, we describe and interpret the new fossil site as originated in a lacustrine environment. The micromammals found in the Tresjuncos 1 outcrop suggest that the main site is Turolian in age (uppermost Miocene), continental chronological unit MN13. The fossils are preserved in laminates comprising rhythmic, millimeterscale alternations of diatomites and calcareous diatomites. An analysis of the lake paleobiota includes amphibians, crustaceans, insects, plants, and diatoms. The diatoms are dominated by Cyclotella iris. The whole assemblage is indicative of a planktic community developed in somewhat alkaline waters. An extremely well preserved premetamorphic Pelobates (Pelobatidae) tadpole was discovered; it is remarkable because of its gigantic size. Its digestive tract predominantly contains the rare diatom Navicula halionata var directa, likely associated with the shore vegetation in which it presumably lived and fed. The arthropods form a typical lacustrine aquatic assemblage, lacking fish. This assemblage is made up of small filtering crustaceans and of both predator and nonpredator insects of diverse sizes. Conclusions The available evidence on Tresjuncos shows the extraordinary potential for paleontological information that can be expected from this new Konservat-Lagersta¨tte, which constitutes a significant finding that improves our understanding of continental late Miocene Mediterranean environments

    Use of in vivo-induced antigen technology to identify bacterial genes expressed during solea senegalensis infection with Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida

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    The marine fish pathogen Photobacterium damselae subsp. piscicida (Phdp) is responsible for important outbreaks affecting several fish species including flatfish Solea senegalensis. The aim of this work was to identify in vivo-induced expressed immunogenic proteins using pooled sera from fish that have experienced photobacteriosis. In vivo induced immunogenic proteins included inosine-5'-monophosphate dehydrogenase (Impdh) and alkyl hydroperoxide reductase (AhpC), two proteins involved in peptide synthesis: serine hydroxymethyl transferase (Shmt) and alanyl-tRNA synthetase (AlaRS) and the non-ribosomal peptide synthetase involved in the synthesis of the siderophore piscibactin (Irp2)

    Formation of an ordered phase in neutron star matter

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    In this work, we explore the possible formation of ordered phases in hadronic matter, related to the presence of hyperons at high densities. We analyze a microscopic mechanism which can lead to the crystallization of the hyperonic sector by the confinement of the hyperons on the nodes of a lattice. For this purpose, we introduce a simplified model of the hadronic plasma, in which the nuclear interaction between protons, neutrons and hyperons is mediated by meson fields. We find that, for some reasonable sets of values of the model parameters, such ordered phases are energetically favoured as density increases beyond a threshold value.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, submitted to NP


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    [ES] La necesidad de disminuir los costes energéticos que los agricultores tienen que afrontar tras la modernización de los sistemas de distribución del agua, está llevando a un aumento de la demanda de estrategias encaminadas a reducir el consumo de este recurso. En este trabajo se propone una metodología fundamentada en la optimización de la altura manométrica en la estación de bombeo y el control de la operación de los puntos críticos con el fin de disminuir la demanda energética de la red, asegurando una presión mínima en los hidrantes operativos. La estrategia considera dos escenarios de gestión: escenario A, en el que se determina la altura manométrica óptima considerando un 100 % de simultaneidad de hidrantes; y escenario B, en el que se determina la altura manométrica óptima cuando los hidrantes críticos (identificados previamente) se desactivan. La metodología se ha aplicado en los 11 sectores que componen la comunidad de regantes del Bembézar Margen Derecha, determinando una reducción en la altura manométrica óptima entre los escenarios A y B de 12 m y 13 m en dos sectores seleccionados como representativos. Esta reducción en la altura manométrica se traduce en un ahorro energético potencial de 23.2 % y 25.8 % en los sectores analizados. La adopción del escenario A en las horas en las que el precio de la energía es mayor y la aplicación del escenario B sin restricciones horarias pueden suponer importantes ahorros en el coste energético.Fernández García, I.; González Perea, R.; Rodríguez Díaz, J.; Moreno, M.; Montesinos, P.; Camacho Poyato, E. (2015). GESTIÓN ÓPTIMA DE REDES DE RIEGO MEDIANTE EL CONTROL DE LA OPERACIÓN DE LOS PUNTOS CRÍTICOS. En XXXIII CONGRESO NACIONAL DE RIEGOS. Valencia 16-18 junio de 2015. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CNRiegos.2015.1451OC

    Charged Higgs boson and stau phenomenology in the simplest R-parity breaking model

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    We consider the charged scalar boson phenomenology in the simplest effective low-energy R-parity breaking model characterized by a bilinear violation of R-parity in the superpotential. This induces a mixing between staus and the charged Higgs boson. We show that the charged Higgs boson mass can be lower than expected in the MSSM, even before including radiative corrections. We also study the charged scalar boson decay branching ratios and show that the R-parity violating decay rates can be comparable or even bigger than the R-parity conserving ones. Moreover, if the stau is the LSP it will have only decays into standard model fermions. These features could have important implications for charged supersymmetric scalar boson searches at future accelerators

    Influence of crude protein content, ingredient complexity, feed form, and duration of feeding of the phase I diets on productive performance and nutrient digestibility of Iberian pigs.

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    The influence of CP content and ingredient complexity, feed form, and duration of feeding of the Phase I diets on growth performance and total tract apparent digestibility -TTAD- of energy and nutrients was studied in Iberian pigs weaned at 28 d of age. There were 12 dietary treatments with 2 type of feeds -high-quality, HQ; and low-quality, LQ-, 2 feed forms -pellets vs. mash-, and 3 durations -7, 14, and 21 d- of supply of the Phase I diets

    Compilation of parameterized seismogenic sources in Iberia for the SHARE European-scale seismic source model.

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    Abstract: SHARE (Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe) is an EC-funded project (FP7) that aims to evaluate European seismic hazards using an integrated, standardized approach. In the context of SHARE, we are compiling a fully-parameterized active fault database for Iberia and the nearby offshore region. The principal goal of this initiative is for fault sources in the Iberian region to be represented in SHARE and incorporated into the source model that will be used to produce seismic hazard maps at the European scale. The SHARE project relies heavily on input from many regional experts throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region. At the SHARE regional meeting for Iberia, the 2010 Working Group on Iberian Seismogenic Sources (WGISS) was established; these researchers are contributing to this large effort by providing their data to the Iberian regional integrators in a standardized format. The development of the SHARE Iberian active fault database is occurring in parallel with IBERFAULT, another ongoing effort to compile a database of active faults in the Iberian region. The SHARE Iberian active fault database synthesizes a wide range of geological and geophysical observations on active seismogenic sources, and incorporates existing compilations (e.g., Cabral, 1995; Silva et al., 2008), original data contributed directly from researchers, data compiled from the literature, parameters estimated using empirical and analytical relationships, and, where necessary, parameters derived using expert judgment. The Iberian seismogenic source model derived for SHARE will be the first regional-scale source model for Iberia that includes fault data and follows an internationally standardized approach (Basili et al., 2008; 2009). This model can be used in both seismic hazard and risk analyses and will be appropriate for use in Iberian- and European-scale assessments