442 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo de desempeño del lenguaje de niños normales, nacidos asfixiados y nacidos prematuros mediante el uso de una escala de hitos tempranos del Lenguaje

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    62 p.El presente trabajo, desarrollado sobre la práctica clínica del autor, plantea la necesidad de establecer qué ocurre al comparar el desempeño de tres grupos de niños usando un instrumento que evalúa los hitos tempranos del lenguaje. Estos grupos, que conforman la muestra del trabajo son: un grupo de prematuros de muy bajo peso al nacer, un grupo de asfixiados, y un grupo de niños normales, que se controlan en atención primaria. Los tres grupos son relevantes a la realidad nacional. La sobrevida de los nacidos prematuros con muy bajo peso es cada vez mayor gracias al desarrollo tecnológico, y su desarrollo de lenguaje ha sido escasamente estudiado en nuestro medio. Por otra parte, aunque exista atención profesional del parto, un grupo reducido de niños de embarazo de término tendrá asfixia al nacer, lo que justifica un programa de seguimiento formal de ellos. Por último, el grupo de niños normales, controlados a nivel de Atención Primaria en salud, es evaluado gruesamente en relación a su desarrollo de lenguaje, utilizando instrumentos no confiables. En el manejo de este grupo mayoritario, no existe una postura de consenso en relación a qué intervenciones son adecuadas cuando se pesquisan desviaciones en el desarrollo de lenguaje. Hasta este trabajo, no existen reportes nacionales que den cuenta de la situación de desarrollo temprano del lenguaje y de su valor predictivo, en estos grupos en particular./ Abstract:The present work, developed over the author practice, state the need of establish what happens to confront the performance on three groups of children using an instrument that assess early language milestones. These groups that conforms the sample are: a group prematurely born, an asphyxia group and a normal group that are controlled in primary care. All of these groups are relevant to Chilean reality. Prematurely born survival is greater thanks technologic development, and its language development has been poorly studied in our country. Otherwise, although there were medical cares on delivery, some children of term will have asphyxia when they are born, what justify formal follow up of them. Finally, the normal group which is controlled in primary care is assessed grossly in language development using instruments without reliability. In the management of this group there is no agreement in what interventions are adequate when deviations are detected in language development. Until this work, no national reports that reveal the situation of early language development and its predictive value, for these groups in particula

    Covering point sets with two disjoint disks or squares

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    Open archive-ElsevierWe study the following problem: Given a set of red points and a set of blue points on the plane, find two unit disks CR and CB with disjoint interiors such that the number of red points covered by CR plus the number of blue points covered by CB is maximized. We give an algorithm to solve this problem in O(n8/3 log2 n) time, where n denotes the total number of points. We also show that the analogous problem of finding two axis-aligned unit squares SR and SB instead of unit disks can be solved in O(nlog n) time, which is optimal. If we do not restrict ourselves to axis-aligned squares, but require that both squares have a common orientation, we give a solution using O(n3 log n) time

    Cisco de Café como posible material sustituto de arcilla en la fabricación de materiales cerámicos de construcción en el área metropolitana de Cúcuta

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    ResumenLa industria cerámica representa un sector representativo para la economía del Norte de Santander. A pesar del reconocimiento de la calidad de los productos fabricados a nivel nacional e internacional, el desarrollo del sector aún se encuentra en fase de consolidación si se compara con los grandes referentes del mundo, entre estos, la industria cerámica Española e Italiana. En la búsqueda de alternativas que permitan entrar en esta dinámica global, el equipo de investigación realizó algunas actividades encaminadas a aplicar el concepto de la economía circular (reutilización de residuos a los sistemas de producción) al proceso cerámico regional. En este caso particular se ha propuesto la reutilización del cisco de café (residuo de agroindustria regional) como sustituto del material arcilloso en la fabricación de materiales cerámicos de construcción. El trabajo experimental se desarrolló a nivel de laboratorio, usando la extrusión como técnica de conformado. Las materias primas fueron caracterizadas mediante fluorescencia y difracción de rayos X (FRX/DRX), así como por análisis térmico (TG/DSC); las propiedades tecnológicas del cerámico evaluadas fueron: la contracción lineal de secado/cocción, porcentaje de absorción de agua, resistencia mecánica a la flexión y resistencia a la abrasión profunda. Al material de mejor comportamiento físico cerámico le fue evaluada la conductividad térmica mediante un método transitorio de flujo de calor. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian el potencial del cisco para reducir la conductividad térmica del material y el aporte calórico al sistema. La utilización del cisco de café permite obtener cerámicos para uso como revestimientos y pavimento de tipo residencial.Palabras clave: Caracterización, cisco de café, economía circular, materiales cerámicos.AbtractThe ceramic industry is a representative sector for the economy of Norte de Santander (Colombia). Despite the recognition of the quality of the products manufactured nationally and internationally, the development of the sector is still in the consolidation phase if it is compared with the major references in the world, including the Spanish and Italian ceramic industry. In the search for   alternatives that allow entering this global dynamic of being recognized, the work team has carried out some activities aimed at applying the concept of the circular economy (reuse of waste to production systems) to the regional ceramic process. In this   particular case, the reuse of coffee husk (waste from regional agro-industry) as a substitute for clay material in the manufacture of ceramic construction materials has been proposed. The experimental work was developed at the laboratory level, using extrusion as a forming technique. The raw materials were characterized by fluorescence and X-ray diffraction (XRF / XRD), as well as by thermal analysis (TG / DSC). The technological properties of the ceramic evaluated were the linear shrinkage of drying / firing, percentage of water absorption, mechanical resistance to bending and resistance to deep abrasion. To the material with the best ceramic physical behavior, the thermal conductivity was evaluated by means of a transient heat flow method. The results obtained show the potential of the coffee husk to reduce the thermal conductivity of the material and the caloric contribution to the system. The use of coffee husk allows to obtain ceramics for use as coatings and residential type pavement.Keywords: Characterization, coffee husk, circular economy, ceramic materialsResumoA indústria cerâmica representa um setor representativo para a economia do Norte de Santander. Apesar do reconhecimento da qualidade dos produtos fabricados nos níveis nacionais e internacionais, o desenvolvimento do setor ainda está em fase de consolidação, quando comparado com as grandes figuras do mundo, entre eles, a indústria cerâmica espanhol e italiano. Na busca de alternativas que permitissem entrar nessa dinâmica global, a equipe de pesquisa realizou algumas atividades voltadas à aplicação do conceito de economia circular (reutilização de resíduos aos sistemas produtivos) ao processo cerâmico regional. Neste caso particular, tem sido proposto o reuso do café cisco (resíduo da agroindústria regional) como substituto do material argiloso na fabricação de materiais cerâmicos de construção. O trabalho experimental foi desenvolvido em nível de laboratório, usando a extrusão como técnica de formação. As matérias-primas foram caracterizadas por fluorescência e difração de raios-X (FRX / DRX), bem como por análise térmica (TG / DSC); As propriedades tecnológicas das cerâmicas avaliadas foram: retração linear de secagem / cozimento, porcentagem de absorção de água, resistência mecânica à flexão e resistência à abrasão profunda. Para o material com melhor comportamento físico cerâmico, a condutividade térmica foi avaliada por meio de um método de fluxo de calor transiente. Os resultados obtidos mostram o potencial do cisco para reduzir a condutividade térmica do material e a contribuição calórica para o sistema. O uso do café cisco permite obter cerâmicas para uso como revestimentos e pavimentos residenciais.Palabras Chave: Caracterização, cisco de café, economia circular, materiais cerâmicos

    Pellet as a Technological Nutrient within the Circular Economy Model: Comparative Analysis of Combustion Efficiency and CO and NOx Emissions for Pellets from Olive and Almond Trees

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    This study analyzes the operation of Biomass System (BIO System) technology for the combustion of pellets from almond and olive trees within the circular economy model. Its aims are the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as well as waste removal and its energy use by reintroducing that waste into the production process as technological nutrient. In order to do so, combustion efficiency under optimal conditions at nominal power was analyzed. In addition, a TESTO 350-XL analyzer was employed to measure CO and NOx emissions. High combustion efficiency values were obtained, 87.7% and 86.3%, for pellets from olive tree and almond tree, respectively. The results of CO and NOx emission levels were very satisfactory. Under conditions close to nominal power, CO emission levels were 225.3 ppm at 6% O2 for pellet from almond tree and 351.6 ppm at 6% O2 for pellet from olive tree. Regarding NOx emissions, the values were 365.8 ppm at 6% O2 and 333.2 ppm at 6% O2 for pellets from almond tree and olive tree, respectively. In general, these values were below those legally established by current legislation in European countries. Therefore, BIO System technology is a perfectly feasible option in terms of energy use and circular economy.This study has been supported and co-financed by projects from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness ECO2010-15885 and ECO2013-47027-P, Andalusian Government P11-SEJ-7294 and European Union (ERDF funds)

    Predictive Control Applied to a Solar Desalination Plant Connected to a Greenhouse with Daily Variation of Irrigation Water Demand

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    The water deficit in the Mediterranean area is a known matter severely affecting agriculture. One way to avoid the aquifers’ exploitation is to supply water to crops by using thermal desalination processes. Moreover, in order to guarantee long-term sustainability, the required thermal energy for the desalination process can be provided by solar energy. This paper shows simulations for a case study in which a solar multi-effect distillation plant produces water for irrigation purposes. Detailed models of the involved systems are the base of a predictive controller to operate the desalination plant and fulfil the water demanded by the crops

    Nuevos aportes en la caracterización de arcillas del oriente colombiano

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    Mineral samples from two geological formations (Guayabo group (AGG) and Carbonera formation (AFC)) of northeastern Colombia, rich in phases of the clay group, were characterized to clearly know the types of phyllosilicates present, their microchemical and morphological characteristics, its cation exchange capacity and specific surface area; Similarly, identify the other mineralogical phases present in these materials. Different techniques such as X-ray diffraction and fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy with X-ray dispersive energy analyzer were used in the process. The results obtained allow us to be certain that the kaolinite phase is present in both clay samples (AGG and AFC), the lamellar crystals observed and associated with this mineral have a high silicon content, according to the FTIR analysis, this could be due to the existence of more than one phase in them. In the same way, it was possible to demonstrate the existence of a mineral from the group of lamellar-type micas. The thermal evaluation carried out led to the suggestion that it is the Muscovite phase. More abundant lamellar crystals, chemically formed by silicon, aluminum, potassium, and iron, were associated with this last mineral, also highlighting a high silicon content. The crystals of the AGG sample stand out for being larger than those of AFC and for having a higher potassium content. The cation exchange capacity is higher in the AGG sample (11,5meq/100g) possibly associated with the higher muscovite content, while in the case of the surface area there were no significant differences, obtaining values ​​close to 30 m2/g, slightly higher values to those reported for soils with the presence of kaolinite.Muestras minerales provenientes de dos formaciones geológicas (grupo guayabo (AGG) y formación carbonera (AFC)) del nororiente colombiano ricas en fases del grupo de las arcillas fueron caracterizadas a fin de conocer con claridad los tipos de filosilicatos presentes, sus características microquímicas y morfológicas, su capacidad de intercambio catiónico y área superficial especifica; de igual manera identificar las demás fases mineralógicas presentes en estos materiales. Diferentes técnicas como difracción y fluorescencia de rayos X, espectroscopía de infrarrojos con transformada de Fourier y microscopía electrónica de barrido con analizador de energías dispersivas de rayos X, fueron utilizadas en el proceso. Los resultados obtenidos permiten tener certeza que la fase caolinita está presente en ambas muestras arcillosas (AGG y AFC), los cristales lamelares observados y asociados a este mineral presentan un alto contenido de silicio, acorde con el análisis FTIR, esto podría deberse a la existencia de más de una fase en los mismos. De igual manera se logró evidenciar la existencia de un mineral del grupo de las micas de tipo lamelar. La evaluación térmica realizada conllevó a sugerir que se trata de la fase moscovita. Cristales lamelares más abundantes, químicamente conformados por silicio, aluminio, potasio y hierro fueron asociados a este último mineral, destacando también en ellos un alto contenido de silicio. Los cristales de la muestra AGG resaltan por ser más grandes que los de AFC y por tener mayor contenido en potasio. La capacidad de intercambio catiónico es mayor en la muestra AGG (11,5meq/100g) posiblemente asociado al mayor contenido de moscovita, mientras que el caso del área superficial no hubo diferencias significativas obteniéndose valores cercanos a los 30 m2/g, valores ligeramente superiores a los reportados para suelos con presencia de caolinita

    Proposal to Foster Sustainability through Circular Economy-Based Engineering: A Profitable Chain from Waste Management to Tunnel Lighting

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    The increasing demands of infrastructures in terms of energy consumption, raw material demand, greenhouse gas emissions, waste management, treatment of components after their lifetime period, and financial costs are nowadays a serious threat for sustainability. Given that the resources are limited, it is difficult to ensure an accurate level of well-being for future generations. For this reason, new perspectives in design, production and consumption are necessary. In this work, the principles of circular economy are applied to concrete branches of engineering. Departing from a design orientated to new uses after life period of infrastructures, a circular economy-aimed engineering makes possible the connection and mutual profit of such different branches like waste management and tunnel lighting. The benefits in environmental and financial terms are a strong argument in favor of a stronger link between engineering and circular economy.This study has been supported and co-financed by projects from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness ECO2010-15885 and ECO2013-47027-P, Andalusian Government P11-SEJ-7294 and European Union (ERDF funds)

    Nutritional state, immunological and biochemical parameters, and mortality in the ICU: an analytical study

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    Intensive care unit (ICU) hospitalization involves critically ill patients with multiple diseases and possible complications, including malnutrition, which increases hospital stay and mortality. Therefore, identifying the patient’s prior nutritional state, following up during hospitalization, and implementing early intervention positively affect patient’s vital situations at discharge. The objective of this study is to determine the nutritional state of patients admitted to an ICU in Cali (Colombia) in 2019 and its association with immunological and biochemical parameters and mortality observed during hospitalization. This was an observational, analytical, and retrospective study of patients admitted to an ICU in a clinic in Cali (Colombia) from 1 January to 31 March 2019. The association between their nutritional state and outcome variables such as hospital stay, immunological and biochemical function, and mortality was analyzed. Logistic regression was used to predict patients’ vital status at hospital discharge. In terms of the nutritional level, low weight was observed in 17.5% patients, and overweight/obesity was observed in 53.5% of the population. Nutritional state was associated with leukocytosis. The patients with lymphocytosis had longer hospital stays than those with normal lymphocyte ranges. Age, blood leukocytes, and creatinine and potassium levels increased the risk of mortality. Lymphocyte values have been used as predictors of severity and hospitalization time. The scientific literature has also evidenced a higher leukocyte count in people with obesity, and such leukocytosis is associated with the risk of mortality. The results of blood and laboratory tests determining kidney function and blood electrolytes allow for the prediction of mortality risk in critically ill patients

    Generation of Linear Traveling Waves in Piezoelectric Plates in Air and Liquid

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    A micro- to milli-sized linear traveling wave (TW) actuator fabricated with microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology is demonstrated. The device is a silicon cantilever actuated by piezoelectric aluminum nitride. Specifically designed top electrodes allow the generation of TWs at different frequencies, in air and liquid, by combining two neighboring resonant modes. This approach was supported by analytical calculations, and different TWs were measured on the same plate by laser Doppler vibrometry. Numerical simulations were also carried out and compared with the measurements in air, validating the wave features. A standing wave ratio as low as 1.45 was achieved in air, with a phase velocity of 652 m/s and a peak horizontal velocity on the device surface of 124 μm/s for a driving signal of 1 V at 921.9 kHz. The results show the potential of this kind of actuator for locomotion applications in contact with surfaces or under immersion in liquid
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