53 research outputs found

    Pasado, presente y futuro de la enseñanza universitaria del ciberperiodismo: métodos y tendencias

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    Teaching of digital journalism, or cyberjournalism, in Spanish universities is here to stay. Its long development since the first courses in this discipline were added to college curricula in the mid-1990s until the beginning of the 2020s, when the number of such courses exceeds 100, has led to the consolidation of this specialty. Based on a review of the syllabi of all courses related to cyberjournalism (n = 119) published online by Spanish universities, as well as a survey of their teachers (n = 51), the results of this study depicts the profile of teaching about digital journalism in Spain. The results confirm the relevance and academic strength of this discipline, albeit also revealing the difficulties faced by teachers in keeping their courses up to date in a context of rapid and continuous change in the journalistic profession.Pere Masip; Xosé López-García; Javier Díaz-Noci; Bella Palomo; Ramón Salaverría; Koldobika Meso-Ayerdie310101 Profesional de la información, 2022, v. 31, n. 1. e-ISSN: 1699-2407 2FinanciaciónEste trabajo ha sido subvencionado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España mediante los proyec-tos RTI2018-095775-B-C41, RTI2018-095775-B-C43, RTI2018-095775-B-C44, RTI2018-093346-B-C31, RTI2018-093346-B-C33 y PID2019-108956RB-I00, cofinanciados por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Feder

    International research on online journalism: hypertext, interactivity, multimedia and convergence

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    This article aims to offer the state of the art of international research in online journalism. This work focuses its attention on four of the main features of the field. Three of these comprise the characteristics of digital discourse: hypertextuality, interactivity and multimediality; the fourth one is media convergence, one of the most prolific fields in recent years. A review of literature reveals the evolution of approaches and methodologies used in the last 20 years

    Giant HII Regions in NGC 7479 & NGC 6070

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    We present new results from our search for Giant H\,{\sc ii} Regions in galaxies visible from the southern hemisphere. In this work we study two galaxies: NGC\,7479 and NGC\,6070. Using high-resolution spectra, obtained with different instruments at Las Campanas Observatory, we are able to resolve the emission-line profile widths and determine the intrinsic velocity dispersion of the ionised gas. We detect profile widths corresponding to supersonic velocity dispersions in the six observed H\,{\sc ii} regions. We find that all of them show at least two distinct kinematical components: a relatively narrow feature (between ~11 and ~22\kms) and a broader (between ~31 and ~77\kms) component. Two of the regions show a complex narrow profile in all ion lines, which can be further split into two components with different radial velocities. Whereas the wing broadening of the overall profile can be fitted with a low-intensity broad component for almost all profiles, in one region it was better reproduced by two separate shell-like wings. We have analysed the impact that the presence of multiple components has on the location of the H{\sc ii} regions in the log(L)log(σ)\log(L) - \log(\sigma) plane. Although the overall distribution confirms the presence of a regression, the precise location of the regions in the plane is strongly dependent on the components derived from the profile fitting.Comment: This manuscript has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journal. 16 pages, 11 figure

    The past, present, and future of university teaching of online journalism: methods and trends

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    La enseñanza universitaria en España del periodismo digital, o ciberperiodismo, ha llegado para quedarse. Desde que, a mediados de los años 1990, se incorporaron las primeras materias sobre esta disciplina en los planes de estudios, hasta el comienzo de la década de 2020, cuando el número de asignaturas supera el centenar, se ha recorrido un largo camino, que ha conducido a la consolidación de esta especialidad. A partir de una revisión documental de los programas docentes de todas las asignaturas vinculadas al ciberperiodismo (n = 119) publicados online por las universidades españolas, así como de una encuesta a sus docentes (n = 51), este estudio revela el perfil de la enseñanza en torno al periodismo digital en España. Los resultados confirman la relevancia y el fortalecimiento académico de la disciplina, aunque ponen de manifiesto asimismo las dificultades de los docentes para mantener sus asignaturas actualizadas, en un contexto de rápidos y continuos cambios en la profesión periodística

    The L-sigma Relation of Local HII Galaxies

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    We present for the first time a new data set of emission line widths for 118 star-forming regions in HII galaxies (HIIGs). This homogeneous set is used to investigate the L-sigma relation in conjunction with optical spectrophotometric observations. Peculiarities in the line profiles such as sharp lines, wings, asymmetries, and in some cases more than one component in emission were verified. From a new independent homogeneous set of spectrophotometric data we derived physical condition parameters and performed the statistical principal component analysis. We have investigated the potential role of metallicity (O/H), Hbeta equivalent width (WHbeta) and ionization ratio [OIII]/[OII] to account for the observational scatter of L-sigma relation. Our results indicate that the L-sigma relation for HIIGs is more sensitive to the evolution of the current starburst event (short-term evolution) and dated by WHbeta or even the [OIII]/[OII] ratio. The long-term evolution measured by O/H also plays a potential role in determining the luminosity of the current burst for a given velocity dispersion and age as previously suggested. Additionally, galaxies showing Gaussian line profiles present more tight correlations indicating that they are best targets for the application of the parametric relations as an extragalactic cosmological distance indicator. Best fits for a restricted homogeneous sample of 45 HIIGs provide us a set of new extragalactic distance indicators with an RMS scatter compatible with observational errors of Delta_log(LHalpha) = 0.2 dex or 0.5 mag. Improvements may still come from future optimized observational programs to reduce the observational uncertainties on the predicted luminosities of HIIGs in order to achieve the precision required for the application of these relations as tests of cosmological models.Comment: 53 pages, 15 figures, 4 complete tables Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Elimination of Vitamin D Signaling Causes Increased Mortality in a Model of Overactivation of the Insulin Receptor: Role of Lipid Metabolism

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    Vitamin D (VD) deficiency has been associated with cancer and diabetes. Insulin signaling through the insulin receptor (IR) stimulates cellular responses by activating the PI3K/AKT pathway. PTEN is a tumor suppressor and a negative regulator of the pathway. Its absence enhances insulin signaling leading to hypoglycemia, a dangerous complication found after insulin overdose. We analyzed the effect of VD signaling in a model of overactivation of the IR.We generated inducible double KO (DKO) mice for the VD receptor (VDR) and PTEN. DKO mice showed severe hypoglycemia, lower total cholesterol and increased mortality. No macroscopic tumors were detected. Analysis of the glucose metabolism did not show clear differences that would explain the increased mortality. Glucose supplementation, either systemically or directly into the brain, did not enhance DKO survival. Lipidic liver metabolism was altered as there was a delay in the activation of genes related to -oxidation and a decrease in lipogenesis in DKO mice. High-fat diet administration in DKO significantly improved its life span. Lack of vitamin D signaling increases mortality in a model of overactivation of the IR by impairing lipid metabolism. Clinically, these results reveal the importance of adequate Vitamin D levels in T1D patients

    Las capillas de cruces de La Laguna

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    The day of the Cross is celebrated on the third of May and it is a special date for many canarian towns. There are many hypothesis about the origin of the devotion to crosses, but the real beginnings are still unknown. In the town of La Laguna, in Tenerife, the cross became very important. Therefore, there are still many crosses in the streets. In the old town you can also find special constructions called «chapel crosses». There are small buildings which contain silver embossed crosses. Nowadays there are only five of them left.El 3 de mayo, Día de la Cruz, es una fecha fundamental en el calendario de muchos pueblos del Archipiélago Canario. Aunque existen diversas hipótesis acerca del origen de esta devoción, lo cierto es que en La Laguna el culto a la cruz adquirió una especial relevancia. Sus caminos se encuentran salpicados de cruces y en su centro histórico nos encontramos con unas construcciones singulares: las capillas de cruces, pequeños recintos que albergan en su interior cruces de plata repujada, de las que en la actualidad subsisten cinco

    FCNC Top Quark Decays in Extra Dimensions

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    The flavor changing neutral top quark decay t -> c X is computed, where X is a neutral standard model particle, in a extended model with a single extra dimension. The cases for the photon, X= \gamma,andaStandardModelHiggsboson,X=H,areanalyzedindetailinanonlinear, and a Standard Model Higgs boson, X = H, are analyzed in detail in a non-linearR_\xi gauge. We find that the branching ratios can be enhanced by the dynamics originated in the extra dimension. In the limit where 1/R >> ->, we have found Br(t -> c \gamma) \simeq 10^{-10} for 1/R = 0.5 TeV. For the decay t -> c H, we have found Br(t -> cH) \simeq 10^{-10} for a low Higgs mass value. The branching ratios go to zero when 1/R -> \infty.Comment: Accepted to be published in the Europ. Phys. Jour. C; 16 pages, 2 figure

    Adipose tissue mitochondrial dysfunction in human obesity is linked to a specific DNA methylation signature in adipose-derived stem cells

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    Background: A functional population of adipocyte precursors, termed adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (ASCs), is crucial for proper adipose tissue (AT) expansion, lipid handling, and prevention of lipotoxicity in response to chronic positive energy balance. We previously showed that obese human subjects contain a dysfunctional pool of ASCs. Elucidation of the mechanisms underlying abnormal ASC function might lead to therapeutic interventions for prevention of lipotoxicity by improving the adipogenic capacity of ASCs. Methods: Using epigenome-wide association studies, we explored the impact of obesity on the methylation signature of human ASCs and their differentiated counterparts. Mitochondrial phenotyping of lean and obese ASCs was performed. TBX15 loss- and gain-of-function experiments were carried out and western blotting and electron microscopy studies of mitochondria were performed in white AT biopsies from lean and obese individuals. Results: We found that DNA methylation in adipocyte precursors is significantly modified by the obese environment, and adipogenesis, inflammation, and immunosuppression were the most affected pathways. Also, we identified TBX15 as one of the most differentially hypomethylated genes in obese ASCs, and genetic experiments revealed that TBX15 is a regulator of mitochondrial mass in obese adipocytes. Accordingly, morphological analysis of AT from obese subjects showed an alteration of the mitochondrial network, with changes in mitochondrial shape and number. Conclusions: We identified a DNA methylation signature in adipocyte precursors associated with obesity, which has a significant impact on the metabolic phenotype of mature adipocytes

    Particle spectrum in the modified NMSSM in the strong Yukawa coupling limit

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    A theoretical analysis of solutions of renormalisation group equations in the MSSM corresponding to the quasi-fixed point conditions shows that the mass of the lightest Higgs boson in this case does not exceed 94±5GeV94\pm 5\text{GeV}. It means that a substantial part of the parameter space of the MSSM is practically excluded by existing experimental data from LEP II. In the NMSSM the upper bound on the lightest Higgs boson mass reaches its maximum in the strong Yukawa coupling regime, when Yukawa constants are considerably larger the gauge ones on the Grand Unification scale. In this paper a particle spectrum in a simple modification of NMSSM which leads to a self-consistent solution in the considered region of the parameter space is studied. This model allows one to get mh125GeVm_h\sim 125\text{GeV} even for comparatively low values of tanβ1.9\tan\beta\ge 1.9. For an analysis of the Higgs boson spectrum and neutralino spectrum a method for diagonalisation of mass matrices proposed formerly is used. The mass of the lightest Higgs boson in this model does not exceed 130.5±3.5GeV130.5\pm 3.5\text{GeV}.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures included, LaTeX 2