344 research outputs found

    Identidad y diversidad en el conocimiento del medio natural, social y cultural en la educación infantil y primaria

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    El actual proceso de globalización de la sociedad ha supuesto, entre otros aspectos, la llegada de fuertes corrientes migratorias y la presencia en la escuela de niños y niñas de todo el mundo. Esta realidad implica una nueva orientación del currículo de conocimiento del medio que posibilite la comprensión de la diversidad y la pluriidentidad presente en todas las aulas de las escuelas de Cataluña y así conseguir educar para una nueva ciudadanía. Este artículo presenta los resultados de un proceso de investigación-acción que ha tenido como objetivo la innovación curricular en el conocimiento del medio natural, social y cultural en seis centros de educación infantil y primaria de las comarcas gerundenses. Se pretende describir y explicar una innovación o cambio curricular fundamentado teóricamente, del que se ha derivado una nueva forma de trabajo en el aula; y mostrar el proceso metodológico de elaboración e implementación con las resistencias y los cambios reales en el currículoThe current process of the globalisation of society has caused, among others, strong migration flows and the presence in the schools of children and girls from all over the world. This reality implies a new orientation of the curriculum of «knowledge of the environment», so as to allow an understanding of the diversity present in all Catalan classrooms, and thus to achieve the goal of training for a new type of citizenship. The communication presents the results of a research-action process, the goal of which has been the introduction of the critical perspective and of «citizenship training» in six Girona children and primary education centres. It is intended to describe and to explain theoretically-based innovation or curricular change, from which a new form of working in the classroom has derived. Furthermore, it intends to show the process of elaboration, implementation, resistances and real changes in the curriculum at the methodological leve

    Functional assembly of grassland plant species in native communities in Spain and recipient communities in California

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    [EN] A major aim in invasion ecology is to understand the role of exotic species in plant communities. Whereas most studies have explored the traits of exotic species in the context of the introduced community, functional comparisons of entire assemblages of species in their native and introduced communities have rarely been analysed. Taking advantage of the unidirectional invasion of plant species of European origin (i.e. colonizers) into California, this study aims to investigate the relative importance of plant traits, environmental factors and invasion status in biological invasions. We compared the functional structure (i.e. trait composition and diversity) along resource availability gradients in recipient and native Mediterranean grassland communities in California and Spain, respectively. Traits were related to resource use in above-ground and below-ground organs and reproductive strategy. We also investigated how niche differences vary along environmental gradients between coexisting colonizer and native species assemblages within communities. There were clear differences in the functional structure of Mediterranean grassland communities between regions, which were associated with the resource availability gradient. Paradoxically, the most acquisitive communities occurred in resource-poor sites, highlighting that rapid acquisition and use of resources permit species to cope with environmental stress through stress avoidance. In Spain, colonizer species had greater specific leaf area than non-colonizers. Yet, differences between colonizer and non-colonizer species in Spain for other traits were mostly absent and did not change along the gradient. This might be a result of the greater native species richness as a consequence of the agricultural practices that have taken place in Europe for millennia and reflect that the entire species pool of grasslands is adapted to agricultural landscapes. In comparison, in California, colonizer species were more acquisitive in their use of resources than natives under favourable conditions, but functionally converged in resource-limited sites. Synthesis. These results underscore that the importance of niche differences between native and colonizer species as a community assembly mechanism is strongly subjected to the influence of habitat filtering. Trait comparisons are context dependent, and a correct interpretation of filtering processes in community assembly requires a regional perspective.S

    Identidad y diversidad en el conocimiento del medio natural, social y cultural en la educación infantil y primaria

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    El actual proceso de globalización de la sociedad ha supuesto, entre otros aspectos, la llegada de fuertes corrientes migratorias y la presencia en la escuela de niños y niñas de todo el mundo. Esta realidad implica una nueva orientación del currículo de conocimiento del medio que posibilite la comprensión de la diversidad y la pluriidentidad presente en todas las aulas de las escuelas de Cataluña y así conseguir educar para una nueva ciudadanía. Este artículo presenta los resultados de un proceso de investigación-acción que ha tenido como objetivo la innovación curricular en el conocimiento del medio natural, social y cultural en seis centros de educación infantil y primaria de las comarcas gerundenses. Se pretende describir y explicar una innovación o cambio curricular fundamentado teóricamente, del que se ha derivado una nueva forma de trabajo en el aula; y mostrar el proceso metodológico de elaboración e implementación con las resistencias y los cambios reales en el currículo.The current process of the globalisation of society has caused, among others, strong migration flows and the presence in the schools of children and girls from all over the world. This reality implies a new orientation of the curriculum of «knowledge of the environment», so as to allow an understanding of the diversity present in all Catalan classrooms, and thus to achieve the goal of training for a new type of citizenship. The communication presents the results of a research-action process, the goal of which has been the introduction of the critical perspective and of «citizenship training» in six Girona children and primary education centres. It is intended to describe and to explain theoretically-based innovation or curricular change, from which a new form of working in the classroom has derived. Furthermore, it intends to show the process of elaboration, implementation, resistances and real changes in the curriculum at the methodological level.El actual proceso de globalización de la sociedad ha supuesto, entre otros aspectos, la llegada de fuertes corrientes migratorias y la presencia en la escuela de niños y niñas de todo el mundo. Esta realidad implica una nueva orientación del currículo de conocimiento del medio que posibilite la comprensión de la diversidad y la pluriidentidad presente en todas las aulas de las escuelas de Cataluña y así conseguir educar para una nueva ciudadanía. Este artículo presenta los resultados de un proceso de investigación-acción que ha tenido como objetivo la innovación curricular en el conocimiento del medio natural, social y cultural en seis centros de educación infantil y primaria de las comarcas gerundenses. Se pretende describir y explicar una innovación o cambio curricular fundamentado teóricamente, del que se ha derivado una nueva forma de trabajo en el aula; y mostrar el proceso metodológico de elaboración e implementación con las resistencias y los cambios reales en el currículo

    Value of culture and nested polymerase chain raction of blood in the prediction of relapses in patients co-infected with Leishmania and human immunodeficiency virus

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    The use of culture and a nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of blood in predicting the probability of relapse was evaluated in 20 patients co-infected with Leishmania and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Fourteen of 20 patients relapsed, with 24 clinical relapses diagnosed. During clinical relapse, the parasite was detected by culture in 21 of 24 blood samples and by nested PCR in 23 of 24 blood samples. After treatment and during asymptomatic periods, the parasite was detected by culture in 18 (19.1%) of 94 blood samples and by nested PCR in 58 (61.7%) of 94 blood samples. For positive blood cultures, the Kaplan-Meier probability estimates for relapse at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months were 44%, 68%, 76%, and 76%, respectively, while for positive nested PCRs, the estimates were 20%, 33%, 45%, and 50%, respectively. For negative blood cultures, relapse probabilities for the same time points were 7%, 12%, 12%, and 12%, while for negative nested PCRs, these probabilities were 8%, 14%, 21%, and 26%. Nested PCR-positive results in asymptomatic periods indicated presence of the parasite, but not necessarily relapse. However, the presence of viable parasites during post-treatment follow-up increased the probability of relapse and showed that culture positivity could be a good relapse marker

    Los hayedos prepirenaicos aragoneses:: fitosociología, fitotopografía y conservación

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    Tras el estudio de los hayedos prepirenaicos aragoneses (provincias de Zaragoza y Huesca), los autores presentan una tabla de más de 50 inventarios correspondiente al Buxo- Fagetum sylvaticae y explican su composición florística, hábitat y fitotopografía. También se dan tres inventarios del Scillo-Fagetum sylvaticae, mucho más localizado en esta región. Por último, se describe su estado de conservación y se dan algunas recomendaciones para su protección.Prepyrenean aragonese beech-forests (Zaragoza and Huesca provinces) were studied during two years. As a result we present a table of the Buxo-Fagetum sylvaticae (56 releves), a widespread community, and comment on its floristical composition and ecology.Also the more isolated beech-forest of the Scillo-Fagetum sylvaticae is here introduced (3 releves). Finally, some ideas for conservation of these forests are also pointed out

    Plant community assembly in invaded recipient californian grasslands and putative donor grasslands in Spain

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    The introduction of exotic species to new regions offers opportunities to test fundamental questions in ecology, such as the context-dependency of community structure and assembly. Annual grasslands provide a model system of a major unidirectional introduction of plant species from Europe to North America. We compared the community structure of grasslands in two Mediterranean regions by surveying plots in Spain and in California with similar environmental and management conditions. All species found in Spanish grasslands were native to Spain, and over half of them (74 of 139 species) are known to have colonized California. In contrast, in California, over half of the species (52 of 95 species) were exotic species, all of them native to Spain. Nineteen species were found in multiple plots in both regions (i.e., shared species). The abundance of shared species in California was either similar to (13 species) or greater than (6 species) in Spain. In California, plants considered pests were more likely than non-pest species to have higher abundance. Co-occurring shared species tended to maintain their relative abundance in native and introduced communities, which indicates that pools of exotic species might assemble similarly at home and away. These findings provide interesting insights into community assembly in novel ecosystems. They also highlight an example of startling global and local floristic homogenization.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PCI2018-09293

    Life and death of a drug in the 21st century. From the book Mediator® 150mg. Combien de morts? (I. Franchon, 2010) to the film La fille de Brest (E. Bercort, 2016)

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    La fille de Brest, basada en hechos reales, relata los sucesos vividos por la Dra Irène Franchon y su equipo durantelos cautro años en los que se enfrentan al gigante farmacéutico francés Servier y a la Agencia de Seguridad Sanitariade Productos para la Salud. Su objetivo era conseguir la retirada del fármaco Mediator® 150mg, administrado comocoadyuvante en pacientes diabéticos y también como anorexígeno, causante de graves valvulopatías. Este artículosigue el curso del film La doctora de Brest (título de la versión española) y presenta las diferentes actividades propiasde la investigación iniciada en el hospital de Brest (Bretaña, Francia) en 2006, y que culminó con la retirada del fármacoen 2009. A Mediator® se le imputan al menos 500 muertes durante los treinta y tres años en los que estuvoen el mercado francés. El análisis de la película puede servir para la docencia ya que permite observar la labor dediferentes profesionales asistenciales (cardiólogos, neumólogos, enfermeras de investigación, estadísticos, etc.) yde la administración sanitaria (farmacólogos). También ilustra problemas clínicos y éticos de interés para diferentesespecialidades (cardiología, endocrinología, etc.)

    Cádmio presente no sangue e a sua relação com o consumo de tabaco numa população de trabalhadores de um hospital

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    Exposure to cadmium is a public health problem due to the broad exposure to this toxic substance among the general population. The main sources of exposure are both tobacco consumption and tobacco smoke.The aim of this study was to determine the blood cadmium concentration in an employee population drawn from our hospital and its association with tobacco consumption.The exposure questionnaire PESA® was administered to 395 employees. Blood cadmium was measured by electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrometry.The median blood cadmium concentration was 0.29 μg/L. The median cadmium of current smokers (0.83 μg/L) was the highest, while that for ex-smokers (0.31 μg/L) was also higher than that for those who had never smoked. Among the smokers, an association was observed between the concentration of blood cadmium and the number of cigarettes inhaled.The group of ex-smokers showed an association with the number of cigarettes they had consumed and a negative correlation between the elapsed time between quitting smoking and the concentration of blood cadmium.In never smokers, there was a difference between the concentration of cadmium in those who were passive smokers (0.24 μg/L) and those who were not (0.20 μg/L).The concentration of cadmium in blood is related to the tobacco consumption. Further studies are needed to confirm the finding of higher concentrations of cadmium in passive smokers.La exposición de la población general al cadmio es un problema de salud pública, siendo las principales fuentes tanto el consumo de tabaco como la exposición al humo del mismo.El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la concentración de cadmio en sangre en una población laboral hospitalaria y su asociación con el consumo de tabaco.Se administró el cuestionario PESA® a 395 sujetos. El cadmio en sangre se midió por espectrometría de absorción atómica con atomización electrotérmica.La mediana de cadmio en sangre fue 0,29 μg/L. La mediana de cadmio de los fumadores (0,83 μg/L) fue la más elevada y la de los exfumadores (0,31 μg/L) fue a su vez más elevada que la de aquellos que nunca habían fumado (0,21 μg/L). Dentro del grupo de fumadores, se observó una asociación entre la concentración de cadmio y el número de cigarrillos inhalados.En el grupo de exfumadores se observó una asociación con el número de cigarrillos que habían consumido y una correlación negativa entre el tiempo transcurrido desde el abandono del hábito tabáquico y la concentración de cadmio en sangre.Dentro del grupo de los que nunca habían fumado, se observó una diferencia entre la concentración de cadmio de los fumadores pasivos (0,24 μg/L) y los que no lo eran (0,20 μg/L).La concentración de cadmio en sangre se relacionó con el consumo de tabaco. Son necesarios más estudios para confirmar el hallazgo de concentraciones de cadmio más elevadas en los fumadores pasivos.A exposição da população em geral ao cádmio é um problema de saúde pública, sendo as principais fontes o consumo de tabaco e a exposição ambiental ao fumo do mesmo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a concentração de cádmio no sangue numa população de trabalhadores de um hospital e a sua associação com o consumo de tabaco. Aplicou-se um questionário PESA® a 395 indivíduos. O cádmio no sangue mediu-se por espectrometria de absorção atómica com atomização eletrotérmica. A mediana de cádmio no sangue foi 0,29 μg/L. A mediana de cádmio nos fumadores (0,83 μg/L) foi a mais elevada e a dos ex-fumadores (0,31 μg/L) foi superior à dos indivíduos que nunca tinham fumado (0,21 μg/L). Dentro do grupo de fumadores, observou-se uma associação entre a concentração de cádmio e o número de cigarros fumados. No grupo de ex-fumadores observou-se uma associação com o número de cigarros que tinham consumido e uma correlação negativa entre o tempo decorrido desde o abandono do hábito tabágico e a concentração de cádmio no sangue. Dentro do grupo de pessoas que nunca tinham fumado, observou-se uma diferença entre a concentração de cádmio nos fumadores passivos (0,24 μg/L) em relação àqueles que não o eram (0,20 μg/L). A concentração de cádmio no sangue está relacionada com o consumo de tabaco. São necessários mais estudos para confirmar a existência de concentrações mais altas de cádmio no sangue de fumadores passivos