89 research outputs found

    Developing Efficient Discrete Simulations on Multicore and GPU Architectures

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    In this paper we show how to efficiently implement parallel discrete simulations on multicoreandGPUarchitecturesthrougharealexampleofanapplication: acellularautomatamodel of laser dynamics. We describe the techniques employed to build and optimize the implementations using OpenMP and CUDA frameworks. We have evaluated the performance on two different hardware platforms that represent different target market segments: high-end platforms for scientific computing, using an Intel Xeon Platinum 8259CL server with 48 cores, and also an NVIDIA Tesla V100GPU,bothrunningonAmazonWebServer(AWS)Cloud;and on a consumer-oriented platform, using an Intel Core i9 9900k CPU and an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 TI GPU. Performance results were compared and analyzed in detail. We show that excellent performance and scalability can be obtained in both platforms, and we extract some important issues that imply a performance degradation for them. We also found that current multicore CPUs with large core numbers can bring a performance very near to that of GPUs, and even identical in some cases.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España (MINECO), and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) of Spain, cofinanced by FEDER funds (EU) TIN2017-89842

    Aumento de la capacidad flectora de vigas de edificación

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    Two methods for reinforcing beams are described from the point of view of the bending moment, continuing with a research program on the reinforcement of pillars and beams executed in reinforced concrete, the results of which have been progressively published in this periodical. The two procedures consist of: one - chipping of the concrete of the top part, insertion of reinforcement frames and fresh concreting with the adhering of a steel plate in the bottom of the beam; two - exclusively the adhering of two plates, one in the top part and the other in the lower part of the beam. The results of the tests confirm the interest for building of the method and the validity of its method of calculation and, in the following part, the information relative to the theory of the reinforcements put forth, their execution and behavior for usage and breaking loads is given.Se describen dos métodos de refuerzo de vigas desde el punto de vista del momento flector, continuando con un programa de investigación de refuerzo de pilares y vigas de hormigón armado en edificación, cuyos resultados se han ido publicando en esta revista. Los dos procedimientos consisten: uno en picado del hormigón de la parte superior, inserción de armaduras de refuerzo y nuevo hormigonado junto con el pegado de una chapa de acero en el fondo de la viga; y otro en exclusivamente el pegado de dos chapas, una en la parte superior y otra en la inferior de la viga. Los resultados de los ensayos confirman el interés del método y la validez de su método de cálculo y, en lo que sigue, se da la información relativa al planteamiento teórico de los refuerzos, a su realización y a su comportamiento para carga de servicio y rotura

    GPU-based cellular automata simulations of laser dynamics

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    We present a parallel implementation for Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) of a model based on cellular automata (CA) to simulate laser dynamics. A cellular automaton is an inherent parallel type of algorithm that is very suitable to simulate complex systems formed by many individual components which give rise to emergent behaviours. We exploit the parallel character of this kind of algorithms to develop a fine-grained parallel implementation of the CA laser model on GPUs. A good speedup of up to 14.5 over a sequential implementation running on a single core CPU has been obtained, showing the feasibility of this model to run efficient parallel simulations on GPUs

    Aplicaciones industriales de técnicas ópticas de campo completo para la medida de tensiones y deformaciones en elementos de máquinas

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    En las últimas décadas, diversas técnicas ópticas utilizadas de modo experimental han tenido una repercusión significativa en el avance de la investigación en diversas disciplinas de la ingeniería. Técnicas ópticas como Correlación Digital de Imágenes, técnicas basadas en el efecto Moiré o fotoelasticidad han sido desarrolladas, mejoradas y aplicadas en diversos ámbitos de la ciencia. El continuo desarrollo de estas técnicas ha hecho posible extender su uso a diferentes aplicaciones industriales. El objetivo de este artículo, es presentar el potencial de las citadas técnicas en el campo de la industria, para lo cual se hará una revisión de los estudios documentados y se pondrá de manifiesto su posible aplicabilidad en diversos sectores industriales

    Dietary niche overlap and resource partitioning among six steppe passerines of Central Spain using DNA metabarcoding

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    Trophic niche partitioning is a mechanism that facilitates the coexistence of ecologically similar species by sharing their resource use. However, detailed information of the trophic niche in insectivorous birds is usually limited by the lack of accurate identification of consumed food resources. The use of DNA metabarcoding has proved useful for molecular identification of the taxa present in bird faecal samples. Here, we used this molecular technique to study the diets of six steppe passerine species distributed in two Special Protection Areas in central Spain, and to characterize the dietary niche overlap and the prey composition differences between bird species. In total, we distinguished 112 diet items, covering 39 arthropod families of 13 orders. Although significant dietary differences existed in prey species composition, our results indicated a 74% overlap in steppe bird dietary niche, mostly due to high consumption of abundant arthropod prey such as beetles, grasshoppers and spiders in the breeding season by all bird species. The lowest overlap was found for the dietary niches of the Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla and Dupont's Lark Chersophilus duponti, a scarce and threatened species, which appeared to be the species with the most distinct dietary niche within the community. Our results make a significant contribution to the knowledge of shrub-steppe bird diets and their trophic interactions, indicating that some extent of interspecific resource partitioning occurs in the study area, notably between Dupont's Lark and the Greater Short-toed Lark. Our study demonstrates the value of DNA metabarcoding in the assessment of passerine diets and provides useful ecological results for the design of biodiversity conservation programmes in the increasingly scarce and threatened steppe habitatsThis study was supported by the European Commission LIFE Ricot ı (LIFE15-NAT-ES-000802) and LIFE Connect Ricot ı (LIFE20-NAT-ES-000133) projects, and the BBVA Foundation Dron Ricot ı project. This is a contribution to the Excellence Network Remedinal 3CM (S2013/MAE2719). Lu ıs P. da Silva and Vanessa A. Mata were funded by Fundac ~ao para a Ci^encia e Tecnologia (FCT) through the research contract CEECIND/02064/ 2017 and 2020.02547.CEECIND, respectivel

    Deslizamientos submarinos y tsunamis en el Mar de Alborán. Un ejemplo de modelización numérica

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    Texto científico de carácter divulgativo.Texto científico de carácter divulgativo en el que se presenta un trabajo de modelado matemático y simulación numérica de un hipotético tsunami producido en el Mar de Alborán por un deslizamiento masivo de materiales en el flanco sur de la Dorsal de Alborán.Instituto Español de Oceanografía. Universidad de Málaga

    Molecular study of drought response in the Mediterranean conifer Pinus Pinaster Ait. : differential transcriptomic profiling reveals constitutive water deficit‐independent drought tolerance mechanisms

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    Adaptation of long‐living forest trees to respond to environmental changes is essential to secure their performance under adverse conditions. Water deficit is one of the most significant stress factors determining tree growth and survival. Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.), the main source of softwood in southwestern Europe, is subjected to recurrent drought periods which, according to climate change predictions for the years to come, will progressively increase in the Mediterranean region. The mechanisms regulating pine adaptive responses to environment are still largely unknown. The aim of this work was to go a step further in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying maritime pine response to water stress and drought tolerance at the whole plant level. A global transcriptomic profiling of roots, stems, and needles was conducted to analyze the performance of siblings showing contrasted responses to water deficit from an ad hoc designed full‐sib family. Although P. pinaster is considered a recalcitrant species for vegetative propagation in adult phase, the analysis was conducted using vegetatively propagated trees exposed to two treatments: well‐watered and moderate water stress. The comparative analyses led us to identify organ‐specific genes, constitutively expressed as well as differentially expressed when comparing control versus water stress conditions, in drought‐sensitive and drought‐tolerant genotypes. Different response strategies can point out, with tolerant individuals being pre‐adapted for coping with drought by constitutively expressing stress‐related genes that are detected only in latter stages on sensitive individuals subjected to drought

    Using ultrafine particles from a coal washing plant in metallurgical coke production

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    Blending ultrafine particles from a coal washing plant was studied for coke production by briquetting using 6%w coal tar as binder. The ultrafine coal particles were characterised and a pilot coking test was made in a Koppers’ furnace. Coke quality was evaluated by proximate analysis, stability (micum 10 and micum 40), coke reactivity index (CRI) with CO2 and the coke’s mechanical strength after reaction with carbon dioxide (CSR index). Briquetting results showed that was possible to obtain coke having 19.0 % CRI and 75.6% CSR, these being the characteristics required in metallurgical processes.Se estudió el aprovechamiento en mezclas de ultrafinos provenientes de una planta de lavado de carbón para la producción de coque por el proceso de briquetación, utilizando 6% en peso de alquitrán de carbón como aglomerante. Se caracterizaron las materias primas y se realizó una prueba piloto de coquización en un horno tipo Koppers. Se determinó la calidad del coque por pruebas de análisis próximo, estabilidad (Micum 10, M10 y Micum 40, M40), índice de reactividad del coque al CO2 (CRI) y de resistencia después de la reacción con dióxido de carbono (CSR). Los resultados mostraron que la briquetación permite obtener un coque con un CRI de 19,0% y un CSR de 75,6%, características requeridas en los procesos metalúrgicos

    Candidemia con foco endovascular en injerto aórtico valvulado, diagnóstico por imagen en la era multimodalidad: resonancia magnética de corazón

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    We present a case of infective endocarditis due to Candida parapsilosis in a vascular suture of the ascending thoracic aorta. Cardiac magnetic resonance gave the definitive diagnosis.Presentamos el caso de un paciente con endocarditis infecciosa por Candida parapsilosis sobre una zona de sutura vascular en la aorta torácica ascendente. La RM de corazón fue determinante a la hora de establecer un diagnóstico correcto