552 research outputs found

    Unas primeras reflexiones sugeridas por el Anteproyecto de Ley del Código Mercantil y el principio de unidad de mercado

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    En este trabajo se pretende exponer y discutir, de manera sucinta, algunos de los argumentos que pueden esgrimirse desde una perspectiva crítica en relación con el Anteproyecto de Ley del Código Mercantil de 2014. A tal efecto se presta especial atención a la controversia mantenida en la doctrina francesa en torno al Noveau Code de Commerce francés de 2000

    Desarrollo de un modelo matemático para procesos multivariables mediante Balanced Six Sigma

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    ResumenLa metodología Seis Sigma se utiliza ampliamente en las empresas para el mejoramiento de la calidad, incremento de la productividad y la disminución de costos, repercutiendo en un mejoramiento del negocio. Sin embargo, en la actualidad el desafío consiste en dirigir esas herramientas a las mejoras que tengan un impacto directo sobre la diferenciación de valor, lo cual requiere la alineación de Seis Sigma con las estrategias competitivas de la organización. De ahí la importancia de establecer un sistema de gestión estratégica capaz de medir, analizar, mejorar y controlar el rendimiento corporativo y al mismo tiempo determinar las responsabilidades de liderazgo y el compromiso. El propósito específico de esta investigación es desarrollar un modelo matemático a través de la alineación de objetivos estratégicos (Balanced Scorecard) y herramientas de mejora de la productividad (Seis Sigma) para procesos con múltiples respuestas, que sea lo suficientemente robusto para que pueda servir de base para su aplicación en empresas manufactureras para vincular eficazmente la estrategia de rendimiento y la satisfacción del cliente. Específi- camente se trabajó con un caso real de estudio: Córdoba, Ver.El modelo postula que si la estrategia, el rendimiento y la satisfacción del cliente están alineados, la organización obtendrá grandes beneficios por la relación intensa que existe entre el rendimiento del proceso y las iniciativas estratégicas. Estos cambios pueden ser medidos por métricas de procesos y de productividad como tiempo de ciclo, las tasas de producción, la eficiencia de producción y porcentaje de los re-procesos, entre otros.AbstractThe Six Sigma methodology is widely used in business to improve quality, increase productivity and lower costs, impacting on business improvement. However, today the challenge is to use those tools for improvements that will have a direct impact on the differentiation of value, which requires the alignment of Six Sigma with the competitive strategies of the organization. Hence the importance of a strategic management system to measure, analyze, improve and control corporate performance, while setting out responsibilities of leadership and commitment. The specific purpose of this research is to provide a mathematical model through the alignment of strategic objectives (Balanced Scorecard) and tools for productivity improvement (Six Sigma) for processes with multiple answers, which is sufficiently robust so that it can serve as basis for application in manufacturing and thus effectively link strategy performance and customer satisfaction. Specifically we worked with a case study: Córdoba, Ver. The model proposes that is the strategy, performance and customer satisfaction are aligned, the organization will benefit from the intense relationship between process performance and strategic initiatives. These changes can be measured by productivity and process metrics such as cycle time, production rates, production efficiency and percentage of re-processing, among others

    The Impact of Sleep Quality on Mood Status and Quality of Life in Patients with Alopecia Areata: A Comparative Study

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    Alopecia Areata (AA) is a chronic condition which has been associated with poor quality of life and mood status disturbances. The aim of this study is to compare the sleep quality between AA patients and controls, and to analyze the impact of poor sleep quality on patients with AA regarding mood status disturbances, quality of life and sexuality. A cross-sectional study including patients suffering from mild-to-severe AA and sex- and age-matched healthy controls was performed. Socio-demographic and clinical variables, sleep quality, quality of life, sexual disfunction, anxiety, depression and personality were collected using validated questionnaires. A total of 120 participants (60 patients and 60 controls) were included. Patients with AA showed worse sleep scores than controls (p = 0.003), as well as higher rates of anxiety and depression (p < 0.05). After a multivariate analysis, a worse sleep quality was found to be linked to anxiety, depression, a poorer quality of life and a type D personality score independently of the disease severity. In light of the results, patients with AA have a worse sleep quality than healthy controls. A poor sleep quality is associated with anxiety, depression and a worse quality of life, therefore being a general marker of a poor quality of life. Screening for sleep disturbances in specialized units could be useful to detect patients who could benefit from additional psychological support

    Caracterización de los componentes de actividad física, dieta saludable y espacios libres de humo en 4 colegios del núcleo educativo No 4 de Pereira

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    La presente investigación tuvo por objeto la caracterización de los componentes de: Actividad Física, Dieta Saludable y Espacios Libres de Humo, en 4 colegios pertenecientes al núcleo educativo No 4 del Municipio de Pereira; pues se considera que la caracterización de estos hábitos en este sector es una base que puede permitir la generación de estrategias preventivas y de gran impacto social. Para este propósito se aplicó la Encuesta Mundial de Salud para Escolares, de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Entre los resultados que se encontraron en cuanto a la actividad física, los estudiantes consideran que es buena. Sin embargo, aunque un gran porcentaje de estudiantes ya hacen actividad física y quieren aumentarlo, (32%) o quieren mantenerlo, (31%), un porcentaje significativo no tiene ningún interés por la actividad física (31%), lo que supone que la población tiende a ser sedentaria, pues se necesitan por lo menos 30 minutos diarios de actividad física entre 4 o 5 días a la semana e incluso se reporta que la actividad física por un tiempo superior a 60 minutos diarios reportará un beneficio aún mayor para la salud.1 Frente a la dieta saludable, consideran que es regular, pocos estudiantes ya llevan una dieta saludable (28%), un 26% de la población piensa que no tiene necesidad de llevar una dieta saludable y sólo a un 14% le gustaría llevarla y no sabe cómo hacerlo, lo que indica que para ellos el concepto de la dieta saludable que tienen, es el ideal, pues según estudios, la dieta se define como el conjunto y cantidades de los alimentos o mezclas de alimentos que se consumen habitualmente,2 y ellos consideran que se hace referencia a la privación de determinados alimentos por un tiempo determinado. Ahora, con respecto a los espacios libre de humo, un porcentaje importante de la población no piensa en defender los espacios libres de humo (37%) o ahora no piensa hacerlo (21%), o considera que no tiene la necesidad de defenderlos (17%), un 20%, son fumadores pasivos y un 48% no está de acuerdo con prohibir el cigarrillo en lugares públicos

    As comissões hospitalares de bioética e a educação em saúde: notas para a discussão

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    This paper takes the Mexican case of the legal requirement of bioethics committees: hospital bioethics committees (CHB; healthcare ethics committees or clinical ethics committees), and ethics committees in research (CEI). The General Health Law makes these committees compulsory since a modification in 2011. The literature says that bioethics committees have at least three basic functions: educational, advisory and normative. For its part, the current legal framework takes up important theoretical elements. One of which corresponds to the functions of bioethics committees. Also, it delves into the analysis of the educational function, since much of the available literature addresses the advisory role. Likewise, some proposals are made regarding contents in educational matters. Thus it is possible to organize groups of ethical problems around the beginning of human life and ethical problems around the end of human life. Indeed, there are many ethical problems along life, but getting in or out of life seems to be more controversial from the ethical point of view.El trabajo toma el caso mexicano de la exigencia legal de comités de bioética: comités hospitalarios de bioética (CHB; comités de ética asistencial, o comités de ética clínica), y los comités de ética en investigación (CEI). La Ley General de Salud hace obligatorios esos comités desde una modificación en 2011. La literatura refiere que los comités de bioética cuentan con tres funciones básicas: educativa, consultiva y normativa. El marco legal vigente retoma elementos teóricos importantes. Uno de ellos corresponde a las funciones de los comités de bioética. Se profundiza en el análisis de la función educativa, toda vez que una buena parte de la literatura disponible se dirige a la función consultiva. Así mismo, se realizan algunas propuestas sobre algunos contenidos en materia educativa. Pueden organizarse grupos de problemas éticos alrededor del inicio de la vida humana, y problemas éticos alrededor del final de la vida humana. Efectivamente, hay muchos problemas éticos toda la vida, pero entrar o salir de la vida parece ser más conflictivo desde el punto de vista ético.O presente trabalho pega o caso mexicano da exigência legal de comissões de bioética: comissões hospitalares de bioética (CHB; comissões de ética assistencial ou comissões de ética clinica) e os comissões de ética em investigação (CEI); a Lei Geral da Saúde torna obrigatórios estas comissões a partir de uma modificação em 2011. A literatura refere que as comissões de bioética têm três funções básicas: educativa, consultiva e de regulamentos; por sua vez, o quadro jurídico em vigor retoma elementos teóricos importantes, um deles corresponde às funções das comissões de bioética. Além disso, aprofunda na análise da função educativa, toda vez que uma grande parte da literatura disponível dirige-se à função consultiva. Além disso, realizam-se algumas propostas sobre os conteúdos referentes à educação. Assim então, é possível organizar grupos de questões éticas em torno a o início da vida humana e questões éticas em torno a o fim da vida humana. Na verdade, existem muitos problemas éticos a vida toda, mas entrar ou sair da vida parece ser mais controverso do ponto de vista ético

    Kinetic of Pyrite thermal degradation under oxidative environment

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    Pyrite is the most common mineral in polymetallic sulphides ores. In order to apply the combustion group theory to the pyrometallurgical processes that occur in the reaction shaft it is necessary to know the kinetic processes that happen in pyrite. In this study a thermogravimetric analysis was carried out under oxidative atmospheric conditions with 100% O2 and a heating ramp of 5, 10, 15 and 20 ºC min-1. The material used was pyrite with a grain size of 63-125 μm. From the thermogravimetric data we got the kinetic parameters of the oxidative reactions of pyrite. The different kinetic methods used in this study have been E1641-16 ASTM, Ozawa-Flynn-Wall, Kissinger-Akahira- Sunose and Friedman. These methods were used for obtaining the kinetic parameters through Regression analysis, Sum of squares, mean residuals between experimental and calculated values and Student coefficient (95%) and to determine which kinetic method is the most suitable to describe the kinetics of pyrite oxidation.Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Química Física y Ciencias de los Materiale

    Basketball retirement : process and outcomes

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    Retirement from a sport career represents a turning point in the life of a sportsman. The aim of this study was to determine how the process of withdrawal of professional basketball players and the factors that influence it. Using a qualitative methodology, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 6 professional players focusing on their experiences during the process. Analysis of the interviews revealed the need to treat this process from a multidimensional perspective, as several factors interact. The results obtained show that the players assign great importance to the economic, academic and adjustment difficulties. Consequently, we discuss the need for specific assistance programs for these athletes, regardless of their previous professional level

    Assessing the impact on virus transmission and insect vector behavior of a viral mixed infection in melon

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    Altres ajuts: Generalitat de Catalunya/CERCA ProgrammeMixed viral infections in plants are common, and can result in synergistic or antagonistic interactions. Except in complex diseases with severe symptoms, mixed infections frequently remain unnoticed, and their impact on insect vector transmission is largely unknown. In this study, we considered mixed infections of two unrelated viruses commonly found in melon plants, the crinivirus cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) and the potyvirus watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), and evaluated their vector transmission by whiteflies and aphids, respectively. Their dynamics of accumulation was analyzed until 60 days postinoculation (dpi) in mixed-infected plants, documenting reduced titers of WMV and much higher titers of CYSDV compared with single infections. At 24 dpi, corresponding to the peak of CYSDV accumulation, similar whitefly transmission rates were obtained when comparing either individual or mixed-infected plants as CYSDV sources, although its secondary dissemination was slightly biased toward plants previously infected with WMV, regardless of the source plant. However, at later time points, mixed-infected plants partially recovered from the initially severe symptoms, and CYSDV transmission became significantly higher. Interestingly, aphid transmission rates both at early and late time points were unaltered when WMV was acquired from mixed-infected plants despite its reduced accumulation. This lack of correlation between WMV accumulation and transmission could result from compensatory effects observed in the analysis of the aphid feeding behavior by electrical penetration graphs. Thus, our results showed that mixed-infected plants could provide advantages for both viruses, directly favoring CYSDV dissemination while maintaining WMV transmission