235 research outputs found

    The role of General Relativity in the evolution of Low Mass X-ray Binaries

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    We study the evolution of Low Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXBs) and of millisecond binary radio pulsars (MSPs), with numerical simulations that keep into account the evolution of the companion, of the binary system and of the neutron star. According to general relativity, when energy is released, the system loses gravitational mass. Moreover, the neutron star can collapse to a black hole if its mass exceeds a critical limit, that depends on the equation of state. These facts have some interesting consequences: 1) In a MSP the mass-energy is lost with a specific angular momentum that is smaller than the one of the system, resulting in a positive contribution to the orbital period derivative. If this contribution is dominant and can be measured, we can extract information about the moment of inertia of the neutron star, since the energy loss rate depends on it. Such a measurement can therefore help to put constraints on the equation of state of ultradense matter. 2) In LMXBs below the bifurcation period (\sim 18 h), the neutron star survives the period gap only if its mass is smaller than the maximum non-rotating mass when the companion becomes fully convective and accretion pauses. Therefore short period (P < 2h) millisecond X-ray pulsar like SAX J1808.4-3658 can be formed only if either a large part of the accreting matter has been ejected from the system, or the equation of state of ultradense matter is very stiff. 3) In Low Mass X-ray binaries above the bifurcation period, the mass-energy loss lowers the mass transfer rate. As side effect, the inner core of the companion star becomes 1% bigger than in a system with a non-collapsed primary. Due to this difference, the final orbital period of the system becomes 20% larger than what is obtained if the mass-energy loss effect is not taken into account.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted by the MNRA

    Different stellar rotation in the two main sequences of the young globular cluster NGC1818: first direct spectroscopic evidence

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    We present a spectroscopic analysis of main sequence (MS) stars in the young globular cluster NGC1818 (age~40 Myrs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Our photometric survey on Magellanic Clouds clusters has revealed that NGC1818, similarly to the other young objects with age 600 Myrs, displays not only an extended MS Turn-Off (eMSTO), as observed in intermediate-age clusters (age~1-2 Gyrs), but also a split MS. The most straightforward interpretation of the double MS is the presence of two stellar populations: a sequence of slowly-rotating stars lying on the blue-MS and a sequence of fast rotators, with rotation close to the breaking speed, defining a red-MS. We report the first direct spectroscopic measurements of projected rotational velocities vsini for the double MS, eMSTO and Be stars of a young cluster. The analysis of line profiles includes non-LTE effects, required for correctly deriving v sini values. Our results suggest that: (i) the mean rotation for blue- and red-MS stars is vsini=71\pm10 km/s (sigma=37 km/s) and vsini=202\pm23 km/s (sigma=91 km/s), respectively; (ii) eMSTO stars have different vsini, which are generally lower than those inferred for red-MS stars, and (iii) as expected, Be stars display the highest vsini values. This analyis supports the idea that distinct rotational velocities play an important role in the appearence of multiple stellar populations in the color-magnitude diagrams of young clusters, and poses new constraints to the current scenarios.Comment: 16 pages, 1 table, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in AJ (11/07/2018

    Non-gray rotating stellar models and the evolutionary history of the Orion Nebular Cluster

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    Rotational evolution in the pre-main sequence (PMS) is described with new sets of PMS evolutionary tracks including rotation, non-gray boundary conditions (BCs) and either low (LCE) or high convection efficiency (HCE). Using observational data and our theoretical predictions, we aim at constraining 1) the differences obtained for the rotational evolution of stars within the ONC by means of these different sets of models; 2) the initial angular momentum of low mass stars, by means of their templates in the ONC. We discuss the reliability of current stellar models for the PMS. While the 2D radiation hydrodynamic simulations predict HCE in PMS, semi-empirical calibrations either seem to require that convection is less efficient in PMS than in the following MS phase or are still contradictory. We derive stellar masses and ages for the ONC by using both LCE and HCE. The resulting mass distribution for the bulk of the ONC population is in the range 0.2-0.3 {\msun} for our non-gray models and in the range 0.1-0.3{\msun} for models having gray BCs. In agreement with Herbst et al. (2002) we find that a large percentage (\sim70%) of low-mass stars (M\simlt 0.5{\msun} for LCE; M\simlt0.35{\msun} for HCE) in the ONC appears to be fast rotators (P<<4days). Three possibilities are open: 1) \sim70% of the ONC low mass stars lose their disk at early evolutionary phases; 2)their locking period is shorter; 3) the period evolution is linked to a different morphology of the magnetic fields of the two groups of stars. We also estimate the range of initial angular momentum consistent with the observed periods. The comparisons made indicate that a second parameter is needed to describe convection in the PMS, possibly related to the structural effect of a dynamo magnetic field.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    The near-IR counterpart of IGR J17480-2446 in Terzan 5

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    Some globular clusters in our Galaxy are noticeably rich in low-mass X-ray binaries. Terzan 5 has the richest population among globular clusters of X- and radio-pulsars and low-mass X-ray binaries. The detection and study of optical/IR counterparts of low-mass X-ray binaries is fundamental to characterizing both the low-mass donor in the binary system and investigating the mechanisms of the formation and evolution of this class of objects. We aim at identifying the near-IR counterpart of the 11 Hz pulsar IGRJ17480-2446 discovered in Terzan 5. Adaptive optics (AO) systems represent the only possibility for studying the very dense environment of GC cores from the ground. We carried out observations of the core of Terzan 5 in the near-IR bands with the ESO-VLT NAOS-CONICA instrument. We present the discovery of the likely counterpart in the Ks band and discuss its properties both in outburst and in quiescence. Archival HST observations are used to extend our discussion to the optical bands. The source is located at the blue edge of the turn-off area in the color-magnitude diagram of the cluster. Its luminosity increase from quiescence to outburst, by a factor 2.5, allows us to discuss the nature of the donor star in the context of the double stellar generation population of Terzan 5 by using recent stellar evolution models.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    To accrete or not to accrete: the dilemma of the recycling scenario

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    We study the evolution of a low-mass X-ray binary by coupling a binary stellar evolution code with a general relativistic code that describes the behaviour of the neutron star. We find that non-conservative mass transfer scenarios are required to prevent the formation of submillisecond pulsars and/or the collapse to a black hole. We discuss the sweeping effects of an active magneto-dipole rotator on the transferred matter as a promising mechanism to obtain highly non-conservative evolutions.Comment: 7 pages, including 2 figures. To appear in proceedings of Aspen Center for Physics Conference on ``Binary Radio Pulsars'' Eds. F. Rasio and I. Stair

    On the Formation of Multiple Stellar Populations in Globular Clusters

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    Nearly all globular clusters (GCs) studied to date show evidence for multiple stellar populations, in stark contrast to the conventional view that GCs are a mono-metallic, coeval population of stars. Building on earlier work, we propose a simple physical model for the early evolution (several 10^8 yr) of GCs. We consider the effects of stellar mass-loss, type II and prompt type Ia supernovae, ram pressure, and accretion from the ambient ISM on the development of a young GC's own gas reservoir. In our model, type II SNe from a first generation of star formation clears the GC of its initial gas reservoir. Over the next several 10^8 yr, mass lost from AGB stars and matter accreted from the ambient ISM collect at the center of the GC. This material must remain quite cool (T~10^2K), but does not catastrophically cool on a crossing time because of the high Lyman-Werner flux density in young GCs. The collection of gas within the GC must compete with ram pressure from the ambient ISM. After several 10^8 yr, the Lyman-Werner photon flux density drops by more than three orders of magnitude, allowing molecular hydrogen and then stars to form. After this second generation of star formation, type II SNe from the second generation and then prompt type Ia SNe associated with the first generation maintain a gas-free GC, thereby ending the cycle of star formation events. Our model makes clear predictions for the presence or absence of multiple stellar populations within GCs as a function of GC mass and formation environment. Analyzing intermediate-age LMC clusters, we find evidence for a mass threshold of ~10^4 Msun below which LMC clusters appear to be truly coeval. This threshold mass is consistent with our predictions for the mass at which ram pressure is capable of clearing gas from clusters in the LMC at the present epoch. (ABRIDGED)Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, ApJ in pres

    Low luminosity stars: How no(w) brown dwarfs?

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    Massive binaries and the enrichment of the interstellar medium in globular clusters

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    Abundance anomalies observed in globular cluster stars indicate pollution with material processed by hydrogen burning. Two main sources have been suggested: asymptotic giant branch stars and massive stars rotating near the break-up limit. We discuss the potential of massive binaries as an interesting alternative source of processed material. We discuss observational evidence for mass shedding from interacting binaries. In contrast to the fast, radiatively driven winds of massive stars, this material is typically ejected with low velocity. We expect that it remains inside the potential well of a globular cluster and becomes available for the formation or pollution of a second generation of stars. We estimate that the amount of processed low-velocity material that can be ejected by massive binaries is larger than the contribution of two previously suggested sources combined.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 266, "Star Clusters - Basic Galactic Building Blocks throughout Time and Space", 10-14 August 2009, at the general assembly in Rio de Janeiro, Brazi

    Land degradation assessment for sustainable soil management

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    Desertification is a complex phenomenon defined as the extreme degree of land degradation induced by human activities and climatic conditions. Climate change is accelerating and widening these areas. Previews analysis and studies assessed the vulnerability to desertification in Italy at national and regional level through a methodological approach based on integrating climate, soil, vege-tation, and socio-economic data (ESA). The studies carried out by ISPRA aim to provide an update of the of land degradation assessment in Italy, based on Trends.Earth methodology and of the three UN-SDGs sub-indicators on Target 15.3.1 (land use/land cover, land productivity and soil organic carbon above and below ground status and trends), together with additional dimensions of land degradation considered crucial for national land characters. Final assessment of the percentage of degraded land is around 36% of national area. This exercise demonstrates the importance to con-sider a larger number of data and include information on other fac-tors, such as climate, physical, chemical data. This integrated approach to the assessment of land degradation will allow to describe also of the loss of related ecosystem services

    Debris Disks in NGC 2547

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    We have surveyed the 30 Myr-old cluster NGC 2547 for planetary debris disks using Spitzer. At 4.5-8 um we are sensitive to the photospheric level down to mid-M stars (0.2 Msol) and at 24 um to early-G stars (1.2 Msol). We find only two to four stars with excesses at 8 um out of ~400-500 cluster members, resulting in an excess fraction <~1 percent at this wavelength. By contrast, the excess fraction at 24 um is ~40 percent (for B-F types). Out of four late-type stars with excesses at 8 um two marginal ones are consistent with asteroid-like debris disks. Among stars with strong 8 um excesses one is possibly from a transitional disk, while another one can be a result of a catastrophic collision. Our survey demonstrates that the inner 0.1-1 AU parts of disks around solar-type stars clear out very thoroughly by 30 Myrs of age. Comparing with the much slower decay of excesses at 24 and 70 um, disks clear from the inside out, of order 10 Myr for the inner zones probed at 8 um compared with a hundred or more Myr for those probed with the two longer wavelengths.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, 29 pages, 13 figs. A Note in Proof concerning cluster's age was added in the original submission of 2007 July 19. Full Tables 1 and 2 in the electronic form together with the article with full resolution figures are available at http://www.astro.ufl.edu/~ngorlova/disksNGC2547