2,979 research outputs found

    Experimental Signals of Phase Transition

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    The connection between the thermodynamics of charged finite nuclear systems and the asymptotically measured partitions is presented. Some open questions, concerning in particular equilibrium partitions are discussed. We show a detailed comparison of the decay patterns in Au+ C,Cu,Au central collisions and in Au quasi-projectile events. Observation of abnormally large fluctuations in carefully selected samples of data is reported as an indication of a first order phase transition (negative heat capacity) in the nuclear equation of state.Comment: 8 pages, 8th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Moscow 200

    An overview of the EXTraS project: Exploring the X-ray Transient and Variable Sky

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    The EXTraS project (Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable Sky) will harvest the hitherto unexplored temporal domain information buried in the serendipitous data collected by the European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) instrument onboard the ESA XMM-Newton X-ray observatory since its launch. This will include a search for fast transients, as well as a search and characterization of variability (both periodic and aperiodic) in hundreds of thousands of sources spanning more than nine orders of magnitude in time scale and six orders of magnitude in flux. X-ray results will be complemented by multiwavelength characterization of new discoveries. Phenomenological classification of variable sources will also be performed. All our results will be made available to the community. A didactic program in selected High Schools in Italy, Germany and the UK will also be implemented. The EXTraS project (2014-2016), funded within the EU/FP7 framework, is carried out by a collaboration including INAF (Italy), IUSS (Italy), CNR/IMATI (Italy), University of Leicester (UK), MPE (Germany) and ECAP (Germany).Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings of "Swift: 10 years of Discovery", to appear in Po

    Self-attraction effect and correction on three absolute gravimeters

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    The perturbations of the gravitational field due to the mass distribution of an absolute gravimeter have been studied. The so called Self Attraction Effect (SAE) is crucial for the measurement accuracy, especially for the International Comparisons, and for the uncertainty budget evaluation. Three instruments have been analysed: MPG-2, FG5-238 and IMPG-02. The SAE has been calculated using a numerical method based on FEM simulation. The observed effect has been treated as an additional vertical gravity gradient. The correction (SAC) to be applied to the computed g value has been associated with the specific height level, where the measurement result is typically reported. The magnitude of the obtained corrections is of order 1E-8 m/s2.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Metrologi

    Color in context: psychological context moderates the influence of red on approach- and avoidance-motivated behavior.

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    A basic premise of the recently proffered color-in-context model is that the influence of color on psychological functioning varies as a function of the psychological context in which color is perceived. Some research has examined the appetitive and aversive implications of viewing the color red in romance- and achievement-relevant contexts, respectively, but in all existing empirical work approach and avoidance behavior has been studied in separate tasks and separate experiments. Research is needed to directly test whether red influences the same behavior differently depending entirely on psychological context. The present experiment was designed to put this premise to direct test in romance- and achievement-relevant contexts within the same experimental paradigm involving walking behavior. Our results revealed that exposure to red (but not blue) indeed has differential implications for walking behavior as a function of the context in which the color is perceived. Red increased the speed with which participants walked to an ostensible interview about dating (a romance-relevant context), but decreased the speed with which they walked to an ostensible interview about intelligence (an achievement-relevant context). These results are the first direct evidence that the influence of red on psychological functioning in humans varies by psychological context. Our findings contribute to both the literature on color psychology and the broader, emerging literature on the influence of context on basic psychological processes

    Verbi locativi in italiano come varianti di verbi supporto

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    In questo articolo discuteremo la nozione di "carrier verbs" (secondo la definizione del linguista americano Zellig Harris) o di "light verbs" (come denominata all'inizio del XX secolo da Otto Jespersen). La nostra cornice teorica è rappresentata dal lessico-grammatica di Maurice Gross, una teoria iniziata negli anni settanta a partire dalla sintassi del francese sulle basi matematiche già individuate per la lingua inglese da Zellig Harris. In particolare, discuteremo di come alcuni verbi locativi dell'italiano possano essere usati come verbi supporto (secondo la definizione data da Gross dei "light verbs" harrisiani) e assumano il ruolo sintattico una volta attribuito dai grammatici greci e latini alla copula esse.En aquest article discutirem la noció de "carrier verbs" (segons la definició del lingüista americà Zellig Harris) o de "light verbs" (segons la denominació que Otto Jespersen n'havia donat a principi del segle XX). El nostre marc teòric de referència és el lèxic-gramàtica de Maurice Gross, una teoria començada els anys setanta a partir de la sintaxi del francès en les bases matemàtiques ja individuades per a la llengua anglesa per Zelling Harris. Concretament, tractarem de com alguns verbs locatius de l'italià es poden emprar com a verbs de suport (tal com Gross va definir els "light verbs" harrisians) i de com assumeixen el paper sintàctic que els gramàtics grecs i llatins atribuïen a la còpula esse.In this article we aim at discussing the notion of carrier verbs (according to the definition provided by the American linguist Zellig Harris) or of light verbs (as defined at the beginning of the twentieth century by Otto Jespersen). Our theoretical framework is represented by Maurice Gross' lexicon-grammar, a theory developed during the seventies on the French syntax and directly inspired by Zellig Harris' mathematical grammar of English. Particularly, we are going to discuss of how some Italian locative verbs can be used as support verbs (according to the definition which Maurice Gross has given of the harrisian light verbs) and can play the syntactic role traditionally given to the copula esse by the Greek and Latin grammarians

    Advancing the Boundaries of Formal Argumentation: Reflections on the AI3 2021 Special Issue

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    This article reflects on the Special Issue based on invited papers from the 5th Workshop on Advances in Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence (AI3 2021), showcasing the latest advancements in the field made by the Italian community on argumentation, as well as other researchers worldwide. This Special Issue highlights the importance of advancing logical-based AI approaches, such as formal argumentation, in the continuously expanding landscape of Artificial In- telligence. Papers in this Special Issue cover a diverse range of topics, including argument game-based proof theories, analysis of legal cases, decomposability in abstract argumentation, meta-argumentation approaches, explanations for model outputs using causal models, representation of natural argumentative discourse, and Paraconsistent Weak Kleene logic-based belief revision. By em- phasizing these innovative research contributions, this article underscores the need for continued progress in the field of Formal Argumentation to complement and enhance the ongoing developments in AI

    Negative heat capacity in the critical region of nuclear fragmentation: an experimental evidence of the liquid-gas phase transition

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    An experimental indication of negative heat capacity in excited nuclear systems is inferred from the event by event study of energy fluctuations in AuAu quasi-projectile sources formed in Au+AuAu+Au collisions at 35 A.MeV. The excited source configuration is reconstructed through a calorimetric analysis of its de-excitation products. Fragment partitions show signs of a critical behavior at about 5 A.MeV excitation energy. In the same energy range the heat capacity shows a negative branch providing a direct evidence of a first order liquid gas phase transition.Comment: 4 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. on 14-apr-199

    Fusion Pores Live on the Edge.

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    Biological transmission of vesicular content occurs by opening of a fusion pore. Recent experimental observations have illustrated that fusion pores between vesicles that are docked by an extended flat contact zone are located at the edge (vertex) of this zone. We modeled this experimentally observed scenario by coarse-grained molecular simulations and elastic theory. This revealed that fusion pores experience a direct attraction toward the vertex. The size adopted by the resulting vertex pore strongly depends on the apparent contact angle between the adhered vesicles even in the absence of membrane surface tension. Larger contact angles substantially increase the equilibrium size of the vertex pore. Because the cellular membrane fusion machinery actively docks membranes, it facilitates a collective expansion of the contact zone and increases the contact angle. In this way, the fusion machinery can drive expansion of the fusion pore by free energy equivalents of multiple tens of k <sub>B</sub> T from a distance and not only through the fusion proteins that reside within the fusion pore