27 research outputs found

    Monitoreo permanente de la evolución del cultivo de arroz en la Provincia de Corrientes: una herramienta de uso estratégico

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    La expansión del cultivo de arroz estuvo ligada a la nueva política aduanera implantada desde 1930, que permitió a los productores locales enfrentar la competencia del importado, como consecuencia de la aplicación de una política de sustitución de la importación. Este cereal se expandió en la provincia de Corrientes y parte de Entre Ríos, aprovechando la abundancia de ríos y arroyos que proporcionaban el agua para riego necesario para el cultivo. Actualmente el cultivo del arroz se realiza en: Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Chaco y Formosa, concentrándose principalmente en las dos primeras. En la provincia de Corrientes es el cultivo anual de mayor importancia, distribuyéndose en una amplia variedad de ecosistemas con contrastes en su aptitud agronómica, niveles tecnológicos empleados y escala productiva. Su importancia se verifica también a través de su participación en el Producto Bruto Agrícola siendo, este cultivo el de mayor aporte

    The Diagnostic Intersection of ADHD and Dyslexia: Differential Diagnosis, Comorbidity, and Implications for MTSS and School Psychology

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    Children referred for educational assessment often present with attention problems and reading delays. As a result, differential diagnosis may be challenging for school psychologists and school teams. It is best practice for school psychologists to utilize tools for problem solving and assessment that are the most sensitive to referred conditions and lead to appropriate interventions. This paper addresses the diagnostic intersection of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia. The implications for a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) and psychoeducational evaluation are discussed

    Texas Department of Agriculture Bulletin, Number 75, March-April 1923

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    This bulletin is presented for the primary purpose of aiding the citrus industry in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and by a statement of authentic facts to apprise the public of the magnitude and possibilities of this rapidly developing industry

    Tim-3+ T-bet+ Tumor-Specific Th1 Cells Colocalize with and Inhibit Development and Growth of Murine Neoplasms

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    Abstract Although T cells infiltrate many types of murine and human neoplasms, in many instances tumor-specific cytotoxicity is not observed. Strategies to stimulate CTL-mediated antitumor immunity have included in vitro stimulation and/or genetic engineering of T cells, followed by adoptive transfer into tumor-bearing hosts. In this model of B cell lymphoma in SJL/J mice, we used Tim-3+ T-bet+ Th1 cells to facilitate the development of tumor-specific CTL. Tumor-specific Th1 cell lines were polarized with IL-12 during in vitro stimulation and long term maintenance. As few as 5 million Tim-3+ T-bet+ Th1 cells enabled recipients to resist growth of malignant transplantable cells. In addition, similar numbers of Th1 cells injected into 2- to 3-mo-old mice inhibited development of the spontaneous primary lymphomas, which normally arise in 90% of aging mice. CFSE+ Th1 cells colocalized with injected tumor cells in vivo and formed conjugates with the tumor cells within follicles, whereas in nontumor-challenged recipients the CFSE+ Th1 cells localized only within the T cell zones of the spleen. These results provide evidence that adoptive immunotherapy with Tim-3+ T-bet+ tumor-specific Th1 cells can be used to induce host cytotoxic responses that inhibit the development and growth of neoplastic cells