378 research outputs found

    An empirical analysis of the relationship between bank credit and economic growth

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    This paper tests the hypothesis that bank credit is necessary for economic growth, depending on the country's level of economic and financial development. It also seeks to verify whether the relationship between financial development and economic growth is monotonic. For this, Granger's causality methodology is used for panel data, with data from 106 countries for the period between 1970 and 2016. It is observed that there was an expansion of world credit above the economic growth observed over the studied period. The main empirical findings indicate that, in general, credit causes economic growth and vice versa, in addition to verifying the non-monotonicity of the relationship between financial development and economic growth, so that, for very low credit / GDP indices, the causality of the credit to GDP is not verified

    Brazil in face of the chinese rise : the risks of regressive specialization

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    This paper assesses how China’s rise as a global power has affected Latin America, in general, and Brazil, in particular. If the global economy will increasingly be Asian-centered and Sino-centered in the decades to come, we must ask which role will be reserved for Latin American countries. We argue that, despite the intentions of a reorientation in its growth model, the response of the Chinese policymakers to the international financial crisis has reinforced, at least in the short and medium terms, the dependence on exports and investments. Considering the sluggish recovery in advanced economies, that strategy is likely to amplify Chinese pressures to access dynamic domestic markets in emerging countries. In this context, Latin America represents not only a source of natural resources but an increasingly important market for absorbing the Chinese manufactured products. As a consequence, countries such as Brazil, with more diversified production and international trade structures, might experience a regressive pattern of specialization, which might trigger protectionist reactions and other tensions on bilateral relations with China

    Análise de redes Lorawan : desempenho indoor, outdoor, híbrido, aplicações e simulações utilizando NS3

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2019.A ascensão da Internet das Coisas (IoT) traz consigo um novo conceito: o LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network). Essas redes são caracterizadas pelo seu longo alcance, baixa taxa de trans missão e baixo consumo de energia. Dentre as tecnologias que atendem a esses requisitos, destaca-se o LoRa (Long Range) que, por ser amplamente utilizado em aplicações IoT, é o objeto de estudo desse trabalho. Sendo assim, esse projeto visa caracterizar seu funcionamento através de práticas e simulações, entendendo seu funcionamento e limitações. Tais fundamentações foram alcançadas a partir da realização de campanhas de medição em ambientes Indoor, Outdoor e com caracte rísticas mistas, isto é, um ambiente híbrido (Outdoor/Indoor). Além disso, houve a realização de simulações computacionais para verificar topologias com 364 dispositivos com 1 a 4 gateways, em cenários suburbanos. Por fim, para critérios de ilustração de como se daria a implementação de uma rede LoRa em uma situação propícia para a utilização de soluções relacionadas à IoT, foi desenvolvido um sistema de monitoramento de consumo de energia elétrica em aparelhos de ar-condicionado distribuídos ao longo de um ambiente Indoor. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a tecnologia LoRa, em seu fator de espalhamento espectral 10, consegue cobrir um ambiente Indoor de aproximadamente 75 m com dois andares, assegurando uma possível aplicação no local. Além disso, as medições Outdoor mostram um alcance de 1,5 km em ambiente urbano, enquanto o desempenho em ambiente híbrido conseguiu, no melhor caso, um alcance de até 600 m com o uso de apenas um gateway. No entanto, a simulação mostra que, com o aumento da quantidade de gateways o sistema poderia sustentar 95% de PDR média em distâncias de 8 km.The rise of the Internet of Things comes along with an important new concept: The Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN). These systems are featured with long range, low power and low bit rate. One of the technologies proposed for this kind of device is called LoRa (Long Range), which will be studied and evaluated in this work. This paper wants to study the dynamics of LoRa devices and evalute their perfomances under various circumstances: indoor, outdoor or hybrid environment, simulations and IoT projects in the University of Brasília. The IoT devices developed on this work were energy consumption registers, installed on air conditioners in an indoor environment. In addition, the simulation implements a huge cell with 364 LoRa nodes and a various quantity of gateways. The results show that LoRa devices using spreading factor 10 can reach an entire indoor enviroment with 75 m width with two floors, and also can support an IoT project in this enviroment. The outdoor measurements show that LoRa can reach 1,5 km in an suburban environment, but the hybrid experiments show that, with just one gateway, LoRa could reach up to 600 m of the hybrid building. However, the simulations show that LoRa could support 8 km of distance with 95% average PDR when using more gateways


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    RESUMO Objetivos: O artigo busca aproximar do Novo Constitucionalismo Latino-Americano, enquanto movimento que busca a “refundação” dos Estados Constitucionais no desejo de que sejam mais horizontais, democráticos e inclusivos, com o intuito de garantir a participação ativa dos atores sociais e dos povos originários que constituem a América Latina, a preservação das diferenças e diversidades típicas desse bloco geográfico, a efetivação de direitos fundamentais inerentes aos referidos agrupamentos tradicionais, dentre outras pautas não apreciadas pelo modelo de Estado construído a partir do pensamento do colonizador. É com a perspectiva descolonial (pós-colonial) que surge a preocupação de excluir as marcas negativas do modelo de Estado que nos fora imposto, não condizente com a realidade cultural plural aqui encontrada. Atrelada a toda essa conjuntura o objetivo central deste estudo é mostrar a aptidão da Tutela Multinível de Direitos como instrumento fortalecedor desse pluralismo jurídico preconizado pelo jovem movimento constitucional. Metodologia: Utilizou-se o método dedutivo, por meio da proposição de uma aproximação do Novo Constitucionalismo Latino Americano, com o instituto da Tutela Multinível de Direitos, já presente em outros ordenamentos jurídicos, o qual se mostra eficaz na garantia, efetivação e vigilância dos direitos fundamentais num cenário regional e/ou comunitário de proteção. A abordagem qualitativa dá-se por meio de revisão de literatura especializada, e da análise comparativa acerca da realidade já vivenciada em alguns países latino-americanos, a exemplo da Bolívia e do Equador, onde já se partilha com notável êxito a noção de plurinacionalidade, dando condão a discussão sobre as benesses desse modelo de proteção multinível. Resultados: Analisando todo o contexto da América Latina e, também, de um cuidadoso olhar para o cenário deficitário do Estado brasileiro em termos de amparo aos direitos fundamentais dos povos originários - passo em que se trouxe o exemplo emblemático do reconhecimento da territorialidade ancestral do povo Xucuru – restou evidenciada a pertinência da aplicação do constitucionalismo multinível como instrumento complementar robusto para o alcance do pluralismo jurídico-cultural. Contribuições: O estudo traz um tema muito salutar que é a preservação das raízes culturais dos povos originários na América Latina e sua pluralidade; e como uma tutela jurídica, incorporada na atuação constitucional horizontal e comunitária pode ser eficaz nessa preservação, contribuindo para a garantia dos Direitos Fundamentais dos povos do sul. Palavras-chave: Novo Constitucionalismo; América Latina; Descolonialidade; Tutela Multinível; Pluralismo Jurídico. ABSTRACT Objective:The article seeks to bring closer to the New Latin American Constitutionalism, as a movement that seeks the “refoundation” of Constitutional States in the desire that they be more horizontal, democratic and inclusive in order to guarantee the active participation of the social actors and the original peoples who constitute Latin America, the preservation of the differences and diversities typical of this geographic block, the realization of fundamental rights inherent to the referred to traditional groups, and among other agendas not appreciated by the State model built from the colonist's thinking. It is with the decolonial (post-colonial) perspective that the concern arises to exclude the negative marks of the State model that had been imposed, not consistent with the plural cultural reality found here. Linked to this whole conjuncture, the main objective of this study is to show the aptitude of the Multilevel Rights Guard as a strengthening instrument of this legal pluralism advocated by the young constitutional movement. Methodology: The deductive method was used, by proposing an approximation of the New Latin American Constitutionalism with the institute of Multilevel Rights Protection, already present in other legal systems, which is effective in guaranteeing, enforcing and monitoring fundamental rights in a regional and / or community protection scenario. The qualitative approach takes place through a review of specialized literature, and through a comparative analysis of the reality already experienced in some Latin American countries, such as Bolivia and Ecuador, where the notion of plurinationality is already successfully shared, giving the discussion on the benefits of this multilevel protection model. Results: Analyzing the whole context of Latin America and als, of a careful look at the deficit scenario of the Brazilian State in terms of protection to the fundamental rights of the original peoples - step in which was brought the emblematic example of the recognition of the ancestral territoriality of the Xucuru people - remained the relevance of applying multilevel constitutionalism as a robust complementary instrument for achieving legal-cultural pluralism is highlighted. Contributions: The study brings a very salutary theme, which is the preservation of the cultural roots of the peoples of Latin America and their plurality, and as a legal protection, incorporated in the horizontal and community constitutional action can be effective in this preservation, contributing to the guarantee of Rights Of the peoples of the south. Keywords: New Constitucionalis; Latin America; Decoloniality;. Multilevel Protection; Legal Pluralism

    Suppression of Fusarium wilt in tomato plants by rhizobacteria from the Bacillus genus

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    Vascular wilting in tomato plants constitutes an important group of diseases incited by soil inhabiting pathogens, especially Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, that causes significant production losses. The introgression of genes that express specific resistance is considered the main control method, however, due to the rapid emergence of races that suppress resistance, biocontrol has been presented as an option to be integrated with genetic control methods. This study aimed at evaluating the ability of rhizobacteria isolates, especially from the Bacillus genus, as biological control agents of Fusarium wilt in tomato plants. The laboratory assay was carried out to verify the ability of the isolates in acting as inhibitors of mycelial growth, besides detecting the genes involved in the expression of polypeptides with antimicrobial action. In the greenhouse, the assay comprised of microbiolized seeds and addition of a suspension of propagules of each rhizobacteria to the soil at the moment of transplanting the tomato seedlings. All the rhizobateria isolates showed variable control levels of the pathogen in vitro. The UFG-07 and UFG-10 isolates, with high similarity with Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus circulans, excelled in the disease suppression. PCR results detected target genes for expression of polypeptides, what reinforces the hypothesis of action of antimicrobial substances in biocontrol


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    White mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) is one of the most important fungal diseases that affect soybean, primarily due to the production of resistant structures called sclerotia. The disease is difficult to control, and sources of genetic resistance are poorly understood. As such, the present study aimed to assess the resistance of soybean genotypes to white mold in two agroecosystems in the Brazil (Barreiras-BA, and Jataí-GO) and analyze the relationship between the disease incidence and the phenotypic characteristics of the genotypes, as well as determine the lodging index, crop cycle and yield. A total of 165 and 33 genotypes were assessed in the regions of Barreiras and Jataí, respectively. To verify the effect of the area, 37 genotypes were planted in both regions. The area effect was assessed for the study variables, and the correlation was significant between the disease and lodging, cycle and production. Considering resistance, area and yield, genotypes ANTA82, 2011L003, 2011L005 exhibited the highest yield and resistance to white mold


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    The soils of the Amazon region, despite being under one of the densest forests in the world, are mostly characterized by low nutrient availability, with litter being the main nutrient input route. The present work aimed to evaluate the litter decomposition in forest, Cerrado and Cerradão environments in the Amazon. The litter decomposition rate was estimated by mass loss analysis using litter bags. The collections were performed at intervals of 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270 and 300 days, with four replications. Once collected, the material contained in each litter bag was placed to dry to obtain the dry mass. And so, the remaining mass percentage, the decomposition rates (k) and the half-life time (t1/2) are estimated. During the studied period, the Cerrado environment presented the lowest constant k (0.0017 g g-1 day-1) and consequently longer half-life (407 days). The monthly deposition in Cerrado input ranged from Mgha-1mother1 (June to September). Among the evaluated environments, the forest presented the highest decomposition speed and Cerrado presented the lowest one. It was evidenced that the decomposition process for all studied environments occurred with greater intensity in the rainy season

    “Minha vista escureceu, fiquei tonto, caí de joelhos”: corpos dissidentes e (re)produção de violências no semiárido nordestino

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    By means of semi-structured interviews conducted with 10 queer individuals participating in a local LGBT social movement, this study sought to understand the phenomenon of violence in LGBT experiences. Content Analysis revealed three categories: 1. violence in multiple spaces and stages of life; 2. echoes of violence throughout life; and 3.support and coping mechanisms. The itinerary of violence started at home, within the family, and spread to institutions, generating life-long physical and psychological consequences, as they are also produced in the unintelligibility of their bodies by health professionals.Esta investigación pretendió comprender el fenómeno de la violencia en las experiencias LGBT. El estudio se realizó en la ciudad de Cuité, en Paraíba (Brasil), mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas con 10 sujetos participantes en un movimiento social LGBT local. Las entrevistas fueron tratadas con el Análisis de Contenido, del cual surgierontres categorías: 1. Violencia en múltiples espacios y etapas de la vida; 2. Ecos de la violencia a lo largo de la vida; y 3.Mecanismos de apoyo y afrontamiento. Se comprendió el itinerario de la violencia sufrida, empezando por el hogar,con la familia, hasta las instituciones, reflejándose en consecuencias físicas y psicológicas a lo largo de sus vidas yrepercutiendo, a medida que se producen, en la ininteligibilidad de sus cuerpos por parte de los profesionales de la salud.A pesquisa buscou compreender o fenômeno da violência nas vivências LGBTs. Realizou-se o estudo na cidade de Cuité, Paraíba, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 10 sujeitos participantes de um movimento social LGBT local. As entrevistas foram analisadas à luz da Análise de Conteúdo, da qual emergiram três categorias: 1. a violência em múltiplos espaços e fases da vida; 2. ecos da violência ao longo da vida; e 3. mecanismos de apoio e enfrentamento. Compreendeu-se o itinerário da violência sofrida: iniciando-se em casa, com a família, até as instituições – como escolas, delegacias e serviços de saúde –, refletindo em consequências físicas e psicológicas no decorrer de suas vidas e repercutindo, à medida que também são produzidas, na ininteligibilidade dos seus corpos pelos profissionais de saúde


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    This paper assesses how China’s rise as a global power has affected Latin America, in general, and Brazil, in particular. If the global economy will increasingly be Asian-centered and Sino-centered in the decades to come, we must ask which role will be reserved for Latin American countries. We argue that, despite the intentions of a re-orientation in its growth model, the response of the Chinese policymakers to the international financial crisis has reinforced, at least in the short and medium terms, the dependence on exports and investments. Considering the sluggish recovery in advanced economies, that strategy is likely to amplify Chinese pressures to access dynamic domestic markets in emerging countries. In this context, Latin America represents not only a source of natural resources but an increasingly important market for absorbing the Chinese manufactured products. As a consequence, countries such as Brazil, with more diversified production and international trade structures, might experience a regressive pattern of specialization, which might trigger protectionist reactions and other tensions on bilateral relations with China.Este trabalho avalia como a ascensão chinesa à condição de potência global tem afetado a América Latina em geral, e o Brasil em particular. Se aqueles que argumentam que a economia global tende a ser cada vez mais centrada no Leste Asiático e na China ao longo das próximas décadas estão corretos, deve-se questionar sobre o papel a ser reservado para os países latino-americanos. Argumenta-se, aqui, que a despeito das intenções de ajuste em seu modelo de crescimento, a reação da China à crise financeira global tem exacerbado a dependência, no curto e médio prazos, dos investimentos e exportações. Dada a recuperação lenta das economias maduras, esta estratégia tende a ampliar a pressão chinesas para o acesso a mercados mais dinâmicos, especialmente nas regiões periféricas. Neste contexto, a América Latina representa, não somente uma fonte de recursos naturais, mas um mercado de grande potencial para a absorção das manufaturas chinesas. Por decorrência, países como o Brasil, que possuem estruturas produtivas e de comércio internacional relativamente mais diversificadas tenderão a experimentar processos regressivos de especialização, o que pode gerar reações protecionistas e tensões nas relações bilaterais