443 research outputs found

    Bond behavior between glulam and GFRP's by pullout tests

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    To evaluate the bond behavior between glulam and GFRP rods, applied according to the near-surface mounted strengthening technique, an experimental program composed of beam and direct pullout tests was carried. In this experimental program three main variables were analyzed: the GFRP type, the GFRP location into the groove, and the bond length. From the monitoring system it was registered the loaded and free end slips, and the pullout force. Based on these experimental results, and applying an analytical-numerical strategy, the local bond stress-slip relationship was calculated. In this work the tests are described, the obtained results are presented and discussed, and the applicability of the inverse analysis to obtain the local bond law is demonstrated.This work is supported by FEDER funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors - COMPETE and National Funds through FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project PTDC/ECM/74337/2006. The authors also like to thank all the companies that have been involved supporting and contributing for the development of this study, mainly: INEGI, S&P Clever Reinforcement Ibérica Lda., Portilame, MAPEI and Rothoblaas

    Mortars with incorporation of phase change materials (PCM): physical and mechanical properties and durability

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    O despertar da consciência ambiental pela sociedade, tem levantado problemas até então ignorados tais como os consumos energéticos. Numa sociedade com um elevado ritmo de crescimento e padrões de conforto cada vez maiores, surge a necessidade de minimizar os elevados consumos energéticos, tirando partido de fontes de energia renováveis. As argamassas com incorporação de materiais de mudança de fase (PCM) possuem a capacidade de regular a temperatura no interior dos edifícios, contribuindo desta forma para o aumento do nível de conforto térmico e diminuição do recurso a equipamentos de climatização, apenas com recurso à energia solar. Contudo, a incorporação de materiais de mudança de fase em argamassas modifica algumas das suas principais características. Portanto, o principal objetivo deste estudo consistiu na caracterização física e mecânica de argamassas aditivadas com PCM, assim como na avaliação da sua durabilidade. Para tal foram desenvolvidas 12 composições distintas, à base de diferentes ligantes e dopadas com 40% de PCM. Tendo sido possível observar que a incorporação de PCM provoca diferenças significativas em propriedades tais como a trabalhabilidade, resistência à compressão, resistência à flexão, aderência, absorção de água por capilaridade, absorção de água por imersão e resistência a ações de gelo-degelo. Contudo, foi possível concluir que a incorporação de PCM nas argamassas pode ser realizada com sucesso. Sendo que, as alterações verificadas nas argamassas podem ser contornadas através da incorporação de uma maior dosagem de ligante, superplastificante e até mesmo a inclusão de fibras. Apesar dos resultados desta investigação serem promissores é importante referir que outras investigações devem ser realizadas com o intuito de observar a influência do PCM em argamassas constituídas por outros materiais.The awakening of environmental awareness by society has raised issues previously ignored such as energy consumption. In a society with a high growth rate and increased standards of comfort arises the need to minimize the currently high energy consumption by taking advantage of renewable energy sources. The mortars with incorporation of phase change materials (PCM) have the ability to regulate the temperature inside buildings, contributing to the thermal comfort and reduction of the use of heating and cooling equipment, using only the energy supplied by the sun. However, the incorporation of phase change materials in mortars modifies its characteristics. The main purpose of this study was the physical and mechanical characterization, as well the evaluation of the durability. Twelve compositions were developed, based in different binders and doped with 40% of PCM. It was possible to observe that the incorporation of PCM in mortars caused significant differences in properties, such as workability, compression strength, flexural strength, adhesion, water absorption by capillarity, water absorption by immersion and degradation after freeze-thaw cycles. However, it was concluded that the incorporation of PCM in mortars can be performed successfully. Being that the changes in mortars can be solved by incorporating a higher content of binder, superplasticizer and the inclusion of fibers. Although the results of this investigation are promising it is important to note that further investigations should be performed aiming to observe the influence of PCM in mortars composed by other materials.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia pelo financiamento deste trabalho de investigação desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto “ Contribuição de Argamassas Térmicas Ativas para a Eficiência Energética dos Edifícios” (PTDC/ECM/102154/2008) e à atribuição da bolsa individual de doutoramento com referência SFRH/BD/95611/2013

    Condensed Tannins and Total Phenols in \u3ci\u3eStylosanthes\u3c/i\u3e spp.

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    Rangelands, such as the species of the genus Stylosanthes, are plants highly selected by animals and represent an important forage source for livestock in the Northeast region of Brazil. Plants of this genus are naturally occurring in several places in Brazil and other semi-arid areas. The variability of condensed tannins and total phenols in different Stylosanthes accessions is still poorly characterized. Based on that, the objective of this study was to quantify the content of condensed tannins and total phenols of Stylosanthes accessions collected in different physiographic zones of the State of Pernambuco and cultivated in germplasm banks. The work was carried out in two germplasm banks in the municipalities of Serra Talhada and Carpina in Pernambuco-Brazil. These regions have different edaphoclimatic characteristics. The analyzes were performed on samples of the whole plant (leaves and stems) collected at 20 cm height. The design was completely randomized, with accessions representing the fixed effects treatments. The data were submitted for analysis of variance, and the means were compared by the Scott-Knott test at a level of 5%. The Stylosanthes accessions cultivated in the active germplasm banks of the municipalities of Carpina and Serra Talhada showed statistically significant differences (P \u3c 0.05) among accessions in their concentrations of condensed tannins and total phenols. For the accessions cultivated in the active germplasm bank of Serra Talhada, six groups were formed. The concentrations of condensed tannins ranged from 5.6 to 63.3 mg g-1, and the total phenols ranged from 13.7 to 100.0 mg g-1in the cultivars from Serra Talhada. Likewise, condensed tannins ranged between 16.6 and 142.1 mg g-1, and total phenols ranged from 38.4 and 294.1 mg g-1 for the three groups from the municipality of Carpina. There is variability in the contents of condensed tannins and total phenols among accessions of Stylosanthes spp

    Lensing and dynamics of ultracompact bosonic stars

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    Spherically symmetric bosonic stars are one of the few examples of gravitating solitons that are known to form dynamically, via a classical process of (incomplete) gravitational collapse. As stationary solutions of the Einstein-Klein-Gordon or the Einstein-Proca theory, bosonic stars may also become sufficiently compact to develop light rings and hence mimic, in principle, gravitational-wave observational signatures of black holes (BHs). In this paper, we discuss how these horizonless ultracompact objects (UCOs) are actually distinct from BHs, both phenomenologically and dynamically. In the electromagnetic channel, the light ring associated phenomenology reveals remarkable lensing patterns, quite distinct from a standard BH shadow, with an infinite number of Einstein rings accumulating in the vicinity of the light ring, both inside and outside the latter. The strong lensing region, moreover, can be considerably smaller than the shadow of a BH with a comparable mass. Dynamically, we investigate the fate of such UCOs under perturbations, via fully nonlinear numerical simulations and observe that, in all cases, they decay into a Schwarzschild BH within a time scale of O(M), where M is the mass of the bosonic star. Both these studies reinforce how difficult it is for horizonless UCOs to mimic BH phenomenology and dynamics, in all its aspects

    Fundamental photon orbits: Black hole shadows and spacetime instabilities

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    The standard black holes (BHs) in general relativity, as well as other ultracompact objects (with or without an event horizon) admit planar circular photon orbits. These light rings (LRs) determine several spacetime properties. For instance, stable LRs trigger instabilities and, in spherical symmetry, (unstable) LRs completely determine BH shadows. In generic stationary, axisymmetric spacetimes, nonplanar bound photon orbits may also exist, regardless of the integrability properties of the photon motion. We suggest a classification of these fundamental photon orbits (FPOs) and, using Poincare maps, determine a criterion for their stability. For the Kerr BH, all FPOs are unstable (similar to its LRs) and completely determine the Kerr shadow. But in non-Kerr spacetimes, stable FPOs may also exist, even when all LRs are unstable, triggering new instabilities. We illustrate this for the case of Kerr BHs with Proca hair, wherein, moreover, qualitatively novel shadows with a cuspy edge exist, a feature that can be understood from the interplay between stable and unstable FPOs. FPOs are the natural generalization of LRs beyond spherical symmetry and should generalize the LRs key role in different spacetime properties

    Animal Performance in Signalgrass Monoculture or in Silvopastoral Systems

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    Silvopastoral systems (SPS) can increase overall productivity and long-term income due to the simultaneous production of trees, forage, and livestock. This 2-yr study evaluated animal performance and herbage responses in C4-grass monoculture or in SPS in the sub-humid tropical region of Brazil. The experimental design was randomized complete block with three replications. Treatments were: Urochloa decumbens (Stapf.) R. Webster (Signalgrass) + Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth (SPS-Mimosa); Signalgrass + Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp (SPS-Gliricidia); and Signalgrass monoculture (SM). Response variables included herbage and livestock responses. Cattle were managed under continuous stocking with variable stocking rate. There was interaction between treatment × month for herbage mass. Green herbage accumulation rate ranged from 20 to 80 kg DM ha-1d-1 across months, with SPS-Mimosa presenting lower rates. Average daily gain was greater in SPS-Gliricidia, followed by SM, and SPS-Mimosa, respectively (0.77; 0.56; 0.23 kg d-1), varying across months. Stocking rate ranged from 0.86 to 1.6 AU ha-1. Total gain per area during the experimental period was greater for SPS-Gliricidia (423 kg BW ha-1), followed by signalgrass in monoculture (347 kg BW ha-1), and SPS-Mimosa (50 kg BW ha-1). Silvopasture systems using signalgrass and gliricidia enhanced livestock gains compared with signalgrass in monoculture, and mimosa trees outcompeted signalgrass, reducing livestock gains. Silvopasture systems with tree legumes have potential to provide numerous ecosystem services and reduce C footprint of livestock systems in the tropics, however, the choice of tree species is key and determined by which ecosystem service is prioritized

    Management Effect on Rainfall Use Efficiency and Growth Rate of Spineless Cactus \u3cem\u3ecv.\u3c/em\u3e Miúda in Northeast Brazil

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    Spineless cactus has a high rainfall use efficiency. Under water deficit, they open their stomata during the night to capture atmospheric carbon dioxide when the air temperature is lower and relative humidity higher (Taiz and Zeiger, 2009), losing less water to the atmosphere. The rainfall use efficiency (RUE) can be expressed as the amount of water used by the crop to produce dry matter (Han and Felker, 1997). The RUE showed by spineless cactus, a CAM plant, is three to five times greater than the one observed in C3 and C4 plants (Felker and Russel, 1988; Nobel, 1991). Therefore, spineless cacti (Nopaleae opuntia) are important forage resource in northeast Brazil. Management practices, however, can affect the RUE and growth of spineless cactus, especially organic and mineral fertilization. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of organic and nitrogen fertilization and harvest frequency on rainfall use efficiency and growth rate of spineless cactus cv. Miúda (Nopalea cochenillifera Salm Dyck)

    Comparison of post-exercise hypotension responses in Paralympic powerlifting athletes after completing two bench press training intensities.

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    Background and objective: Post-exercise hypotension, the reduction of blood pressure after a bout of exercise, is of great clinical relevance. Resistance exercise training is considered an important contribution to exercise training programs for hypertensive individuals and athletes. In this context, post-exercise hypotension could be clinically relevant because it would maintain blood pressure of hypertensive individuals transiently at lower levels during day-time intervals, when blood pressure is typically at its highest levels. The aim of this study was to compare the post-exercise cardiovascular effects on Paralympic powerlifting athletes of two typical high-intensity resistance-training sessions, using either five sets of five bench press repetitions at 90% 1 repetition maximum (1RM) or five sets of three bench press repetitions at 95% 1RM. Materials and Methods: Ten national-level Paralympic weightlifting athletes (age: 26.1 ± 6.9 years; body mass: 76.8 ± 17.4 kg) completed the two resistance-training sessions, one week apart, in a random order. Results: Compared with baseline values, a reduction of 5–9% in systolic blood pressure was observed after 90% and 95% of 1RM at 20–50 min post-exercise. Furthermore, myocardial oxygen volume and double product were only significantly increased immediately after and 5 min post-exercise, while the heart rate was significantly elevated after the resistance training but decreased to baseline level by 50 min after training for both training conditions. Conclusions: A hypotensive response can be expected in elite Paralympic powerlifting athletes after typical high-intensity type resistance-training sessions.publishedVersio

    Optical lithography patterning of SiO2 layers for interface passivation of thin film solar cells

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    Ultrathin Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells are a promising way to reduce costs and to increase the electrical performance of thin film solar cells. In this work, we develop an optical lithography process that can produce sub-micrometer contacts in a SiO2 passivation layer at the CIGS rear contact. Furthermore, an optimization of the patterning dimensions reveals constrains over the features sizes. High passivation areas of the rear contact are needed to passivate the CIGS interface so that high performing solar cells can be obtained. However, these dimensions should not be achieved by using long distances between the contacts as they lead to poor electrical performance due to poor carrier extraction. This study expands the choice of passivation materials already known for ultrathin solar cells and its fabrication techniques.publishe