28 research outputs found

    Latin American aquatic mammals : an overview of 12 years focusing on molecular techniques applied to conservation

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    Ecological information useful for conservation purposes have benefitted from recent and rapid advancements in genetic techniques, revealing unknown aspects of behavior, natural history, population structure and demography of several aquatic mammal species, many of them with conservation concerns. Molecular markers have been used to define management units, to settle taxonomic uncertainties, to control illegal wildlife trade, among others, providing valuable information to decision-making to conserve and manage aquatic mammals. We review genetic studies applied to conservation-related issues involving natural populations of more than 40 species of aquatic mammals in Latin America, covering four taxonomic groups. The main goal was to assess which genetic approaches have been used and to identify gaps in genetic research relating to geographic areas and species. We reviewed studies published in peer-reviewed journals between 2011 and 2022, and found that most were focused on population structure, phylogeography, gene flow and dispersal movements. The review revealed that researchers need to increase and improve the knowledge in those species which face major conservation concern. Scarce findings were related to forensics and its application to wildlife trade. In the era of next-generation-sequencing techniques, just a few studies used genomics as a tool for monitoring gene diversity, an important goal to help us predict how species will cope with climate change events. Looking to the future we suggest which species, geographic areas and genetic studies should be prioritized in a scenario of climate change and increased human threats (e.g., fishery bycatch, habitat degradation, etc.) and the urgent need for conservation actions. Finally, we highlight the benefits of the collaborative works and the necessity of generating a conservation genetic network, with an open agenda to discuss the local and regional problematics. All in all, we strongly emphasize the generation of critical information towards the effective conservation and management of aquatic mammals in Latin America.Peer reviewe

    Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) mitogenomics: A cautionary tale of defining sub-species from mitochondrial sequence monophyly

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    The advent of massive parallel sequencing technologies has resulted in an increase of studies based upon complete mitochondrial genome DNA sequences that revisit the taxonomic status within and among species. Spatially distinct monophyly in such mitogenomic genealogies, i.e., the sharing of a recent common ancestor among con-specific samples collected in the same region has been viewed as evidence for subspecies. Several recent studies in cetaceans have employed this criterion to suggest subsequent intraspecific taxonomic revisions. We reason that employing intra-specific, spatially distinct monophyly at non-recombining, clonally inherited genomes is an unsatisfactory criterion for defining subspecies based upon theoretical (genetic drift) and practical (sampling effort) arguments. This point was illustrated by a re-analysis of a global mitogenomic assessment of fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus spp., published by Archer et al. (2013), which proposed to further subdivide the Northern Hemisphere fin whale subspecies, B. p. physalus. The proposed revision was based upon the detection of spatially distinct monophyly among North Atlantic and North Pacific fin whales in a genealogy based upon complete mitochondrial genome DNA sequences. The extended analysis conducted in this study (1676 mitochondrial control region, 162 complete mitochondrial genome DNA sequences and 20 microsatellite loci genotyped in 380 samples) revealed that the apparent monophyly among North Atlantic fin whales reported by Archer et al. (2013) to be due to low sample sizes. In conclusion, defining sub-species from monophyly (i.e., the absence of para- or polyphyly) can lead to erroneous conclusions due to relatively 'trivial' aspects, such as sampling. Basic population genetic processes (i.e., genetic drift and migration) also affect the time to the most recent common ancestor and hence the probability that individuals in a sample are monophyletic

    Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) mitogenomics: A cautionary tale of defining sub-species from mitochondrial sequence monophyly

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    © The Authors, 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License. The definitive version was published in Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (2019), doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2019.02.003.The advent of massive parallel sequencing technologies has resulted in an increase of studies based upon complete mitochondrial genome DNA sequences that revisit the taxonomic status within and among species. Spatially distinct monophyly in such mitogenomic genealogies, i.e., the sharing of a recent common ancestor among con-specific samples collected in the same region has been viewed as evidence for subspecies. Several recent studies in cetaceans have employed this criterion to suggest subsequent intraspecific taxonomic revisions. We reason that employing intra-specific, spatially distinct monophyly at non-recombining, clonally inherited genomes is an unsatisfactory criterion for defining subspecies based upon theoretical (genetic drift) and practical (sampling effort) arguments. This point was illustrated by a re-analysis of a global mitogenomic assessment of fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus spp., published by Archer et al. (2013), which proposed to further subdivide the Northern Hemisphere fin whale subspecies, B. p. physalus. The proposed revision was based upon the detection of spatially distinct monophyly among North Atlantic and North Pacific fin whales in a genealogy based upon complete mitochondrial genome DNA sequences. The extended analysis conducted in this study (1,676 mitochondrial control region, 162 complete mitochondrial genome DNA sequences and 20 microsatellite loci genotyped in 358 samples) revealed that the apparent monophyly among North Atlantic fin whales reported by Archer et al. (2013) to be due to low sample sizes. In conclusion, defining sub-species from monophyly (i.e., the absence of para- or polyphyly) can lead to erroneous conclusions due to relatively “trivial” aspects, such as sampling. Basic population genetic processes (i.e., genetic drift and migration) also affect the time to the most recent common ancestor and hence the probability that individuals in a sample are monophyletic.We are grateful to Hanne JĂžrgensen, Anna Sellas, Mary Beth Rew and Christina FĂŠrch-Jensen for technical assistance. We thank Drs. P. E. Rosel and K. D. Mullin (U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Fisheries Science Center) and members of the U.S. Northeast and Southeast Region Marine Mammal Stranding Network and its response teams, including the International Fund for Animal Welfare, the Marine Mammal Stranding Center, Mystic Aquarium, the Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation (K. Durham) and the Marine Mammal Stranding Program of the University of North Carolina Wilmington for access to fin whale samples from the western North Atlantic. We thank Gisli Vikingsson for providing samples. We are indebted to Dr. Eduardo Secchi for facilitating data sharing. Data collection in the Southern Ocean was conducted under research projects Baleias (CNPq grants 557064/2009-0 and 408096/2013-6), INTERBIOTA (CNPq 407889/2013-2) and INCT-APA (CNPq 574018/2008-5), of the Brazilian Antarctic Program and a contribution by the research consortium ‘Ecology and Conservation of Marine Megafauna – EcoMega-CNPq’. MAS was supported through a FCT Investigator contract funded by POPH, QREN European Social Fund, and Portuguese Ministry for Science and Education. Data collection in the Azores was funded by TRACE-PTDC/MAR/74071/2006 and MAPCET-M2.1.2/F/012/2011 [FEDER, COMPETE, QREN European Social Fund, and Proconvergencia Açores/EU Program]. Fin whale illustration herein is used with the permission of FrĂ©dĂ©rique Lucas. We acknowledge the Center for Information Technology of the University of Groningen for IT support and access to the Peregrine high performance-computing cluster

    Molecular ecology and systematics of sotalia dolphins

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    Molecular markers have the potential to disclose genetic variation and provide clues on macro and microevolutionary issues. The taxonomic and phylogenetic status of species lie within the realm of macroevolution while intraspecific matters, such as geographic population structure, social organization and mating system, pertain to microevolution. This chapter describes the findings on the molecular systematics and ecology of Sotalia dolphins, and is divided in two sections, each focusing on one of those topics. The first section shows how molecular markers have helped to settle the issue of species composition within the genus Sotalia - a matter of debate for over 140 years. To explain the controversy, a brief history of taxonomic changes in the genus since the first species descriptions is included. In addition, the section also makes phylogenetic considerations and discusses the timing of the speciation between the two accepted Sotalia species. The second section deals with the molecular ecology of Sotalia, presenting results and prospects of studies on population structure, phylogeography and social structure. Although many studies are still underway, some important findings have already been produced. The section also includes comments on new analytical developments that promise to widen our knowledge on those issues. The two sections close with a discussion of the relevance of results for the conservation and management of Sotalia species. At least two important results stem from molecular systematics and ecology studies of Sotalia dolphins, both with immediate application to their conservation. At the end of the chapter there is a presentation of the prospects for new discoveries in these fields in the near future. © 2010 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved

    More than meets the eye: kinship and social organization in giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis)

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    Giant otters live in highly cooperative groups. Behavioral observations suggest that groups are composed of a dominant reproductive pair and their offspring of previous years. We combined genetic data and long-term ecological information to determine genetic relatedness within and between groups to verify that hypothesis. We genotyped 12 polymorphic loci of 50 otters from 13 groups and two transient individuals. The average relatedness within groups (r = 0.23) was high, but the degree of relatedness varied within the groups, including groups of unrelated individuals, contradicting the current social hypothesis of an exclusively parent-brood model. Negative correlations between kinship and distance between territories were higher in females, and on two occasions, dominant females were replaced by related subordinates of the same group. Solitary transients were males, suggesting a tendency of male-biased dispersal. These data, combined with long-term ecological and behavioral information, indicate that direct benefits, such as alloparental care, and acquisition, inheritance, and defense of high-quality territories may drive the evolution of group living of this endangered social carnivore. © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Polymorphic microsatellite loci from the endangered Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis)

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    We describe the first microsatellite loci isolated from the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), an endangered mustelid endemic to South America. Fourteen di- and trinucleotide polymorphic loci were characterised in fourteen individuals from the Pantanal wetlands, Central Brazil. Number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 5, and average observed heterozygosity was 0.577. Two loci were in linkage disequilibrium, and one further locus deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, probably due to the presence of null alleles. The transferability of these markers to two other mustelids (Lontra longicaudis and Eira barbara) and to the mephitid Conepatus semistriatus was also evaluated. These loci are useful to study the ecology and evolution of these species. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011

    Sotalia dolphins in their potential sympatry zone: Searching for hybrids in the Amazonian estuary

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    The two Sotalia species (the marine S. guianensis and the freshwater S. fluviatilis) have only recently been recognized, and both face several conservation challenges. We investigated the existence of hybridization between the two species in their possible area of sympatry in the Amazon Estuary, in northern Brazil. A fast and cheap PCR-RFLP diagnostic method using nuclear DNA was developed to discriminate between the two species, while allowing the detection of hybrids. All samples that could be identified (N = 51) were identified as S. guianensis, and no hybrids were detected. Our results, coupled with previous mitochondrial data, suggest that S. fluviatilis is not present in the Amazon delta. Thus, sympatry with S. guianensis, if it does occur, may be restricted to upstream areas of the Amazon River. Copyright © Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2018

    When You Get What You Haven?t Paid for: Molecular Identification of -Douradinha- Fish Fillets Can Help End the Illegal Use of River Dolphins as Bait in Brazil

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    The fishery for Calophysus macropterus, an Amazonian necrophagous catfish, is highly detrimental to river dolphins and caimans, which are deliberately killed for use as bait. In the Brazilian Amazon, this fishery has increased over the last decade, in spite of the rejection of scavenger fishes by Brazilian consumers. It was suspected that C. macropterus fillets were being sold in Brazilian markets, disguised as a fictitious fish (the "douradinha"). We collected 62 fillets from "douradinha" and other suspiciously named fish from 4 fish-processing plants sold at 6 markets in Manaus, in the Brazilian Amazon, and sequenced the cytochrome b gene to identify fillets to species. Sixty percent of fillets labeled "douradinha" or with other deceptive names were actually C. macropterus. Six other fish species of low commercial value were also found. The presence of dolphin tissue in the stomach contents of C. macropterus was confirmed by mtDNA control region sequencing. Our results formed the scientific basis for a moratorium on the fishing and fraudulent selling of C. macropterus, issued by the Brazilian Ministries of the Environment and Fisheries. Exposure of this fraud via the mass media can help end the illegal use of dolphins as bait in Brazil. © 2015 The American Genetic Association 2015. All rights reserved