6,087 research outputs found

    Economical and social – economical efficiency of public transports: Bus and Railway in inter – city transport in Catalonia.

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    El present estudi intenta desglossar els costos totals que suposa el transport de passatgers per carretera i ferrocarril per a conèixer els llindars de mobilitat que en línies generals per al context de Catalunya permetin la implantació de noves línies de transport públic de forma que es redueixin els costos totals preexistents

    La historia de las derechas a la luz del revisionismo histórico

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    Presenta este artículo un análisis sobre la historiografía relativa a las derechas en España. En el marco del revisionismo histórico europeo, plantea la necesidad de superar modelos explicativos de origen marxista, que tienden a simplificar la complejidad del mundo político e ideológico no izquierdista equiparándolo con el fascismo. Frente a ello, propone el recurso a modelos historiográficos como los de Mosse, De Felice, Gentile, Linz, o Payne con los que analizar las particularidades y matices de las derechas españolas, especialmente en los años que transcurren hasta la guerra civil.------------ This article presents an analysis of the historiography on the right in Spain. In the context of European historical revisionism, it shows the need to overcome Marxist explanatory models, which tend to simplify the complexity of the political and ideological right-wing world equating it with fascism. It proposes the use of historiographical models such as those of Mosse, De Felice, Gentile, Linz, and Payne with which to analyze the particularities and nuances of the Spanish right, especially in the years till the civil war

    Creative writing as a stimulating strategy for critical thinking

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    In the field of education, topics related to brain functioning and thought-generating processes have attracted great interest in recent years, mainly due to the concern of teachers and researchers in the area, in order to know how to create and implement new pedagogical strategies that contribute to the development of necessary skills in 21st-century education, among which creativity and critical thinking stand out. For the development of this research study, a qualitative design was used, employing the hermeneutic method, which resorts to documentary and descriptive analysis that uses theoretical data from previous studies, for interpretation and reflection. Once the data has been interpreted and discussed, it becomes evident and aware that creative writing can be used as a tool to stimulate critical thinking. Teachers should strengthen the management of the teaching process so that learning is meaningful and students have the necessary tools to promote and strengthen their creativity, enhancing their reflective thinking, which will be very useful for them to face their daily and professional life efficiently in a globalized world, filled with much information to discern, digital transformation, challenges to overcome, and major constant changes to assume. &nbsp

    Risk assessment of pesticides in estuaries: a review addressing the persistence of an old problem in complex environments

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    Co-financed by the ERDF under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-010145-FEDER-007728) REQUIMTE. FCT is also acknowledged for the grants SFRH/BPD/109734/2015 to M.M. and IF/00265/2015 to P.M.C. he research project GreenTech (PTDC/MAR-BIO/0113/2014), also funded by FCT, is acknowledged as well for the funding of the fellowship to N.C.Estuaries, coastal lagoons and other transition ecosystems tend to become the ultimate reservoirs of pollutants transported by continental runoff, among which pesticides constitute the class of most concern. High amounts of dissolved and particulated organic matter greatly contribute to the accumulation of pesticides that eventually become trapped in sediments or find their way along food chains. Perhaps not so surprisingly, it is common to find elevated levels of pesticides in estuarine sediments decades after their embargo. Still, it remains challenging to address ecotoxicity in circumstances that invariably imply mixtures of contaminants and multiple factors affecting bioavailability. Despite advances in methods for detecting pesticides in waters, sediments and organisms, chemical data alone are insufficient to predict risk. Many researchers have been opting for ex situ bioassays that mimic the concentrations of pesticides in estuarine waters and sediments using a range of ecologically relevant model organisms, with emphasis on fish, molluscs and crustaceans. These experimental procedures unravelled novel risk factors and important insights on toxicological mechanisms, albeit with some prejudice of ecological relevance. On the other hand, in situ bioassays, translocation experiments and passive biomonitoring strive to spot causality through an intricate mesh of confounding factors and cocktails of pollutants. Seemingly, the most informative works are integrative approaches that combine different assessment strategies, multiple endpoints and advanced computational and geographical models to determine risk. State-of-art System Biology approaches combining high-content screening approaches involving “omics” and bioinformatics, can assist discovering and predicting novel Adverse Outcome Pathways that better reflect the cumulative risk of persisting and emerging pesticides among the wide range of stressors that affect estuaries.publishersversionpublishe

    A negative feedback between anthropogenic ozone pollution and enhanced ocean emissions of iodine

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    Naturally emitted from the oceans, iodine compounds efficiently destroy atmospheric ozone and reduce its positive radiative forcing effects in the troposphere. Emissions of inorganic iodine have been experimentally shown to depend on the deposition to the oceans of tropospheric ozone, whose concentrations have significantly increased since 1850 as a result of human activities. A chemistry-climate model is used herein to quantify the current ocean emissions of inorganic iodine and assess the impact that the anthropogenic increase in tropospheric ozone has had on the natural cycle of iodine in the marine environment since pre-industrial times. Our results indicate that the human-driven enhancement of tropospheric ozone has doubled the oceanic inorganic iodine emissions following the reaction of ozone with iodide at the sea surface. The consequent build-up of atmospheric iodine, with maximum enhancements of up to 70% with respect to pre-industrial times in continental pollution outflow regions, has in turn accelerated the ozone chemical loss over the oceans with strong spatial patterns. We suggest that this ocean-atmosphere interaction represents a negative geochemical feedback loop by which current ocean emissions of iodine act as a natural buffer for ozone pollution and its radiative forcing in the global marine environment.Fil: Prados Roman, C.. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; EspañaFil: Cuevas, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; EspañaFil: Fernandez, Rafael Pedro. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; España. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Kinnison, Douglas E.. National Center For Atmospheric Research. Amospheric Chemistry División; Estados UnidosFil: Lamarque, Jean Francoise. National Center For Atmospheric Research. Amospheric Chemistry División; Estados UnidosFil: Saiz-lopez, Alfonso. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Química Física; Españ

    Propuesta de implantación del sistema de teletrabajo en el ámbito de la administración local: el Ayuntamiento de Paterna

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    [ES] El Trabajo Fin de Carrera (TFC) consiste en la elaboración de la propuesta de implantación de un programa piloto de teletrabajo en el Ayuntamiento de Paterna, y responde a la realización del Prácticum, asignatura del último curso de la titulación de Gestión y Administración Pública. Actualmente no está implantada la modalidad de teletrabajo dentro del Ayuntamiento de Paterna, por lo cual se propone la implantación de un programa piloto a fin de evaluar si es conveniente o no la implantación de ésta modalidad laboral dentro del ayuntamiento. El fin de éste TFC es realizar una propuesta real, viable y adaptada a las características del ayuntamiento que proporcione a los trabajadores una mayor flexibilidad que favorezca la conciliación de la vida personal y laboral al mismo tiempo que suponga un factor de modernización del resto de la organización. Para la realización de ésta propuesta, primero se ha planteado la situación actual del teletrabajo en España y en la Unión Europea, basándonos en la legislación, publicaciones oficiales y experiencias de éxito. En segundo lugar se ha determinado el ámbito de aplicación de la propuesta, en éste caso el Ayuntamiento de Paterna. Posteriormente se ha realizado un análisis de las necesidades del ayuntamiento, exponiendo diferentes propuestas de mejora de entre las cuales se ha seleccionado el teletrabajo como la mejora a desarrollar mediante la aplicación de diferentes técnicas como el análisis DAFO o la Técnica de Grupo Nominal. Tras éste análisis de las necesidades, exposición de posibles mejoras y la selección del teletrabajo como la propuesta a llevar a cabo, se ha realizado el desarrollo de la propuesta de implantación de un programa piloto de teletrabajo, estableciendo el diseño de la propuesta, el plan de implantación y evaluación y especificando el presupuesto diseñado para ésta propuesta de mejora. Por último se establecen las conclusiones a las que se ha llegado tanto de la propuesta concreta y su utilidad práctica como de la elaboración del presente TFCMartínez Cuevas, P. (2013). PROPUESTA DE IMPLANTACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE TELETRABAJO EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN LOCAL: EL AYUNTAMIENTO DE PATERNA. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/34744.Archivo delegad

    Optimization of a quality model for CCA industrial impregnation of Pinus radiata D. Don agricultural fencing stakes

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    Impregnation of agricultural fencing stakes (Pinus radiata D. Don) using wood preservative solutions, like chromated copper arsenate (CCA-C), a water soluble salt, to protect them from decay and insect damage was investigated through the method of global modeling. Experiments were conducted using a factorial design with replicates to reduce model variability and to adjust responses to the required technical properties. Levels at which variables must be set were studied: to reduce product variability, to minimize production costs, to desensitize wood regarding the influence of uncontrollable variables, to optimize productive process and to create a global product with a higher intrinsic quality. The proposed model optimizes product retention quality and minimizes product variability, while minimizing preservative's use. Experiments were carried out by controlling wood's humidity, vacuum process duration, time of applying pressure, and preservative solution concentration, in order to allow timber to maintain its anatomical structure unchanged over time. The results of this work may be used in the optimization of similar processes in industrial plants for Pinus radiata D. Don stakes preservation treatments in producing countries

    Experimental Evidence for Quantum Interference and Vibrationally Induced Decoherence in Single-Molecule Junctions

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    We analyze quantum interference and decoherence effects in single-molecule junctions both experimentally and theoretically by means of the mechanically controlled break junction technique and density-functional theory. We consider the case where interference is provided by overlapping quasi-degenerate states. Decoherence mechanisms arising from the electronic-vibrational coupling strongly affect the electrical current flowing through a single-molecule contact and can be controlled by temperature variation. Our findings underline the all-important relevance of vibrations for understanding charge transport through molecular junctions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure