21 research outputs found

    Parental Stress and Family Quality of Life: Surveying Family Members of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities

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    [EN] Background. This study assesses the quality of life in families with a member with an intellectual disability using the Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response framework. Methods. The study included 515 Spanish participants whose family members with disabilities range in age from infancy to adulthood. We hypothesized that it is possible to predict parenting stress by paying attention to the meaning families give to themselves and their circumstances while controlling for the impact of other variables such as family capabilities and characteristics of the family member with disabilities. We used the Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale and the section on Exceptional needs of medical and behavioral support from the Supports Intensity Scale, together with other potential predictors. The subscale on parental stress from the Parenting Stress Index–Short Form was utilized as a criterion measure. Results. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that 49% of parental stress was predicted by dysfunctional interaction, difficult behaviors, low emotional wellbeing, poor family interaction, as well as kinship as parents, and the severity of both the medical needs and intellectual disability. Conclusions. The stress experienced by those families is mostly predicted by the meaning they give to themselves and their circumstances. Implications of these findings for service delivery are discussed

    Control de Rhipicephalus microplus (acari: ixodidae) mediante el uso del hongo entomopatógeno Metarhizium anisopliae (Hypocreales: clavicipitaceae). Revisión

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    Infestations with cattle tick, Rhipicephalus microplus constitute the most important ectoparasite problem in the tropical and subtropical regions of the globe, resulting in major economic losses in the production of beef, milk, and leathers, in addition of increasing the cost of control programs transmitting Babesia bovis, B. bigemina and Anaplasma marginale.Las infestaciones de la garrapata del ganado, Rhipicephalus microplus, producen el mayor problema global de ectoparásitos en ganado de regiones tropicales y subtropicales, provocan importantes pérdidas económicas en la producción de carne, leche y pieles, además incrementan los gastos derivados de los programas de control, y son capaces de transmitir Babesia bovis, B. bigemina y Anaplasma marginale

    Efficacy of text messaging for health care in the elderly

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    Objetivos: El presente estudio se plantea: 1) realizar una intervención basada en el envío de SMS para motivar hacia el cuidado de la salud en población mayor y 2) determinar la eficacia diferencial de dicha intervención frente a una intervención tradicional presencial, para el fomento de conductas saludables y la reducción de factores de riesgo para dicha salud. Metodología: Estudio mixto cuantitativo-cualitativo en el que han participado 50 personas mayores de 60 años, con un diseño preexperimental con grupo de comparación para contrastar la eficacia diferencial de una intervención presencial vs. basada en el envío de SMS y con un análisis DAFO durante la realización de grupos focales. La intervención ha consistido en el envío de SMS durante un mes con mensajes alusivos al cuidado de la salud, mientras que el grupo de comparación ha asistido a sesiones presenciales una vez a la semana durante dicho mes, en el que se han abordado temas relacionados con la salud. Ambos grupos han rellenado un cuestionario de cambios percibidos tras la intervención. También han participado en el grupo focal. Resultados: Los informantes indican haber mejorado varias conductas de salud así como haber incrementado la conciencia de llevar una vida saludable, con ambos tipos de intervenciones. Los resultados son ligeramente superiores para el grupo presencial. Conclusiones: La intervención basada en el envío de SMS constituye una estrategia prometedora y eficiente para la promoción de hábitos saludables en personas mayores

    Análisis del proyecto emergente de enseñanza remota de los laboratorios integradores de ingeniería biológica

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    La profundización del conocimiento es fundamental para el desarrollo de habilidades en la formación académica. En este trabajo se analizaron documentos de cinco laboratorios integradores de la Licenciatura en Ingeniería Biológica. El análisis abarcó información de clases en modalidad presencial y remota. Se identificaron los conocimientos puestos en práctica y su transversalidad en la currícula. Los resultados mostraron que en la modalidad remota se logró cubrir hasta 77% de los contenidos frente al 100% en modalidad presencial. Se identificaron 33 conocimientos que se desarrollan en clases presenciales, de los cuales se cubrieron solamente el 72% en modalidad remota. Estos conocimientos fueron transversales en ambas modalidades de enseñanza brindando habilidades importantes al alumnado para su campo laboral y académico.Knowledge deepening is essential for the development of skills throughout the academic studies. In this work documents from five integrating laboratories courses were analyzed. The analysis covered information from face-to-face and remote classes. The knowledge put into practice and its transversality to higher courses was identified. The results showed that in the remote classes it was possible to cover up to 77% of the contents compared to 100% in face-to-face teaching. 33 skills that are developed in face-to-face classes were identified, of which only 72% were covered in remote teaching. The knowledge that was developed was transversal in both teaching modalities, providing important skills to students for their academic studies and for professional growth

    Parental Stress and Family Quality of Life: Surveying Family Members of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities

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    (1) Background. This study assesses the quality of life in families with a member with an intellectual disability using the Family Adjustment and Adaptation Response framework. (2) Methods. The study included 515 Spanish participants whose family members with disabilities range in age from infancy to adulthood. We hypothesized that it is possible to predict parenting stress by paying attention to the meaning families give to themselves and their circumstances while controlling for the impact of other variables such as family capabilities and characteristics of the family member with disabilities. We used the Beach Center Family Quality of Life Scale and the section on Exceptional needs of medical and behavioral support from the Supports Intensity Scale, together with other potential predictors. The subscale on parental stress from the Parenting Stress Index–Short Form was utilized as a criterion measure. (3) Results. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that 49% of parental stress was predicted by dysfunctional interaction, difficult behaviors, low emotional wellbeing, poor family interaction, as well as kinship as parents, and the severity of both the medical needs and intellectual disability. (4) Conclusions. The stress experienced by those families is mostly predicted by the meaning they give to themselves and their circumstances. Implications of these findings for service delivery are discussed

    Resistance to Multiple Temperate and Tropical Stem and Sheath Diseases of Rice

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    Stem rot and aggregated sheath spot are the two major stem and sheath diseases affecting rice (Oryza sativa L.) in temperate areas. A third fungal disease, sheath blight, is a major disease in tropical areas. Resistance to these diseases is a key objective in rice breeding programs but phenotyping is challenged by the confounding effects of phenological and morphological traits such as flowering time (FT) and plant height (PH). This study sought to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to these three diseases after removing the confounding effects of FT and PH. Two populations of advanced breeding germplasm, one with 316 tropical japonica and the other with 325 indica genotypes, were evaluated in field and greenhouse trials for resistance to the diseases. Phenotypic means for field and greenhouse disease resistance, adjusted by FT and PH, were analyzed for associations with 29,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in tropical japonica and 50,000 SNPs in indica. A total of 29 QTL were found for resistance that were not associated with FT or PH. Multilocus models with selected resistance-associated SNPs were fitted for each disease to estimate their effects on the other diseases. A QTL on chromosome 9 accounted for more than 15% of the phenotypic variance for the three diseases. When resistance-associated SNPs at this locus from both the tropical japonica and indica populations were incorporated into the model, resistance was improved for all three diseases with little impact on FT and PH

    Acción sustentable, gestión e innovación. Estudios sobre turismo y gastronomía

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    Este libro reúne a varios estudiosos de turismo y gastronomía de diferentes nacionalidades, universidades y/o instancias de educación e investigación, con el fin de reflexionar sobre las tendencias que se impulsan en estos campos del conocimiento, desde tres líneas de análisis: la acción, la gestión y la innovación Ante la exigencia respecto a que las actividades económicas y sociales que impulsan la actividad turística y gastronómica no dañen el ambiente, se promueve que éstas sean sustentables. Dichas exigencias no son nuevas, desde el 2000 a la fecha se incentivan, lo cual ha provocado transformaciones importantes que ameritan una revisión general. Así, este libro abre un espacio para la presentación de investigaciones relacionadas con el turismo y la gastronomía desde la sustentabilidad. El tema central y las tendencias del mismo evidencian la orientación que hemos querido darle al libro, puesto que ninguno de los temas es más importante que otro y el orden en el que aparecen obedece únicamente a cuestiones logísticas y didácticas. De esta manera, el libro se compone de tres apartados. El primero está dedicado a la gestión sustentable e integra cinco capítulos. El segundo apartado toca el tema de la innovación sustentable y está integrado por seis trabajos, a través de los cuales se busca generar la discusión y el debate sobre la innovación en diferentes contextos del turismo y la gastronomía. El tercer apartado del libro está dedicado a la acción sustentable y se integra por seis trabajos.UAEME