1,391 research outputs found

    The Brazilian-adapted Working Alliance Inventory : preliminary report on the psychometric properties of the original and short revised versions

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    Introduction: Alliance is an essential component of all psychotherapies and a consistent predictor of its outcomes. The Working Alliance Inventory (WAI) is a widely used and psychometrically sound measure of alliance. It assesses three key aspects of the construct: a) agreement on the tasks of therapy; b) agreement on the therapeutic goals; and c) development of an affective bond. Objective: To preliminarily analyze the psychometric properties of the Brazilian version of both the original, 36-item WAI, and of the short form revised, 16-item version (WAI-SR). Methods: The sample comprised 201 psychodynamic psychotherapy patients. Alliance assessments were made after the 4th treatment session. Results: The inventory adapted to Brazilian Portuguese, in both the original and short forms, appears to be reliable and valid to measure alliance and its dimensions by clients in psychotherapy. Further studies are needed to replicate and expand the findings

    Avaliação da simulação em parada cardiorrespiratória durante o debriefing entre estudantes de enfermagem na pandemia

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    Objective: to evaluate the simulation in cardiopulmonary arrest during the debriefing among nursing students in the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: a descriptive study with a qualitative approach carried out among 22 nursing students in two stages: clinical simulation in cardiopulmonary arrest and debriefing associated with the simulation. The textual corpus resulting from the dialogues was submitted to lexicographical analysis, with the aid of the “IRAMUTEQ” software. Results: most students had never participated in clinical simulation scenarios during graduation. Through the debriefing, facilitating aspects such as the manikin's voice and the realism of the simulation were identified. As difficulties, the students attributed nervousness and lack of knowledge in cardiopulmonary arrest care. Conclusion: in the evaluation of the simulation during the debriefing, the importance of this practical teaching strategy for academic training was verified, positively impacting the teaching-learning process of the nursing student, especially in the COVID-19 pandemic.Objetivo: evaluar la simulación en paro cardiorrespiratorio durante el debriefing entre los estudiantes de enfermería en la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: estudio descriptivo con enfoque cualitativo realizado entre 22 estudiantes de enfermería en dos etapas: simulación clínica en paro cardiorrespiratorio y debriefing asociado a la simulación. El corpus textual resultante de los diálogos fue sometido a un análisis lexicográfico, con la ayuda del programa “IRAMUTEQ”.  Resultados: la mayoría de los estudiantes nunca han participado en escenarios de simulación clínica en el transcurso del pregrado. Mediante el debriefing, se identificaron aspectos facilitadores como la voz del maniquí y el realismo de la simulación. Como dificultadores, los estudiantes atribuyeron el nerviosismo y la falta de conocimiento a la atención en paro cardiorrespiratorio. Conclusión: en la evaluación de la simulación durante el debriefing, se notó la importancia de esta estrategia de enseñanza práctica para la formación académica, impactando positivamente en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje del estudiante de enfermería, sobre todo en la pandemia de COVID-19.Objetivo: avaliar a simulação em parada cardiorrespiratória durante o debriefing entre estudantes de enfermagem na pandemia. Método: estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa realizado em duas etapas: simulação clínica em parada cardiorrespiratória e debriefing associado à simulação. O corpus textual decorrente dos diálogos foi submetido à análise lexicográfica, com auxílio do software Interface de R pour Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires.  Resultados: participaram do estudo 22 estudantes de enfermagem, cuja maioria nunca havia participado de cenários de simulação clínica no decorrer da graduação. Mediante o debriefing, identificaram-se aspectos facilitadores e dificultadores da simulação, como o conhecimento, a voz do manequim, o realismo da simulação e a assistência ao paciente no atendimento em parada cardiorrespiratória. Conclusão: na avaliação da simulação durante o debriefing verificou-se a importância desta estratégia de ensino prático para melhor formação acadêmica, influindo positivamente no processo de ensino-aprendizagem do estudante de enfermagem, sobretudo na pandemia

    Integration between empirical research and psychoanalytic practice: An illustrative study

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    Entre as alternativas para superar a dissociação entre a investigação científica e a prática clínica psicanalítica, destaca-se a utilização de procedimentos empíricos que avaliam questões clinicamente importantes, como a inclusão da perspectiva do psicoterapeuta no estudo e a publicação de resultados de pesquisa em linguagem acessível ao psicoterapeuta. O presente trabalho mostra, por meio de um estudo sistemático de caso único de uma psicoterapia com uma paciente borderline, como dados clínicos e empíricos podem ser conjugados para ampliar a compreensão da paciente e das mudanças no seu funcionamento ao longo do 1º ano do tratamento. A sistematização do caso foi baseada nas anotações clínicas da psicoterapeuta e na aplicação de dois instrumentos: o SWAP-200, que avalia personalidade, e o SCL-90-R, que examina a sintomatologia. Esses dados foram integrados para formular uma hipótese compreensiva clínico-empírica sobre o processo psicoterápico e as mudanças no funcionamento da paciente no 1º ano de tratamento. A conclusão indica que, embora não seja uma tarefa simples, a integração entre a pesquisa empírica e a prática clínica psicanalítica é possível e potencialmente útil para ambos os campos. A superação dessa histórica separação depende do esforço conjunto de psicoterapeutas e pesquisadores.Palavras-chave: pesquisa em psicoterapia psicanalítica, estudo de caso sistemático, processo psicoterápico.Among the alternatives to overcome the dissociation between scientific research and clinical practice, we highlight the use of empirical procedures that evaluate clinically important questions, the inclusion of the psychotherapist’s perspective in the study, and the publication of research results in accessible language for the psychotherapist. This paper shows, through a systematic study of a single case of psychotherapy with a borderline patient, as clinical and empirical data can be combined to increase the understanding of the patient and changes on her functioning over the first year of treatment. The systematization of the case was based on the clinical notes of the psychotherapist and on the application of two instruments: the SWAP-200, which evaluates personality, and the SCL-90-R, which evaluates symptomatology. The data were integrated to formulate a comprehensive clinical and empirical hypothesis about the psychotherapeutic process and changes in the functioning of the patient in the 1st year of treatment. The conclusion indicates that although it is not a simple task, the integration between empirical research and psychoanalytic practice is possible and potentially useful for both fields. Overcoming this historical separation depends on the combined efforts of therapists and researchers.Keywords: psychoanalytic psychotherapy research, systematic case study, psychotherapy process

    Integração família-escola: a experiência de um estágio em educação e comunidade

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    O papel do psicólogo escolar é atuar de acordo com o papel de educador, ajudando a aumentar a qualidade e a eficiência do processo educacional através da aplicação dos conhecimentos psicológicos. Os objetivos do artigo, de revisão de literatura e análise documental, são: fazer levantamento da importância de um estágio de integração família-escola;entender como a família pode ser integrada à escola a partir de um projeto de estágio; verificar se essa relação família-escola se torna mais próxima a partir das intervenções propostas pelas estagiárias do projeto. O estudo tem relevância científica e social, pois serve como parâmetro para outros pesquisadores que querem estudar a integração família-escola, bem como a importância das atividades feitas com os pais, buscando uma melhor qualidade em seus relacionamentos com seus filhos, bem como com a instituição de ensino. Esta pesquisa teve como método de investigação o levantamento bibliográfico a respeito do problema referido; levantamento documental dos diagnósticos e projetos de intervenção feitos pelas estagiárias do programa de estágio em 2003 e 2004; por fim, descrição dos relatórios finais de estágio

    Perinephric Pseudocyst in a Two-Month-Old Female Cat

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    Background: Perinephric pseudocyst is defined as an accumulation of fluid in fibrous sacs surrounding one or both kidneys, and may be located in the subcapsular or extracapsular region. Histologically, it is characterized by the absence of an epithelial lining to the cyst wall and the term pseudocyst is used. This condition have been reported sporadically in cats, and is associated with chronic kidney disease, mainly in older animals. The diagnosis is based on imaging tests and the prognosis is related to the severity of renal dysfunction. The aim of this report is to describe an unusual presentation of perinephric pseudocyst in a very young female cat.Case: A mixed-breed 2-month-old female cat was evaluated for presenting abdominal distension and anatomical deformities of the limbs. Renomegaly on the left side was noted during abdominal palpation. On presentation, the serum creatinine was 134 μmol/L. Urinalysis showed mild proteinuria, presence of squamous and transitional cells, and rare bacteria. The urine specific gravity was 1.044 and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 0.23. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a large anechoic subcapsular cyst on the left kidney, in adittion to dilatation of renal pelvis and calyces. The excretory urography showed left renomegaly, and the nephrogram and pyelogram were not clearly observed in this kidney, indicating unilateral deficiency in renal filtration. The cat was referred to unilateral left nephrectomy but died shortly before surgery. At necropsy,marked left kidney enlargment was observed (6.5 x 4.5 x 1.5 cm), with a cystic aspect, occupying almost the entire abdominal cavity. The cystic content was translucent and was compressing the renal parenchyma, resulting in hydronephrosis. The capsule forming the cyst wall was composed of connective tissue, characterizing the perinephric pseudocyst.Discussion: Reports show cases of perinephric pseudocyst affecting mostly older animals, above eight years old. In one retrospective study of 26 cases, 73% were male and the mean age was eleven years, ranging from four to 18 years old. Another study of 13 cases showed a mean age of 16 years. In this report, unexpectedly, the patient was too young comparedto these other cases, but the clinical presentation was similiar. Being a young animal, in the absence of ureterolithiasis or history of trauma, it is suggested a congenital origin for the disease. Loss of renal function and azotemia may occur in about 90% of the cases by compression of the renal parenchyma by the pseudocyst or due to associated interstitial fibrosis. In this case, the serum creatinine concentration was above the reference value proposed for pediatric patients therefore, the cat may be considered azotemic. Beyond that, the excretory urography indicated no proper excretory function on the left kidney. It is proposed that the renal function was being compensated by the contralateral kidney. The clinical and imaging findings of this case are compatible with perinephric pseudocyst, which was confirmed by necropsy and histopathologicalexamination. This condition is not commonly reported in cats of pediatric age, althought it must be considered as a differencial diagnosis to cats presenting abdominal distension and renomegaly, even young ones. Imaging tests were important in this case, not only to direct the diagnosis, but also contributing in evaluating the renal excretory function.Keywords: perirenal pseudocyst, pararenal cyst, feline

    Participação comunitária na educação escolar quilombola: a Carta de Anuência no quilombo João Surá (PR)

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    ABSTRACT. Quilombola School Education arises from the struggle of quilombola populations for the right to a school education that corresponds to their particularities, which is understood as a school education that comes in addition to the quilombola education, already carried out in the daily life of community life. Thus, community participation in Quilombola School Education is essential for its realization. The João Surá quilombo, located in Paraná, has a Quilombola State School, in which since 2011 the Letter of Consent has been adopted as an instrument through which the community can appoint the civil servants to the school. The study here presented aims to analyze the adoption of the Letter of Consent at the aforesaid school, specially by taking the community participation in consideration. The research took place between 2018 and 2020, based on the action research methodology. The results indicate that the Letter of Consent has contributed to a process of greater community participation in school education, where the community appropriates from and signifies the instrument (i.e. the Letter of Consent), pointing out new possibilities for other communities.ABSTRACT. Quilombola School Education arises from the struggle of quilombola populations for the right to a school education that corresponds to their particularities, which is understood as a school education that comes in addition to the quilombola education, already carried out in the daily life of community life. Thus, community participation in Quilombola School Education is essential for its realization. The João Surá quilombo, located in Paraná, has a Quilombola State School, in which since 2011 the Letter of Consent has been adopted as an instrument through which the community can appoint the civil servants to the school. The study here presented aims to analyze the adoption of the Letter of Consent at the aforesaid school, specially by taking the community participation in consideration. The research took place between 2018 and 2020, based on the action research methodology. The results indicate that the Letter of Consent has contributed to a process of greater community participation in school education, where the community appropriates from and signifies the instrument (i.e. the Letter of Consent), pointing out new possibilities for other communities.   Keywords: Quilombo João Surá (PR), CEQ Diogo Ramos, Community Participation, Letter of Consent.RESUMEN. La Educación Escolar Quilombola nace de la lucha de las poblaciones quilombolas por el derecho a una educación escolar que corresponda a sus especificidades, entendida como una educación escolar que se suma a la educación quilombola ya realizada en la vida diaria de vida comunitaria. Así, la participación comunitaria en la Educación Escolar Quilombola es fundamental para su realización. El quilombo João Surá, ubicado en Paraná, cuenta con un Colegio Estatal Quilombola, donde, desde 2011, se adopto la Carta de Consentimiento como un instrumento a través del cual la comunidad elige a los servidores que trabajarán en la escuela. El estudio aquí presentado tuvo como objetivo analizar la adopción de la Carta de Consentimiento en la mencionada escuela desde la perspectiva de la participación comunitaria. La investigación se realizó entre 2018 y 2020, basado en la metodología de investigación acción, donde, además de encuestas bibliográficas y documentales sobre el tema, se realizaron entrevistas con líderes comunitarios y con empleados de esa escuela. Los resultados indican que la Carta de Consentimiento ha contribuido a un proceso de mayor participación comunitaria en la educación escolar, donde la comunidad se apropia y significa el instrumento, señalando posibilidades para otras comunidades.   Palabras clave: Quilombo João Surá (PR), CEQ Diogo Ramos, participación comunitaria, Carta de Consentimiento.ABSTRACT. Quilombola School Education arises from the struggle of quilombola populations for the right to a school education that corresponds to their particularities, which is understood as a school education that comes in addition to the quilombola education, already carried out in the daily life of community life. Thus, community participation in Quilombola School Education is essential for its realization. The João Surá quilombo, located in Paraná, has a Quilombola State School, in which since 2011 the Letter of Consent has been adopted as an instrument through which the community can appoint the civil servants to the school. The study here presented aims to analyze the adoption of the Letter of Consent at the aforesaid school, specially by taking the community participation in consideration. The research took place between 2018 and 2020, based on the action research methodology. The results indicate that the Letter of Consent has contributed to a process of greater community participation in school education, where the community appropriates from and signifies the instrument (i.e. the Letter of Consent), pointing out new possibilities for other communities.A Educação Escolar Quilombola nasce da luta das populações quilombolas pelo direito à uma educação escolar que corresponda às suas especificidades, sendo esta compreendida como uma educação escolar que vem a somar com a educação quilombola já realizada no cotidiano da vida comunitária. Desse modo, a participação comunitária na Educação Escolar Quilombola é fundamental para a sua realização. O quilombo João Surá, localizado no Paraná, conta com um Colégio Estadual Quilombola, onde, desde 2011, tem sido adotado a Carta de Anuência como um instrumento por meio do qual a comunidade escolhe os servidores que atuarão na escola. O estudo aqui apresentado teve como objetivo analisar a adoção da Carta de Anuência na escola mencionada sob a perspectiva da participação comunitária. A pesquisa foi realizada entre 2018 a 2020, tendo por base a metodologia de pesquisa-ação. Os resultados indicaram que a Carta de Anuência tem contribuído para um processo de maior participação comunitária na educação escolar, onde a comunidade se apropria e significa o instrumento, apontando possibilidades para outras comunidades. Palavras-chave: Quilombo João Surá (PR), CEQ Diogo Ramos, participação comunitária, Carta de Anuência.   Community participation in quilombola school education: the Letter of Consent in the quilombo João Surá (PR) ABSTRACT. Quilombola School Education arises from the struggle of quilombola populations for the right to a school education that corresponds to their particularities, which is understood as a school education that comes in addition to the quilombola education, already carried out in the daily life of community life. Thus, community participation in Quilombola School Education is essential for its realization. The João Surá quilombo, located in Paraná, has a Quilombola State School, in which since 2011 the Letter of Consent has been adopted as an instrument through which the community can appoint the civil servants to the school. The study here presented aims to analyze the adoption of the Letter of Consent at the aforesaid school, specially by taking the community participation in consideration. The research took place between 2018 and 2020, based on the action research methodology. The results indicate that the Letter of Consent has contributed to a process of greater community participation in school education, where the community appropriates from and signifies the instrument (i.e. the Letter of Consent), pointing out new possibilities for other communities. Keywords: Quilombo João Surá (PR), CEQ Diogo Ramos, Community Participation, Letter of Consent.   Participación comunitaria en la educación escolar quilombola: la carta de consentimiento en el quilombo João Surá (PR) RESUMEN. La Educación Escolar Quilombola nace de la lucha de las poblaciones quilombolas por el derecho a una educación escolar que corresponda a sus especificidades, entendida como una educación escolar que se suma a la educación quilombola ya realizada en la vida diaria de vida comunitaria. Así, la participación comunitaria en la Educación Escolar Quilombola es fundamental para su realización. El quilombo João Surá, ubicado en Paraná, cuenta con un Colegio Estatal Quilombola, donde, desde 2011, se adopto la Carta de Consentimiento como un instrumento a través del cual la comunidad elige a los servidores que trabajarán en la escuela. El estudio aquí presentado tuvo como objetivo analizar la adopción de la Carta de Consentimiento en la mencionada escuela desde la perspectiva de la participación comunitaria. La investigación se realizó entre 2018 y 2020, basado en la metodología de investigación acción, donde, además de encuestas bibliográficas y documentales sobre el tema, se realizaron entrevistas con líderes comunitarios y con empleados de esa escuela. Los resultados indican que la Carta de Consentimiento ha contribuido a un proceso de mayor participación comunitaria en la educación escolar, donde la comunidad se apropia y significa el instrumento, señalando posibilidades para otras comunidades. Palabras clave: Quilombo João Surá (PR), CEQ Diogo Ramos, participación comunitaria, Carta de Consentimiento. Palavras-chave: Quilombo João Surá (PR), CEQ Diogo Ramos, participação comunitária, Carta de Anuência

    Strategies for the prevention of prostate cancer

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    Objectives: To identify the difficulties for the prevention of prostate cancer and to describe strategies for the prevention of prostate cancer. Method: Exploratory, qualitative and bibliographic research carried out in the Nursing Database (BDENF) and in the Latin-American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS). After pre-reading and selective reading, were selected 8 potential bibliographies. Results: After interpretative and thematic analysis, three categories emerged: Politics and organizational difficulties for the prevention of prostate cancer, Sociocultural difficulties for the prevention of prostate cancer and Strategies for the prevention of prostate cancer. Conclusion: The strategies must have as its focus the politics and the organization of services, to coadunate with the National Politics, as well as with the social and cultural reality of men. The educational activities can contribute to minimize such difficulties, diminishing the prejudices and increasing the male adhesion in the health services for the prevention of prostate cancer

    Reflexiones sobre la planificación y el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje : el caso de los profesores de informática en Educación Profesional y Tecnológica

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    Considerando o planejamento como um elemento fundamental para o desenvolvimento do processo ensino-aprendizagem este artigo propõe refletir sobre o planejamento dos professores de informática da educação profissional e tecnológica com o objetivo de compreender as contribuições com o processo ensino-aprendizagem dos educandos. Utilizou-se como metodologia a abordagem qualitativa, com realização de entrevista semiestruturada com três professores de informática. A análise dos dados se deu pela técnica de Aguiar e Ozella (2006) organizada pelos pré-indicadores e indicadores de forma a chegar nas sínteses dos núcleos de significação do objeto, o que nos possibilitou realizar uma análise empírica considerando os quatro núcleos que emergiram do nosso objeto, são eles: Núcleo 1: Considerações sobre o uso da práxis em busca do rompimento do ensino tradicional; Núcleo 2: Estratégias Metodológicas diferenciadas na construção do conhecimento do discente; Núcleo 3: Avaliação como processo de sondagem e de compreensão dos conteúdos; Núcleo 4: A importância da relação professor-aluno e a motivação dos alunos em sala de aula. Verificou-se que os professores procuram organizar seu planejamento de forma aberta e flexível levando em consideração a realidade do educando e buscando estratégias que possibilitam tornar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem mais significativo.Considering planning as a fundamental element for the development of the teaching-learning process. This article proposes to reflect on the planning of computer teachers in vocational and technological education in order to understand how it contributes to the students' teaching-learning process. The qualitative approach was used as a methodology, with a semi-structured interview with three computer teachers. Data analysis was performed using the technique of Aguiar and Ozella (2006) organized by pre-indicators and indicators in order to arrive at the synthesis of the object's meaning cores, which allowed us to carry out an empirical analysis considering the four cores that emerged from the our object, they are: Nucleus 1: Considerations on the use of praxis in search of the break with traditional teaching; Core 2: Differentiated methodological strategies in the construction of student knowledge; Nucleus 3: Evaluation as a process of probing and understanding the contents; Core 4: The importance of the teacher-student relationship and the motivation of students in the classroom. It was found that teachers seek to organize their planning in an open and flexible way taking into account the reality of the student and seeking strategies that enable the adequacy of students. content to the needs of the teaching-learning process, making it possible to make it more meaningful.Considerar la planificación como un elemento fundamental para el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Este artículo propone reflexionar sobre la planificación de los profesores de informática en la educación vocacional y tecnológica para comprender cómo contribuye al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El enfoque cualitativo se utilizó como metodología, con una entrevista semiestructurada con tres profesores de informática. El análisis de datos se realizó utilizando la técnica de Aguiar y Ozella (2006) organizada por preindicadores e indicadores para llegar a la síntesis de los núcleos de significado del objeto, lo que nos permitió llevar a cabo un análisis empírico considerando los cuatro núcleos que surgieron del nuestro objeto son: Núcleo 1: Consideraciones sobre el uso de la praxis en busca de la ruptura con la enseñanza tradicional; Core 2: Estrategias metodológicas diferenciadas en la construcción del conocimiento del alumno; Núcleo 3: Evaluación como un proceso de sondeo y comprensión de los contenidos; Núcleo 4: La importancia de la relación profesor-alumno y la motivación de los alumnos en el aula Se descubrió que los profesores buscan organizar su planificación de una manera abierta y flexible teniendo en cuenta la realidad del alumno y buscando estrategias que permitan la adecuación de los alumnos. contenido a las necesidades del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, lo que hace posible que sea más significativo

    Valor econômico da polinização por abelhas mamangavas no cultivo do maracujá-amarelo

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    Este trabalho objetivou estimar o valor econômico do serviço ecossistêmico de polinização fornecido pelas abelhas do gênero Xylocopa em três propriedades que cultivam o maracujá-amarelo (Passiflora edulis), as quais estão situadas nos municípios de Viçosa e Paula Cândido, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Obteve-se tal valor por meio da técnica de valoração econômica-ambiental dos custos evitados, o qual foi de R.The objective in this study was to estimate the economic value of the pollination ecosystem service of bees belonging to Xylocopa genus in three areas cultivated with yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis), located in Viçosa and Paula Cândido, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The economic value, which was R