171 research outputs found

    Factores asociados a la percepción de halitosis en adolescentes de 10 a 13 años de edad, en la comuna de Talca

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    38 p.INTRODUCCIÓN: Dentro de las alteraciones de la salud oral, la halitosis es un problema que afecta a individuos de todas las edades y de todo el mundo. Por sí sola, puede condicionar la calidad de vida de las personas, puntualmente en lo que se refiere a relaciones sociales e interpersonales y es conocida la importancia que tienen durante la adolescencia el contacto y la aceptación por parte de grupos sociales. Debido a la dificultad de realizar una evaluación objetiva que determine la presencia de halitosis su valoración en muchos casos es personal y autoreferida por lo que es necesario investigar los factores asociados a su percepción. OBJETIVO: Conocer los factores asociados a la percepción de halitosis en jóvenes de 10 a 13 años, residentes en la ciudad de Talca, Chile (2009-2011). SUJETOS Y MÉTODOS: Este estudio transversal es parte del componente chileno de New Canadian Children and Youth Study (Beiser et al., 2005). Se utilizó un muestreo de bola de nieve, en el que se contactó e incorporó a familias con hijos cuyas edades iban de 10 a 13 años mediante la escuela a la que asistían en la ciudad de Talca. Las variables sociodemográficas fueron analizadas en padres y adolescentes, incluyendo sexo y edad. El estudio también recopiló datos sobre percepción de salud general y oral, nivel de autoestima, nivel educacional del tutor, número de consultas anuales al odontólogo y frecuencia de hábitos de higiene oral de los jóvenes. Se analizó los datos a través del test test exacto de Fisher y Maann Whitney. RESULTADOS: El 26% de los adolescentes relató haber percibido halitosis en los últimos 3 meses, mientras que 49% respondió negativamente. Las variables asociadas a la percepción de halitosis son la edad del tutor, nivel de autoestima y frecuencia de uso de seda dental. CONCLUSIONES: Las variables edad del tutor, autoestima y frecuencia de uso de seda dental se asociaron significativamente con la percepción de halitosis en los adolescentes de 10 a 13 años de Talca. Las variables nivel de escolaridad del tutor, número de consultas al odontólogo u ortodoncista y frecuencia de cepillado dental no se asociaron a la percepción de halitosis. Palabras claves: Percepción de halitosis, hábitos de higiene oral, autoestima, jóvenes y percepción de salud oral./ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: In alterations in oral health, halitosis is a problem that affects individuals of all ages around the world. By itself, it can influence the quality of life of people, specifically in regards to social and interpersonal relations and is known the importance during adolescence contact and acceptance of social groups. Due to the difficulty of conducting an objective evaluation to determine the presence of halitosis your review in many cases is personal and self-referential so it is necessary to investigate the factors associated with their perception. OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with the perception of halitosis in young people aged 10 to 13 years, residents in the city of Talca, Chile (2009-2011). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: This cross-sectional study is part of the Chilean part of New Canadian Children and Youth Study (Beiser et al, 2005). Sampling was used snowball, which were contacted and included families with children ranging in age from 10 to 13 years by the school they attended in the city of Talca. The sociodemographic variables were analyzed in parents and adolescents, including sex and age. The study also collected data on general health perceptions and oral, self-esteem , educational level tutor, number of annual visits to the dentist and frequency of oral hygiene habits of young people. Data were analyzed using the Fisher exact test and test Maann Whitney. RESULTS: 26 % of adolescents reported having perceived halitosis in the past 3 months, while 49 % responded negatively. The variables associated with the perception of halitosis are age tutor, self-esteem and frequency of flossing. CONCLUSIONS: The variables age tutor, self-esteem and frequency of flossing were significantly associated with the perception of halitosis in adolescents 10 to 13 years of Talca. The variables education level tutor, number of visits to the dentist or orthodontist and toothbrushing frequency were not associated with the perception of halitosis. Keywords: Perception of halitosis, oral hygiene habits, self-esteem, perception of youth and oral health

    Genome expression analysis of nonproliferating intracellular Salmonella enterica serovar ty phimurium unravels an acid pH-dependent PhoP-PhoQ response essential for dormancy

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    Genome-wide expression analyses have provided clues on how Salmonella proliferates inside cultured macrophages and epithelial cells. However, in vivo studies show that Salmonella does not replicate massively within host cells, leaving the underlyingmechanisms of such growth control largely undefined. In vitro infection models based on fibroblasts or dendritic cells reveal limited proliferation of the pathogen, but it is presently unknown whether these phenomena reflect events occurring in vivo. Fibroblasts are distinctive, since they represent a nonphagocytic cell type in which S. enterica serovar Typhimurium actively attenuates intracellular growth. Here, we show in the mouse model that S. Typhimurium restrains intracellular growth within nonphagocytic cells positioned in the intestinal lamina propria. This response requires a functional PhoP-PhoQ system and is reproduced inprimary fibroblasts isolated from the mouse intestine. The fibroblast infection model was exploited to generate transcriptome data, which revealed that [H11011]2% (98 genes) of the S. Typhimurium genome is differentially expressed in nongrowing intracellular bacteria. Changes include metabolic reprogramming to microaerophilic conditions, induction of virulence plasmid genes,upregulation of the pathogenicity islands SPI-1 and SPI-2, and shutdown of flagella production and chemotaxis. Comparison of relative protein levels of several PhoP-PhoQ-regulated functions (PagN, PagP, and VirK) in nongrowing intra-cellular bacteria andextracellular bacteria exposed to diverse PhoP-PhoQ-inducing signals denoted a regulation responding to acidic pH. These data demonstrate that S. Typhimurium restrains intracellular growth in vivo and support a model in which dormant intracellular bacteriacould sense vacuolar acidification to stimulate the PhoP-PhoQ system for preventing intracellular overgrowth.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2010-18885 CSD2008-00013-INTERMODS BIO2010-15023Junta de Andalucía P10-CVI-587

    Breast milk preservation: thermal and non-thermal processes and their effect on microorganism inactivation and the content of bioactive and nutritional compounds

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    Human Breast Milk (HBM) is widely acknowledged as the best nutritional source for neonates. Data indicates that, in 2019, 83.2% of infants in the United States received breast milk at birth, slightly reducing to 78.6% at 1 month. Despite these encouraging early figures, exclusive breastfeeding rates sharply declined, dropping to 24.9% by 6 months. This decline is particularly pronounced when direct breastfeeding is challenging, such as in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) and for working mothers. Given this, it is vital to explore alternative breast milk preservation methods. Technologies like Holder Pasteurization (HoP), High-Temperature Short-Time Pasteurization (HTST), High-Pressure Processing (HPP), UV radiation (UV), and Electric Pulses (PEF) have been introduced to conserve HBM. This review aims to enhance the understanding of preservation techniques for HBM, supporting the practice of extended exclusive breastfeeding. It explicitly addresses microbial concerns, focusing on critical pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Cytomegalovirus, and explores how various preservation methods can mitigate these risks. Additionally, the review highlights the importance of retaining the functional elements of HBM, particularly its immunological components such as antibodies and enzymes like lysozyme and Bile Salt Stimulated Lipase (BSSL). The goal is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of HBM treatment, critically assess existing practices, identify areas needing improvement, and advocate for extended exclusive breastfeeding due to its vital role in ensuring optimal nutrition and overall health in infants

    Feasibility of the 30 s Sit-to-Stand Test in the Telehealth Setting and Its Relationship to Persistent Symptoms in Non-Hospitalized Patients with Long COVID

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    Fatigue, dyspnea and pain are the main limitations of patients with long COVID. The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of the 30 s sit-to-stand (30s-STS) test in the telehealth setting and its relationship to persistent symptoms in a sample of non-hospitalized patients with long COVID. A cross-sectional study was conducted in community patients with long COVID. Data collection and assessments were performed by videoconference and consisted of the fatigue assessment scale (FAS), London activity of daily living scale (LCADL), post-COVID-19 functional status (PCFS) and European quality of life questionnaire (EQ-5D-5L), including the pain/discomfort dimension. The 30s-STS test was performed using a standardized protocol adapted for remote use, and the modified Borg scale (0-10) was used to assess dyspnea and lower limb fatigue immediately after the test. The feasibility of the 30s-STS test was assessed by the proportion of eligible participants who were able to complete the test. Safety was assessed by the number of adverse events that occurred during the test. Seventy-nine participants were included (median age: 44 years, 86.1% women). Performance in the 30s-STS test was 11.5 ± 3.2 repetitions with 60.8% of the sample below reference values. All eligible participants were able to complete the test. No adverse events were reported during the evaluation. Participants with lower 30s-STS performance had more fatigue and dyspnea, worse quality of life, more severe pain/discomfort, and worse functional status (p < 0.05). A significant correlation was obtained between LCADL and dyspnea, reported on the Borg scale (0-10) post 30s-STS (r = 0.71; p < 0.001). In conclusion, the 30s-STS test proved to be a feasible test to implement in the telehealth setting and is related to fatigue, dyspnea, quality of life and pain in non-hospitalized patients with long COVID. Clinicians may use this test when assessment of the physical sequelae of COVID-19 in the face-to-face setting is not possible

    Percepción de los pacientes sobre cuidado humanizado en un hospital del Área metropolitana de Barranquilla

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    Determinar la percepción de los pacientes sobre el cuidado humanizado brindado por las enfermeras en los servicios de hospitalización y urgencias de un hospital del área metropolitana de Barranquilla. Metodología: Estudio de corte transversal, con una muestra inicial de 176 pacientes, pero debido a la pandemia actual por COVID-19 se limitó la muestra a 35 pacientes en los servicios de hospitalización y urgencias de un hospital de tercer nivel del área metropolitana de Barranquilla, durante el año 2020. Se aplicó una encuesta sociodemográfica y el instrumento "Percepción de Comportamientos de Cuidado Humanizado de Enfermería (PCHE)". Resultados: Se evidencia una buena percepción de los cuidados recibidos por parte de los profesionales de enfermería del área de hospitalización y urgencias del Hospital Universidad del Norte, 34 pacientes perciben que siempre recibieron un cuidado humanizado durante su estancia hospitalaria en el centro de salud frente a un porcentaje del 2.86% que indica que casi siempre se percibe un cuidado humanizado por parte de enfermería, porcentaje que corresponde a 1 paciente.PregradoEnfermer

    Validation of Spanish Language Evaluation Instruments for Body Dysmorphic Disorder and the Dysmorphic Concern Construct

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    Dysmorphic concern (DC) refers to excessive preoccupation with a slight or imagined defect in physical appearance with social avoidance and behavior directed at controlling the defect in appearance. This study attempted to adapt the factor structure of two instruments that cover the DC construct, the Dysmorphic Concern Questionnaire (DCQ) and the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination Self-Report (BDDE-SR), to Spanish and establish their psychometric properties. A total of 920 subjects (62.7% women, Mage = 32.44 years) participated. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of both scales found adequate goodness of fit indices. A one-dimensional structure was found for the DCQ and two first-order factors (dissatisfaction/preoccupation with body image (BI) and BI avoidance behavior) were identified for the BDDE-SR. The psychometric test–retest reliability and validity properties (content, convergent, and discriminant) were satisfactory. It is suggested that the DC construct includes both cognitive and behavioral aspects and may represent a continuum of severity with Body Dysmorphic Disorder at the end.European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under [grant agreement no 31674

    Alterations in respiratory function test three months after hospitalisation for covid-19 pneumonia: Value of determining nitric oxide diffusion

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    Three to four months after hospitalisation for COVID-19 pneumonia, the most frequently described alteration in respiratory function tests (RFTs) is decreased carbon monoxide transfer capacity (DLCO). Methods: This is a prospective cohort study that included patients hospitalised because of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia, three months after their discharge. A clinical evaluation, analytical parameters, chest X-ray, six-minute walk test, spirometry and DLCO–DLNO analysis were performed. Demographic variables, comorbidities, and variables related to the severity of the admission were recorded. Results: Two hundred patients completed the study; 59.5% men, age 62 years, 15.5% admitted to the intensive care unit. The most frequent functional alteration, in 27% of patients, was in the DLCO–DLNO combination. This alteration was associated with age, male sex, degree of dyspnoea, poorer perception of health, and limited ability for physical effort. These patients also presented higher levels of D-Dimer and more residual radiological alterations. In 42% of the patients with diffusion alterations, only reduced DLNO was presented, along with lower D-Dimer levels and less capillary volume involvement. The severity of the process was associated with the reduction in DLCO–DLNO. Conclusions: The most sensitive RFT for the detection of the sequelae of COVID-19 pneumonia was the combined measurement of DLCO–DLNO and this factor was related to patient health status and their capacity for physical exertion. In 40% of these cases, there was only a reduction in DLNO, a finding that may indicate less pulmonary vascular involvement.This research was funded by the Traslaciona Grant Program (code CT-850A-3 from the Xunta de Galicia (FEDER)

    El papel de la autoconciencia en la preocupación por la imagen corporal en población general

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    Antecedentes: La autoconciencia se contempla de manera dicotómica; por un lado, como un estado transitorio inducido por estímulos contextuales y por otro, como una predisposición del individuo a focalizar su atención sobre aspectos internos o externos. Hay estudios que señalan que las personas con alta autoconciencia pública se preocupan en mayor medida por cómo son percibidas por los demás y, consecuentemente, realizan conductas que según ellas, atenúan las valoraciones negativas por parte de otros. Objetivo. Se pretende estudiar el papel que tiene la autoconciencia y sus dimensiones (privada, pública y ansiedad social) en la preocupación por la imagen corporal. Se predice que tanto la autoconciencia pública, como la privada y la ansiedad social, tienen un peso importante en la preocupación por el cuerpo, especialmente entre las mujeres. Método: La muestra la componen 475 participantes de ambos sexos (307 mujeres y 168 hombres) con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 65 años (Media=37,85 y DT=13,37). ara la evaluación se utilizó el Dysmorphic Concern Questionnaire (DCQ Cuestionario de preocupaciones dismórficas) y Self-Consciousness Scale - Revised (SCS-R Escala de Autoconciencia). Se empleó un diseño transversal (una medida) para un método relacional. Ancova de la Autoconciencia (teniendo en cuenta sus tres componentes), preocupación dismórfica, edad y género. Resultados: Se obtienen relaciones significativas entre las preocupaciones dismórficas y la autoconciencia, tanto globalmente como por factores. Se obtiene un patrón diferenciado para estos criterios en función del género y la edad. Conclusiones: La identificación de los niveles de autoconciencia asociados a la preocupación por la imagen corporal puede ser relevante para la salud física y psicológica por su repercusión en el trastorno dismórfico corporal.Background: Self-consciousness, is contemplated dichotomously; on the one hand, as a transitory state induced by contextual stimuli and secondly, as a predisposition of the individual to focus attention on internal or external aspects. Studies show that people with high public self-consciousness are concerned more by how they are perceived by others and consequently perform behaviors that, according to them, attenuate the negative evaluations by others. Objective : The aim is to study the role of the self - consciousness and its dimensions (private, public and social anxiety) in concern with body image. It is predicted that both public self - consciousness, and private and social anxiety, have an important role in the body concern, particularly in women. Method: 475 male and female participants (307 women and 168 men) aged between 18 and 65 years (average = 37,85 and SD = 13,37). For the evaluation used the Dysmorphic concern questionnaire (DCQ) and Self - Consciousness Scale (SCS-R). Background: Self-consciousness, is contemplated dichotomously; on the one hand, as a transitory state induced by contextual stimuli and secondly, as a predisposition of the individual to focus attention on internal or external aspects. Studies show that people with high public self-consciousness are concerned more by how they are perceived by others and consequently perform behaviors that, according to them, attenuate the negative evaluations by others

    Position statement on infection screening, prophylaxis, and vaccination in pediatric patients with rheumatic diseases and immunosuppressive therapies, part 2: infection prophylaxis

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    This study aims to provide practical recommendations on prophylaxis for infection in pediatric patients with immune-mediated rheumatic diseases receiving/scheduled to receive immunosuppressive therapy. A qualitative approach was applied. A narrative literature review was performed via Medline. Primary searches were conducted using MeSH terms and free text to identify articles that analyzed data on infections and vaccinations in pediatric patients with immune-mediated rheumatic diseases receiving immunosuppressive therapy. The results were presented and discussed in a nominal group meeting comprising a committee of 12 pediatric rheumatologists from the Prevention and Treatment of Infections Working Group of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Rheumatology. Several recommendations were generated. A consensus procedure was implemented via a Delphi process that was extended to members of the Spanish Society of Pediatric Rheumatology and the Vaccine Advisory Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics. Participants produced a score ranging from 0 (completely disagree) to 10 (completely agree). Agreement was considered to have been reached if at least 70% of participants voted ≥ 7. The literature review included more than 400 articles. Overall, 63 recommendations were generated (23 on infection prophylaxis) and voted by 59 pediatric rheumatologists and other pediatric specialists, all of whom achieved the pre-established level of agreement. The recommendations on prophylaxis of infection cover vaccination and prophylaxis against varicella zoster virus, tuberculosis, Pneumocystis jiroveccii, and invasive fungal infections in pediatric patients with immune-mediated rheumatic diseases receiving/scheduled to receive immunosuppressive therapy. Conclusion: Based on current evidence and a Delphi process, we provided consensus and updated recommendations on prophylaxis and treatment of infections to guide those caring for pediatric rheumatology patients.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga/CBU

    Ripening-related cDNAs in guava fruit (Psidium guajava L.). Characterization and expression analysis

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    "En este estudio se presentan los análisis bioinformáticos y de la expresión de cuatro clonas de ADNc que codifican para una poligalacturonasa (PG), para ácido 1-aminociclopropano-1-carboxílico oxidasa (ACCo), y para dos α-expansinas (a-Exp) en guayaba (Psidium guajava L.). Mediante RT-PCR se obtuvo un fragmento parcial de 301 pb (PgPGl) correspondiente a una PG que se expresa a partir de fruto maduro, uno de 320 pb (PgACOl) para una ACCo de fruto sobremaduro, y dos para α-expansinas: uno de 466 pb (PgEXP2) de fruto sobremaduro y otro de 362 pb (PgEXP3) de pedúnculo. El análisis bioinformático de los ADNc mostró que codifican para proteínas putativas con una alta homología con proteínas relacionadas. La secuencia de aminoácidos de la proteína parcial PgPG1 contiene regiones características y conservadas de las PGs en plantas superiores y está relacionada con la maduración de frutos; PgACO1 mostró características presentes en todas las ACCo y está relacionada con la maduración; PgEXP2 y PgEXP3 contienen parte de los dos dominios presentes de las expansinas, y están agrupadas filogenéticamente con las α-expansinas. Los estudios de expresión mediante Dot Blot mostraron que el gen PgPGl fue visible en todos los estadios de maduración del fruto, con mayor intensidad durante el estadio maduro; el gen PgACO1 fue visible en los cinco estadios de maduración del fruto y presentó su expresión más alta durante el estadio de transición, cuando comienza el cambio de color verde al amarillo (estos dos genes muestran comportamientos similares a los reportados en frutos climatéricos); en PgEXP2 la expresión génica se detectó en todos los tejidos, con un incremento a partir del estadio verde 2 al sobremaduro, similar al comportamiento reportado en frutos no climatéricos; para PgEXP3 la expresión fue visible en cuatro estadios de maduración del fruto y en pedúnculo, con mayor intensidad en el estadio maduro que en todos los demás.""Bioinformatics analysis and gene expression studies of four clones of guava cDNA encoding for a polygalacturonase (PG), an acid 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACCo), and two α-expansins (a-Exp) in guava (Psidium guajava L.), is presented here. Using RT-PCR, a partial cDNA fragment of 301 bp (PgPGl) was associated to a PG from mature fruit, one of 320 bp (PgACOl) for an ACCo in overriped fruit, and two fragments for α-expansins: a 466 bp (PgEXP2) of overripe fruit and a 362 bp of peduncle (PgEXP3). cDNA analysis showed that these fragments encode putative proteins with high homology with related proteins. The aminoacid sequence of PgPG1 contains particular features and conserved regions of the PGs in higher plants and is related to fruit ripening; PgACO1 showed features present in all the ACCo and is related to fruit maturation; PgEXP2 and PgEXP3 partially contain two domains present in expansins; and they are phylogenetically grouped with α-expansins. Dot Blot expression studies showed that gene PgPGl was visible in all stages of fruit ripening, with higher intensity during mature stage. Gene PgACOl was visible in the five stages of fruit ripening, and was highest during the transition stage (these two genes displayed behaviors similar to those reported in climacteric fruits); PgEXP2 gene expression was detected in all tissues, with an increase from the Green Stage 2 to Overripe Stage 1, as it has been reported in non-climacteric fruits; for PgEXP3 the expression was visible in four stages of fruit ripening and at peduncle, with highest intensity at the mature stage.