82 research outputs found

    Game Analytics Evidence-Based Evaluation of a Learning Game for Intellectual Disabled Users.

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    Learning games are becoming popular among teachers as educational tools. However, despite all the game development quality processes (e.g., beta testing), there is no total assurance about the game design appropriateness to the students' cognitive skills until the games are used in the classroom. Furthermore, games designed speci cally for Intellectual Disabled (ID) users are even harder to evaluate because of the communication issues that this type of players have. ID users' feedback about their learning experience is complex to obtain and not always fully reliable. To address this problem, we use an evidence-based approach for evaluating the game design of Downtown, A Subway Adventure, a game created to improve independent living in users with ID. In this paper we exemplify the whole process of applying Game Analytics techniques to gather actual users' gameplay interaction data in real settings for evaluating the design. Following this process, researchers were able to validate different game aspects (e.g., mechanics) and could also identify game aws that may be dif cult to detect using formative evaluation or other observational-based methods. Results showed that the proposed evidence-based approach using Game Analytics information is an effective way to evaluate both the game design and the implementation, especially in situations where other types of evaluations that require users' involvement are limited.post-print1129 K

    Aplicación de Metodologías Participativas para el estudio de la Comunicación Audiovisual a través del uso de las tecnologías: de las metodologías activas a los aprendizajes colaborativos en Campus UCM

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    El proyecto “Aplicación de Metodologías Participativas para el estudio de la Comunicación Audiovisual a través del uso de las tecnologías: de las metodologías activas a los aprendizajes colaborativos en Campus UCM” continua la investigación realizada en el curso académico anterior con el proyecto titulado “Aplicación de metodologías activas para el estudio de la Narración Audiovisual. Gamificación y Aula Invertida”y aún anterior con el proyecto con el que iniciábamos esta experiencia en aula, en torno al aprendizaje de la asignatura de Narrativa Audiovisual desde el ámbito del videojuego, todo en el marco de los Proyectos Innova Docencia. En este sentido, este proyecto como los anteriores han tenido como principal objetivo: implementar una metodología docente dinámica tanto dentro como fuera del aula

    Effects of Cannabis Use on the Protein and Lipid Profile of Olfactory Neuroepithelium Cells from Schizophrenia Patients Studied by Synchrotron-Based FTIR Spectroscopy.

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    Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a high genetic component, but the presence of environmental stressors can be important for its onset and progression. Cannabis use can be a major risk factor for developing SCZ. However, despite the available data on the neurobiological underpinnings of SCZ, there is an important lack of studies in human neuronal tissue and living cells addressing the effects of cannabis in SCZ patients. In this study, we analysed the most relevant bio-macromolecular constituents in olfactory neuroepithelium (ON) cells of healthy controls non-cannabis users, healthy cannabis users, SCZ patients non-cannabis users, and SCZ patients cannabis users using Synchrotron Radiation-Fourier Transform Infrared (SR-FTIR) spectrometry and microscopy. Our results revealed that SCZ patients non-cannabis users, and healthy cannabis users exhibit similar alterations in the macromolecular profile of ON cells, including disruption in lipid composition, increased lipid membrane renewal rate and lipid peroxidation, altered proteins containing more β-sheet structures, and showed an increase in DNA and histone methylation. Notably, these alterations were not observed in SCZ patients who use cannabis regularly. These data suggest a differential effect of cannabis in healthy controls and in SCZ patients in terms of the macromolecular constituents of ON cells

    Aplicación de metodologías participativas como herramienta para incrementar la proactividad del alumnado en el estudio de la Comunicación Audiovisual

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    El proyecto “Aplicación de metodologías participativas como herramienta para incrementar la proactividad del alumnado en el estudio de la Comunicación Audiovisual” consolida y expande investigaciones previas como “Aplicación de metodologías activas para el estudio de la Narración Audiovisual. Gamificación y Aula Invertida” (curso 16-17) y “Hacia una metodología activa para el estudio de la narración audiovisual a través del videojuego (curso 15-16). Ambos llevados a cabo gracias al apoyo obtenido en los Proyectos de Innova Docencia UCM. En este proyecto hemos centrado nuestras líneas de trabajo en utilizar nuevos elementos incluidos en la versión 3.4 de Moodle para obtener nuevos datos de análisis sobre el aula virtual de las asignaturas de Dirección de Actores y Narrativa Audiovisual. Asimismo, se han impartido dos cursos de capacitación tecnológica en campus virtual para profesores de la facultad de Ciencias de la Información titulado “Curso de formación para docentes en Moodle 3.4”, en los cuales han participado 70 docentes

    Young adults' interaction with online news and advertising

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    This research aims to portray the way young adult people interact with news and how their consumption is affected by advertising and personal data sharing. "Digital News Report Spain 2018", a questionnaire on the consumption of digital media undertaken by a national panel of 2,023 Internet users, is used as a main source. Among the users mentioned, there were 293 young people from 25 to 34 years old who belong to the Millennial generation. Data from this report was completed with a qualitative study in which two focus groups were held, featuring people of that age frame residing in Navarre. The paper concludes that young adult people are generally interested in news, which they access mainly via mobile devices. Their interest grows when the content affects them directly, but also if they empathize with the topic. On the other hand, their familiar background and social routines shape the way they receive information. Young adult people still make use of traditional media, although they consider it ideologically biased. Advertising is something annoying, although they generally have little knowledge and even less intention to use ad-blockers. Finally, their review of the personalized services is negative, but they tend to give away personal data to media if this facilitates their news access.Esta investigación tiene como objetivo caracterizar cómo interactúan los jóvenes adultos con las noticias, en qué medida su consumo se ve condicionado por la presencia de publicidad y si se preocupan por la cesión de datos personales. Para ello, se toma como punto de partida el «Digital News Report Spain 2018», informe elaborado a partir de un cuestionario sobre consumo de medios digitales a un panel nacional de 2.023 internautas; de ellos, 293 son jóvenes de 25-34 años, que pertenecen a la generación «millennials». Estos datos se completaron con un estudio cualitativo, realizando dos grupos de discusión con personas de esa franja de edad residentes en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. Entre las conclusiones de la investigación se señala que los jóvenes adultos se interesan por las noticias, a las que acceden de manera prioritaria por dispositivos móviles. Este interés es mayor cuando el contenido les afecta directamente o si empatizan con la temática de la noticia. Por otra parte, el entorno familiar y las rutinas sociales condicionan su manera de informarse. Siguen accediendo a medios tradicionales, aunque los consideran ideologizados. La publicidad la perciben como molesta, si bien no hay conocimiento ni un uso generalizado de bloqueadores. Finalmente, valoran negativamente los servicios de personalización actuales, aunque ceden algunos datos personales a los medios si le facilita el acceso a la información

    Preliminary characterization of echinoderm assemblages in circalittoral and bathyal soft bottoms of the northern Alboran Sea

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    Echinoderms, with 7.272 species described so far (based on WORMS), provide an ecosystemic role which can be important depending on their habitat, and including tag species (Manjón-Cabeza et al., 2014; Palma-Sevilla 2015) or even dominant ones (Iken et al., 2010; Hughes et al., 2012). Despite the increasing knowledge on their taxonomy, studies on ecological and assemblage composition and structure of echinoderms are very scarce compared to those for other invertebrate groups, being this information essential for improving the knowledge on Mediterranean ecosystems (Coll et al., 2010). The Alboran Sea, in the junction of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea and the European and African continental margins, represents a biodiversity hotspot due to the overlapping of species from those basins and continents, including some endemic components (Coll et al., 2010). Regarding echinoderms of the Alboran Sea, most previous studies focussed on infralittoral bottoms, with very few for circalittoral and bathyal ones (Manjón-Cabeza et al, 2014; Sibuet, 1974). Nevertheless, these studies generally included faunistic lists (Ocaña & Pérez-Ruzafa, 2004; Manjón-Cabeza et al., 2014), sometimes with identification keys, ecological and distributional data of some species and rarely on the assemblage composition and structure (Palma-Sevilla, 2015), which represent the main aim of this study on echinoderm assemblages of circalittoral and bathyal soft bottoms of the Alboran Sea. During the MEDITS survey expeditions (April-May 2014-2015) on board the R/V Miguel Oliver (Fig. 1), 35 samples were collected using a beam trawl (horizontal and vertical openings of 1.3 and 1.2 m, respectively, and a mesh size of 10 mm in the codend) at depths from 40 to 774 m in the Alboran Sea (Fig. 1). Hauls were done at a speed of ca. 2 knots during 5-10 (shelf stations) and 15 minutes (slope stations). Echinoderms were separated, identified to the lowest possible taxonomic leveland specimens counted and weighed to the nearest 0.5 g. Abundance and biomass data were standardized to 1000 m2 according to the sampling area of each haul. Echinoderm assemblages were characterized according to the dominance and frequency of occurrence of species in the samples and considering different ecological indexes. Multivariate methods (CLUSTER, nMDS, SIMPER, ANOSIM) were applied, based on the Bray & Curtis similarity index, for detecting and contrastingassemblages in relation to depth and 4 geographic areas of the Alboran Sea with different influence of Atlantic waters (Occidental-Esteponato Málaga, Central-Málaga to Motril, Oriental-Motril to Almería and Alboran Island). Fig. 1. Location of beam-trawl samples (dots) collected during 2014 and 2015 MEDITS expeditions in the northern Alboran Sea. At present 39 taxa have been detected, mostly belonging to Ophiuroidea and Asteroidea (28.2 and 25.6% of all species, respectively), followed by Holothuroidea (23.1%), Echinoidea (17.9%) and Crinoidea (5.1%). Regarding abundance, a total of 54689 individuals have been collected, being Ophiuroidea (98.6% of all individuals), Holothuroidea (0.6%) and Crinoidea (0.4%) the top-dominant classes. Regarding biomass, ophiuroids also dominated (52.8%), followed by asteroids (16.1%) and holothuroids (15.0%). Considering other faunistic groups, echinoderms were the most abundant phyllum in the samples (60.7%) and the fifth one in biomass (7.6%). The dominant (for both abundance and biomass) and frequent genera included Ophiocten (displaying dominances >90%) Hymenodiscus, Luidia and Astropecten for asteroids, Antedon and Leptometra for crinoids, Dendrochirotida and Molpadidae for holothuroids, and Brissopsis and Echinocyamus for echinoids (Fig. 2). Fig. 2. Some echinodermscollected in circalittoral and bathyal soft bottoms of the Alboran Sea using beam-trawl during the MEDITS expeditions. A: Ophiocten; B: Dendrochirotida sp.; C: Brissopsis; D: Anseropoda; E: Luidia. Multivariate analyses indicated groupings of samples and significantly different echinoderm assemblages in relation to depth (RANOSIM=0.22, p0.05). Shelf assemblages displayed lower intra-group similarities (<20% similarity in SIMPER) than the slope ones (ca. 40%). Species characterizing the shelf assemblages belonged to the genera Astropecten, Antedon, Ophiothrix among others, whereas those of the slope belonged to the genera Luidia (L. sarsi), Hymenodiscus, Ophiocten, Leptometra and Amphiura

    Factors associated with therapeutic response in acromegaly diagnosed in the elderly in Spain

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    ContextSome reports suggest that acromegaly in elderly patients has a more benign clinical behavior and could have a better response to first-generation long-acting somatostatin receptor ligands (SRL). However, there is no specific therapeutic protocol for this special subgroup of patients. ObjectiveThis study aimed at identifying predictors of response to SRL in elderly patients. DesignMulticentric retrospective nationwide study of patients diagnosed with acromegaly at or over the age of 65 years. ResultsOne-hundred and eighteen patients (34 men, 84 women, mean age at diagnosis 71.7 +/- 5.4 years old) were included. Basal insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1) above the upper limit of normal (ULN) and growth hormone (GH) levels (mean +/- SD) were 2.7 +/- 1.4 and 11.0 +/- 11.9 ng/ml, respectively. The mean maximal tumor diameter was 12.3 +/- 6.4 mm, and up to 68.6% were macroadenoma. Seventy-two out of 118 patients (61.0%) underwent surgery as primary treatment. One-third of patients required first-line medical treatment due to a rejection of surgical treatment or non-suitability because of high surgical risk. After first-line surgery, 45/72 (63.9%) were in disease remission, and 16/34 (46.7%) of those treated with SRL had controlled disease. Patients with basal GH at diagnosis <= 6 ng/ml had lower IGF-1 levels and had smaller tumors, and more patients in this group reached control with SRL (72.7% vs. 33.3%; p < 0.04) [OR: 21.3, IC: 95% (2.4-91.1)], while male patients had a worse response [OR: 0.09, IC 95% (0.01-0.75)]. The predictive model curve obtained for SRL response showed an AUC of 0.82 CI (0.71-0.94). ConclusionsThe most frequent phenotype in newly diagnosed acromegaly in the elderly includes small adenomas and moderately high IGF-1 levels. GH at diagnosis <= 6 ng/ml and female gender, but not age per se, were associated with a greater chance of response to SRL

    Sharp boundaries of Dpp signalling trigger local cell death required for Drosophila leg morphogenesis

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    Article available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncb1518Morphogens are secreted signalling molecules that govern many developmental processes1. In the Drosophila wing disc, the transforming growth factor (TGF) homologue Decapentaplegic (Dpp) forms a smooth gradient and specifies cell fate by conferring a defined value of morphogen activity. Thus, neighbouring cells have similar amounts of Dpp protein, and if a sharp discontinuity in Dpp activity is generated between these cells, Jun kinase (JNK)-dependent apoptosis is triggered to restore graded positional information2, 3. To date, it has been assumed that this apoptotic process is only activated when normal signalling is distorted. However, we now show that a similar process occurs during normal development: rupture in Dpp activity occurs during normal segmentation of the distal legs of Drosophila. This sharp boundary of Dpp signalling, independently of the absolute level of Dpp activity, induces a JNK—reaper-dependent apoptosis required for the morphogenesis of a particular structure of the leg, the joint. Our results show that Dpp could induce a developmental programme not only in a concentration dependent manner, but also by the creation of a sharp boundary of Dpp activity. Furthermore, the same process could be used either to restore a normal pattern in response to artificial disturbance or to direct a morphogenetic process.This work has been supported by grants from the Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (BMC 2002-00300), the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (08.1/0031/2001.1 and GR/SAL/0147/2004) and an Institutional Grant from the Fundación Ramón Areces. C.M. is a recipient of a Formación del Personal Universitario (F.P.U.) fellowship from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.Peer reviewe

    Differences in the clinical and hormonal presentation of patients with familial and sporadic primary aldosteronism

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    Purpose: To compare the clinical and hormonal characteristics of patients with familial hyperaldosteronism (FH) and sporadic primary aldosteronism (PA). Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed for the identification of FH patients. The SPAIN-ALDO registry cohort of patients with no suspicion of FH was chosen as the comparator group (sporadic group). Results: A total of 360 FH (246 FH type I, 73 type II, 29 type III, and 12 type IV) cases and 830 sporadic PA patients were included. Patients with FH-I were younger than sporadic cases, and women were more commonly affected (P = 0.003). In addition, the plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) was lower, plasma renin activity (PRA) higher, and hypokalemia (P < 0.001) less frequent than in sporadic cases. Except for a younger age (P < 0.001) and higher diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.006), the clinical and hormonal profiles of FH-II and sporadic cases were similar. FH-III had a distinct phenotype, with higher PAC and higher frequency of hypokalemia (P < 0.001), and presented 45 years before sporadic cases. Nevertheless, the clinical and hormonal phenotypes of FH-IV and sporadic cases were similar, with the former being younger and having lower serum potassium levels. Conclusion: In addition to being younger and having a family history of PA, FH-I and III share other typical characteristics. In this regard, FH-I is characterized by a low prevalence of hypokalemia and FH-III by a severe aldosterone excess causing hypokalemia in more than 85% of patients. The clinical and hormonal phenotype of type II and IV is similar to the sporadic case