204 research outputs found

    Estudio de caso de lenguaje inclusivo en interpretación de conferencias: análisis de contenido de discursos interpretados en el Parlamento Europeo

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    Treball Final de Grau en Traducció i Interpretació. Codi: TI0983. Curs: 2018/2019El lenguaje inclusivo se está abriendo paso en las sociedades actuales como política de gestión de la diversidad de identidades que compartimos los espacios de comunicación. Se trata de un conjunto de opciones de tipo léxico o gramatical que persigue una representación equitativa de las identidades de género, muy especialmente de los géneros femeninos y masculinos. En los Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (ETI) tenemos pocos datos referidos a la implantación del lenguaje inclusivo o la persistencia de su opuesto, el lenguaje exclusivo. Este trabajo parte de ese vacío con la intención de visibilizar la necesidad de su análisis con un estudio de caso: discursos del Parlamento Europeo interpretados por una muestra de intérpretes desglosados por género. Para ello, se compila y transcribe un corpus oral de interpretaciones inglés-español y se emplea el análisis de contenido para la obtención de los datos, valiéndonos del programa NVivo. La selección del corpus interpretado en la combinación lingüística mencionada tiene en cuenta la necesidad de marcar el género en español al interpretar segmentos en inglés que no están marcados. Los resultados indican variaciones, ya que muestran que tan solo uno de los cuatro intérpretes de la muestra, de género masculino, aplica la perspectiva de género en su interpretación, mientras que las dos intérpretes y el segundo intérprete varón, no utilizan con frecuencia el lenguaje inclusivo a la hora de interpretar. El trabajo debe tomarse como un estudio de caso con una limitación evidente en cuanto a la extensión del corpus (3477 palabras en español, interpretadas de 3698 palabras en inglés) y la variedad de intérpretes incluidas en la muestra (dos mujeres y dos hombres)

    Influencia de los polimorfismos genéticos del sistema opioide y endocannabinoide en la dependencia alcohólica

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    [ES] Es conocido que los factores genéticos desempeñan un papel esencial en el desarrollo de dependencia alcohólica. Sin embargo, y a pesar de los múltiples estudios llevados a cabo hasta el momento, la implicación de determinadas mutaciones genéticas en los sistemas que participan en la neurobiología del alcoholismo sigue siendo una incógnita. El objetivo general de nuestro trabajo fue, por tanto, verificar si los individuos poseedores de determinadas mutaciones en genes que codifican proteínas esenciales en la neurobiología del alcoholismo presentaban una mayor incidencia de dependencia del alcohol, en comparación con individuos con abuso de esta sustancia, pero sin dependencia, y con voluntarios sanos

    Cultura organizacional y desempeño laboral de los trabajadores en grifos de La Merced periodo 2022

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    El estudio se desarrolló con el fin de establecer la relación existente entre la cultura organizacional y el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores, luego que se haya identificado, en un análisis exploratorio, que en la mayoría de grifos del Perú se carece de una cultura organizacional adecuada, lo cual desmotiva a los trabajadores e impacta de forma negativa en su desempeño. Para lograr el objetivo propuesto, se empleó la siguiente metodología: tipo de estudio básico y de nivel correlacional en el que se empleó un diseño no experimental transversal y la encuesta como técnica; los elementos de la muestra de la población fueron 40 trabajadores de distintos grifos de la localidad de la Merced. Respecto al desempeño laboral, los resultados evidenciaron que la mayoría de los trabajadores (90.0%) consideró que le nivel era medio; y respecto a la cultura organizacional, la mayoría (85.0%) consideró que era regular. Todos los resultados se procesaron estadísticamente con la prueba de correlación no paramétrica Rho de Spearman para corroborar que las hipótesis se cumplan; el valor de significancia que se obtuvo fue 0.001 y el valor del coeficiente fue 0.490; de esta manera se llegó a la conclusión que la cultura organizacional y el desempeño laboral de los grifos analizados guardaban una correlación directa y de nivel moderado

    Women´s Role in the Social Action of the Catholic Church.

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    This study proposes a look at the role of women in the social action of the Catholic Church from an approach to her Social Doctrine, a recognition of women founders of welfare congregations and two intellectuals socially committed to their time (Concepción Arenal and Edith Stein). Finally, we recover the concept of social conscience in the 21st century, from the gospel message and the participation of women in the Church, posed as solidarity in a care economy.pre-print490 K

    The family of DOF transcription factors in Brachypodium distachyon: phylogenetic comparison with rice and barley DOFs and expression profiling

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    ABSTRACT: Transcription factors (TFs) are proteins that have played a central role both in evolution and in domestication, and are major regulators of development in living organisms. Plant genome sequences reveal that approximately 7% of all genes encode putative TFs. The DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) TF family has been associated with vital processes exclusive to higher plants and to their close ancestors (algae, mosses and ferns). These are seed maturation and germination, light-mediated regulation, phytohormone and plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, etc. In Hordeum vulgare and Oryza sativa, 26 and 30 different Dof genes, respectively, have been annotated. Brachypodium distachyon has been the first Pooideae grass to be sequenced and, due to its genomic, morphological and physiological characteristics, has emerged as the model system for temperate cereals, such as wheat and barley. RESULTS: Through searches in the B. distachyon genome, 27 Dof genes have been identified and a phylogenetic comparison with the Oryza sativa and the Hordeum vulgare DOFs has been performed. To explore the evolutionary relationship among these DOF proteins, a combined phylogenetic tree has been constructed with the Brachypodium DOFs and those from rice and barley. This phylogenetic analysis has classified the DOF proteins into four Major Cluster of Orthologous Groups (MCOGs). Using RT-qPCR analysis the expression profiles of the annotated BdDof genes across four organs (leaves, roots, spikes and seeds) has been investigated. These results have led to a classification of the BdDof genes into two groups, according to their expression levels. The genes highly or preferentially expressed in seeds have been subjected to a more detailed expression analysis (maturation, dry stage and germination). CONCLUSIONS: Comparison of the expression profiles of the Brachypodium Dof genes with the published functions of closely related DOF sequences from the cereal species considered here, deduced from the phylogenetic analysis, indicates that although the expression profile has been conserved in many of the putative orthologs, in some cases duplication followed by subsequent divergence may have occurred (neo-functionalization)

    Nucleation and Crystallization of PA6 Composites Prepared by T-RTM: Effects of Carbon and Glass Fiber Loading

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    Thermoplastic resin transfer molding (T-RTM) is attracting much attention due to the need for recyclable alternatives to thermoset materials. In this work, we have prepared polyamide-6 (PA6) and PA6/fiber composites by T-RTM of caprolactam. Glass and carbon fibers were employed in a fixed amount of 60 and 47 wt.%, respectively. Neat PA6 and PA6 matrices (of PA6-GF and PA6-CF) of approximately 200 kg/mol were obtained with conversion ratios exceeding 95%. Both carbon fibers (CF) and glass fibers (GF) were able to nucleate PA6, with efficiencies of 44% and 26%, respectively. The α crystal polymorph of PA6 was present in all samples. The lamellar spacing, lamellar thickness and crystallinity degree did not show significant variations in the samples with or without fibers as result of the slow cooling process applied during T-RTM. The overall isothermal crystallization rate decreased in the order: PA6-CF > PA6-GF > neat PA6, as a consequence of the different nucleation efficiencies. The overall crystallization kinetics data were successfully described by the Avrami equation. The lamellar stack morphology observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) is consistent with 2D superstructural aggregates (n = 2) for all samples. Finally, the reinforcement effect of fibers was larger than one order of magnitude in the values of elastic modulus and tensile strength.We gratefully acknowledge the Basque Government by the funding received through the ELKARTEK 2017 Cooperative Fundamental Research project: ”Automotion Composites fabricated by RTM adapted to the 4.0 industrial philosophy (RTM4.0). The authors thank the ALBA Synchrotron Light facility for supporting the X-rays experiments at beamline BL11-NCD-SWEET and the funding by ALBA project nº 2017092338. The UPV/EHU team gratefully acknowledges the financial contribution of the Basque Government through grant IT1309-19

    Impact of Cefotaxime Non-susceptibility on the Clinical Outcomes of Bacteremic Pneumococcal Pneumonia

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    Background: We aimed to analyze the impact of cefotaxime non-susceptibility on the 30-day mortality rate in patients receiving a third-generation cephalosporin for pneumococcal bacteremic pneumonia. Methods: We conducted a retrospective observational study of prospectively collected data from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. All adult patients with monomicrobial bacteremic pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae and treated with a third-generation cephalosporin from January 1991 to December 2016 were included. Risk factors associated with 30-day mortality were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analyses. Results: During the study period, 721 eligible episodes were identified, and data on the susceptibility to cefotaxime was obtainable for 690 episodes. Sixty six (10%) cases were due to a cefotaxime non-susceptible strain with a 30-day mortality rate of 8%. Variables associated with 30-day mortality were age, chronic liver disease, septic shock, and the McCabe score. Infection by a cefotaxime non-susceptible S. pneumoniae did not increase the mortality rate. Conclusion: Despite the prevalence of cefotaxime, non-susceptible S. pneumoniae has increased in recent years. We found no evidence to suggest that patients hospitalized with bacteremic pneumonia due to these strains had worse clinical outcomes than patients with susceptible strains

    The family of DOF transcription factors in Brachypodium distachyon: BdDOF24 in germinating seeds

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    The DOF (DNA binding with One Finger) transcription factor (TF) family is characterized by a binding domain of 52 amino acid residues that is structured as a Cys2/Cys2 Zn2+ finger that recognizes the common core 5?-T/AAAAG-3? in the promoter regions of their target genes. DOF TFs have been associated with biological processes exclusive to higher plants and their close ancestors (algae, mosses and ferns)

    Characterization and engineering of the biosynthesis gene cluster for antitumor macrolides PM100117 and PM100118 from a marine actinobacteria: generation of a novel improved derivative

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    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Sequence alignment of the cluster PKS domains active sites. LD, loading domain; M1-M20, extension modules. Polyketide synthase domains are as follows: KS, ketosynthase; AT, acyltransferase; KR, ketoreductase; DH, dehydratase; ER, enoilreductase; ACP, acyl carrier protein; CAL, CoA-ligase. Figure S2. Genetic complementation of mutant strains. UPLC analysis of PM100117 (1) and PM100118 (2) production in strains GUA-pS, CPgonP8, CPgonM4, CPgonMT, CPgonSL, CPgonS1, CPgonS2, CPgonCP, CPgonMR and CPgonL1. Figure S3. Antibiotic activity test of compound 5. Diffusion disc assay against Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Micrococcus luteus. The length (cm) of the inhibition-growth halo is indicated by numbers and yellow lines. Methods S2. Antibiotic activity assay. Format: PDF