17 research outputs found

    Propietats aterogèniques de l'LDL electronegativa : inducció de l'expressió de citoquines, activitats enzimàtiques associades i unió a proteoglicans /

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    Descripció del recurs: el 28 de Gener de 2010L'LDL electronegativa (LDL(-)) és una fracció modificada d'LDL present a la circulació. Hi ha varies evidències que suggereixen el seu paper aterogènic ja que es troba augmentada en patologies d'alt risc cardiovascular, com en la hipercolesterolèmia familiar o en la diabetis mellitus. A més, presenta propietats inflamatòries, una major susceptibilitat a l'agregació i afinitat disminuïda pel receptor d'LDL. En la present tesi s'han estudiat algunes propietats aterogèniques d'aquesta partícula modificada, en concret s'han avaluat els següents aspectes: 1) Propietats inflamatòries. L'LDL(-) va induir una major expressió de citoquines (IL-6), quimioquines (IL-8, MCP-1 i GRO) i factors de creixement (GM-CSF) en cèl·lules endotelials de vena i d'artèria, i monòcits i limfòcits. La resposta de les cèl·lules endotelials arterials va ser major a nivell de producció total de citoquines i, a més, també van alliberar PDGF-B. No obstant, els monòcits i limfòcits, en resposta a l'LDL(-) també van expressar la citoquina anti-inflamatòria IL-10 la qual va disminuir la secreció de les altres citoquines pro-inflamatòries, modulant la resposta inflamatòria. 2) Activitat fosfolipolítica tipus fosfolipasa C associada. S'han descrit noves activitats enzimàtiques presents en l'LDL(-) que degraden eficientment fosfolípids amb colina. S'ha relacionat aquesta activitat fosfolipolítica amb la major susceptibilitat a l'agregació de l'LDL(-). Es desconeix l'origen d'aquesta activitat enzimàtica, tot i que s'ha descartat que sigui deguda al contingut augmentat en apoE, apoC-III o PAF-AH, i s'ha suggerit que en podria ser responsable una proteïna encara no identificada o la pròpia apoB-100. 3) Unió a proteoglicans de la matriu extracel·lular. Una subfracció de partícules d'LDL(-) van presentar una major unió a proteoglicans aïllats d'artèria humana. Aquesta subfracció de partícules estaven més agregades i tenien una elevada activitat fosfolipolítica. Fets que es van relacionar i, en conseqüència, es va hipotetitzar que la major activitat fosfolipolítica podria provocar l'agregació de les partícules i, al mateix temps, que aquestes s'unissin amb major afinitat als proteoglicans. En conclusió, l'LDL(-) sembla una partícula potencialment aterogènica degut a que té la capacitat d'induir l'alliberament de molècules inflamatòries en diferents tipus cel·lulars, i presenta una major agregació i afinitat pels proteoglicans, fent-la propensa a la retenció subendotelial.Electronegative LDL (LDL(-)) is a modified fraction of LDL present in circulation. Growing evidence suggests an atherogenic role. LDL(-) proportion is increased in diseases with high cardiovascular risk, as familial hypercholesterolemia or diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, it presents inflammatory properties, high susceptibility to aggregation and decreased LDL receptor affinity. In the current thesis some atherogenic properties of this modified particle have been studied, specifically, the following points have been evaluated: 1) Inflammatory properties. LDL(-) induced increased expression of cytokines (IL-6), chemokines (IL-8, MCP-1 and GRO) and grown factors (GM-CSF) on venous and arterial endothelial cells, monocytes and lymphocytes. Arterial endothelial cells produced a high amount of cytokines and, moreover, they also stimulated PDGF-B. On the other hand, monocytes and lymphocytes also expressed the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, who decreased the secretion of the other pro-inflammatory cytokines, thereby counteracting the inflammatory response. 2) Phospholipase C-like phospholipolytic activity associated to LDL(-). Novel enzymatic activities present on LDL(-) that hydrolyze choline-containing phospholipids have been described. These activities have been involved in increased susceptibility to aggregation. A role for apoE, apoC-III and PAF-AH has been ruled out and our results suggest that apoB-100 could be involved. However, the exact origin remains unknown. 3) Binding to proteoglycans from the extracellular matrix. A subfraction of LDL(-) presented increased binding to proteoglycans isolated from human artery. This subfraction has increased aggregation and phospholipolytic activity. Both properties are related, suggesting that phospholipolytic activity promotes aggregation and favours binding to proteoglycans

    Deciphering the principles that govern mutually exclusive expression of Plasmodium falciparum clag3 genes

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    The product of the Plasmodium falciparum genes clag3.1 and clag3.2 plays a fundamental role in malaria parasite biology by determining solute transport into infected erythrocytes. Expression of the two clag3 genes is mutually exclusive, such that a single parasite expresses only one of the two genes at a time. Here we investigated the properties and mechanisms of clag3 mutual exclusion using transgenic parasite lines with extra copies of clag3 promoters located either in stable episomes or integrated in the parasite genome. We found that the additional clag3 promoters in these transgenic lines are silenced by default, but under strong selective pressure parasites with more than one clag3 promoter simultaneously active are observed, demonstrating that clag3 mutual exclusion is strongly favored but it is not strict. We show that silencing of clag3 genes is associated with the repressive histone mark H3K9me3 even in parasites with unusual clag3 expression patterns, and we provide direct evidence for heterochromatin spreading in P. falciparum. We also found that expression of a neighbor ncRNA correlates with clag3.1 expression. Altogether, our results reveal a scenario where fitness costs and non-deterministic molecular processes that favor mutual exclusion shape the expression patterns of this important gene family

    Characterization of the accessible genome in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    Human malaria is a devastating disease and a major cause of poverty in resource-limited countries. To develop and adapt within hosts Plasmodium falciparum undergoes drastic switches in gene expression. To identify regulatory regions in the parasite genome, we performed genome-wide profiling of chromatin accessibility in two culture-adapted isogenic subclones at four developmental stages during the intraerythrocytic cycle by using the Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin by sequencing (ATAC-seq). Tn5 transposase hypersensitivity sites (THSSs) localize preferentially at transcriptional start sites (TSSs). Chromatin accessibility by ATAC-seq is predictive of active transcription and of the levels of histone marks H3K9ac and H3K4me3. Our assay allows the identification of novel regulatory regions including TSS and enhancer-like elements. We show that the dynamics in the accessible chromatin profile matches temporal transcription during development. Motif analysis of stage-specific ATAC-seq sites predicts the in vivo binding sites and function of multiple ApiAP2 transcription factors. At last, the alternative expression states of some clonally variant genes (CVGs), including eba, phist, var and clag genes, associate with a differential ATAC-seq signal at their promoters. Altogether, this study identifies genome-wide regulatory regions likely to play an essential function in the developmental transitions and in CVG expression in P. falciparum

    Revisiting the initial steps of sexual development in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    Human to vector transmission of malaria requires that some blood-stage parasites abandon asexual growth and convert into non-replicating sexual forms called gametocytes. The initial steps of gametocytogenesis remain largely uncharacterized. Here, we study this part of the malaria life cycle in Plasmodium falciparum using PfAP2-G, the master regulator of sexual conversion, as a marker of commitment. We demonstrate the existence of PfAP2-G-positive sexually committed parasite stages that precede the previously known committed schizont stage. We also found that sexual conversion can occur by two different routes: the previously described route in which PfAP2-G-expressing parasites complete a replicative cycle as committed forms before converting into gametocytes upon re-invasion, or a direct route with conversion within the same cycle as initial PfAP2-G expression. The latter route is linked to early PfAP2-G expression in ring stages. Reanalysis of published single-cell RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) data confirmed the presence of both routes. Consistent with these results, using plaque assays we observed that, in contrast to the prevailing model, many schizonts produced mixed plaques containing both asexual parasites and gametocytes. Altogether, our results reveal unexpected features of the initial steps of sexual development and extend the current view of this part of the malaria life cycle

    HDL and electronegative LDL exchange anti- and pro-inflammatory properties

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    Electronegative LDL [LDL(–)] is a minor modified LDL subfraction present in blood with inflammatory effects. One of the antiatherogenic properties of HDL is the inhibition of the deleterious effects of in vitro modified LDL. However, the effect of HDL on the inflammatory activity of LDL(–) isolated from plasma is unknown. We aimed to assess the putative protective role of HDL against the cytokine released induced in monocytes by LDL(–). Our results showed that LDL(–) cytokine release was inhibited when LDL(–) was coincubated with HDL and human monocytes and also when LDL(–) was preincubated with HDL and reisolated prior to cell incubation. The addition of apoliprotein (apo)AI instead of HDL reproduced the protective behavior of HDL. HDL preincubated with LDL(–) promoted greater cytokine release than native HDL. Incubation of LDL(–) with HDL decreased the electronegative charge, phospholipase C-like activity, susceptibility to aggregation and nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) content of LDL(–), whereas these properties increased in HDL. NEFA content in LDL appeared to be related to cytokine production because NEFA-enriched LDL induced cytokine release. HDL, at least in part through apoAI, inhibits phospholipase-C activity and cytokine release in monocytes, thereby counteracting the inflammatory effect of LDL(–). In turn, HDL acquires these properties and becomes inflammatory

    Characterization of the accessible genome in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    Human malaria is a devastating disease and a major cause of poverty in resource-limited countries. To develop and adapt within hosts Plasmodium falciparum undergoes drastic switches in gene expression. To identify regulatory regions in the parasite genome, we performed genome-wide profiling of chromatin accessibility in two culture-adapted isogenic subclones at four developmental stages during the intraerythrocytic cycle by using the Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin by sequencing (ATAC-seq). Tn5 transposase hypersensitivity sites (THSSs) localize preferentially at transcriptional start sites (TSSs). Chromatin accessibility by ATAC-seq is predictive of active transcription and of the levels of histone marks H3K9ac and H3K4me3. Our assay allows the identification of novel regulatory regions including TSS and enhancer-like elements. We show that the dynamics in the accessible chromatin profile matches temporal transcription during development. Motif analysis of stage-specific ATAC-seq sites predicts the in vivo binding sites and function of multiple ApiAP2 transcription factors. At last, the alternative expression states of some clonally variant genes (CVGs), including eba, phist, var and clag genes, associate with a differential ATAC-seq signal at their promoters. Altogether, this study identifies genome-wide regulatory regions likely to play an essential function in the developmental transitions and in CVG expression in P. falciparum

    Deciphering the principles that govern mutually exclusive expression of Plasmodium falciparum clag3 genes

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    The product of the Plasmodium falciparum genes clag3.1 and clag3.2 plays a fundamental role in malaria parasite biology by determining solute transport into infected erythrocytes. Expression of the two clag3 genes is mutually exclusive, such that a single parasite expresses only one of the two genes at a time. Here we investigated the properties and mechanisms of clag3 mutual exclusion using transgenic parasite lines with extra copies of clag3 promoters located either in stable episomes or integrated in the parasite genome. We found that the additional clag3 promoters in these transgenic lines are silenced by default, but under strong selective pressure parasites with more than one clag3 promoter simultaneously active are observed, demonstrating that clag3 mutual exclusion is strongly favored but it is not strict. We show that silencing of clag3 genes is associated with the repressive histone mark H3K9me3 even in parasites with unusual clag3 expression patterns, and we provide direct evidence for heterochromatin spreading in P. falciparum. We also found that expression of a neighbor ncRNA correlates with clag3.1 expression. Altogether, our results reveal a scenario where fitness costs and non-deterministic molecular processes that favor mutual exclusion shape the expression patterns of this important gene family